早稲田大学 国際教養 傾向対策解答解説 2019

早稲田大学 国際教養 傾向対策解答解説 2019

早稲田大学 国際教養 傾向対策解答解説 2019

早稲田大学 国際教養 傾向対策解答解説 2019



【学部】:国際教養学部(School of International Liberal Studies)

【大問】: 1
【形式】: 適語補充+文章理解
【表題】: 誤った線引き 数学はどのようにゲリマンダーから民主主義を救うのか Wrong division How math can save democracy from gerrymandering.
【作者】: ティモシー・レベル Timothy Revell
【対策】: 説明文。長文を読み進めながら適語補充し、まとめて内容理解が問われます。解答形式は大問1から2は同じものとなっています。文章内容は、ゲリマンダー(選挙区操作)の不正をどのようにして見抜くのか、数学的手法が検討されています。
【用語】: 選挙制度 ゲリマンダー 一票の格差
【目安時間】: 25分

【大問】: 2
【形式】: 適語補充+文章理解
【表題】: ダーリング・グレース・ホースリー Darling Grace Horsley
【作者】: Henry Colin Gray Matthew ヘンリー・グレイ・マシュー
【対策】: 物語文。長文を読み進めながら適語補充し、最後にまとめて内容理解が問われます。解答形式は大問1から2は同じものとなっています。文章内容は、イギリスのノーサンバーランド諸島における伝記で、グレース・ダーリングが難破した船から人間を救助する物語です。英語伝記の特徴の1つで、主人公の一族の系譜が語られます。
【用語】: 伝記 ダーリング・グレース 3人称
【目安時間】: 20分

【大問】: 3
【形式】: 適語補充
【表題】: ー
【作者】: ー
【対策】: 会話文。会話文を読みながら空欄にふさわしい文法表現を適語補充します。英語の慣用句や会話表現をまとめておきましょう。例年出題され、2019年の場面状況は「教授との会話」「犯罪現場」「賃貸管理」が設定されます。
【用語】: 会話文 慣用句 日常表現
【目安時間】: 10分

【大問】: 4
【形式】: 英文要約
【表題】: 1988年の市民自由法 Civil Liberties Act of 1988
【作者】: シャロン・ヤマト Sharon Yamato
【対策】: 英文要約で、英語の文章を読んで日本語で要約します。文字数は180字前後です。文章内容は、例年、国際法が論点になっています。2019年度は第二世界大戦時の強制収容に対して、日系アメリカ人への補償が論点です。英文要約の対策として、東京大学の英語にも同傾向の出題がありますので、問題を解き、プロ家庭教師に添削をご依頼ください。
【用語】: 国際法 強制収容 日系人戦後補償
【目安時間】: 15分

【大問】: 5
【形式】: 自由英作文
【表題】: 我々が真にどのような存在なのかを示すのは、我々の能力よりももっと、我々の選択である It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
【作者】: J. K. ローリング J. K. Rowling
【対策】: 自由英作文で、理由と例示も合わせて述べます。100語から150語ほどの本格的な自由英作文です。内容は特に専門性がなく、英米圏の教養(リベラルアーツ)が中心となっています。論点は、英語小説ハリー・ポッターからの引用文とありますが、ハリー・ポッターを読んでいない受験生でも解答できます。対策として早稲田政治経済・慶応経済にも同傾向の自由英作文が出題されていますので、練習問題として執筆し、添削はプロ家庭教師にご依頼ください。
【用語】: 論述 理由 例示
【目安時間】: 20分

早稲田国際教養 2019問題1

【大問1 読解問題】


All answers must be indicated on the MARK SHEET.

Read the following magazine article about mapping the districts used in the election of public
officials, and answer the questions below.

Paragraph1 Gerrymandering — the drawing of electoral boundaries to benefit a particular political party — is currently a hot political topic in the US, where the Supreme Court is considering a landmark case on the practice. But can electoral maps ever be drawn fairly? And what exactly does fairness mean? To answer these questions, we need to put mathematics at the heart of politics.

Paragraph2 Underpinning the democratic process is the idea that all votes should count equally: if it takes a thousand voters to elect a representative in one district, for example, it shouldn't take only two in another. This is an admirable goal, and one reason why regular population censuses form an important part of democratic life. But even within electoral districts of similar size, a single vote doesn't always carry the same weight. The value of a few votes in finely balanced districts is exaggerated under the winner-takes all system. This is the system typically used for representative elections across the US, the major exception being the election of the president. Under this system, a party can win millions of votes and still secure no representation.

Paragraph3 In other countries using a winner-takes-all system, politicians generally don't get to decide the electoral maps: in the UK, for example, these are drawn by independent boundary commissions. But in the US, those in power across most of the country have almost total freedom to redesign the maps. And redesign them they do. Republicans and Democrats are both guilty of gerrymandering, despite both sides agreeing that it's wrong. The classic technique to hijack an election is called “packing and cracking": a gerrymanderer tries to create a small number of districts packed with their opponent's voters, and draws other seats to spread the remaining vote so there isn't quite enough for a majority. This results in their opponent winning a few seats with large majorities, while narrowly losing many more. But spotting the practice is tricky, and proving it even trickier.

Paragraph4 However, despite the threat to the democratic process, when political bias has determined the drawing of electoral boundaries, American courts have up to now been largely toothless. The result is that voters don't choose their elected officials; instead, elected officials choose their voters. The case now being considered by the US Supreme Court has its origins in a redrawing of the electoral map of Wisconsin by Republican legislators in 2011. The benefit to their party was obvious, as a year later they won 60 per cent of the seats in the Wisconsin State Assembly with less than half the overall vote. When they repeated this feat at the 2014 elections, a group of Democrat voters sued. Nearly every similar lawsuit had failed, but surprisingly this group won. In November 2016, the state's federal court in Madison concluded that the maps were so biased that they violated the constitutional rights of Democrat voters.

Paragraph5 But how should we define fairness? For most people, a natural definition is found in proportional representation, where the percentage of votes won by a party aligns with its share of seats. But that is far from the intent of winner-takes-all systems, where non-proportional results are typical. Somewhere like Massachusetts, for example, has a solid Democrat majority spread evenly across the state — so all nine members returned to the US House of Representatives are Democrats. “Even if you tried to gerrymander Massachusetts in favor of Republicans, it would be extremely hard,” says Mira Bernstein, a mathematician at Tufts University, near Boston. The Supreme Court has previously ruled that proportional representation is not guaranteed by the constitution, thus excluding it as a way of defining "fair" boundaries.

Paragraph6 One test will be obvious to anybody who has ever seen a gerrymandered district: it looks funny. This is hinted at by the word "gerrymander” itself, coined after the 1812 redistricting plan of Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry, whose redrawn maps included one notorious district bizarrely shaped like the creature known as a salamander. Ever since, mathematicians have tried to craft some measure that would reveal when a district was too strangely shaped to be anything but the product of a party-political agenda, The trouble starts when you try to quantify what it is that makes one shape more bizarre than another. One simple test measures convexity, or how closely the district's area matches that created by placing a giant elastic band around it. Squares and rectangles are very convex, while crescent moons and star shapes are not. Tests like convexity are a step in the right direction, but ultimately they fail a key test: sometimes, districts just need to be a funny shape. Highways, rivers, mountain ranges and city boundaries all impose real limitations on map-makers, and, for reasons that are perfectly justifiable, this can result in shapes no less strange than Gerry's salamander.

Paragraph7 In 2014, Nicholas Stephanopoulos of the University of Chicago Law School helped to develop an alternative test. Called the "efficiency gap," it's a simple way to hunt for signs of packing and cracking, and has accompanied the Wisconsin case all the way to the Supreme Court. The efficiency gap is based around counting "wasted” votes for all political parties, a wasted vote being defined as one that doesn't contribute to electing a representative. Every system will have wasted votes, but if one party is wasting substantially fewer than another, it's likely to be a symptom of gerrymandering. In Wisconsin, the efficiency gap was 13 per cent in favor of the Republicans, three times the average across the country. The lawyers in the original court case argued that anything over 8 per cent should be considered unconstitutional, and are hoping the Supreme Court approves their logic. But for some, the efficiency gap fails because it again assumes that there has to be a fit between vote share and representation. "There is absolutely no reason to think that this is required by the constitution," emphasizes Bernstein,

Paragraph8 Arguably, the best mathematical test for gerrymandering may be to use the ability of computer simulation to generate thousands of different maps. A team led by Jonathan Mattingly at Duke University, North Carolina, recently used an algorithm to randomly draw 20,000 possible electoral maps for Wisconsin that satisfied all of the criteria required in US law. In most of these, the Republicans won a majority, making it seem like the Democrats were simply at a natural disadvantage. But in most of the maps, Republicans secured a narrow advantage, while their 2014 margin of victory was reproduced only in a very small number. This means that the current Wisconsin electoral map is clearly an exceptional case and therefore is likely to have been gerrymandered. For mathematicians like Bernstein who worked on the algorithm, this statistical analysis is vitally important yet has been largely ignored in favor of the efficiency gap.

Paragraph9 "If the court rules the Wisconsin map unconstitutional under a particular test," says Joshua Douglas at the University of Kentucky, "then that will place an outer limit on the worst forms of gerrymandering. The ruling would ultimately produce fairer maps, which also will likely give average Americans more confidence in the election process." But, while a strict mathematical test for gerrymandering would help level the playing field, it is unlikely to help the US overcome its party-political divides. Those with strong political views tend to vote with their feet, moving to live near those who hold similar opinions. Democrats cluster in cities, while Republicans dominate surrounding districts. At the end of the day, the problems pulling American society apart arise when people start gerrymandering themselves.

Timothy Revell. Wrong division How math can save democracy from gerrymandering. 2017.

(1) Choose the best way to complete each of these sentences about Paragraphs (1) to (9).

1 Paragraph1
2 Paragraph2
3 Paragraph3
4 Paragraph4
5 Paragraph5
6 Paragraph6
7 Paragraph7
8 Paragraph8
9 Paragraph9

A discusses how computer simulation can be used to generate large numbers of potential electoral
maps, thus providing indications of gerrymandering.

B discusses how gerrymandering is much less likely to occur in Wisconsin than in Massachusetts.

C discusses the pros and cons of a new method for measuring the fairness of electoral mapping based on the proportion of votes wasted for each of the parties involved.

D discusses the role of American courts in regulating the practice of gerrymandering, mentioning an important case decided in a state federal court several years ago.

E explains a flawed method of testing whether gerrymandering has taken place based on the shape of the resulting electoral districts.

F explains that, even if the upcoming Supreme Court decision recognizes a mathematical method for judging gerrymandering, this will not eliminate the party-based divisions in America today.

G explains why gerrymandering is particularly likely to occur in the United States and how it is most typically done.

H explains why it is extremely unlikely that the Supreme Court will come to a decision that will reduce the occurrence of gerrymandering in American elections.

I introduces the concept of proportional representation and explains why it cannot serve as a measure of fair electoral mapping in the American context.

J introduces the concept of the efficiency gap based on geometric forms, explaining why it has been largely ignored because of the attention given to computer simulation.

K introduces the principle that each elector's vote should have equal value and explains why it is difficult to maintain under particular electoral systems.

L introduces the term gerrymandering, briefly explaining its meaning and that it is now a controversial topic.

(2) From the box below, select the most appropriate way to complete each of the following sentences concerning people referred to in the article.

1 The academic who is quoted as arguing that creating fairer electoral maps is likely to increase public confidence in American democracy is

2 The federal court judge in Madison, Wisconsin, who initially heard the suit brought by Democrat voters against the Republican legislators responsible for redrawing the electoral districts of the
city, is

3 The head of the team which used computing to generate twenty thousand potential maps of Wisconsin electoral districts is

4 The legal expert who contributed to the creation of the efficiency gap test used in support of the Wisconsin State Assembly law suit is

5 The mathematician who argues that the ideological assumptions underlying the efficiency gap test have no constitutional basis is

6 The statesman who created an electoral district with a particularly bizarre shape is

A Bernstein.
B Douglas.
C gerry.
D Mattingly.
E Stephanopoulos.
F none of the above.

(3) Choose the best way to complete each of these sentences, which refer to the underlined words in the passage.

1 Here hijack suggests that an election has been won

A easily.
B frequently.
C narrowly. D unfairly
E violently.

2 Here toothless indicates that regulation by the courts has been

A active.
B biased.
C dishonest.
D ineffective.
E unnecessary.

3 Here feat refers to a

A consequence.
B defeat.
C misfortune.
D mistake.
E success.

4 Here aligns with means

A contradicts.
B doubles.
D matches.
E outweighs

5 Here bizarrely means

A attractively.
B illegally.
C inaccurately.
D randomly.
E strangely.

6 Here ultimately means

A from the start.
B in the end.
C thankfully.
D unfortunately.
E without doubt.

7 Here symptom means

A danger.
B disease.
C shortage.
D sign.
E solution.

8 Here help level the playing field suggests that the election of representatives would be made

A less biased.
B less complex.
C more controversial.
D quicker.
E slower.

(4) Choose the best way to complete the following sentence concerning the position of the author of the passage, Timothy Revell.

Revell tends to agree with Mira Bernstein that the most effective way to prove that gerrymandering has taken place is through the use of

A computer simulation.
B convexity measurements.
C efficiency gap testing.
D proportional representation,
E regular population censuses.

早稲田国際教養 2019問題1 解答

【大問1 読解問題 解答】
1 L
2 K
3 G
4 D
5 I
6 E
7 C
8 A
9 F

1 B
2 F
3 D
4 E
5 A
6 C

1 D
2 D
3 E
4 D
5 E
6 B
7 D
8 A


早稲田国際教養 2019問題1 解説

【大問1 読解問題 解説】



gerrymander ゲリマンダー 選挙区操作 意味例文

population census 国勢調査 意味解説例文

vote ヴォート 投票する 意味解説例文

早稲田国際教養 2019問題1 全訳

【大問1 読解問題 全訳】

段落① ゲリマンダリング(特定の政党を利するために選挙区の境界線を引くこと)は、現在合衆国では白熱した政治の話題となっているのだが、合衆国の[その国の]最高裁判所はその行為に関して画期的な判例を出すことを検討している。〔※a landmark case: 画期的な事例、画期的な事件〕 だが、選挙区地図というのはそもそも公正に描くことができるのだろうか。 〔※ever: (疑問文で)一体、そもそも〕 それに正確には公正というのは何を意味するのだろうか。 これらの疑問に答えるためには、私たちは政治の中心に数学(的思考)を持ってくる必要がある。

段落② 民主的な手続きを支えているのは、すべての投票は平等に数えられるべきであるという考え方だ。たとえば、ある選挙区で一人の代議士を選出するのに1000票が必要なのであれば、別の選挙区ではたった2票で選出されるべきではないというものだ。 〔※underpin ~: ~を支持する、~を実証する〕 これは立派な目標であり、定期的な国勢調査が民主的な生活の重要な部分を形成していることの一つの理由である。 〔※admirable: 立派な〕 だが、同じ規模の選挙区内でさえ、1票が必ずしも同じ重みを持つわけではない。 繊細にバランス調整をされた選挙区内の数票の価値が、勝者総取りシステムの下では誇張されるのだ。これは全米中の代議士選挙のために、大統領選挙を大きな例外〔ほとんどの州では勝者総取りシステムを採用しているが、比例式を採用している州もある〕として、一般的に使われるシステムである。このシステムでは、一つの政党が数百万票を獲得して、それでも代表を出せない[確保できない]ことがありうる。

段落③ 勝者総取りシステムを利用している他の国では、政治家たちは一般的に選挙区地図を決めることができない。たとえばイギリスではこれら(の選挙区地図)は独立した境界委員会によって描かれる。 だが合衆国では、国のほとんどで権力の座にいるものが地図を設計し直すほぼ完全な自由を持っている。それに彼らは実際にそれらを設計し直すのだ。 〔※「選挙区の境界線を設計し直す」ということを強調するために“redesign them”を前に持ってきている。通常の語順であれば“And they do redesign them.”となる(すでにこの段階で強調のための“do”が使用されているのだが)。受験英文法の「倒置」の学習では触れないことが多いが、特定の語句を強調するためのこのような「倒置」は英米人が日常読むテキストではよく行われる。難関国公立大の下線部和訳問題ではこのような文が出題されることもある。〕 共和党員と民主党員は、どちら側もそれが間違っているということで意見が一致しているものの、どちらもゲリマンダリングをするという罪を犯している。選挙をハイジャック〔もともとは「飛行機などを乗っ取る」の意味だが、ここでは「組織などを乗っ取る」という意味で用いられている〕する古典的な技術は「パッキング(詰め込むこと)とクラッキング(割ること)」と呼ばれている。ゲリマンダーを行う者は、彼らと敵対する投票者たちで少数の選挙区をいっぱいにしようとし、多数を占めるには全く十分ではなくなるように、残りの票を拡散させるための議席を(選挙区の境界線の)線引きで作るのだ。この結果、彼らの敵対者は大多数をもって少数の議席を勝ち取り、その一方でずっと多くの議席をぎりぎりのところで失うのだ。だが、その行為を見つけるのは難しく、それを証明するのはさらに難しい。〔※practice 《多義語》: 練習、慣行、行為、(医師などの)開業〕

段落④ しかしながら、民主的な手続きに対する脅威にも関わらず、政治的な偏りによって選挙区の境界線を引くことを決められたとき、アメリカの司法は現在までのところ大方無力であった。 その結果として、投票者たちが公選で選ばれた役職者を選択するのではなく、公選で選ばれた役職者のほうが投票者たちを選択することになるのだ。アメリカ最高裁によって現在審理されている事例は、2011年に共和党の立法者たちによってなされたウィスコンシン(州)の選挙区地図の境界線の引きなおしに端を発している。 〔※case《多義語》: 場合、状況、症例、事例、(裁判の)訴訟〕 彼らの党にとっての利益は明らかだった。なにせ、1年後に彼らは総投票数の半数未満で、ウィスコンシン州議会の議席の60パーセントを勝ち取ったのだから。 彼らがこの(うまく行った)やり方を2014年の選挙で繰り返したとき、民主党支持の投票者のグループが訴訟を起こした。 〔※feat: 成功、業績〕 似たような訴訟のほぼすべてが敗北をしたが、驚くべきことにこのグループは勝訴した。 2016年11月に、マディソンにある(ウィスコンシン)州の連邦裁判所は、選挙区地図があまりに歪められていたために、それが民主党支持の投票者たちの憲法上の権利を侵害していると結論づけたのだ。

段落⑤ だが私たちはどのように公正さを定義すべきなのだろうか。ほとんどの人にとって、投票数に比例した代表数というのは自然な定義に思えるが、そこにおいては政党によって獲得された投票数の比率が、獲得議席と一致していたからだ。 〔※align with ~: ~と一致する〕 だがそれは勝者総取りシステム、そこでは(投票数に)比例していない結果が普通なのだが、その狙いとはかけ離れている。たとえば、マサチューセッツのような場所では、州全体に大多数を占める強固な民主党支持者がまんべんなく広がっているので、米下院に選出されて戻ってきたすべての9人の代議士は民主党議員だ。「共和党に有利になるようにマサチューセッツをゲリマンダリングしようとしたとしても、非常に困難でしょう」と、ボストン近郊のタフツ大学で数学の教授をしているミラ・バーンスタインは言う。最高裁は以前に、比例代表は憲法によって保障されるものではなく、それゆえそのこと[比例代表]を「公正な」境界線の定義のやり方として(使うの)は除外するという判決をしている。

段落⑥ 一度でもゲリマンダリングをされた地区を見たことのある誰にでも明らかな検証のしかたがある。それは(ゲリマンダリングをしていれば)奇妙に見えるということだ。このことは、マサチューセッツ州知事のエルブリッジ・ゲリーによる1812年の選挙区再設定計画の後に作られた、「ゲリマンダー」という語そのものによって暗示されているが、彼の描き直した地図には、サラマンダーとして知られる動物のように、奇妙に形にされたある悪名高い選挙区が含まれていた。 〔※coin ~: (貨幣を)鋳造する、(新しい言葉を)作る / salamander: オオサンショウウオ、火トカゲ〕 それ以来、数学者たちは、ある選挙区があまりに奇妙な形状をしていて政党の政治的課題の産物以外のものではありえないようなときに(そのことを)明らかにするような方法を作り出そうとしてきた。 問題は、一つの形が他のものよりも奇妙になるようなものを数量化しようとするときに始まる。一つの単純なテストは凸面を計測すること、もしくは選挙区を取り巻くように置かれた巨大なゴムバンドによって作り出された形状に、どのくらいその選挙区の形が一致するかを計測するというものだ。 〔※convexity: 凸面(とつめん)、凸状〕 正方形や長方形は非常に凸状であるが、その一方で三日月や星の形はそうではない。凸状のようなテストは、正しい方向への第一歩ではあるが、最終的にはそれらは重要なテストをクリアしない。時には選挙区は奇妙な形状になる必要があるのだ。 ハイウェイ、河川、山脈、そして都市の境界線はすべて地図作製者に本物の制約を課すが、完全に正当化できる理由により、このことによってゲリーのサラマンダーと同じぐらいに奇妙な形状を産む結果となってしまうことがある。

段落⑦ 2014年に、シカゴ大学法科大学院のニコラス・ステファノポロスが代わりとなるテストの開発に手を貸した。「効率性ギャップ」(検査)〔インプット(投入したエネルギーなど)とアウトプット(出てきた効果)の比率〕と呼ばれるそれは、パッキングやクラッキングの印を探す簡単な方法でで、ウィスコンシンの事例で、最高裁に至るまでずっと使用された。効率性ギャップは、全ての政党に対してなされた、無駄になった票というのを議員を選出するのに貢献していない票と定義したときに、その「無駄になった」票に基づいている。あらゆるシステムには無駄になった票がでるものだが、もしある政党が別の党よりも実質的に無駄になる票を少なくできれば、それはゲリマンダリングの徴候である可能性がある。ウィスコンシン州では、効率性ギャップは共和党側に有利になるように13パーセントあるが、それは全米平均の3倍である。最初の裁判の事例のときの弁護士たちは、(効率性ギャップが)8パーセントを超えるどのようなものも違憲であるとみなされるべきだと主張し、最高裁が彼らの論理を認めることを望んでいる。だがいくつかの場所においては、効率性ギャップは、票の占有率と選出される代議士数の間がピッタリと一致していなければならないと、またしても考えるために上手くいかない。「これが憲法によって求められると考えるべき理由は全くありません」とバーンスタインは強調する。

段落⑧ 議論の余地はあるかもしれないが、ゲリマンダリングを検証する最高の数学的なテストは、何千もの異なる地図を作り出すためにコンピュータのシミュレーション能力を利用することかもしれない。ノースカロライナ州デューク大学のジョナサン・マッティングリーに率いられた(研究)チームは、合衆国の法律で必要とされるすべての基準を満たすような考えられる2万の選挙区地図を無作為に作るアルゴリズム〔ある特定の問題を解くための演算の手順〕を最近使用した。これらのほとんどにおいて、共和党が多数を占め、民主党は単純にそもそも不利な立場にいるように思わせるようなものだった。だが、2014の選挙で再現された彼らの得票差は非常に僅差ではあったが、それらの地図のほとんどで、共和党はぎりぎりの優位性を確保した。 〔※margin of victory: 得票差〕 このことが意味するのは、最近のウィスコンシン州の選挙区地図は明らかに例外的な事例であり、それゆえゲリマンダリングが行われた可能性があるということだ。そのアルゴリズムに取り組んだバーンスタインのような数学者たちにとって、この統計的分析は非常に重要であるのに、効率性ギャップを支持することでほぼ無視されてきた。

段落⑨ 「もし裁判所がウィスコンシン州の選挙区地図を特定の検証の下で違憲であると裁定をしたら、それによってゲリマンダリングの最悪の形態に対してぎりぎりの境界線を決めることになるでしょう。その裁定にがあれば、最終的にはより公正な選挙区地図が作られることになり、それによって平均的なアメリカ人たちは選挙のプロセスに対してより信頼を持つようにもなるでしょう。」とケンタッキー大学のジョシュア・ダグラスは言う。 だが、ゲリマンダリングを見つけるための厳密な数学的なテストが競争の場を公平にするのに役立つ一方で、合衆国がその政党や政治信条による分裂を克服するのには役立ちそうにない。〔※an outer limit: ぎりぎりの境界線、ぎりぎりのライン〕 強い政治的意見を持っている人たちは、似たような意見を持つ人たちの近くに住むために引っ越し、自立して投票を行う傾向がある。 〔※vote with one’s feet: 自立して投票する, 出席する[投票所に行く]ことで意思表示を行う〕 民主党支持者たちが都市部に集中する一方で、共和党支持者たちはその周りの地域で優性となる。要するに、アメリカ社会をばらばらにしている問題は、人々が自分たち自身でゲリマンダリングを始めたときに発生するのだ。 〔※at the end of the day: 要するに〕

早稲田国際教養 2019問題2

【大問2 読解問題】

Read the following passage, a brief biography of a 19th-century British national heroine.

Grace Darling was born on November 24, 1815, at Bamburgh, Northumbria, a small town in northeastern England known for its medieval castle. She was the seventh of nine children of William Darling and his wife, Thomasin. In the year Grace was born, Darling succeeded his father as keeper of the lighthouse on Brownsman, one of the lonely Farne Islands off the Northumbrian [ 1 ]. Ten years later he took over the new lighthouse on Longstone, the largest of the outer Farne Islands. William was a man of strong religious principles, who brought up his children puritanically. He objected to light literature and regarded playing cards as sinful, though he did have a taste for music and natural history. From her teens, Grace Darling regularly helped her father, effectively acting as [ 2 ] keeper. She generally slept in the Longstone lighthouse itself in the room below the lantern, and often shared the watch.

When its boilers failed during a fierce storm in the early hours of September 7, 1838, the paddle steamer Forfarshire, bound from Hull in northeast England for Dundee in southeast Scotland, was wrecked on the Farne rocks. Forty-three of the sixty-three persons aboard were drowned. At about 5 a.m., as dawn broke, Grace spotted the wreck and called her father, though it was not until two hours later that improved weather conditions allowed them to distinguish a few survivors huddled on a rock. According to Jerrold Vernon's early biography, Grace Darling: The Maid of the Isles (1839), the daughter was woken in the middle of the night by the cries of the survivors, and the father only acted because of her passionate appeals. However, this account is [ 3 ]. Without prompting, Darling launched the coble (a long flat bottomed fishing-boat) and with his daughter rowed the heavy vessel to the wreck, knowing that return would be impossible without the help of the survivors. Four men and a woman were successfully taken off by Grace and her father and brought back to the lighthouse. Darling then returned with two of the rescued men and brought off four other men who had been left: in all [ 4 ] people were thus saved.

Led by a detailed report in the local weekly Newcastle Chronicle of September 15, 1838, press coverage of this brave action led to an outpouring of popular enthusiasm. The Humane Society voted gold medals to Darling and his daughter. A subscription was soon started which succeeded in investing the sum of £270 for the benefit of William Darling, and £750 for Grace alone, with Queen Victoria herself contributing £50. So many requests for locks of Grace's hair came in that she was in danger of becoming bald. The dress she wore at the rescue was cut into pieces and sold, and there were even several offers of marriage. Darling wrote to the papers complaining that he and his daughter had had to sit for their [ 5 ] seven times in twelve days. The owner of Battys Circus tried to [ 6 ] her, even falsely advertising her appearance in his show. Crowds of summer visitors came to the Farne Islands to see her and the site of the rescue, “Grace's deed," as it became known. When she died, among other poets, Wordsworth celebrated the rescue in verses featuring Grace's heartfelt call, “But courage, Father! let us out to sea, A few may yet be saved."

In some respects, Grace [ 7 ] her fame. It broadened her experience and she gained from the advice of the Duke of Northumberland, the senior trustee of the invested money. She remained at the lighthouse, a national heroine but also a curiosity. Her rare visits to the mainland posed problems, and there are indications that she began to find her reputation oppressive. She was always rather delicate and was beneath average height. She suddenly developed a bad cough, and died of tuberculosis on October 20, 1842. She was buried in St Aidan's churchyard, Bamburgh, with [ 8 ] memorial. A much simpler stone monument to Grace Darling was built in St Cuthbert's Chapel on Great Farne Island, when it was restored in 1848. That same year her mother passed away, while her father, who retired on full pay in 1860, died on May 28, 1865.

Grace Darling, "the girl of the windswept hair" as she was known from the paintings of the rescue by William Bell Scott, now displayed at Wallington House, Northumberland, caught the nation's romantic imagination. Her famous "deed” occurred just as the local and national [ 9 ] had begun to look for stories of this kind. Her story was also incorporated in melodramatic fiction, including the Scotsman David Pae's Grace Darling, the Heroine of the Longstone Lighthouse, which was serialized repeatedly in popular newspapers. Unsatisfactory biographies by Eva Hope (1873) and Thomas Arthur (1875) emphasized the sentimentality of the story and repeated its factual errors: in both, the coble goes to the wreck only once, rescuing all the survivors at a single attempt. Grace's older sister, Thomasin, thus arranged the issue of the more reliable Grace Darling, her True Story: from Unpublished Papers in Possession of her Family (1880) and of The Journal of William Darling (1887), though Constance Smedley's 1932 life was the first comprehensive scholarly account to appear.

Henry Colin Gray Matthew. Darling Grace Horsley(1815-1842).

(1) Choose the one way to complete each of these sentences that DOES NOT agree with what is written in the passage.

1 Grace Darling

A was born during the second decade of the 19th century in the castle town of Bamburgh, in northeastern England.
B generally slept in the lighthouse itself in order to aid her father by keeping watch.
C was very strong and healthy, though not very tall.
D died of tuberculosis when she was only in her mid-twenties.
E was buried in the churchyard in the town where she was born.

2 Grace Darling's father

A acted, at different times, as keeper of two lighthouses, both on the Farne Islands.
B could not read or write due to his lack of education.
C held puritanical views and brought up his children strictly.
D retired more than twenty years after the famous rescue and died around five years later.
E was married and had nine children in all, at least two of them girls.

3 The paddle steamer Forfarshire was wrecked

A while traveling from Hull in England towards the Scottish port of Dundee.
B because it was overloaded with more than a hundred passengers,
C during a severe storm at sea.
D in the middle of the night.
E on the rocks of the Farne Islands.

4 On the day of the rescue, Grace

A was the first person at the lighthouse to become aware of the wreck.
B called her father soon after dawn broke, though it was only two hours later that survivors were spotted.
C did not need to urge her father to launch the rowing boat.
D helped to rescue a woman as well as several men.
E rowed out to the wreck a second time with her father to save more survivors.

5 After her actions in response to the shipwreck became widely known, Grace Darling

A was given a gold medal and a large sum of invested money, in recognition of her bravery.
B received many applications for locks of her hair, while pieces of her dress were sold.
C received more than one offer of marriage.
D received many visitors who came to the island to see her during the summer months.
E never left the island on which the lighthouse was situated.

6 During the Victorian period, the popular image of Grace Darling as heroine was encouraged by

A newspaper reports.
B novels.
C paintings.
D poetry.
E schools.

7 19th-century biographies of Grace Darling, by no means all reliable, include those by

A Constance Smedley.
B Eva Hope.
C her sister.
D Jerrold Vernon.
E Thomas Arthur.

(2) Choose the FIVE statements below which DO NOT AGREE with what is written in the passage. You must NOT choose more than FIVE statements.

A After the rescue Grace became a star performer at a local circus for a brief period.

B Both Grace and her father were given monetary subscriptions after the rescue, though Grace's
was almost double the size of her father's.

C During the 1880s Grace's older sister Thomasin published two books based on Darling family papers.

D Fewer than fifty people lost their lives when the Forfarshire was wrecked.

E Grace Darling, the Heroine of the Longstone Lighthouse is the title of a popular serial novel written by the Scottish author, David Pae.

F Grace's father liked music and had an interest in natural history.

G Grace's randfather had acted as keeper of the old Brownsman lighthouse until around the time
that she was born.

H Grace's mother survived her husband and passed away only twelve years later.

I The Duchess of Northumberland acted as adviser to Grace in her role as chief trustee of the subscription fund.

J The public attention that Grace received following the rescue represented an overwhelmingly positive experience for her.

K William Scott Bell's paintings of the rescue led to Grace becoming known as the "girl of the windswept hair."

(3) Choose the best item to fill each of the numbered gaps [ 1 ] to [ 9 ] found in the passage.

A coast
B harbor
C hills
D region
E sea

A assistant
B chief
C house Dinn
E lifeboat

A a lesson
B a myth
C a suggestion
D correct
E uncertain

A four
B five
C seven
D nine
E eleven

A afternoon
B exam
C investigation
D portrait
E supper

A betray
B deceive
C fire
D hire
E portray

A disliked
B forgot
C ignored
D repeated
E welcomed

A an efficient
B an elaborate
C another
D a plain
E a strange

A health
B literature
C press
D spirit
E trust

早稲田国際教養 2019問題2 解答

【大問2 読解問題 解答】
1 C
2 B
3 B
4 E
5 E
6 E
7 A


1 A
2 A
3 B
4 D
5 D
6 D
7 E
8 B
9 C

早稲田国際教養 2019問題2 解説

【大問2 読解問題 解説】



biography バイオグラフィー 自伝 意味解説例文

wreck ウレック 難破船 意味解説例文

lighthouse ライトハウス 灯台 意味解説例文

Tim Vicary. Grace Darling.

早稲田国際教養 2019問題2 完成文

【大問2 読解問題 完成文】

Read the following passage, a brief biography of a 19th-century British national heroine.

Grace Darling was born on November 24, 1815, at Bamburgh, Northumbria, a small town in northeastern England known for its medieval castle. She was the seventh of nine children of William Darling and his wife, Thomasin. In the year Grace was born, Darling succeeded his father as keeper of the lighthouse on Brownsman, one of the lonely Farne Islands off the Northumbrian coast. Ten years later he took over the new lighthouse on Longstone, the largest of the outer Farne Islands. William was a man of strong religious principles, who brought up his children puritanically. He objected to light literature and regarded playing cards as sinful, though he did have a taste for music and natural history. From her teens, Grace Darling regularly helped her father, effectively acting as chief keeper. She generally slept in the Longstone lighthouse itself in the room below the lantern, and often shared the watch.

When its boilers failed during a fierce storm in the early hours of September 7, 1838, the paddle steamer Forfarshire, bound from Hull in northeast England for Dundee in southeast Scotland, was wrecked on the Farne rocks. Forty-three of the sixty-three persons aboard were drowned. At about 5 a.m., as dawn broke, Grace spotted the wreck and called her father, though it was not until two hours later that improved weather conditions allowed them to distinguish a few survivors huddled on a rock. According to Jerrold Vernon's early biography, Grace Darling: The Maid of the Isles (1839), the daughter was woken in the middle of the night by the cries of the survivors, and the father only acted because of her passionate appeals. However, this account is a myth. Without prompting, Darling launched the coble (a long flat bottomed fishing-boat) and with his daughter rowed the heavy vessel to the wreck, knowing that return would be impossible without the help of the survivors. Four men and a woman were successfully taken off by Grace and her father and brought back to the lighthouse. Darling then returned with two of the rescued men and brought off four other men who had been left: in all nine people were thus saved.

Led by a detailed report in the local weekly Newcastle Chronicle of September 15, 1838, press coverage of this brave action led to an outpouring of popular enthusiasm. The Humane Society voted gold medals to Darling and his daughter. A subscription was soon started which succeeded in investing the sum of £270 for the benefit of William Darling, and £750 for Grace alone, with Queen Victoria herself contributing £50. So many requests for locks of Grace's hair came in that she was in danger of becoming bald. The dress she wore at the rescue was cut into pieces and sold, and there were even several offers of marriage. Darling wrote to the papers complaining that he and his daughter had had to sit for their portrait seven times in twelve days. The owner of Battys Circus tried to hire her, even falsely advertising her appearance in his show. Crowds of summer visitors came to the Farne Islands to see her and the site of the rescue, “Grace's deed," as it became known. When she died, among other poets, Wordsworth celebrated the rescue in verses featuring Grace's heartfelt call, “But courage, Father! let us out to sea, A few may yet be saved."

In some respects, Grace welcomed her fame. It broadened her experience and she gained from the advice of the Duke of Northumberland, the senior trustee of the invested money. She remained at the lighthouse, a national heroine but also a curiosity. Her rare visits to the mainland posed problems, and there are indications that she began to find her reputation oppressive. She was always rather delicate and was beneath average height. She suddenly developed a bad cough, and died of tuberculosis on October 20, 1842. She was buried in St Aidan's churchyard, Bamburgh, with an elaborate memorial. A much simpler stone monument to Grace Darling was built in St Cuthbert's Chapel on Great Farne Island, when it was restored in 1848. That same year her mother passed away, while her father, who retired on full pay in 1860, died on May 28, 1865.

Grace Darling, "the girl of the windswept hair" as she was known from the paintings of the rescue by William Bell Scott, now displayed at Wallington House, Northumberland, caught the nation's romantic imagination. Her famous "deed” occurred just as the local and national press had begun to look for stories of this kind. Her story was also incorporated in melodramatic fiction, including the Scotsman David Pae's Grace Darling, the Heroine of the Longstone Lighthouse, which was serialized repeatedly in popular newspapers. Unsatisfactory biographies by Eva Hope (1873) and Thomas Arthur (1875) emphasized the sentimentality of the story and repeated its factual errors: in both, the coble goes to the wreck only once, rescuing all the survivors at a single attempt. Grace's older sister, Thomasin, thus arranged the issue of the more reliable Grace Darling, her True Story: from Unpublished Papers in Possession of her Family (1880) and of The Journal of William Darling (1887), though Constance Smedley's 1932 life was the first comprehensive scholarly account to appear.

早稲田国際教養 2019問題2 全訳

【大問2 読解問題 全訳】

グレイス・ダーリンは、中世の城があることで知られるイギリス北東部の小さな町、ノーサンブリア王国〔ノーサンブリア王国は653年から954年にイギリスに存在した王国〕のあった、バンボローで、1815年11月24日に生まれた。 彼女は、ウィリアム・ダーリンと彼の妻であるトマシンの9人の子供たちの7番目の子だった。グレイスが生まれた年に、ダーリンは、ノーザンブリア沿岸沖にあるファーン諸島の孤島の一つにある灯台守としての仕事を父親から引き継いだ。10年後に彼はファーン諸島の外周部の中で最大のロングストーン島の新しい灯台を引き継いだ。ウィリアムは強い宗教的な信念を持った男だったので、子どもたちを禁欲的に育てた。 〔※puritanically: 清教徒のように、禁欲的に〕 彼は、自身は音楽や自然史が好きだったのだが、軽い読み物を読むことに反対し、トランプをして遊ぶことを罪深いものと見なした。10代の頃から、グレイス・ダーリンは日常的に父親を手伝い、灯台守補助として効果的に働いた。彼女はふつうは灯火室の下にあるロングストーン灯台自体にある部屋の中で眠って、しばしば見張りを(父親と)ともに行った。〔※lantern: ランタン、(灯台の)灯火室〕

1838年9月7日早朝に起こった激しい嵐の間にボイラーが壊れたときに、イギリス北東部のハルを出港してスコットランド中東部のダンディーに向かっていた外輪船のフォーファシャー号がファーンの岩礁(がんしょう)に乗り上げた。乗船していた63人のうち43人が溺死した。夜が明けた、午前5時ごろに、グレイスは(船の)難破を発見して父親を呼んだ。2時間後になって初めて、天候状況が回復して彼女らは数人の生存者が岩にしがみついているのが分かったのだったが。ジェロルド・ヴァーノンが書いた初期の伝記である「グレイス・ダーリン: 島々のメイド(1839)」によれば、その娘は生存者たちの叫び声によって真夜中に目覚めさせられ、父親は彼女の情熱的な訴えかけによって初めて行動をした。しかしながら、この説明は作り話だ。 〔※myth: 神話、作り話〕 せかされることなしで、ダーリンは平船(長い平底の釣り船)を出し、生存者たちの助けなしには戻ってくるのは困難であることがわかっていて、娘とともにその重い船を難破船のところまで漕(こ)いだのだ。4人の男性と1人の女性がグレイスと彼女の父親よって上手く引き上げられ、灯台まで連れてこられた。それからダーリンは救助された2名の男性と(難破船まで)戻って、取り残されていた他の4人の男性を連れもどってきた。それゆえ、合計で9人の人が救助されたのだ。

地元の週刊紙の「ニューキャッスル・クロニクル」の1838年9月15日号の中での詳細なレポート記事に引っ張られるかたちでのこの勇敢な行為の新聞報道によって、一般大衆による熱狂的な賞賛があふれ出た。 〔※outpouring: ほとばしり、流出〕 ヒューメイン・ソサイエティーはダーリンと彼の娘に金メダルを投票によって与えた。ウィリアム・ダーリンのために合計で270ポンド、グレース一人のために750ポンドになる投資を集めるのに成功した寄付の申し込みがまもなく始まり、ヴィクトリア女王自身も50ポンドを寄付した。 〔※subsctription《多義語》:寄付金、寄付の申し込み、予約購読 / for the benefit of ~: ~のために、~あてに〕 彼女の髪の束を欲しがるリクエストがあまりにもたくさん届いたので、彼女ははげる危険に陥った。〔※a lock of hair: 切り取られた髪の毛の束〕 彼女が救助時に着用していたドレスは細かく切られて売られ、結婚の申し込みさえ何件かあった。 ダーリンは彼と娘は、12日間の間に7回も肖像画のために座らなければならなかったと不平を言う手紙を新聞社に書いた。バッティズ・サーカスのオーナーは彼女を雇おうとし、彼のショーに彼女が登場するという嘘の宣伝さえした。夏には訪問者の群衆が彼女と後にそう知られるようになった「グレースの行い」という救助ポイントを見るために、ファーン諸島へやって来た。彼女が死んだとき、他の(多くの)詩人たちの一人であるワーズワースは、グレイスの心を打つ呼びかけを入れた散文でその救助を祝った。「でも勇気を出すのよお父さん!海へ出て行くの、もう何人かがまだ救助できるかもしれないのよ。」

ある点ではグレイスは自分の名声を歓迎した。それによって彼女の経験の幅は広がり、投資されたお金の上級管財人であったノーサンバーランド公爵の助言を得た。彼女は灯台に留まって、全国的なヒロインであり続けたが、好機の対象でもあった。彼女が珍しく本土を訪ねると、(それは)問題になり、彼女が自分の名声をうっとうしいと思い始めたことも見てとれる。〔※oppressive: 抑圧的な、うっとうしい / there are indications that …: …の兆候[傾向]がある→…が見てとれる〕 彼女はいつもかなり繊細で、平均よりも背が低かった。 彼女はひどい咳をするようになり、1842年の10月20日に結核で死んだ。〔※tuberculosis: 結核〕 彼女はバンボローのセント・エイダンズ・チャーチヤードに、精巧な記念碑とともに埋葬された。 グレイス・ダーリンのためのもっと簡素な石の記念碑が、1848年に修復されたときに、グレイト・ファーン島にあるセント・カットバーツ・チャペルに作られた。 それと同じ年に、彼女の母は亡くなったが、父親のほうは、1860年に最後まで仕事を勤めあげて、1865年の5月28日に亡くなった。〔※on full pay: 給与を最期までもらって→最後まで仕事を全うし〕

現在はノーサンバーランドのウォリントン・ハウスに展示されている、ウィリアム・ベル・スコットによって描かれた救助の絵でよく知られている「風に髪が流される少女」であるグレイス・ダーリンは、その国ではロマンティックな想像をかきたてた。 彼女の有名な「行い」はちょうど地方紙や全国紙がこの種の話を探し始めたころに起こった。 〔※a local [national] press: 地方[全国]紙〕 彼女の物語は、スコットランド人作家のデイビッド・ペイによる「グレイス・ダーリン: ロングストーン灯台のヒロイン」を含むメロドラマ調のフィクションにも取り入れられたが、この物語は人気新聞で繰り返しシリーズ化された。エバ・ホープ(1873年)やトーマス・アーサー(1875年)による不満足な出来の伝記では、物語の中の感傷的な部分が強調されていて、事実関係における間違いが繰り返されていた。どちらの伝記でも、コーブルは難破船には一回しか行っておらず、一回の試みですべての生存者を救出している。 グレースの姉であるトマシンは、それより信頼性のある出版物である「グレイス・ダーリン、彼女の本当の物語: 彼女の家族が所有していた未発表の論文(1880年)と、ウィリアム・ダーリンの日記(1887年)より」を整理して出した。コンスタンス・スメドリーの1932年の人生の記述が包括的な学術的解説として現れた最初のものではあったのだが。

早稲田国際教養 2019問題3

【大問3 文法問題】


All answers must be indicated on the MARK SHEET.

Fill each of the numbered gaps in the following dialogues with phrases from the corresponding list below.

Select the one that DOES NOT fit in each case.

Dialogue (1): Consulting the professor

A: Hello! Come in.
B: Hi professor. [ 1 ] a moment?
A: Sure. What would you like to talk about?
B: I would like to ask: would you [ 2 ] an extension on the paper for the course?
A:  Why do you ask?
B: I have been sick.
A:  I see.
B: I have a medical certificate.
A:  [ 3 ], please?
B: Sure, here you go.
A: Okay, that's fine. Is three days' extension enough?
B: That would be great. Thank you.
A:  No problem. Let me know if you need any help with the topic.
B: Will do. Thanks!

A Could I have
B Could you give me
C Could you spare
D May I have
E Would you share

A allow me
B approve
C deliver
D give me
E grant me

A Can I watch it
B Could I have it
C Could I see it
D May I see it
E May I take a look

Dialogue(2): At a crime scene

A: Were you in the bank at the time of the robbery?
B: Yes, I was, officer.
A: [ 1 ]
B: The robber ran in carrying a gun. He had a stocking over his face. I was very frightened.
A:  Was there anyone else with him?
B: No, [ 2 ].
A:  Would you be willing to come down to the station to make a statement?
B: [ 3 ].

A Tell me what happened.
B Tell me what you saw.
C What did you see?
D What happened?
E What happened to you?

A he was alone
B he was on his own
C he was single
D there was nobody else
E there wasn't

A I would be happy to
B No problem
C That's fine
D Yes, I do
E Yes, I would Dialogue

Dialogue(3): At the apartment manager's desk

A: [ 1 ], but I stupidly locked myself out of my apartment.
B: Where is your key now?
A: It's inside the apartment. Room 27 on the fourth floor.
B: Well, there is a spare key to your door.
A:  [ 2 ] I use it, please?
B: Okay, but once you get in, bring the key right back. And please [ 3 ] to keep your key with you next time.
A:  I will, and thank you so much.

A I'm sorry
B I'm sorry for you
C I'm sorry to trouble you
D Sorry
E Sorry to bother you

A Can
B Could
C May
D Might
E Shall

A be careful
B be sure
C make careful
D make certain
E make sure

早稲田国際教養 2019問題3 解答

【大問3 文法問題 解答】

1 E
2 C
3 A

1 E
2 C
3 D

1 B
2 E
3 C

早稲田国際教養 2019問題3 解説

【大問3 文法問題 解説】

(1)ー1 E

A Hi professor. Could I have a moment?
B Hi professor. Could you give me a moment?
C Hi professor. Could you spare a moment?
D Hi professor. May I have a moment?
E Hi professor. Would you share a moment?



(1)ー2 C

I would like to ask: would you [ 2 ] an extension on the paper for the course?

A would you allow me an extension on the paper for the course?
B would you approve an extension on the paper for the course?
C would you deliver an extension on the paper for the course?
D would you give me an extension on the paper for the course?
E would you grant me an extension on the paper for the course?


(1)ー3 A

A Can I watch it, please?
B Could I have it, please?
C Could I see it, please?
D May I see it, please?
E May I take a look



(2)ー1 E

A Tell me what happened.
B Tell me what you saw.
C What did you see?
D What happened?
E What happened to you?


(2)ー2 C

A No, he was alone
B No, he was on his own
C No, he was single
D No, there was nobody else
E No, there wasn't



(2)ー3 D

A I would be happy to
B No problem
C That's fine
D Yes, I do
E Yes, I would

A・B・C・Eは「Would you?」の疑問文への回答としてふさわしいものです。

Dは「Would you?」の疑問文への回答として「do」で回答していますので、文法間違いです。「Would」でたずねられたら「Yes I would / No I would not」で回答します。

(3)ー1 B

A I'm sorry
B I'm sorry for you
C I'm sorry to trouble you
D Sorry
E Sorry to bother you


Bは「sorry for you」という表現が間違いです。「sorry for」の後ろには「申し訳ない原因」が入ります。

「sorry for you」は「あなたがかわいそう」という失礼なニュアンスになり、この場面には不適です。

sorry for you あなたがかわいそう 意味解説例文

(3)ー2 E

Well, there is a spare key to your door.

A Can I use it, please?
B Could I use it, please?
C May I use it, please?
D Might I use it, please?
E Shall I use it, please?


EのSHall Iは「相手と協力関係にあって、何かを提案する」というニュアンスがあり、この場面では不適です。

(3)ー3 C

A please be careful to keep your key with you next time.
B please be sure to keep your key with you next time.
C please make careful to keep your key with you next time.
D please make certain to keep your key with you next time.
E please make sure to keep your key with you next time.


Cは「make careful」という表現が間違いです。「be careful」という表現はありますが「make careful」は不適です。

早稲田国際教養 2019問題4

【大問4 英文和訳(要約文)】


All answers must be written clearly within the boxes provided on the ANSWER SHEET.

Read the following passage and briefly summarize the main points in JAPANESE.

Shortly after the end of World War II, US President Harry Truman signed the Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act of 1948 that allowed people of Japanese ancestry to file claims for damages to, or loss of, real and personal property as a result of their being interned in prison camps during the war. Although this was an attempt to provide financial compensation for material losses, it proved to be ineffective due to its limited scope, lack of adequate funding, and requirement of documented proof.

It was not until 1980, over thirty years later and under pressure from the Japanese-American community itself, that Congress appointed the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC). Formal recommendations by the CWRIC led to the passage into law of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. This was a federal act granting compensatory payments of 20,000 dollars and a formal presidential apology to every surviving US citizen, or legal resident immigrant, of Japanese ancestry interned during the war. Signed into law on August 10, 1988, by President Ronald Reagan, the act recognized that “a grave injustice was done to both citizens and permanent resident aliens of Japanese ancestry,” acknowledging that the internments "were carried out without adequate security reasons, and were motivated largely by racial prejudice, wartime hysteria, and a failure of political leadership."

On October 9, 1990, a ceremony was held to present nine elderly Japanese Americans with the government's first compensation checks. Accompanying the 20,000 dollars check was a statement signed by President George Bush, reading: "In offering a sincere apology, your fellow Americans have renewed their commitment to the ideals of freedom, equality and justice.” However, it was not until 1993 that payments to the remaining survivors were completed, by which time a total of 82,219 Japanese Americans had received compensation.

Sharon Yamato. Civil Liberties Act of 1988.

早稲田国際教養 2019問題4 解答

【大問4 英文和訳(要約文) 解答】


早稲田国際教養 2019問題4 解説

【大問4 英文和訳(要約文) 解説】








早稲田国際教養 2019問題4 全訳

【大問4 英文和訳(要約文) 全訳】



1990年10月9日、9人の高齢の日系アメリカ人に政府初の補償手形を贈呈する式典が開催されました。 20万ドルの小切手に付随して、ジョージ・ブッシュ大統領が署名し「誠実な謝罪をする中で、あなたの仲間のアメリカ人は自由、平等、正義の理想への使命を新たにしました」と声明を読んだ。しかし、残りの生存者への支払いが完了したのは1993年で、それまでに合計82,219人の日系アメリカ人が補償を受け取った。


早稲田国際教養 2019問題5

【大問5 自由英作文】

Write a paragraph in ENGLISH explaining whether you agree or disagree with the statement in the box below.

You should offer at least one reason and/or example to support your view.

"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
(Professor Dumbledore to Harry Potter in J.K. Rowling, The Chamber of Secrets, 1998)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

早稲田国際教養 2019問題5 解答

【大問5 自由英作文 解答】

【大問5 自由英作文 解答例1(肯定派)】

I agree with the statement that our choices show what we truly are.

The reason is that we can learn by doing things, not by thinking over our abilities. Choosing things and having experience actually change our abilities.

For example, I was shy and was not good at talking with another person. From my ability, I should be an awkward person. However, I chose to be a sociable person. I learned not only school subjects but also how to make my friends happy. By doing this, I changed my ability.

From the reason and the example above, I believe choices we will make are much more important than the abilities we have now.


【大問5 自由英作文 解答例2(否定派)】

I disagree with the statement that our choices show what we truly are. I believe the abilities do matter.

The reason is that we need education and training to be good person. If someone decides to learn useful new skills, he should change his abilities. He will not change only by choosing something.

For example, my sister always says she wants her room clean and tidy, but she never does it. It is saying and showing herself to others that she truly wants. She does not have the ability to put things in the right place. It is a pie in the sky.

From the reason and the example above, I believe the abilities we have are much more important than the choices we show.


早稲田国際教養 2019問題5 解説

【大問5 自由英作文 解説】



お題はIt is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities(我々が真にどのような存在なのかを示すのは、我々の能力よりももっと、我々の選択である)


【大問5 自由英作文 評価基準】



【大問5 自由英作文 肯定派 選択が能力より大事】


I agree with the statement that our choices show what we truly are.


【大問5 自由英作文 選択が大事な理由】


理由はThe reason is thatを用います。

The reason is that we can learn by doing things, not by thinking over our abilities. Choosing things and having experience actually change our abilities.

【大問5 自由英作文 選択が大事な事例】


事例はFor exampleを用います。

For example, I was shy and was not good at talking with another person. From my ability, I should be an awkward person. However, I chose to be a sociable person. I learned not only school subjects but also how to make my friends happy. By doing this, I changed my ability.

【大問5 自由英作文 結論】

結論はFrom the reason and the example aboveで書きはじめましょう。

From the reason and the example above, I believe choices we will make are much more important than the abilities we have now.

【大問5 自由英作文 否定派 能力が選択より大事】


相手に同意しない時はI do not agree withまたはI disagree withを用います。

I do not agree with the statement that our choices show what we truly are. I believe the abilities do matter.

I disagree with the statement that our choices show what we truly are. I believe the abilities do matter.

【大問5 自由英作文 能力が大事な理由】


理由はThe reason is thatを用います。

The reason is that we need education and training to be good person. If someone decides to learn useful new skills, he should change his abilities. He will not change only by choosing something.

【大問5 自由英作文 能力が大事な事例】


事例はFor exampleを用います。

For example, my sister always says she wants her room clean and tidy, but she never does it. It is saying and showing herself to others that she truly wants. She does not have the ability to put things in the right place. It is a pie in the sky.

【大問5 自由英作文 結論】

結論はFrom the reason and the example aboveで書きはじめましょう。

From the reason and the example above, I believe the abilities we have are much more important than the choices we show.


英作文 対策講座

英作文 対策講座 基本編

pie in the sky 絵に描いた餅 意味解説例文
