早稲田理工学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題2

早稲田理工学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題2

早稲田理工学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題2

早稲田理工学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題2






2019年 問題




:今日は明日に何を借りているのか What does today owe tomorrow.


:ジャスティン・ジリス Justin Gillis




:地球温暖化 世代間格差 費用効果



【プロ家庭教師 理工学部対策講座】



早稲田理工学部 2019問題2

【大問2 適語補充】

Read the passage and rearrange the seven units in 1-5 in the correct order. Then choose from a-d the option that contains the third and fifth words.

If you had driven north on Highway 101 toward San Francisco a few summers ago, you might have noticed a banner hanging from a freeway bridge. “What have future generations done for us?” it asked. The question not only answers itself, but implies a follow-up question, as was presumably the intention of the anonymous provocateur who posted it. If future generations have given us nothing, should ( 1 )(trying / money / to / spend / hard-earned / our / we) make the world better for them? This issue has long hovered over discussions of climate change, but it ( 2 )(past / came / the / focus / into / over / acute) few weeks as two new reports were released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations body that periodically reviews the science and economics of the issue. Scientists have struggled for decades to understand what might happen to the earth, physically, ( 3 )(we/ the / into / if / continue / greenhouse gases / pouring) atmosphere at ever-rising rates. They have made some headway, but the uncertainties remain substantial. The worst-case possibilities are deeply frightening, but the likelihood ( 4 )(will / they / a/is/ become / unknown / reality). All the more difficult, then, is the task of figuring out what the projected climatic changes might do to human society, which is in large part an economic question. How severe will the damages be; what present-day policies might reduce them; and are they ( 5 )(a / the / to / worthwhile / compared / many / investment) alternatives for spending our money? Some economists are bravely tackling these issues.

Justin Gillis. What does today owe tomorrow.

a. 3rd: hard-earned 5th: trying
b. 3rd: our 5th: money
c. 3rd: money 5th: to
d. 3rd: spend 5th: hard-earned

a. 3rd: the 5th: focus
b. 3rd: focus 5th: the
c. 3rd: acute 5th: over
d. 3rd: the 5th: ove

a. 3rd: continue 5th: into
b. 3rd: continue 5th: greenhouse gases
c. 3rd: into 5th: greenhouse gases
d. 3rd: pouring 5th: into

a. 3rd: will 5th: unknown
b. 3rd: is 5th: become
c. 3rd: reality 5th: unknown
d. 3rd: become 5th: reality

a. 3rd: worthwhile 5th: compared
b. 3rd: compared 5th: the
c. 3rd: the 5th: worthwhile
d. 3rd: investment 5th: to

早稲田理工学部 2019問題2 解答

【大問2 適語補充 解答】

1.  b
2.  c
3.  b
4.  d
5.  d

早稲田理工学部 2019問題2 解説

【大問2 適語補充 解説】



the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: 「気候変動に関する政府間パネル」 地球温暖化について最新の科学的判断基準を提供するために、国際的な専門家によって構成された政府間機構。1988年に設立され、以来数年おきにAssessment Report「評価報告書」を発行している。

早稲田理工学部 2019問題2 完成文

【大問2 適語補充  完成文】

If you had driven north on Highway 101 toward San Francisco a few summers ago, you might have noticed a banner hanging from a freeway bridge. “What have future generations done for us?” it asked. The question not only answers itself, but implies a follow-up question, as was presumably the intention of the anonymous provocateur who posted it. If future generations have given us nothing, should we spend our hard-earned money trying to make the world better for them? This issue has long hovered over discussions of climate change, but it came into acute focus over the past few weeks as two new reports were released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations body that periodically reviews the science and economics of the issue. Scientists have struggled for decades to understand what might happen to the earth, physically, if we continue pouring the greenhouse gases into atmosphere at ever-rising rates. They have made some headway, but the uncertainties remain substantial. The worst-case possibilities are deeply frightening, but the likelihood they will become a reality is unknown. All the more difficult, then, is the task of figuring out what the projected climatic changes might do to human society, which is in large part an economic question. How severe will the damages be; what present-day policies might reduce them; and are they a worthwhile investment compared to the many alternatives for spending our money? Some economists are bravely tackling these issues.

早稲田理工学部 2019問題2 全訳

【大問2 適語補充  全訳】

もし数年前の夏に高速道路101をサンフランシスコに向かって北に走っていたら、高速道路の橋から垂れ下がったバナーに気づいたかもしれない。それは 「未来の世代は私たちのために何をしてくれたのか?」と問いかけていた。その問いはそれ自体が答えになっているだけでなく、それに続く問いかけを暗示してもいた。それがおそらくこのバナーを掲げた匿名の扇動者の意図であったのだろう。未来の世代が私たちに何も与えてくれていないのなら、私たちは苦労して稼いだお金を彼らの世界を良くするために使うべきなのか?この問題は長い間、気候変動についての議論に付物であったが、気候変動について科学的、経済的な報告を定期的に行っている国連機関「気候変動に関する政府間パネル」が新たに二つのリポートを発表したことで、ここ数週間大きな注目を浴びることになった。科学者たちは、温室効果ガスをこのまま右肩上がりに大気中に放出していくと、物理的に地球に何が起こるのかを知ろうと何十年も苦労を重ねてきた。彼らはある程度前進したが、不確実性は依然として大きい。考えられる最悪のケースは非常に恐ろしいものだが、それがどのくらい現実となりうるのかわからない。さらに困難なのは、予測される気候変動が人間社会にどんな影響を与えるのかを把握することで、これは大部分が経済的な問題である。損害はどの程度深刻なのか、現在の政策でそれらを減らすことができるのか、そして、それらは私たちのお金を費やして行う他の多くの選択肢と比較して価値のある投資なのか?一部のエコノミストはこれらの問題に果敢に取り組んでいる。
