早稲田大学 法学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題6

早稲田大学 法学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題6

早稲田大学 法学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題6

早稲田大学 法学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題6


2019年 問題


: 条件英作文


: 煽られる衝突・現代世界の内戦の重要性 Contested conflicts The importance of civil wars in the modern world


: ジェームズ・シーハン James Sheehan


: 英作文。問題文が与えられ、その内容の1文(one sentence)で書くことが求められます。和文英訳と自由英作文の中間にある形式です。対策としては、比較や数値の表現を整理しておきたいです。


: データ 比較 統計


: 5分

早稲田法学部 2019問題6

【大問6 条件英作文】


All answers must be written in English in the space provided on the ANSWER SHEET.

Use ALL the words provided in the underlined sections to complete the sentences. Change the order and form of the words as necessary. You may NOT include words that are NOT provided.

At the end of the eighteenth century, some philosophers dreamed of perpetual peace. But at the beginning of the twenty-first century, politicians evoke the nightmare of a global civil war in which transnational terrorists can strike anywhere, anytime. Present-day political violence is paradoxical. On the one hand, ( 1 ) become / have / increasingly / international / rare / war. In 2015, for instance, there was only one interstate war, a brief clash between India and Pakistan with some thirty casualties. There are large and important regions---North and South America, Western and Central Europe---where the possibility of an armed conflict between states is remote to the point of non-existence. On the other hand, the world is a long way from that condition of perpetual peace which Enlightenment thinkers like Kant ( 2 ) a / be / hope / might / of / product modernity.

James Sheehan. Contested conflicts The importance of civil wars in the modern world.

早稲田法学部 2019問題6 解答

【大問6 条件英作文 解答】

1. international wars have become increasingly rare
2. hoped might be a product of

早稲田法学部 2019問題6 解説


早稲田法学部 2019問題6 完成文

【大問6 条件英作文 完成文】

At the end of the eighteenth century, some philosophers dreamed of perpetual peace. But at the beginning of the twenty-first century, politicians evoke the nightmare of a global civil war in which transnational terrorists can strike anywhere, anytime. Present-day political violence is paradoxical. On the one hand, international wars have become increasingly rare. In 2015, for instance, there was only one interstate war, a brief clash between India and Pakistan with some thirty casualties. There are large and important regions---North and South America, Western and Central Europe---where the possibility of an armed conflict between states is remote to the point of non-existence. On the other hand, the world is a long way from that condition of perpetual peace which Enlightenment thinkers like Kant hoped might be a product of modernity.

早稲田法学部 2019問題6 全訳

