早稲田人間科学 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題1

早稲田人間科学 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題1

早稲田人間科学 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題1

早稲田人間科学 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題1


2019年 問題


: 文章理解


: 季節のアレルギー・どうしてある食物を避けるとよいのか Got seasonal allergies Why avoiding certain foods may help.


: キャリー・ベネット Carrie Dennett


: 説明文。長文を読み進めながら適語補充し、まとめて内容理解が問われます。文書の断片が連続して出題されるので、浅く広く、様々な分野に死角がないように学習しておきたいです。内容は、科学・IT・医学・教育などで、人間生活にまつわる文章が網羅的に出題されます。実際に解いてみると、時間が足りないことがわかりますので、速読の訓練もしておきたいです。


: アレルギー IoT 記憶 ブラック工場


: 60分


早稲田人間科学 2019問題1

【問題1 長文読解】


(i) The Akita is one of the oldest breeds in Japan and are believed to have descended from dogs that came to Honshu with hunters more than 2,000 years ago. Today's Akita developed primarily from the breed of dogs that lived in Akita Prefecture, which explains how the breed got its name.

Known for its loyalty, the breed was catapulted into popular imagination by the tale of Hachiko. Hachiko was born in 1923 and owned by professor Hidesaburo Ueno, who lived near Tokyo's Shibuya Station. The dog accompanied his master to and from the station each day. In 1925, Ueno suffered a fatal brain hemorrhage at work and yet Hachiko continued to return to the station and wait for his master to return from work each day until his death nine years later. In April 1934, less than a year before his death, Hachiko was immortalized in a bronze statue at Shibuya Station. The statue was melted down for munitions during World War II, but a new one was commissioned after the war, which now serves as a popular meeting spot for Tokyoites as well as a tourist attraction. In 2015, another statue to the famous pooch was unveiled at the University of Tokyo campus — this time depicting Hachiko as finally reuniting with his master.

1. Who gave this breed of dog the name "Akita”?
(A) Hunters
(B) Professor Ueno
(C) Tokyoites
(D) None of the above

2. Which of the following best describes Hachiko the dog?
(A) Catapulted
(B) Commissioned
(C) Reunited
(D) Waited

3. Which of the following did NOT occur after Hachiko died?
(A) Commissioned
(B) Immortalized
(C) Melted
(D) Unveiled

4. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Akita dogs were named after a prefecture.
(B) The Akita is Japan's oldest breed of dog.
(C) The history of Japanese dogs goes back 2,000 years.
(D) The story of a dog's loyalty increased a breed's popularity.

(ii) When you have allergies, your immune system overreacts to seemingly harmless triggers, such as pollen, and releases a chemical called histamine. Histamine is meant to protect you, but it also results in allergy symptoms. The pollens typically responsible for hay fever contain similar proteins to those found in certain raw fruits, vegetables and tree nuts. In some allergy sufferers, the immune system confuses the pollen proteins with the food proteins. Eating those foods can trigger a "cross-reaction," making allergy symptoms worse, but more often they cause oral-allergy syndrome, also known as pollen-food syndrome: itchy mouth, scratchy throat, swelling of the lips, mouth and throat. May tends to be the month when these allergies coincide. People with oral-allergy syndrome typically have an allergy to birch, ragweed or grass pollens, and symptoms typically appear in older children, teens and young adults who have been eating the fruits or vegetables in question for years without any problems. Oral-allergy syndrome usually doesn't affect young children.

Allergy sufferers may also feel better by avoiding spicy food, because eating chili peppers or powder can trigger the release of histamine, the chemical that causes nasal swelling and stuffiness.

Tortured by the thought of not eating apples in the fall or cherries in the summer? The good news is that people affected by oral-allergy syndrome can usually eat the same fruits or vegetables when they are cooked. The heat of cooking alters the proteins in fruits and vegetables so that the immune system no longer recognizes them as being similar to pollen proteins — it's the raw version of fruits and vegetables that can cause problems.

Carrie Dennett. Got seasonal allergies Why avoiding certain foods may help.

5. What can help prevent oral-allergy syndrome from occurring?
(A) Cooking
(B) Eating
(C) Reacting
(D) Recognizing

6. How is the working of the immune system described?
(A Confuses
(B) Overreacts
(C) Releases
(D) All of the above

7. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Cooked foods relieve seasonal hay fever.
(B) Eating fresh fruit prevents hay fever symptoms.
(C) Histamine results in allergy symptoms.
(D) Raw fruit can cause hay fever-like symptoms.

(iii) Among the millions of items that were registered with Tokyo's lost and found center last year was an urn containing someone's ashes. And yet this should perhaps not surprise you — urns are handed in to lost and found centers more regularly than you might think. Last year alone, the Metropolitan Police Department's lost and found center in Bunkyo Ward tried to reunite as many as 10 urns with their owners. In every case, relatives of the deceased refused to come and collect them.

Umbrellas are one of the most common items that accumulate at the center, so much so that a 660 square-meter room has been dedicated to storing them in the basement. The room wasn't quite full as of late April but Shoji Okubo, head of the center, says that this situation will change once the 1 season starts in June. Okubo says that roughly 3,000 umbrellas are found in Tokyo on a typical rainy day. In 2016, the metropolitan police handled a total of 381,135 umbrellas across the entire year. Each umbrella is fitted with a tag that lists detailed information on when and where it was found. It is then stored according to the date it was handed in and the rail operators that logged it.

The center is where most waylaid items found in the capital end up after being temporarily stored at police stations or by facility administrators such as rail operators or department stores for about one or two weeks. On April 27, the center hosted around 900,000 unclaimed items, ranging from wallets and iPhones to sunglasses and the aforementioned urns that were found abandoned in various parts of the city.

8. About how many umbrellas in total are lost in Japan each year?

(A) 3,000
(B) 381,135
(C) 900,000
(D) Not enough information given

9. Where are lost items NOT stored?

(A) Convenience stores
(B) Department stores
(C) Police stations
(D) None of the above

10. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) How Lost Items are Processed in Tokyo
(B) Lost and Found Center Struggles to Return Lost Urns
(C) Metropolitan Police Handle Tokyo's Unclaimed Items
(D) Tokyo Overwhelmed by Mountain of Lost Goods

(iv) According to a study conducted through the heartbeat measurement app Cardiogram and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the Apple Watch is 97 percent accurate in detecting the most common abnormal heart rhythm when paired with an Al-based algorithm.

The study involved 6,158 participants recruited through the Cardiogram app on Apple Watch. Most of the participants in the UCSF Health eHeart study had normal electrocardiogram (EKG) readings. However, 200 of them had been diagnosed with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (an abnormal heartbeat). Engineers then trained a deep neural network to identify these abnormal heart rhythms from Apple Watch heart rate data.

So far this is just a study built on a preliminary algorithm but it holds promise in trying to identify and prevent strokes in the future. Atrial fibrillation, the most common abnormal heart rhythm, causes 1 in 4 strokes. One researcher says two-thirds of those types of strokes are preventable with relatively inexpensive drugs.

It should be noted mobile EKG readers have also made great strides in the past few years. The Mayo Clinic teamed up on a study involving AI and AliveCor's version of an EKG reader, which sticks onto the back of a smartphone and uses the Kardia app to determine abnormal heart rhythm, and determined it was as good as other EKG devices used in the doctor's office. The Mayo Clinic felt so strongly about this study it invested in AliveCor's latest $30 million round of funding.

Sarah Buhr. Apple Watch can detect an abnormal heart rhythm with 97% accuracy.

11. Which of the following best describes the Apple Watch?

(A) Better than AliveCor in detecting heart disease as a whole.
(B) Can detect and prevent two thirds of strokes caused by atrial fibrillation.
(C) Can detect abnormal heart rhythms when used with an algorithm.
(D) May be able to identify and prevent strokes in the future.

12. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?
(A) Apple Watch detected 200 cases of atrial fibrillation.
(B) Kardia app proved superior to doctors' EKG devices.
(C) The Mayo Clinic has developed a new type of EKG reader.
(D) All of the above

13. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Al-based Algorithm Helps Doctors Diagnose Strokes
(B) Apple Watch and Similar Devices Help Diagnose Heart Problems
(C) Challenges Facing Apple Watch in Preventing Atrial Fibrillation
(D) New Technologies Helping to Prevent Abnormal Heart Rhythms

(v) Young love burns bright, but when the flame is extinguished the pain can seem unbearable. As a parent you never want to see your child suffer, but you may struggle to find the right thing to say or do when puppy love turns sour. Here are some do's and don'ts to help your teen overcome the pain of a broken heart.

"When your child comes to you after a breakup, take their feelings seriously,” says Dr. Donna Haygood-Jackson, a therapist with Colonial Psychiatric Associates in Williamsburg, Virginia. “Telling your child that they are only 15' makes it sound like their feelings don't matter. While you as a parent know there will be many other relationships, to your teen their feelings about the relationship that just ended are everything."

You may be tempted to use a conversation about your child's breakup as an excuse to talk about other things that may be going on in their life, but Haygood-Jackson warns against doing that. “There is an appropriate time to have conversations about those things, but during this emotional time you must let your child have and experience their pain so they can work through it,” she says. “Ask open ended questions and let your child share what he or she feels comfortable with. Don't judge and don't pry.”

Children watch and mimic their parents' actions, and that includes how they behave in relationships. “Actions speak louder than words," says Haygood-Jackson. “If one partner is disrespectful or abusive to the other, kids will pick up on that. Take a look at your own marriage or relationship and think about the example you are setting for your teenager."

Jamie McAllister. Help Your Teenager Heal Their Broken Heart.

14. What does the expert encourage parents to do?
(A) Excuse
(B) Judge
(C) Mimic
(D) None of the above

15. What does the expert feel is important for children who have experienced a breakup?
(A) Experience pain
(B) Struggle
(C) Watch parents
(D) None of the above

16. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) A Parent's Guide to Dating Among Young Adults
(B) Advice on Child Counseling for Parents
(C) Challenges of Young People's Relationships
(D) Helping Your Child Through a Breakup

(vi) You've just had a fight with your partner or a confrontation with a colleague. Now your heart's racing, and you're struggling to think straight. What should you do? Psychologists are not short on ideas for how to calm yourself down after a stressful experience. Seek out a friend? Yes, there's good evidence that can help. But what if there's no friend at hand? You could try to alter your view of what just happened from “Disaster!” to “Not really so bad.” But it can be difficult to engage in this kind of “cognitive reappraisal” when you're in the immediate aftermath of a stressful event — perhaps because acute stress compromises the neural circuitry that's involved in emotion regulation.

Your brain needs help if it's to quickly regain control and, according to a n Nature Human Behaviour, you can provide it by thinking back over good times. Mauricio Delgado and Megan Speer at Rutgers University, USA, made 134 volunteers feel stressed by videoing them while they plunged their hands into icy water. Some then spent 14 seconds reminiscing about a positive experience (like visiting Disneyland) while others reflected on an emotionally neutral event (such as getting luggage ready for the trip).

Afterwards, the group who'd recalled happy memories felt better, but not only that: the expected rise in their levels of the stress hormone cortisol was only 15 percent, on average, of the surge observed in the neutral memory group. Thinking about happy memories, then, went right to the heart of the physiological stress response.

Emma Young. New evidence shows the calming power of reminiscing about happy times from BPS Research Digest.

17. According to the study, how should one calm down after a stressful event?
(A) Change one's perspective.
(B) Engage in cognitive reappraisal.
(C) Plunge hands in icy water.
(D) Recall a positive experience.

18. How do happy memories affect cortisol production?
(A) Don't affect
(B) Increase
(C) Prevent
(D) Suppress

19. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) A simple memory trick could calm you down after a stressful situation.
(B) Psychologists offer advice on how to manage stressful memories.
(C) Researchers discover the cognitive processes of stress management.
(D) Your brain needs professional help after a stressful experience.

(vii) Imagine going to work at 7:30 every night and spending the next 12 hours, including meals and breaks, inside a factory where your only job is to insert a single screw into the back of a smartphone, repeating the task over and over and over again. During the day, you sleep in a shared dorm room, and in the evening, you wake up and start all over again.
That's the routine that Dejian Zeng experienced when he spent six weeks working at an iPhone factory near Shanghai, China, last summer. And it's similar to what hundreds of thousands of workers in China and other emerging economies experience every day and night as they assemble the gadgets that power the digital economy.

Unlike many of those workers, Zeng did not need to do the job to earn a living. He's a graduate student at New York University, and he worked at the factory, owned by the contract manufacturing giant Pegatron, for his summer project.

He told us:
1. He was paid 3,100 yuan (about 450 dollars) and housing for a month of work, including overtime.
2. He slept in a dorm room with seven other people.
3. Factory workers usually cannot afford new iPhones.
4. There's an Apple-promoted app that the factory wants all its workers to download.
5. Why it can get stinky in the factories.
6. Why he believes iPhone manufacturing will never come to the United States.

Kif Leswing. Undercover in an Iphone factory.

20. How was Dejian Zeng different from other Chinese factory workers?
(A) American citizen
(B) College student
(C) Higher salary
(D) Night shift

21. Why did Dejian Zeng work in China?
(A) Easier to find a job than America
(B) Good pay and working conditions
(C) Graduate school summer project
(D) No iPhone manufacturing in the United States

22. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Chinese Manufacturing Conditions Revealed
(B) Pegatron's Shanghai Factory Described
(C) What I Did Over Summer Vacation
(D) Working Conditions in an iPhone Factory

(viii) Men in the office have a standard, seemingly interchangeable rotation of the same suit to put on before work each morning. Having a socially acceptable uniform that's convenient and ubiquitous means they're able to save on time while still conveying competence. Women, without the luxury of such a uniform, are required to spend much more of their valuable time orchestrating an acceptable outfit for the day. Many women would be relieved to have an arsenal of work clothes they didn't have to think about, so they could spend their energy on the decisions of the day that do matter. Which is why MM.LaFleur was created. The company's purpose is to provide women with a rotation of professional, sharp clothes that can be thrown on in the morning with only cursory thought.

True to the mission of making women's lives easier by cutting steps instead of adding them, MM. LaFleur will deliver to your door a box of clothes specially picked out for you by one of their personal stylists. It's called their Bento Box, and it's either a one-time delivery or a subscription service if you so choose. Simply take a short quiz on things like your office dress code, your size and preferences, and how much you typically spend on your work wardrobe. When your box arrives, try on the clothes, keep what you like, and send back the ones you don't like. They'll only charge you for what you keep, and you never have to spend hours in a dressing room again.

23. What is the best description of men's clothing choices for the office?
(A) Convenient
(B) Interchangeable
(C) Socially acceptable
(D) All of the above

24. What is key to MM.LaFleur's service?
(A) Customized outfits
(B) Free delivery
(C) Tailored clothes
(D) Work uniforms

25. What is the advantage of using the MM.LaFleur service?
(A) Rotate clothing
(B) Save money
(C) Save time
(D) Standardize wardrobe

早稲田人間科学 2019問題1 解答

【問題1 長文読解 解答】

1 D
2 D
3 B
4 D

5 A
6 D
7 D

8 D
9 A
10 D

11 C
12 D
13 B

14 D
15 A
16 D

17 D
18 D
19 A

20 B
21 C
22 D

23 D
24 A
25 C

早稲田人間科学 2019問題1 解説

【大問1 読解問題 解説】




Health eHeart Study: カルフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校(UCSF)がモバイル・テクノロジーを使って心臓病を克服することを目的に発足したeスタディ。広くインターネットで研究への参加者を求めている。

the neural circuitry: 神経回路

emotion regulation: 感情調整

Nature Human Behaviour: ネイチャー・ヒューマン・ビヘイビヤー(オンライン月刊誌)。雑誌Natureの関連誌として2017年1月に創刊。人間の行動をあらゆる側面から研究するオンライン科学ジャーナル。

the stress hormone cortisol: ストレスホルモンのコルチゾール。副腎皮質ホルモンから分泌されるステロイドホルモンの1種。ストレスを受けると分泌量が増え、体温・血圧・血糖値を上昇させて生体防衛機構を活性化させる。

the contract manufacturing: Pegatron社は台湾台北に本拠を置き、他ブランドのPCなどを製造するOEM(original equipment manufacturing)。Appleのサプライヤーでもあり、iPhoneの組み立てを請け負っている。

ubiquitous: いたる所に、偏在する

cursory: 急ぎの、走りすぎる、粗雑な

早稲田人間科学 2019問題1 完成文


早稲田人間科学 2019問題1 全訳

【大問1 読解問題  全訳】


忠誠心で知られるこの犬種は、ハチ公の物語によって人々の想像力を掻き立てるようになりました。ハチ公は1923年に生まれ、東京の渋谷駅近くに住んでいた上野英三郎教授に飼われていました。ハチ公は毎日主人に付き添って駅まで往復しました。1925年、上野教授は職場で致命的な脳出血を起こしましたが、ハチ公は駅に戻り続け、9年後に亡くなるまで主人が仕事から戻るのを毎日待ち続けました。死の1年近く前の1934年4月、ハチ公は渋谷駅に出来た銅像の中に永遠に生きることになりました。像は第二次世界大戦中に軍需用に供出されて溶けてしまいましたが、戦後新しい像が発注され、今では東京の人々の人気の待ち合わせ場所としてだけでなく、観光名所としての役割も果たすようになりました。 2015年、この有名な犬のもうひとつの像が東京大学のキャンパスで発表されました。今度はハチ公がついに主人と再会した様子が描かれています。

(ii)アレルギーがある場合、免疫系は花粉などの一見無害なトリガーに過剰反応し、ヒスタミンと呼ばれる化学物質を放出する。ヒスタミンは身体を保護する物質であるが、アレルギー症状を引き起こす結果にもなる。花粉症の典型的な原因である花粉には、特定の生の果物、野菜、木の実に見られるのと同様のタンパク質が含まれている。一部のアレルギー患者では、免疫系が花粉タンパク質と食物タンパク質を混同する。これらの食品を食べると「交差反応」が起きてアレルギー症状が悪化する。そして、口のかゆみ、喉のチクチク、唇や口や喉の腫れなど、花粉食品症候群としても知られる口腔アレルギー症候群がより頻繁に引き起こされる。 5月は、これらのアレルギーが同時に起こる月となる傾向がある。口腔アレルギー症候群の人は通常、カバノキ、ブタクサまたは牧草花粉にアレルギーがあり、症状は通常、問題の果物や野菜を何年も問題なく食べてきた年長の子供、10代や若い成人に現れる。口腔アレルギー症候群は普通、幼い子供には影響を与えない。




傘は遺失物センターに集まる最も一般的なアイテムの1つなので、保管のために660平方メートルの部屋が地下に用意されている。 4月下旬の時点でこの部屋は満杯ではなかったが、センター長の大久保章二氏は、6月に梅雨が始まるとこの状況が変わると言う。大久保氏によると、東京では典型的な雨の一日に約3,000本の傘が見つかる。 2016年、警視庁は一年を通して合計381,135本の傘を取り扱った。それぞれの傘には、いつどこで見つかったかの詳細情報をリストするタグが付いている。それから持ち込まれた日付と記録を取った鉄道事業者ごとに保管される。

センターは、首都で見つかったほとんどの拾得物が、警察署または鉄道事業者やデパートなどの施設管理者によって約1週間または2週間一時的に保管された後、最終的に集められるところである。 4月27日、このセンターでは、財布やiPhoneからサングラス、前述の遺灰まで、街中のさまざまな場所で捨てられていたおよそ900,000件の引き取り手のないアイテムを大事に保管している。

(iv)心拍測定アプリCardiogram(カーディオグラム:心電図、心拍測定計の意)とカリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校(UCSF)が実施した調査によれば、Apple Watchは、Alベースのアルゴリズムと組み合わせた場合に最も一般的な心拍異常を97%の正解率で検出するそうだ。

この調査には、Apple WatchのCardiogramアプリを介して募集した6,158人が参加した。 UCSF Health eHeart Studyの参加者のほとんどは、正常な心電図(EKG)の測定値を有していた。しかし、そのうちの200人は発作性心房細動(異常な心拍)と診断されていた。次に、エンジニアはディープニューラルネットワークをトレーニングして、これらの異常な心拍をApple Watchの心拍数データから特定した。





あなたはお子さんと失恋について話し合うのを、彼らの人生で起こっているかもしれない他のことについて話す口実として利用したくなるかもしれませんが、ヘイグッド・ジャクソンはそれに警告を発します。 「そうしたことについて話すのにふさわしい時はまたやってきますが、この感情的な期間には、子供に痛みを感じさせ、痛みを経験させる、そうすることで乗り越えていけるのです」と彼女は言います。 「自由回答式の質問をして、お子さんが快適だと感じることを共有すること。判断したり、詮索したりしないで下さい。」










ステップを追加するのではなく削減することで女性の生活を楽にするという使命を守って、MM LaFleurは、同社のスタイリストがあなたのために特別に選んだ洋服が入ったボックスを自宅まで届ける。それはBento Boxと呼ばれ、1回限りかサブスクリプションサービス(定期的サービス)にするのか、どちらでも選択できる。あなたのオフィスのドレスコード、サイズと好み、仕事用のワードローブに通常費やす金額などについて簡単な質問に答えればよい。箱が届いたら、服を試着し、好きなものを保管、好きでないものを送り返す。彼らはあなたが保管しているものにだけチャージする。あなたはもう衣裳部屋で何時間も過ごす必要がなくなるのだ。
