慶応義塾大学 法学部 傾向と対策の解説 2018

慶応義塾大学 法学部 傾向と対策の解説 2018

慶応義塾大学 法学部 傾向と対策の解説 2018

慶応義塾大学 法学部 傾向と対策の解説 2018








【形式】:適文補充 文章理解
【表題】:恐怖の習慣 どうしてアメリカ人はありもしないものを怖がるのか The Culture of Fear:Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things
【作者】:バリー・グラスナー Barry Glassner

慶応 法学部 2018 問題1

I. Questions (1)-(6) below are concerned with how words sound.

[A] Each of the following questions (1)-(3) contains five noun—verb pairs. In one of the pairs, the noun and the verb can be stressed differently. Choose that noun-verb pair and mark the appropriate number (1—5) on your answer sheet.

1. a pedal—to pedal
2. a photograph-to photograph
3. a project—to project
4. a practice—to practice
5. a promise—to promise

1. an arrest—to arrest
2. a subject-to subject
3. a balance—to balance
4. a bargain—to bargain
5. a benefit—to benefit

1. a record—to record
2. a reply—to reply
3. a report—to report
4. a request—to request
5. a repair—to repair

[B] Each of the following questions (4)—(6) contains five pairs of words. In each question, four of the pairs contain words that are pronounced identically, but one pair contains words that are pronounced differently. Mark the number of that pair (1—5) on your answer sheet.

1. ceiling-sealing
2. bread-breed
3. peace-piece
4. feat-feet
5. steal-steel

1. sale—sail
2. break-brake
3. hate-height
4. vain-vein
5. prey-pray

1. knight-night
2. heir-air
3. scent-cent
4. cow-cough
5. rain-reign

慶応 法学部 2018 問題1 解答

(1) 3
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 2
(5) 3
(6) 4


stress 強く発音する
identically まったく同じに

慶応 法学部 2018 問題1 全訳

I. 以下の質問(1)〜(6)は、言葉がどのように言葉が発音されるか問うています。

[A] 以下の質問(1)〜(3)のそれぞれには、5つの名詞と動詞の組み合わせがあります。組み合わせの1つでは、名詞と動詞に異なるアクセントがあります。 名詞と動詞の組み合わせを選択し、マークシートの適切な番号(1-5)を選びなさい

1. a pedal—to pedal
2. a photograph-to photograph
3. a project—to project
4. a practice—to practice
5. a promise—to promise

1. an arrest—to arrest
2. a subject-to subject
3. a balance—to balance
4. a bargain—to bargain
5. a benefit—to benefit

1. a record—to record
2. a reply—to reply
3. a report—to report
4. a request—to request
5. a repair—to repair

[B] 以下の質問(4)〜(6)のそれぞれには、5つの組み合わせの単語が含まれています。それぞれの質問では、組み合わせのうちの4つは同じように発音される単語を含みますが、1つの組み合わせには異なって発音される単語が含まれています。

1. ceiling-sealing
2. bread-breed
3. peace-piece
4. feat-feet
5. steal-steel

1. sale—sail
2. break-brake
3. hate-height
4. vain-vein
5. prey-pray

1. knight-night
2. heir-air
3. scent-cent
4. cow-cough
5. rain-reign

慶応 法学部 2018 問題2

[A] In each of the following questions (7)—(11) one of the five sentences is not correct in English. Mark the number of that incorrect sentence (1-5) on your answer sheet.

1. The referee's decision was impartial.
2. The referee's decision was unfair.
3. The referee's decision was unbalance.
4. The referee's decision was indisputable.
5. The referee's decision was irregular.

1. When you see a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.
2. When you saw a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.
3. If you see a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.
4. If you saw a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.
5. If you should see a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.

1. This incident was reported by the media.
2. This crime was solved by the detective.
3. This research was conducted by the professor.
4. This accident was happened by chance.
5. This issue was resolved by diplomatic means.

1. The political candidate consulted her adviser.
2. The political candidate encountered difficulties.
3. The political candidate opposed to the policy.
4. The political candidate entered politics at a young age.
5. The political candidate pleaded with the party leader.

1. The police is busy at the crime scene.
2. The crew is resting for a while.
3. The faculty is young these days.
4. The jury is finally out.
5. The audience is already seated.

[B] Read the short sentences (12)—(16) below. In some of these sentences, one of the underlined parts contains a mistake. Mark the number of that part (1-4) on your answer sheet. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 0.

(12) He was made (1) to (2) train (3) too hard by (4) no good reason

(13) A strong objection was raised (1) by a few (2) countries in Asia such as (3) North Korea and (4) China.

(14) Yokohama is a (1) most pleasant place to work (2) as well as live (3) in (4)  .

(15) The (1) Article (2) 9 of the (3) Constitution (4) should be amended.

(16) The monitor didn't turn on nor (1) did (2) the brand new keyboard seemed (3) to be working (4) .

慶応 法学部 2018 問題2 全訳

[A] 次の質問(7)〜(11)では、5つの文のうちの1つが正しい英語ではありません。あなたのマークシートに間違った文の番号(1-5)を記入してください。

1. The referee's decision was impartial.
2. The referee's decision was unfair.
3. The referee's decision was unbalance.
4. The referee's decision was indisputable.
5. The referee's decision was irregular.

1. When you see a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.
2. When you saw a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.
3. If you see a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.
4. If you saw a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.
5. If you should see a person acting suspiciously, please let us know.

1. This incident was reported by the media.
2. This crime was solved by the detective.
3. This research was conducted by the professor.
4. This accident was happened by chance.
5. This issue was resolved by diplomatic means.

1. The political candidate consulted her adviser.
2. The political candidate encountered difficulties.
3. The political candidate opposed to the policy.
4. The political candidate entered politics at a young age.
5. The political candidate pleaded with the party leader.

1. The police is busy at the crime scene.
2. The crew is resting for a while.
3. The faculty is young these days.
4. The jury is finally out.
5. The audience is already seated.

[B] 以下の短い文章(12)〜(16)を読んでください。これらの文章の中には、下線部分の1つに間違いがあります。あなたのマークシート にその番号(1-4)を記入してください。文章が正しい場合は、0を記入してください。

(12) He was made (1) to (2) train (3) too hard by (4) no good reason

(13) A strong objection was raised (1) by a few (2) countries in Asia such as (3) North Korea and (4) China.

(14) Yokohama is a (1) most pleasant place to work (2) as well as live (3) in (4)  .

(15) The (1) Article (2) 9 of the (3) Constitution (4) should be amended.

(16) The monitor didn't turn on nor (1) did (2) the brand new keyboard seemed (3) to be working (4) .

慶応 法学部 2018 問題3

III. In the dialogue that follows, phrases have been removed and replaced by spaces numbered (17) — (31).

From the boxed lists [ A ] and [ B ] below, choose the most appropriate phrases to fill in the spaces. In both lists, all choices must be used; and the choices should be made to produce the most natural conversation overall.

Jo: Long time no see! How are things with you these days?

Kate: Oh, fine. I'm in the same job, and I'm still really enjoying it. How about you?

Jo: Not so good, but things are looking up. I've finally made the decision, after (17) for some time now, to move companies.

Kate: I had heard something to that effect. Why? What's the matter?

Jo: Well, I don't think I'd be (18) if I told you I have been unhappy at my current work for quite a while now. I mean, I have tried to (19) a brave face, but I suppose some people must have guessed, right?

Kate: Sure, and actually I even heard a rumor that you had had a quarrel with your boss. Sorry to press you on it, but what exactly happened?

Jo: Oh, you know, I just couldn't (20) her criticizing me in front of the other guys in the office.

Kate: That does sound bad! I couldn't bear it if my boss were to. (21) in front of my colleagues. What was it over?

Jo: Well, one of the photocopiers was (22) a strange, burning smell, so I called in the engineers.

Kate: Sounds sensible to me.

Jo: I thought so too. But my boss said that I should have checked with her first, which I would have done, but she was in an important meeting at the time.

Kate: Well, that seems reasonable.

Jo: Right? That's what I told her, but she wouldn't have it! I always knew she was stubborn, but I thought, “No way! I'm not (23) on this one. I didn't do anything wrong!”

Kate: I don't blame you!

Jo: I hear your boss, Sarah, is the complete opposite.

Kate: Yes, she's great. She knows exactly how to (24) the best in her employees.

Jo: I don't suppose you have a position open at your company at the moment, do you?

Kate: Funny you should mention it, but we are looking for a new head of marketing. We want someone who will (25) a fundamental change in the way we promote our products.

Jo: That's interesting to know.

Kate: To be honest, it's a dream job. It pays well and it's staffed by a young team, (26)

Jo: Sounds good. Do you think I would stand a chance if I were to apply?

Kate: I don't see why not, (27).

Jo: OK, I'll make sure I won't get my hopes up too high then, but it's good to hear that at least I'd be in with a chance.

Kate: Yes, (28). After all, you've got quite a lot of experience in that field, haven't you?

Jo: Yes, quite a bit. Is there anything in particular that I should mention in my application?

Kate: Not really, except to say that we tend to favor candidates like yourself who have worked abroad, (29).

Jo: That's very useful, thanks! Is there anything else I should know?

Kate: Not that I can think of, (30) .

Jo: Much appreciated!

Kate: Don't mention it. Good luck with the application,(31).

Jo: I won't. Anyway, it's great to see you! I'll be in touch again soon.

[A] To fill in blank spaces (17) — (25), choose from the list below:

1. bring out
2. giving off
3. bring about
4. putting it off
5. put on
6. giving in
7. put me down
8. giving anything away
9. put up with

[B] To fill in blank spaces (26) — (31), choose from the list below:

1. so don't forget to mention that in your application
2. and don't forget the deadline is February 16
3. but if anything comes to mind I'll let you know
4. so it's a dynamic and fun department to work in
5. and perhaps even a good one
6. but competition for the post will probably be quite fierce

慶応 法学部 2018 問題3 解答

(17) 4
(18) 8
(19) 5
(20) 9
(21) 7
(22) 2
(23) 6
(24) 1
(25) 3
(26) 4
(27) 6
(28) 5
(29) 1
(30) 3
(31) 2

慶応 法学部 2018 問題3 全訳

ケイト:そうなる噂を聞いていたけど。どうして? 何かあったの?


give away 秘密を漏らす
give off 放射する
put on a brave face 平静を装う 
sorry to press you 無理を言って申し訳ない
put someone down 侮辱する
bring out 持ち出す
It pays well 給与が良い
application 応募
department 会社の部門
Not that A Aというわけではない
Thank you ありがとう
Don't mention it どういたしまして

慶応 法学部 2018 問題4

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Numerous reports in the Japanese press lately have bewailed (32) the shocking plight of many of Japan's almost 1.5 million single parents. Some of these reports note how incongruous (33) it is that the world's third largest economy ranks bottom of the 34 OECD nations in terms of the poverty rate for single-parent households.

Indeed, percent of these households earn incomes that place them below the poverty line, and this represents the highest rate in the developed world. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the plight for single mothers is even more arduous (34) than it is for single fathers.

The employment rate for single mothers in Japan is 81 percent, also the highest in the OECD. However, the average annual gross income for all single mothers is only about ¥1.8 million, despite the fact that it is not uncommon for a single mother to work at least two jobs.

To exacerbate (35) , their money problems, single mothers frequently receive no financial child support from fathers following divorce. According to data from the welfare ministry only about 20 percent of fathers provide financial support after a divorce; in contrast, according to U.S. Census Bureau data approximately 74 percent of custodial (36) parents in the U.S. receive full or partial child support from their former husbands or wives.

Significantly, financial aid for child support can only be mandated if the couple decide to litigate (37) or have their divorce formally settled. However, the majority of Japanese divorces are not carried out in this way but through kyõgi rikon, which merely involves a couple completing a form and submitting it to their local government office.

Crucially, these mutually consensual (38) ) divorces make up 90 percent of divorces in Japan. Moreover, Tohoku University professor Miyuki Shimoebisu has explained, “even when a child-support agreement is legally agreed on, there aren't mechanisms available to single mothers to ensure they get payments.”

As a result, only 19.7 percent of divorced single mothers, regardless of how they carried out their divorce, are recompensed (39) financially by their ex-husbands. Needless to say, an even worse situation is faced by the 130,000 single mothers with children born out of marriage.

Unfortunately for single parents, the hope of any legal reform coming soon that would mitigate (40) their financial burdens is a tenuous (41) one.

If you looked up the basic forms of the underlined words (32) — (41) in the above passage in a dictionary, you would find the following definitions (0—9).
For each underlined word, decide which definition best matches it and mark that number on your answer sheet.

0. to make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful

1. not in harmony; unusual or different because of not agreeing with what is usual or expected

2. to be involved in a lawsuit; to resort to legal action to settle a matter

3. hard to accomplish or achieve; needing a lot of effort and energy; very difficult

4. to make amends to (someone) for loss or harm suffered; to reward (someone) for their efforts or troubles

5. providing protective care or services for basic needs; having sole or primary guardianship over someone

6. to express great sadness or disappointment about (something)

7. having little substance or strength; not thick, not dense

8. to make (something) more bitter, violent, or severe

9. agreed to by the people involved; done with the agreement of both parties

慶応 法学部 2018 問題4 解答

(32) 6
(33) 1
(34) 3
(35) 8
(36) 5
(37) 2
(38) 9
(39) 4
(40) 0
(41) 7

慶応 法学部 2018 問題4 全訳









0 悪いものをより軽く、平気で、痛みのないものすること。

1 調和していない。珍しいか、異なるかして、普段の期待とは合わないこと。

2 訴訟に関与すること。問題を解決するための法的手段に訴えること

3 達成や実現が難しいこと。多くの努力とエネルギーが必要なこと。

4 損害や痛みを補償すること。努力や悩みに報いること。

5 基本的な欲求に対して保護を与えること。誰かに対して唯一または第一の保護権を持つこと。

6 大きな悲しみや失望を表現すること。

7 実体や力がほとんどないこと。厚くなく、密ではないこと。

8 より苦しく、暴力的で、深刻にすること。

9 関係者が同意したこと。当事者の双方が同意したこと。


OECD nations OECD諸国
annual gross income 年収
household 世帯
welfare ministry 厚生労働省
custodial parents 親権者
local government 地方自治体
divorce 離婚する
tenuous 効果が薄い
mitigate 痛みを和らげる
children born out of marriage 婚外子

慶応 法学部 2018 問題5

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

The press, politicians, and other opinion leaders encourage fears about particular groups of people both by what they emphasize and what they neglect. Consider Americans' fears of black men. These are perpetuated by the excessive attention paid to dangers that a small percentage of African-Americans create for other people, and by a relative lack of attention to dangers that a majority of black men face themselves.

The dangers to black men fade from news coverage whenever people paint color-blind pictures of hazards that particularly threaten African-American men: discussions of disease trends that fail to mention that black men are four times more likely to be infected with the AIDS virus and twice as likely to suffer from prostate cancer and heart disease than are white men; reports about rises in teen suicide rates that neglect to note evidence that the rate for white males crept up only 2% between 1980 and 1995 while the rate for black males jumped 146% or explorations of how difficult it is to maintain a middle-class lifestyle that ignore how this problem is more acute for black men (for example, college-educated black men earn only as much as white men with high-school diplomas).

The most glaring omissions occur in the coverage of crime. Many more black men are casualties of crime than are criminals themselves, but their victimization does not attract the media spotlight the way their crimes do. Thanks to massive coverage of violent crime on local TV news programs, “night after night, black men rob and rape in the living room,” journalism teacher Caryl Rivers has remarked. Dozens of studies document that when it comes to victims of crime, however, the media pay disproportionately more attention to whites and women.

On occasion, the degree of attention becomes so distorted that reporters start seeing patterns where none exist—the massively publicized "wave” of tourist murders in Florida in the early 1990s being a memorable example. By chance alone every decade or two there should be an unusually high number of tourists murdered in Florida, statistician Arnold Bennett demonstrated in a journal article. The increase that so caught the reporters' fancy ---ten tourists killed in a year---was labeled a crime wave because the media chose to label it as such.

Objectively speaking, ten murders out of four million visitors did not even constitute a ripple, much less a wave, especially considering that at least 97% of all victims of crime in Florida are Floridians. Although the Miami area had the highest crime rate in the nation during this period, it was not tourists who had most cause for worry. One study showed that British, German, and Canadian tourists who flock to Florida each year to avoid winter weather were more than 70 times more likely to be victimized at home. The typical victim of crime in Florida, though largely invisible in the news, was young, local, and black or Hispanic.

(42) Which of the following statements can be made with most certainty on the basis of paragraph [A]?

1. The media pay too much attention to dangers created by a small percent of black people.
2. The media pay too much attention to dangers created by a large percent of black people.
3. The media pay too much attention to dangers faced by a small percent of black people.
4. The media pay too little attention to dangers created by a large percent of black people.
5. The media pay too little attention to dangers faced by a small percent of black people.

(43) What is the main point made by the author in paragraph [B]?

1. Black men suffer disproportionately from certain health problems.
2. Disproportionately more black teenagers commit suicide than their white counterparts.
3. Many white men with less education earn more than black men with more education.
4. White men in general are wealthier, healthier, and better educated than black men.
5. The media often fail to publicize the harms faced by black men.

(44) Which of the following statements cannot be made with certainty on the basis of paragraph [C]?

1. The media focus on black criminals more than on black victims of crime.
2. The media frequently promote images of black men committing crimes.
3. The media often fail to report black victims in crimes committed by white people.
4. The media focus on white victims and female victims of crime more than on black ones.
5. The media often fail to report fairly on crimes involving black men.

(45) What is the main point made by the author in paragraph [D]?

1. The media sometimes incorrectly describe random occurrences as forming a trend.
2. A large number of tourists were once killed in Florida.
3. The killing of as many as ten tourists in one year in Florida is still remembered.
4. A sudden increase in the number of murders in Florida is statistically natural.
5. The media greatly publicize crime waves that are predicted by statisticians.

(46) Which of the following statements cannot be made with certainty on the basis of paragraph [E]?

1. The murder of ten out of four million tourists to Florida is statistically small.
2. The overwhelming majority of crime victims in Florida are local residents, not tourists.
3. The state of Florida once ranked worst in the U.S. for homicide.
4. Some foreign visitors are drawn to Florida by its mild winter climate.
5. The media paint a misleading picture of who are commonly crime victims in Florida.

To suggest that all Americans have a realistic chance of being a victim of homicide is to heighten already elevated anxieties among people who face little risk. In spite of the impression given by stories like the one in Time titled “Danger in the Safety Zone: Violence Spreads into Small Towns,” which focused on random murders in several small towns throughout the country, tens of millions of Americans live in places where there hasn't been a murder in years, and most of the rest of us live in towns and neighborhoods where murder is a rare occurrence.

Who does stand a realistic chance of being murdered? You guessed it: minority males. A black man is about eighteen times more likely to be murdered than is a white woman. As a whole, the murder rate for black men is double the rate of American soldiers killed in World War II. And for black men between the ages of 15 and 30, violence is the single leading cause of death.

Underreporting of black victims also has the effect of making white victims appear more commonplace than they are, thereby fueling whites' fears of black criminals. Professor of journalism, Helen Benedict, has documented that rapes of white women by black men, (  X  ), receive considerable media attention. In a separate study of women's concerns about crime, sociologist Esther Madriz discovered that stories in the news media “reinforce a vision of society in which black men are foremost among women's fears."

The tendency to neglect black victims extends even to coverage of undeniably newsworthy crimes such as shootings of police by fellow officers. While some journalists make note of the fact that black officers say their white colleagues are quick to fire at African Americans working undercover because they view them as suspects, no reporter, to my knowledge, has investigated the issue. Media critic Richard Goldstein reviewed the coverage of one such shooting and found that only one newspaper noted the fact that, since 1941, 20 black police officers in New York had been shot by white colleagues. During that time not a single white officer had been shot by a black cop. “Imagine,” wrote Goldstein, “the shockhorror if 20 female officers had been shot by male cops. But when it comes to race, the more obvious the pattern, the more obscure it seems.”

Barry Glassner, The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things,

(47) What is the main point made by the author in paragraph [F]?

1. Shocking stories alert Americans to the possible dangers of crime.
2. Shocking headlines fuel unrealistic fears of becoming a victim of murder.
3. Murders in small towns are still rare, but there is nonetheless a growing danger of them.
4. The media sometimes exaggerate the murder rate in small towns to create an impact.
5. Americans display unreasonable anxiety about growing murder rates in small towns.

(48) Which of the following statements can be made with most certainty on the basis of paragraph [G]?
1. Black men are more likely to die by murder than are black women.
2. Only a small number of white women are murdered each year.
3. A surprisingly large number of soldiers were killed in World War II.
4. A disproportionately large number of black men were killed in World War II.
5. Young black men are most likely to die by violence.

(49) — (50) A portion of paragraph [H] marked by the bracketed space ( X ) has been removed
from the text and the words that make it up are rearranged below in alphabetical order. Decide what was the original order and mark the numbers of the third and seventh words as the answers to questions (49) and (50), respectively, on your answer sheet.

1. a
2. constitute
3. of
4. proportion
5. rapes
6. tiny
7. total
8. which

(51) Which of the following statements can be made with most certainty on the basis of paragraph [H]?

1. There are fewer white victims than the media lead Americans to believe.
2. White people's fear of black criminals is completely unfounded.
3. The media frequently fail to cover rapes of black women by white men.
4. A sociological study reveals that white women are afraid of black criminals.
5. Women fear black men only because of exaggerated media reporting of crime.

(52) Which of the following statements can be made with most certainty on the basis of paragraph [ I ]?

1. Dozens of black undercover police officers have been killed by white officers in New York.
2. Tens of female police officers have been shot by male officers in New York.
3. Only a few white police officers have been shot by black officers in New York.
4. Only a handful of news reports have noted the killing of black police officers in New York.
5. People are sensitive to sexual prejudice but blind to racial prejudice.

(53) What would be the most appropriate title for this entire reading text?

1. “Kill or Get Killed: The Story of African-American Crime”
2. “The Media on Crime: Perpetuating Anxiety and Racism”
3. “Racial Prejudice: The Plight of African Americans"
4. “The Public Betrayed: Truth and Lies in the Media"
5. “The Sins of the Media: Fake News and False Crime”

慶応 法学部 2018 問題5 解答

(42) 1
(43) 1
(44) 3
(45) 1
(46) 3
(47) 4
(48) 5
(49) 1
(50) 7
(51) 5
(52) 5
(53) 2

慶応 法学部 2018 問題5 全訳











バリー・グラスナー 恐怖の文化 アメリカ人は違うものを恐がっている

opinion leaders オピニオン・リーダー
The press 報道機関
black men 黒人
African American アフリカ系アメリカ人
four times more likely 可能性が4倍ある
casualties of crime 犯罪の被害者
misleading 誤解を誘う
