早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題3

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題3

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題3

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題3



2019年 問題


: 適語補充+文章理解


: 農業環境学と持続可能開発への道 Agroecology A Path to Sustainable Development.


: ジョゼ・グラジアーノ José Graziano da Silva


: 説明文。長文を読み進めながら適語補充し、まとめて内容理解が問われます。問題2から問題5は同じ形式となります。文章内容は、農業の持続可能性について21世紀への提言をまとめています。早稲田大学商学部は文系と思われていますが、基本的な自然科学の用語は押さえておきたいです。英語に加えて、地理学の知識があると、文章が読みやすくなります。


: 農業 持続可能性 食料問題


: 20分



早稲田商学部 2019問題3

【問題3 文章読解】


Since World War II, the availability of food per capita in the world has increased by about 40 percent. Today, there is sufficient food in the world to adequately feed everyone.

The Green Revolution introduced in the late 1960s is mainly responsible for this. The Green Revolution was the right solution for the challenge of that time: to quickly increase food production and productivity based on an input-intensive agriculture. It worked. It saved hundreds of millions from hunger. But almost 50 years later, its limits have also become ( 1 ).

First, because hunger still persists - about 815 million people in the world suffered from undernourishment in 2016 on a daily basis. This clearly shows that the hunger problem nowadays is not the lack of food, but accessibility to food. In addition, the world is already facing (1)an epidemic of overweight and obesity. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults worldwide were overweight. Of those, more than 650 million were obese.

The second reason that the Green Revolution has reached its limits is because the increase in production and productivity has come at a high environmental cost. The widespread use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has contributed to land degradation, water pollution, and biodiversity loss.

It is time to innovate again. This time, innovation means increasing the resilience and sustainability of our food systems, especially ( 2 ) climate change. We need to put forward sustainable food systems that offer healthy, nutritious and accessible food for all, ecosystem services, and climate resilience.

The emerging field of agroecology can offer several contributions in this regard.

As a (2)tailored combination of both science and cultural wisdom, agroecology's core elements comprise a strong emphasis on diversity, synergies, recycling, efficient use of resources, ecological and socio economic resilience, the co-creation and sharing of knowledge, and the link between human values and sustainable livelihoods. (A)It also includes the role of culture in food traditions and the important role that responsible governance mechanisms — covering issues ranging from duration to the way that public subsidies are used – must play to support long-term investments in sustainability.

There are many ( 3 ) of the benefits of agroecology. In Trinidad and Tobago, where years of sugarcane farming led to poor-quality soils, family farmers used lemon grass to cool the ground, impede erosion, and (3)crowd out rival weeds. This, along with a clever water recycling system, has turned even modest plots into prosperous and high-yielding fruit and vegetable operations.

In east China, farmers have (4)engineered clever ecosystems, building elaborate networks of ditches and fish ponds to channel water and waste in a way benefiting all the phases of a circular agricultural system based for millennia on producing lucrative silkworms.

In recent years, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has been promoting and facilitating an international debate on the potential of agroecology.

The First International Symposium on Agroecology was held at FAO Headquarters in September 2014, and it was followed by a series of regional meetings in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Governments, civil society, the private sector, academia, and research institutions have come together to share experiences and points of view regarding the benefits of agroecology as a new approach to make agriculture more sustainable and compatible with the 2030 development agenda.

FAO will now host the Second International Symposium on Agroecology, which will take place from April 3 to 5, 2018, also at the FAO headquarters in Rome. The aim of the Second International Symposium is to identify needs and problems that countries face in the adoption and implementation of agroecology, to evaluate the impact of dedicated public policies, and to (5)identify the capacity building needs of the relevant institutions.

Sustainability and innovation are key words. The future of agriculture and food systems are not input-intensive, but ( 4 )-intensive. This is a new paradigm.

José Graziano da Silva. Agroecology A Path to Sustainable Development.

設問1 次の1から4について、本文の内容に合うものはマーク解答用紙のTの欄に、合わないものはFの欄にマークせよ。

1. It is not availability of food but accessibility to food that matters in the world today.
2. The Green Revolution is largely held responsible for a shortage of food.
3. There are many people diagnosed with obesity while there are still problems of hunger and undernutrition.
4. The problems with the Green Revolution include a negative environmental impact.

設問2 空所( 1 )~( 4 )を埋めるのにもっとも適当なものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選び、マーク解答用紙の所定欄にマークせよ。

(a) apparent
(b) complex
(c) obscure
(d) redundant

(a) in the face of
(b) in the pursuit of
(c) in the service of
(d) in the vicinity of

(a) concrete examples
(b) convincing guidelines
(c) instructive practices
(d) ongoing trials

(a) capital
(b) knowledge
(c) labor
(d) time

設問3 下線部(1)–(5)の意味にもっとも近いものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選び、マーク解答用紙の所定欄にマークせよ。

(a) a mysterious symptom
(b) a serious infection
(c) a valuable treatment
(d) a widespread occurrence

(a) custom-made
(b) man-made
(c) ready-made
(d) self-made

(a) bring out
(b) keep out
(c) leave out
(d) pull out

(a) developed
(b) employed
(c) preserved
(d) restored

(a) consolidate
(b) determine
(c) satisfy
(d) undermine

設問4 下線部(A)が指し示す1語を本文から抜き出し、記述解答用紙に書きなさい。

早稲田商学部 2019問題3 解答

【問題3 文章読解 解答】

1 T
2 F
3 T
4 T

1 a
2 a
3 a
4 b

1 d
2 a
3 b
4 a
5 b

設問4 agroecology

早稲田商学部 2019問題3 解説

【問題3 文章読解 解説】



compatible with: ~と矛盾なく、一致して、両立できて

Paradigm: パラダイム (科学上の問題について)その時代や分野において支配的な考え方や物の見方、方法論。アメリカの科学史家クーン⁽Thomas Samuel Kuhn 1922年~1996年⁾が科学理論の歴史的発展を研究するために提唱した概念。もともとは語形変化を示した一覧表を指す言葉。

早稲田商学部 2019問題3 完成文

【問題3 文章読解 完成文】

Since World War II, the availability of food per capita in the world has increased by about 40 percent. Today, there is sufficient food in the world to adequately feed everyone.

The Green Revolution introduced in the late 1960s is mainly responsible for this. The Green Revolution was the right solution for the challenge of that time: to quickly increase food production and productivity based on an input-intensive agriculture. It worked. It saved hundreds of millions from hunger. But almost 50 years later, its limits have also become apparent.

First, because hunger still persists - about 815 million people in the world suffered from undernourishment in 2016 on a daily basis. This clearly shows that the hunger problem nowadays is not the lack of food, but accessibility to food. In addition, the world is already facing an epidemic of overweight and obesity. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults worldwide were overweight. Of those, more than 650 million were obese.

The second reason that the Green Revolution has reached its limits is because the increase in production and productivity has come at a high environmental cost. The widespread use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has contributed to land degradation, water pollution, and biodiversity loss.

It is time to innovate again. This time, innovation means increasing the resilience and sustainability of our food systems, especially in the face of climate change. We need to put forward sustainable food systems that offer healthy, nutritious and accessible food for all, ecosystem services, and climate resilience.

The emerging field of agroecology can offer several contributions in this regard.

As a tailored combination of both science and cultural wisdom, agroecology's core elements comprise a strong emphasis on diversity, synergies, recycling, efficient use of resources, ecological and socio economic resilience, the co-creation and sharing of knowledge, and the link between human values and sustainable livelihoods. It also includes the role of culture in food traditions and the important role that responsible governance mechanisms — covering issues ranging from duration to the way that public subsidies are used – must play to support long-term investments in sustainability.

There are many concrete examples of the benefits of agroecology. In Trinidad and Tobago, where years of sugarcane farming led to poor-quality soils, family farmers used lemon grass to cool the ground, impede erosion, and crowd out rival weeds. This, along with a clever water recycling system, has turned even modest plots into prosperous and high-yielding fruit and vegetable operations.

In east China, farmers have engineered clever ecosystems, building elaborate networks of ditches and fish ponds to channel water and waste in a way benefiting all the phases of a circular agricultural system based for millennia on producing lucrative silkworms.

In recent years, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has been promoting and facilitating an international debate on the potential of agroecology.

The First International Symposium on Agroecology was held at FAO Headquarters in September 2014, and it was followed by a series of regional meetings in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Governments, civil society, the private sector, academia, and research institutions have come together to share experiences and points of view regarding the benefits of agroecology as a new approach to make agriculture more sustainable and compatible with the 2030 development agenda.

FAO will now host the Second International Symposium on Agroecology, which will take place from April 3 to 5, 2018, also at the FAO headquarters in Rome. The aim of the Second International Symposium is to identify needs and problems that countries face in the adoption and implementation of agroecology, to evaluate the impact of dedicated public policies, and to identify the capacity building needs of the relevant institutions.

Sustainability and innovation are key words. The future of agriculture and food systems are not input-intensive, but knowledge-intensive. This is a new paradigm.

早稲田商学部 2019問題3 全訳

【問題3 文章読解 全訳】



まず第一に、飢えはまだ根強く残っている。2016年には世界の約8億1,500万人が、日常的な栄養不足に苦しんでいた。これは、今日の飢餓問題が食物の不足にではなく、食物へのアクセス可能性にあることを明確に示している。さらに、世界にはすでに過体重と肥満が蔓延している。 2016年には、世界中の19億人以上の成人が太りすぎで、そのうちの6億5000万人以上が肥満であった。









FAOは、2018年4月3日から5日まで、ローマのFAO本部で第2回農業生態学国際シンポジウムを開催する予定である。 第2回国際シンポジウムの目的は、農業生態系の適用と実施において各国が直面するニーズと問題を特定し、施策の影響を評価し、関連機関の能力開発ニーズを特定することである。

