慶応義塾大学 理工学部 傾向と対策の解説 2018

慶応義塾大学 理工学部 傾向と対策の解説 2018

慶応義塾大学 理工学部 傾向と対策の解説 2018

慶応義塾大学 理工学部 傾向と対策の解説 2018



【大学】 慶應大学
【学部】 理工学部
【年度】 2018年

【表題】:自動運転の航空便が2017年に離陸するが、どこまで行けるのだろうか Autonomous Air Tax is Will Take Off in 2017 but Won’t Go Far
【作者】:フィリップ・E・ロス Philip.E.Ross
【対策】:説明文で、新しい技術でる航空機の自動運転(autonomous airplane)の実用化を巡って、パイロット・スタートアップ・研究者・製造業者などの意見を読み取りましょう。
【用語】:自動運転 輸送技術 航空機 電力

【表題:経済成長がすべてか?デモクラシーが人文学を必要とする理由 Not for pro fit why democracy needs the humanities
【作者】:マーサ・ヌスバウム Martha Nussbaum
【用語】:教育 人文科学 カリキュラム 倫理

【用語】:経済成長 格差 倫理

【表題】:モノのインターネットが研究室にやってくる The Internet of Things Comes to the Lab
【作者】:ジェフリー・パーカー Jeffrey Perkel
【対策】:説明文で、IoT(Internet of Things)を紹介する短い文章です。製品がどのように評価されているのかを読み取りたいです。
【用語】:IoT 性能 テクノロジー

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題1

1 次の英文を読み、設問に答えなさい。

In the future, the joke goes, airliners will each have a pilot and a dog. (a)The dog will be there to bite the pilot if he touches the controls, and the pilot will be there to feed the dog. It's no joke, though, when NASA scientists begin entertaining the idea of replacing the copilot with a wideband connection to a ground controller. Who will take over the plane should the pilot become o (①)incapacitated? Nor is it a(n) ( い ) to carry the ( い ) to its logical conclusion and do away with the pilot altogether.

It's an attractive vision. An a (②)autonomous airplane reliable enough to be trusted by passengers and air-safety regulators could save not just on salaries but also on the cost of making sure that well-rested flight crews are united with their assigned planes. That (③)logistical problem will get harder as the pilot shortage worsens, and it will be hardest of all for short-hop air service, where the pilot-topassenger ratio is high.

Now comes a slew of startups* that propose to serve that very (④)niche with tiny, autonomous aircraft. Most would be powered by electricity, use multiple propellers or ducted fans, take off vertically or nearly so, and range perhaps a few tens of kilometers. When so many new startups are pursuing the same goal, it's tempting to think there must be something there. But ( ろ ) springs eternal in tech land, and so does the ( ろ ) to promise big.

All these companies have proven tight-lipped, which suggests that there might be (b)less than meets the eye. “It can be done — (c)we could be flying around in pilotless planes, just as we could be living in cities on Mars — but is it worth the cost and the effort?” asks Patrick Smith, author of the Ask the Pilot column, which ran for years in Salon magazine. “I fly airplanes (d)for a living, and my jaw drops when I hear people say that flying is already mostly automated. Even the most ‘automated' flight is still subject to so much human ( は ) and subjective ( は )."

So why then are all these startups starting up? “It'd be a novelty, not necessarily meant even for profit, but as a way to prove and build the technology," Smith suggests. And should one of these outfits ever ( に ) seats to the paying public, would you ( に ) your life to a robotic pilot? “People want a pilot in the cockpit, to know there's someone in charge who shares their fate,” says Missy Cummings, a former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, now a professor of mechanical engineering and materials science at Duke University. “I don't think we'll ever have a passenger airliner be a drone—there will always be some version of a Captain James T. Kirk** on board.” But, she adds, things are different for hops of, say, five miles (eighty kilometers), where for some people, at least, convenience might outweigh fear.

“It's technologically achievable in the near term,” Cummings says. Noting the regulatory environment, she adds, “I think we'll see it in China first. Ehang (a manufacturer in Guangzhou, China) is supposedly doing a test in March.” The company claims that its roboplane has already carried a passenger, and if it performs the (⑤)feat in public, we'll let you know.

* スタートアップ。新しい企業のこと。


Adapted from Philip E. Ross, “Autonomous Air Taxis will take off in 2017, but won't go far”

[ 1 ] 下線部( a )から( d )が言い表している内容の説明として最も適切なものを選択肢1から4から選び、マークシートの解答欄( 1 )から( 4 )にマークしなさい。

( a )
1 犬猿の仲
2 猿も木から落ちる
3 竹馬の友
4 無用の長物

( b )
1 視線を交わす
2 間に合わない
3 見掛け倒し
4 眼鏡にかなう

( c )
1 後の祭り
2 棚からぼた餅
3 捕らぬ狸の皮算用
4 労多くして功少なし

( d )
1 命がけで
2 趣味で
3 人類のために
4 生業として

[ 2 ] 空所( い )~( に )に入る最も適切な2つの語の組み合わせを、選択肢1から5から個別に選び、マークシートの解答欄( 5 )から( 8 )にマークしなさい。

1 hope / tendency
2 input / decisions
3 joke / argument
4 lend / sacrifice
5 offer / entrust

[ 3 ] 
下線部①~⑤の意味の説明として最も適切でないものを選択肢1~4の中から選び、マークシートの解答欄( 9 )から( 13 )にマークしなさい。

① 1 bored 2 disabled 3 hurt 4 paralyzed
② 1 pilotless 2 selfish 3 self-regulating 4 unmanned
③ 1 administrative 2 coordinating 3 planning 4 sensitive
④ 1 gap 2 horizon 3 opening 4 slot
⑤ 1 achievement 2 duty 3 undertaking 4 venture

[ 4 ]  この英文全体の要旨を述べた文章中の空所( ア )~( ケ )に入る表現と最も適切なものを選択肢1~4の中から選び、マークシートの解答欄( 14 )から( 22 )にマークしなさい。

While the article starts with a joke, it soon turns to a serious question: Will we still need pilots in the future? Autonomous planes would solve a number of problems, inc keep( ア )and support shorter routes with( イ ). While the money being invested in various projects might suggest there is cause for optimism, there are reasons to( ウ )the future. Patrick Smith, for example, compares it to living on Mars; it may become technically possible, but is it( エ )? And besides, Smith continues, even today the reality is that flight is still much( オ )than many people realize. Missy Cummings is doubtful we will ever have drone airliners because( カ ), though she admits this may be different for shorter flights where( キ )may offset( ク ). Cummings believes we will see pilotless flights in China first because of the country's( ケ ).

( ア )
1 costs down
2 people safe
3 pilots employed
4 salaries high

( イ )
1 fewer passengers
2 no airports
3 no runways
4 tired pilots

( ウ )
1 bank on
2 believe in
3 embrace
4 question

( エ )
1 politically correct
2 safe to do
3 the best investment of time and resources
4 the moral thing to do

( オ )
1 less automated
2 less expensive
3 more automated
4 more expensive

( カ )
1 passengers like to know a human is in control
2 people like fictional pilots like Captain Kirk
3 there are limits to the technology
4 there are strict laws about drones

( キ ) 
1 benefits
2 business
3 dreams
4 technology

( ク )
1 legal questions
2 pilots' rights
3 safety concerns
4 technological problems

( ケ )
1 ambitious companies
2 legal situation
3 moral climate
4 superior technology

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題1 解答

[1] 4
[2] 3
[3] 4
[4] 4
[5] 3
[6] 1
[7] 2
[8] 5
[9] 2
[10] 3
[11] 4
[12] 2
[13] 2
[14] 1
[15] 2
[16] 4
[17] 3
[18] 1
[19] 1
[20] 1
[21] 3
[22] 2

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題1 全訳

将来は、この冗談が言われる。飛行機にはパイロットと犬が搭乗して、犬がいるのは、もしパイロットが制御板に触れたら噛むためで、パイロットがいるのは、犬に餌を与えるためだ。冗談ではなくて、しかし、NASAの科学者は、(飛行機の)副操縦を、地上の管制へ広帯域接続する発想を膨らましている。パイロットの役目がなくなると、代わりに何が飛行機に乗りこむのだろうか? 冗談がさらに白熱して、論理的な結論として、パイロットもろとも捨ててしまうようになるのだろうか。











copilot 副操縦士
logical conclusion 論理的な帰結
vision ビジョン。未来図。指導者が未来の目標を示して、人間集団を率いる場面で用いられる。同義語に、青写真がある。
autonomous airplane 自動運転
well-rested 十分に休息を取る
a short hop 短距離
tight-lipped 口を閉ざす
outweigh 超える
logistical 物資輸送の
powered by electricity 電気で動く
ducted fans ダクテッドファン
feat 成果
bank on ~を頼りにする
offset 相殺する

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題2

We are in the midst of a crisis of massive proportions and agrave global significance. No, I do not mean the global economic crisis that began in 2008. At least then everyone knew that a crisis was at (  1  ), and many world leaders worked quickly and desperately to find solutions. Indeed, consequences for governments were profound if they did not find solutions, and many were replaced in consequence. No, I mean a crisis that goes largely unnoticed, (  A  ) a cancer; a crisis that is likely to be, in the long run, far more damaging to the future of democratic self-government: a worldwide crisis in education.
Radical changes are occurring in what democratic societies teach the young, and these changes have not been well thought through. Thirsty for national profit, nations, and their systems of education, are heedlessly discarding skills that are needed to keep democracies alive. If this trend continues, nations all over the world will soon be producing a (い) generations of useful machines, rather than complete citizens who can think for themselves, criticize tradition, and understand the significance of another person's sufferings and achievements. The future of the world's democracies hangs in the balance.
What are these radical (ろ) changes? The humanities and the arts are being cut away, in both primary/secondary and college/university education, in virtually every nation of the world. Seen by policy-makers as useless frills, at a time when nations must cut away all useless things in order to stay competitive in the global market, they are rapidly losing their place in curricula, and also in the minds and hearts of parents and children. Indeed, what we might call the humanistic aspects of science and social science – the imaginative, creative aspect, and the aspect of rigorous critical thought — are losing ground as nations prefer to pursue short-term profit by the cultivation of the useful and highly applied skills suited to profit-making.
This crisis is facing us, but we have not yet faced it. We go on as if everything were business as usual, when in reality great changes of emphasis are evident all over. We haven't really thought hard (  B  ) these changes, we have not really chosen them, and yet they increasingly limit our future.
(  X  ), especially at this time of crisis, too few questions have been (  2  ) about the direction of education, and, with it, of the world's democratic societies. With the rush to profitability in the global market, values precious for the future of democracy, especially in an era of religious and economic anxiety, are in (は) danger of getting lost.
The profit motive suggests to many concerned leaders that science and technology are of crucial importance for the future (に) health of their nations. We should have no (  3  ) to good scientific and technical education, and I shall not suggest that nations should stop trying to improve in this regard. My concern is that other abilities, equally crucial, are at risk of getting lost in the competitive flurry, abilities crucial to the health of any democracy internally, and to the creation of a decent world (は) culture capable of constructively addressing the world's most (  4  ) problems.
These abilities are associated with the humanities and the arts: the ability to think critically; the ability to transcend local loyalties and to approach world problems as a “citizen of the world”; and, finally, the ability to imagine sympathetically the predicaments of another person.

[ 1 ] 下線部① ~ ④の意味の説明として適切なものを選択肢1~4から選び、マークシートの解答欄( 23 )~( 26 )にマークしなさい。

1 serious 
2 small 
3 snappy 
4 sneaky

1 is bright 
2 is doomed  
3 is hopeful 
4 is uncertain

1 basement 
2 development
3 judgment
4 payment

1 the race for military superiority
2 the race for money and power
3 the race to win students
4 the race to win votes

[ 2 ] 空所( 1 )~( 4 )に入る最も適切な語を選択肢1~4の中から選び、マークシートの解答欄( 27 ) ~ ( 30 )にマークしなさい。

1 hand
2 most
3 noon
4 once

1 ask
2 posed
3 replaced
4 voice

1 correction
2 objection
3 rejection
4 suggestion

1 negligible
2 pollution
3 pressing
4 trivial

[ 3 ] 次の1~7の語(句)を文法的・内容的に最も適切な順序に並べかえて(  X  )を完成させたとき、3番目にくるものの番号を解答欄 ( 31 ) に、 5番目にくるものを解答欄 ( 32 ) にマークしなさい。なお、 文頭にくる語の一文字目も小文字にしてある。

1. all
2. given
3. growth
4. is so eagerly5. nations
6. sought by
7. that economic

[ 4 ] ( A )と( B )に入る最も適切な語を選択肢1~8の中から選び、 それぞれ、 マークシートの解答欄 ( 33 )と解答欄 ( 34 )にマークしなさい。

1. about
2. at
3. besides
4. however
5. like
6. moreover
7. that
8. whereupon

[ 5 ] 本文の内容を最も適切に表現する表題をつけたい。選択肢1~4から選び、 マークシートの解答欄( 35 )にマークしなさい。

1. The Fake Crisis
2. The Financial Crisis
3. The Silent Crisis
4. The Visible Crisis

[ 6 ] 英文の内容に一致するものを選択肢1~8から3つ選び、 マークシートの解答欄 ( 36 )~( 38 ) にマークしなさい。

1. The radical changes occurring in educational systems around the world are a result of
thorough consideration.

2. We should cut away the sciences and devote more resources to the humanities and arts.

3. Cutting the humanities and arts from education is likely to have harmful consequences for
the health of democracies.

4. Being able to put your feet in other people's shoes is a key skill connected with the
humanities and arts.

5. The humanities and arts are being cut away, but students are fully aware of their

6. There was a worldwide economic crisis which started in 2008.

7. Local traditions are undesirable and should be transcended.

8. Nations today tend not to put enough emphasis on profitability.

[ 7 ] 単語( い )~( ほ )の太文字の音が、それぞれの語群1~5の太文字の音と同じものを選び、 マークシートの解答欄 ( 39 )~( 43 )にマークしなさい。

We are in the midst of a crisis of massive proportions and agrave global significance. No, I do not mean the global economic crisis that began in 2008. At least then everyone knew that a crisis was at (  1  ), and many world leaders worked quickly and desperately to find solutions. Indeed, consequences for governments were profound if they did not find solutions, and many were replaced in consequence. No, I mean a crisis that goes largely unnoticed, (  A  ) a cancer; a crisis that is likely to be, in the long run, far more damaging to the future of democratic self-government: a worldwide crisis in education.
Radical changes are occurring in what democratic societies teach the young, and these changes have not been well thought through. Thirsty for national profit, nations, and their systems of education, are heedlessly discarding skills that are needed to keep democracies alive. If this trend continues, nations all over the world will soon be producing a (い) generations of useful machines, rather than complete citizens who can think for themselves, criticize tradition, and understand the significance of another person's sufferings and achievements. The future of the world's democracies hangs in the balance.
What are these radical (ろ) changes? The humanities and the arts are being cut away, in both primary/secondary and college/university education, in virtually every nation of the world. Seen by policy-makers as useless frills, at a time when nations must cut away all useless things in order to stay competitive in the global market, they are rapidly losing their place in curricula, and also in the minds and hearts of parents and children. Indeed, what we might call the humanistic aspects of science and social science – the imaginative, creative aspect, and the aspect of rigorous critical thought — are losing ground as nations prefer to pursue short-term profit by the cultivation of the useful and highly applied skills suited to profit-making.
This crisis is facing us, but we have not yet faced it. We go on as if everything were business as usual, when in reality great changes of emphasis are evident all over. We haven't really thought hard (  B  ) these changes, we have not really chosen them, and yet they increasingly limit our future.
(  X  ), especially at this time of crisis, too few questions have been (  2  ) about the direction of education, and, with it, of the world's democratic societies. With the rush to profitability in the global market, values precious for the future of democracy, especially in an era of religious and economic anxiety, are in (は) danger of getting lost.
The profit motive suggests to many concerned leaders that science and technology are of crucial importance for the future (に) health of their nations. We should have no (  3  ) to good scientific and technical education, and I shall not suggest that nations should stop trying to improve in this regard. My concern is that other abilities, equally crucial, are at risk of getting lost in the competitive flurry, abilities crucial to the health of any democracy internally, and to the creation of a decent world (ほ) culture capable of constructively addressing the world's most (  4  ) problems.
These abilities are associated with the humanities and the arts: the ability to think critically; the ability to transcend local loyalties and to approach world problems as a “citizen of the world”; and, finally, the ability to imagine sympathetically the predicaments of another person.

[ 1 ] 下線部① ~ ④の意味の説明として適切なものを選択肢1~4から選び、マークシートの解答欄( 23 )~( 26 )にマークしなさい。

1 serious 
2 small 
3 snappy 
4 sneaky

1 is bright 
2 is doomed  
3 is hopeful 
4 is uncertain

1 basement 
2 development
3 judgment
4 payment

1 the race for military superiority
2 the race for money and power
3 the race to win students
4 the race to win votes

[ 2 ] 空所( 1 )~( 4 )に入る最も適切な語を選択肢1~4の中から選び、マークシートの解答欄( 27 ) ~ ( 30 )にマークしなさい。

1 hand
2 most
3 noon
4 once

1 ask
2 posed
3 replaced
4 voice

1 correction
2 objection
3 rejection
4 suggestion

1 negligible
2 pollution
3 pressing
4 trivial

[ 3 ] 次の1~7の語(句)を文法的・内容的に最も適切な順序に並べかえて(  X  )を完成させたとき、3番目にくるものの番号を解答欄 ( 31 ) に、 5番目にくるものを解答欄 ( 32 ) にマークしなさい。なお、 文頭にくる語の一文字目も小文字にしてある。

1 all
2 given
3 growth
4 is so eagerly
5 nations
6 sought by
7 that economic

[ 4 ] ( A )と( B )に入る最も適切な語を選択肢1~8の中から選び、 それぞれ、 マークシートの解答欄 ( 33 )と解答欄 ( 34 )にマークしなさい。

1 about
2 at
3 besides
4 however
5 like
6 moreover
7 that
8 whereupon

[ 5 ] 本文の内容を最も適切に表現する表題をつけたい。選択肢1~4から選び、 マークシートの解答欄( 35 )にマークしなさい。

1 The Fake Crisis
2 The Financial Crisis
3 The Silent Crisis
4 The Visible Crisis

[ 6 ] 英文の内容に一致するものを選択肢1~8から3つ選び、 マークシートの解答欄 ( 36 )~( 38 ) にマークしなさい。

1 The radical changes occurring in educational systems around the world are a result of thorough consideration.

2 We should cut away the sciences and devote more resources to the humanities and arts.

3 Cutting the humanities and arts from education is likely to have harmful consequences for the health of democracies.

4 Being able to put your feet in other people's shoes is a key skill connected with the humanities and arts.

5 The humanities and arts are being cut away, but students are fully aware of their importance.

6 There was a worldwide economic crisis which started in 2008.

7 Local traditions are undesirable and should be transcended.

8 Nations today tend not to put enough emphasis on profitability.

[ 7 ] 単語( い )~( ほ )の太文字の音が、それぞれの語群1~5の太文字の音と同じものを選び、 マークシートの解答欄 ( 39 )~( 43 )にマークしなさい。

(い) generations
1 century
2 chestnut
3 patient
4 righteous
5 subtle

(ろ) changes
1 fatigue
2 fragile
4 giggle

(は) danger
1 false
2 many
3 stadium
4 tall
5 water

(に) health
1 breathe
2 creature
3 realm
4 steak
5 weak

(ほ) culture
1 brute
2 flute
3 fury
4 muscle
5 numerous

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題2 解答

[23] 1
[24] 4
[25] 2
[26] 2
[27] 1
[28] 2
[29] 2
[30] 3
[31] 3
[32] 4
[33] 5
[34] 1
[35] 3
[36] 3
[37] 4
[38] 6
[39] 3
[40] 2
[41] 2
[42] 3
[43] 4

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題2 解説


[ 3 ] 
正解文:given that economic growth is so eagerly sought by all nations
「given that A」で「もしAならば」の構文になります。


著者はマーサ・ヌスバウム (Martha Nussbaum) で、教育が主題です。人文科学分野への予算を削減し、他の分野に予算やカリキュラムの時間を割り当てようという世界的な潮流に、異議を唱える文章です。


【primary/secondary education】
primary education は6歳から12歳まで初等教育を指します。日常用語では小学校とも言いますが、法令では初等教育と呼びます。secondary education は13歳から18歳までの中等教育機関を指します。中等教育は法令用語で、日常用語では中学校
と高校を指します。また secondary education と同じ意味で middle school という言葉も用いられます。どの学校がどの年齢のためのものなのか、整理しておきましょう。

【college/university education】
college/university education で18歳以上の教育機関である高等教育機関を指します。大学だけではなく専門学校や高等専門学校も含めた用語です。 College は比較的小規模な大学を指し、単科学部であったり地域に密着した教育機関を指します。 University はいわゆる総合大学でさまざまな学部があり広い敷地と研究施設を持っています。


grave まじめな
at hand 手元に
heedlessly ついつい
primary/secondary education 初等教育と中等教育
college/university education 高等教育
pose a question 質問を投げる
flurry 突風
put oneself in one's shoes 誰かの立場で考える

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題2 全訳


慶応 理工学部 2018 問題3


Ms. Yagami: So, you're all probably wondering why I asked you about your best friend. (everyone nods). Well, that's because we're going to be watching a movie today and...

Patrick : (interrupting). It's called “My Best Friend" !

Ms. Yagami: Nice try! But not quite. No, we're actually going to be watching “Hachi: A Dog's
Tale” starring Richard Gere. Interesting because no one mentioned their dog or cat or whatever animal you might have as a pet as your best friend. And particularly because I know that some of you do have pets. OK, so the question we're going to be pondering today is whether there can be genuine friendship between us and our pets. What's your initial o take on this one? (points at Cecilia).

Cecilia : Well, I have a cat. I feel very close to it. But you know, it's a “he” but when I talk about it, just like now, I call it "it" and not “him." You see what I mean?

Ms. Yagami: I do, I do. I can see (a) where you're going. You give it a name, you look after it, you care for it, but (b) at the end of the day, it's just not the same as your friend, right?
(Cecilia nods).

Patrick : I agree. I haven't watched the movie; I do know a little about it though. Loyal dog waits for its owner to come back but he never does because he's dead and the dog dies too waiting for him. So, my best friend has my back. He's there when I need him. But the dog, it's just hungry, you know. It's got no one else to count on. This might be because we've domesticated them. That's our bad, partially. But it's just that. Or it just doesn't have the brains to do anything else.

Ms. Yagami: You don't reckon there might be more to it? Some people love their pets more than people.

Patrick: Nah, I know some people say (c) things, but I don't buy it.

Ms. Yagami : Well, let's watch the movie anyway. Maybe you will have a (d) second thoughts about your responses.

[ 1 ] 下線部 ① ~ ③ の意味に最も近いものを選択肢1~4の中から選び、マークシートの解答欄 (44) ~ (46)にマークしなさい。

1. friendship
2. payment
3. ride
4. thought

1. that dogs are unique
2. that the dog can sense our love for it
3. that the dog has nobody else to depend on
4. that the dog is not smart enough

1. I don't deny it
2. I'm not convinced
3. I'm not going to buy a pet
4. I won't buy DVDs about human-canine friendship

[ 2 ] 下線部 (a) と (b) に関する以下の質問に答えなさい。

(1) Ms. Yagami says, “I can see (a) where you're going.” Where is Cecilia going? Mark your answer on the mark sheet (47) .

1. to school
2. to the movies
3. to the pet shop
4. none of the above

(2) In the context of this dialogue, what does (b) at the end of the day” mean? Mark your answer on the mark sheet (48)].

1. before midnight on that day
2. by the end of school
3. in the end
4. none of the above

[ 3 ] 下線部(c)と(d)について以下の質問に答えなさい。解答は解答用紙(記述式)に英語で記入しなさい。

(1) Based on the dialogue, what might be an example of things people say? Complete the sentence using the opening provided on the answer sheet.

(2) What does it mean to have a second thoughts? Complete the sentence provided on the answer sheet with a word starting with “re."

[ 4 ] 対話文の内容に一致するものを選択肢1から10から4つ選び, マークシートの解答欄 (49) ~ (52) にマークしなさい。

1. Ms. Yagami is showing the film because the actor Richard Gere offers a good example of
2. Cecilia sees a difference between her relationship with her cat and her relationships with her
3. Patrick has no opinion about whether pets can be friends because he has not yet seen the movie.
4. Patrick believes the loyalty dogs display is possibly a product of animal breeding.
5. Despite what some people might say, Patrick doubts they love their pets more than people.
6. Ms. Yagami decides to show the film despite her belief that nobody will change their opinion.
7. Both Cecilia and Patrick are skeptical of the idea that pets can be better friends than humans.
8. Cecilia is skeptical but Patrick is open to the idea that pets can be better friends than humans.
9. Cecilia is open to but Patrick is skeptical of the idea that pets can be better friends than humans.
10. Both Cecilia and Patrick are open to the idea that pets can be better friends than humans.

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題3 解答

[44] 4
[45] 3
[46] 2
[47] 4
[48] 3
[49] 2
[50] 4
[51] 5
[52] 7

[ 3 ]

(1)  (People might say that) they can make a friendship and personal bond with their pets.

(2)  (To have second thoughts means to) rethink (your opinion).

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題3 解説



interrupt 割りこむ
die to do したくてたまらない
have one's back 信頼している
second thought 考え直し

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題3 全訳

パトリック:(割り込む)。それは "私のベストフレンド"と呼ばれている!
セシリア:まあ、私は猫を飼っている。私はそれをとても身近に感じる。でも、ほら、それは"彼"だけど、私が今みたいにそれについて話すときは、 "彼"ではなく "それ"と呼ぶ。

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題4

和文の内容とほぼ同じ意味になるように,指定された文字から始まる適切な1語を空所 ① ~ ⑧ に入れて、英文を完成させなさい。解答は解答用紙(記述式)に記入しなさい。

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the idea that it is not just computers that can be (h  ) up to the Internet, but everyday objects as well. In so doing, they (a  ) new functionality. Add Wi-Fi and a motion sensor to a light bulb and you have a remote (a  ) system; add Wi-Fi to a stereo system, and you can control your music from your phone. In the (c  ) marketplace, the concept applies to web-connected devices such as thermostats, televisions and cars. But until a few years ago, laboratory equipment could not be (1  ) in the same way. The emergence of connected instruments and equipment promises to untether researchers from the laboratory — letting them fine-tune experiments and analyse data remotely. It allows lab managers to monitor instrument use and catch potential equipment (f  ) before they happen. But ,(s  ) and economic concerns, and the (in  ) teething pains that are inherent in any evolving technology, are moderating enthusiasm.

インターネットオブシングス (IoT)というのは、コンピュータだけでなく、日用品もインターネットにつなぐこ とができるという考えである。そうすることで、それらのものは新しい機能性を獲得する。電球にWi-Fiとモー ションセンサーをつけると、遠隔警報装置になる。Wi-Fiをステレオシステムにつけると、自分の電話から音楽 を操作できるようになる。消費者市場においては、IoTの概念は冷暖房器具、テレビ、車といった、ウェブに接続 された装置について当てはまる。しかし、つい数年前までは、実験設備は同じようなやり方でつなげることはでき なかった。ネットにつながった器具や設備の出現により、研究者は実験室から自由に動けるようになり、研究者は 遠方から実験を微調整したり、データを分析したりできるようになる。実験の管理者は器具の使用を監視するこ とや、ありそうな設備の不具合を事前に見つけることができるようになる。しかし安全性や経済性に関する懸念や、どのような発展途上の技術にも内在する、避けられない初期の困難は、IoTへの熱意を減速させている。

慶応 理工学部 2018 問題4 解答


① hooked
② acquire
③ alarm
④ consumer
⑤ linked
⑥ failures
⑦ security
⑧ inevitable

hook up to ~につなぐ
