早稲田大学 社会科学 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 社会科学 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 社会科学 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 社会科学 傾向対策解答解説 2018




【用語】:誤文指摘 構文 英文法

【表題】:イギリスはEUを脱退しても英語はそのままだ Britain is leaving the EU but its language will stay
【作者】:エコノミスト Economist
【用語】:英語記事 リンガフランカ 英文法

【表題】:職場いじめを理解・定義・殲滅する Understanding Defining and Eliminating Workplace Bullying
【作者】:ジェリー・カーボ Jerry Carbo
【用語】:いじめ ハラスメント 職場

【表題】:頼りない未来人口 Bleak population prospects
【作者】:ジャパンタイムス Japan Times
【用語】:少子高齢化 人口減少 出生率

【表題】:アメリカはどうやって専門家への信頼を失ったのか How America Lost Faith in Expertise
【作者】:フォーリンアフェアーズ Foreign Affairs
【用語】:民主主義 意思決定 行政

早稲田社会学部 2018問題1

次の1~10について、誤った英語表現を含んだ部分がある場合にはa~dから誤りを1つ選び, 誤りがない場合にはeを選べ。

1. (a) From time to time, in certain places, one does hear intelligent people lament that they do not "understand" classical music, (b) as if understanding classical music were (c) somehow essential (d) to love it.   

2. The bombing of London by Germany in World War II was a terror attack, (a) in that the goal was not to cripple the British ability to (b) wage war, but to generate a psychological and political atmosphere that might split (c) public from the government and force the government (d) into negotiations.   

3. In the 20th century, Communism, Nazism and Fascism presented powerful challenges to the democratic world not only on the battlefield but also (a) in the realm of ideas, (b) offering models (c) for how societies should be organized that (d) many believed were superior to democracy.   

4. The overriding necessity for American policy in the years (a) to come is a return to the (b) balanced, global strategy that the United States (c) learned the example of ancient Rome and from the Britain (d) of a hundred years ago.   

5. Before the end of Obama's first year (a) at office, five Norwegian politicians awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize, (b) to the consternation of (c) many who thought that he had not yet done anything (d) to earn it.   

6. Sigmund Freud, the founder (a) of psychoanalysis, said several times of Nietzsche that he had (b) a penetrating knowledge of himself than (c) any other person who ever lived or was ever (d) likely to live.  

7. China's bid to (a) gradual adjust to (b) slightly lower growth has been helped by a still-robust property market, solid consumption and trade, (c) while industrial output and industrial profits (d) have weakened.  

8. As the storm roared through Florida, thrashing winds (a) tearing down trees and power lines (b) alike, and by Monday afternoon officials said the storm (c) may have cut power to (d) a majority of the state's 20.6million residents.   

9. An explosion sent (a) a scorching cloud of smoke and flames (b) through a London subway car Friday, injuring at least 22 rush-hour commuters and (c) sending people scrambling for safety in (d) which police called a terrorist incident.

10. Since last month more than 140,000 Rohingya Muslims (a) have fled the violence in Burma, carrying with them (b) whatever they can on the perilous journey to Bangladesh and arriving hungry, injured, and afraid, (c) if they arrive (d) at all.

早稲田社会学部 2018問題1 解答


1 d 
2 c 
3 e
4 c
5 a
6 b
7 a
8 a
9 d 
10 e

早稲田社会学部 2018問題1 解説


1 d 
A be essential to B AにはBが必須だ
understanding classical music were somehow essential to loving it

2 c 
political atmosphere that might split the public from the government

3 e

4 c
learn from A Aから学ぶ
global strategy that the United States learned from the example of ancient Rome

5 a
in office 現職の
to A's consternation Aの戸惑いとして
Before the end of Obama's first year in office

6 b
he had a more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other person

7 a
China's bid to gradually adjust to slightly lower growth

8 a
thrashing winds tore down trees and power lines

9 d 
safety in A Aの安全
sending people scrambling for safety in what police called a terrorist incident.

10 e

早稲田社会学部 2018問題2


"Slowly but surely, English is losing importance," humorously remarked Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, before ( 1 ) to French to deliver a speech on May 5th. Is this true? Not really, and it seems not to have been intended as seriously as easily-offended British headlinewriters took it. ( 2 ), Mr. Juncker, who is known for going off-script in his speeches, delivered his witty comment in English, and the audience laughed.

In any case, speakers of the language of Shakespeare have little to worry about. The European Union has 24 official languages, three of them considered ( 3 ) French, German and English. Eurocrats are polyglots, often able to speak these three languages plus another of their own. Mr. Juncker may be right that in the halls of the EU's institutions, English will be heard somewhat less after Brexit, ( 4 ) to the exodus of a big group of Anglophones. But English is not just British; it is also an official language in Ireland and Malta. More importantly, the three enlargements of the EU since 2004 have decisively shifted the balance in Brussels from French towards English. There is no consensus for going back, ( 5 ) changing to German.

( 6 ) , English is putting down deep roots among ordinary people on the continent. For all of France's famous linguistic nationalism, ( 7 ) that François Hollande, France's outgoing president, was mocked on Le Petit Journal, a French news and entertainment show, for his poor English. Emmanuel Macron, a generation younger, is perfectly fluent. Fully 66% of EU citizens speak another language, a number that is growing steadily. Eurostat, the EU's statistics agency, does not ( 8 ) those figures down by language spoken, but it is easy to infer from languages studied at school. Among students in lower secondary school outside Britain, 97% are studying English. Only 34% are learning French, and 23% German. In primary school 79% of students are already learning English, against just 4% for French. Some countries, like Denmark, begin English in the very first year of school<.br>

A language increases ( 9 ) with the number of people able to speak it, so languages that are valuable tend to become more so over time. And language knowledge takes a long time to acquire; societies do not quickly change the languages they speak. The trend of English in Europe began well before the vote for Brexit, and is unlikely to weaken, even gradually. Mr. Juncker might better have said that while Britain, unfortunately, is exiting the EU, ( 10 ).

a. translating
b. substituting
c. turning
d. switching
e. converting

a. After all
b. In contrast
c. For example.
d. Before that
e. In sum

a. "fluent language"
b. "strange language."
c. "traditional language."
d. “dead language"
e. "working language."

a. finally connected
b. probably because
c. simply due
d. closely related
e. strangely thanks

e. strangely thanks
a. in spite of
b. still less for
c. in relation to
d. regardless of
e. in addition to

a. Relatively
b. However
c. Besides
d. Otherwise
e. Normally

a. it is telling
b. it is definite
it is unclear
d. it is strange
e. it is unique

a. analyze
b. add
c. include
d. break
e. categorize

a. in step
b. in difficulty
c. in total
d. in proportion
e. in valu

a. Europe will forever blame Britain for the increasing importance of English
b. Europe will always remember the linguistic gift Britain is leaving behind
c. Europe will someday criticize Britain for its efforts in English education
d. Europe will surely modify the linguistic tools Britain gave to the EU
e. Europe will certainly refuse to ask Britain for linguistic help in English matters

早稲田社会学部 2018問題2 解答


1 d
2 a
3 e
4 c
5 b
6 c
7 a
8 d
9 e
10 b

早稲田社会学部 2018問題2 解説


1 d  switching to X Xに切替する

2 a  After all

3 e  "working language." 仕事用の言語

4 c  due to X Xが原因で 

5 b  still less for changing to German ドイツ語に切替することはさらにもっと少ない

6 c  Besides 加えて

7 a  it is telling 本心を表している

8 d  break X down Xに分類する

9 e  in value 価値の点で

10 b  Europe will always remember the linguistic gift Britain is leaving behind

Jean-Claude Junker  ジャン=クロード・ユンケル(1954年12/9生まれ)
キリスト教社会人民党元党首で元首相(在任期間 1995年1/20-2013年12/4)。

Francois Hollande フランソワ・オランド(1954年8/12生まれ)
第24代フランス大統領およびアンドラ共同大公(在任期間 2012年5/15-2017年5/14)

Emmanuel Macron エマニュエル・マクロン(1977年12/21生まれ)
第25代フランス大統領およびアンドラ共和国大公(在任期間 2017年5/14ー)

早稲田社会学部 2018問題2 全訳






(「エコノミスト」より 改訂) リンガ・フランカ

早稲田社会学部 2018問題3


We often mistakenly see bullying in the workplace as merely a micro level or individual level problem. We fail to recognize how workplace bullying is a systematic, macro level problem that requires a macro level solution. Because we tend to think only about the target, the bully or the organization itself, we tend to get caught up in certain limited solutions, for example, self-help, employer programs or even counseling for specific bullies. Those solutions leave the majority of targets of bullying unprotected, or think only about organizational level solutions that have simply not been realized. We oftentimes fail to recognize how the vast majority of targets of harassment and bullying are left with no meaningful protection or help. While the US legal system for the most part ignores or even worsens workplace bullying, personnel departments in many companies often do the same.

The reality is that workplace bullying is not a minor problem. It is pervasive. We could even consider it to be an epidemic in the American workplace. Workplace bullying is severe and the effects on targets, workplaces, communities and societies are devastating. The employer community knows about workplace bullying. The fact is bullying continues to be more and more common in national surveys, and these same surveys show that employers are ineffective in addressing workplace bullying; in addition, they are quite often complicit through their own wrongdoing. There are no current adequate legal remedies for workplace bullying, and it has not been addressed in the courts, in the legislatures, or even in unionized workplaces. Nor has it been discussed by employers. The legal system, judges, legislators and such are also accountable both through failure to act as well as through bad actions. It is obvious that workplace bullying is a serious social problem in American society today.

We can divide workplace bullying into three categories of behavior. The first type, individual level bullying, is engaged in at a micro level. The tactics are engaged in through direct interaction between the person that is the bully and the target. This includes the use of any form of communication like yelling, criticizing, threatening or ostracizing and ignoring. A second kind of bullying is organizational policy bullying, where the bully utilizes an organizational policy such as unfair evaluations of the target, overloading the target with work tasks, the assignment of menial tasks, or taking away the voice of the target by stripping him or her of autonomy. Bullies who have the power to implement organizational policies often use this form of bullying. A third type of bullying is by proxy, where the bullies use other employees to torment their targets. Many bullies engage in all of these forms of bullying and many targets experience a combination of all these forms.

Workplace bullying causes incredible amounts of lost productivity, absences, illnesses, psychological damage, trauma, loss of appetite, and even suicide or death as a result of illness caused by workplace stress. Those who are the targets of bullying are stripped of their human dignity, which is the basic foundation of all human rights. They are stripped of various human rights recognized in international documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed by the United Nations in 1948. That is because they are denied the right to just and favorable working conditions and the right to a physically and psychologically safe working environment.

Perhaps the most irritating part of the problem is the way that others summarily dismiss the harshness of workplace bullying. In the competitive environment of the present day, workers who are targets of bullying are often told by colleagues and friends that it is a normal part of work. Career advisors also tell these individuals that they are lucky to have a job and in essence not to worry about bullying as it is just part of the job. We have created a society that is frantically paced and competitive, and works according to a kind of selfish capitalism that often supports bullying behavior and bullies at the expense of ordinary people. As a result, many victims of bullying often blame themselves — a condition that is compounded by not having adequate access to remedies or solutions.

Unfortunately, many victims of workplace bullying are unable to pack up and find another job. In addition, if the bully has crushed their self-esteem they are less likely to be able to find other employment or to even feel confident enough to search for another job. To make the problem worse, there is no right to legal recourse for most types of workplace bullying. The law provides protection against only the harshest forms of bullying where obvious intent and psychological damage are both clear and severe.

1. Which one of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase get caught up in?

a. come up with
b. find out about
c. attempt to follow
d. focus mainly on
e. try to escape from

2. Which one of the following is closest in meaning to the word complicit?

a. criticized
b. responsible
c. targeted
d. active
e. questioned

3. Which one of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase the most irritating part of the problem?

a. the most annoying part of the issue
b. the most confusing part of the issue
c. the most irrational part of the issue
d. the most complicated part of the issue
e. the most unpredictable part of the issue

4. Which one of the following best explains the phrase pack up?

a. make a decision
b. arrange matters
c. put things away
d. feel confident
e. decide to quit

5. According to this passage, which THREE of the following are true?

a. The issue of workplace bullying is not limited to any one country.
b. The American workplace is faced with a major bullying problem.
c. Bullying in the workplace has not yet been studied or measure
d. Workplace bullying is only carried out by the person who is the bully.
e. Companies are not aware that bullying is going on in the workplace.
f. Laws to prevent and punish workplace bullying are in general sufficient.
g. Workplace bullies always target only those employees who are the most vulnerable.
h. One of the serious results of workplace bullying is lost productivity.
i. Workplace bullying deprives its victims of several basic human rights.
j. It is rare for the victims of bullying to consider themselves responsible.
k. Co-workers are the best source of comfort for victims of workplace bullying.

6. Which one of the following best describes the main point of this passage?

a. American society has many social problems that demand attention,
b. Bullying in the workplace is a recent and unique social phenomenon.
c. Corporate capitalism is the ultimate cause of macro level social strife.
d. Enforcing existing laws will lead to a decrease in workplace bullying.
e. Workplace bullying is a complex problem with no easy solutions.

早稲田社会学部 2018問題3 解答


1 d
2 b
3 a
4 e
5 b h i
6 e

早稲田社会学部 2018問題3 解説


1 d  focus mainly on 主に注目する
2 b  responsible 責任がある
3 a  the most annoying part of the issue 問題のもっとも不愉快な部分
4 e  decide to quit やめると決意する

a. 職場でのいじめ問題は、どの国にも限定されな。
b. アメリカの職場は大きないじめ問題に直面している。
c. 職場でのいじめはまだ調査も測定もされていない。
d. 職場でのいじめは、いじめっ子である人によってのみ行われる。
e. 企業は、いじめが職場で起こっていることを知らない。
f. 職場でのいじめを防止し処罰するための法律は、一般的には十分だ。
g. 職場のいじめっ子は常に最も脆弱な従業員のみを対象とする。
h. 職場でのいじめの深刻な結果の1つは、生産性の低下です。
i. 職場でのいじめは、その被害者からいくつかの基本的人権を奪う。
j. いじめの被害者が自らに責任かあると見なすことは稀だ。
k. 同僚は、職場でのいじめの被害者にとって最も安心できる場所です。

a. アメリカの社会には注意を要する多くの社会問題があります。
b. 職場でのいじめは、最近の独特な社会現象だ。
c. 企業資本主義は、マクロレベルの社会紛争の究極の原因だ。
d. 既存の法律を執行することは、職場でのいじめの減少につながる。
e. 職場でのいじめは簡単な解決策がない複雑な問題だ。

ハラスメントは、嫌がらせと訳され、職場・労働問題として認知されています。ハラスメントはいくつかに区分され、セクシャル・ハラスメント(sexual harrasment)は性的な嫌がらせを、パワー・ハラスメント(power harrasment)は上司部下の関係による嫌がらせです。ハラスメントの件数は、企業が健全かどうかの目安となります。


【menial tasks】

get caught up in X Xに捕らわれる
complicit 共犯の
ostracize 排斥する
strip X of Y XのYを奪う
autonomy 自治
dismiss 退ける
self-esteem 自己評価

Understanding Defining and Eliminating Workplace Bullying

早稲田社会学部 2018問題3 全訳








早稲田社会学部 2018問題4


The latest demographic forecast by a government think tank — that Japan's population will decline by one third in the coming fifty years — points to mounting policy challenges ranging from reduction of the workforce to sustainability of the social security system. Steady and persistent efforts are needed to slow and hopefully reverse the demographic trend, but we Japanese also must explore how we can live with the rapidly shrinking and graying population.

According to the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, which every five years releases long-term demographic estimates up to fifty years in the future, Japan's population in 2065 will be 88.08 million, which is a roughly 30 percent drop from the 127 million people living in Japan in 2015. That will be equivalent to losing an average of 780,000 people every year.

The population will not just shrink but will be much grayer. People 65 or older will account for an estimated 38.4 percent of the total population, up sharply from 26.6 percent in 2015. There were 2.1 people in the 20-to-64 age bracket for every one person in the elderly ranks in 2015. Fifty years from now, that ratio will be 1.2 to 1. That is a frightening prospect for the social security system, in which welfare programs for retirees are sustained by premium payments from the working population. That Japan had nine working-age adults for each elderly person in 1965 helps to explain the radical changes in population structure.

Indeed, the estimates released last week predict that the population decline will slow down a little compared with the previous forecast: the think tank projected the fertility rate in 2065 to be 1.44, compared with 1.35, which was the estimate made five years ago for 2060. Japan's population is now projected to dip below 100 million in 2053, instead of 2048 in the 2012 forecast. That, however, does not mean significant changes in the long-term trend of population decline and aging.

The nation's population started to decrease after peaking in 2008. The population in 2016 declined by a record 271,834 from the previous year for the seventh annual decrease in a row. The number of newborns last year is estimated to have dipped below 1 million for the first time since the government began gathering such statistics in 1899. That is far below the peak of 2.69 million in 1949.

The fertility rate, which is the estimated number of babies born to an average woman in her lifetime, has been inching up since bottoming out at 1.26 in 2005 to reach 1.45 in 2015, but is still far below 2.07, the level deemed necessary to sustain the population. And despite the slow recovery in the fertility rate, the downward trend in the number of newborns is expected to continue given that the number of women in their 20s and 30s — the main child bearing period — has already dwindled.

Alarmed by the rapidly graying and falling population, the Abe administration in 2014 set a goal of maintaining a population of 100 million in 2060, which officials say will be achievable if the administration meets its target of bringing the fertility rate up to 1.8 by the mid-2020s. The government has announced policy steps to support child-rearing by working mothers. It is believed that such steps encouraged more women in their 30s and 40s to have babies, contributing to the increase in fertility rates. The latest estimate, however, emphasizes the fact that these efforts may slow down but will not reverse the demographic trend.

To restore the fertility rate and slow the population decline, measures should continue to be explored to fight problems that discourage the younger generation from marrying and having children, including insecurity over jobs, financial concerns over having a family, or insufficient public support for childrearing.

At the same time, the government must not shirk from these stark demographic prospects. It must come up with a plan that copes with the shrinking and aging population and start building a public consensus on the best way forward. It cannot avoid such efforts by merely setting out an ambitious population goal.

A fundamental overhaul of the pension system, medical services, and nursing care programs will be inevitable in order to rebalance the benefits to retirees and the burden on the working-age generation. Wealthy retirees will need to be asked to bear an increased share of the cost or face reduced benefits.

The demographic estimate shows that the "productive age" population between 15 and 64 in 2065 will have fallen 41 percent from 2015, which is much faster than the decline of the total population. Both in order to secure manpower and contain rising medical and nursing care expenses, efforts will need to be made to help more people 65 or older stay fit and remain in the workforce.

An economy that experiences a 30 percent population decline cannot be sustained the same way it was in the past. Along with the problem of the shrinking manpower supply, consumer spending, which today accounts for 60 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), will obviously dwindle. Whether immigration can be a solution for sustaining the economy should be publicly discussed.

A steep population decline and aging as projected in the estimate is already a serious problem in rural Japan, where the population exodus to big metropolitan areas like Tokyo threatens the survival of local communities and the maintenance of basic services.

In fact, the Abe administration's “regional revitalization” bid to reverse the population shift makes sense as a partial solution to the nation's population woes. That is because the exodus to Tokyo, where the cost of living is high and the fertility rate is the lowest among the nation's 47 prefectures, worsens the situation.

The problem is that the administration's initiatives seem to be making little progress, and the concentration of people and resources in the capital continues undiminished. The government needs to redouble its efforts in this area.

1. Which one of the following best explains the demographic trend?

a. a decrease in the fertility rate and a decrease in female participation in the labor force
b. a drop in the male population and an increase in male participation in the labor force
c. an increase in the working age population and a decrease in the percentage of senior citizens
d. a rapid surge in the fertility rate in all categories and an increase in the total population
e. a decline in the total population and an increase in the percentage of senior citizens

2. Which one of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase shirk from?

a. criticize
b. accept
c. exaggerated
d. overcome
e. ignore

3. According to this article, which one of the following best describes one of the government's efforts in this area?

a. extending forest areas in regions outside the capital in order to control climate change
b. improving energy efficiency in the capital so as to achieve energy security in the near future
c. providing subsidies to daycare centers in the capital and other regions to promote equal opportunity for females
d. moving government offices and people out of the capital to reduce the excessive population concentration there
e. transferring resources from rural areas to the capital in order to generate needed tax revenues

4. According to this article, which THREE of the following are true?

a. A fertility rate of 2.07 is needed to increase the life expectancy of the entire population.
b. Reducing the financial burden of raising a family is one measure that should be considered in order to raise the fertility rate.
c. Compared with large metropolitan areas, rural areas are experiencing a slower population decline and a faster aging of the population.
d. Thirty years ago there were nine people in the 20-to-64 age bracket for every senior citizen in the population.
e. The Abe administration believes that government support for raising children will result in an increase in the child mortality rate.
f. The fertility rate slowly increased during the period from 2005 to 2015.
g. The social security system was modified after the bubble economy years because of unexpected demographic changes.
h. The government needs to set concrete targets before building a public consensus concerning the effects of demographic changes.
i. An increase in government spending can revitalize shrinking economic activities caused by a decline in consumer spending.
j. The regional revitalization attempt by the Abe administration is a reasonable option for helping to solve the problems of population decline and an aging population.
k. Population decline slowed down in 2017 compared to 2012 due to a drop in the fertility rate.

5. Which one of the following best describes the main point of this article?

a. The most important thing for the government to do is to solve problems related to population and resource distribution between urban and rural areas.
b. While striving to reverse the trend of a declining and aging population, Japan needs to find ways to accept and adapt to the current demographic trend.
c. An increase in female participation in the labor market is the key for improving the labor productivity of the working age population.
d. An aging population is inevitable in an affluent society, but technology can ease the increasing burdens of the working age population.
e. Foreign workers can help sustain the country's economic activities by contributing to the labor market in many sectors of the economy.

早稲田社会学部 2018問題4 解答


1 e  
2 e  
3 d  
4 b f j
5 b

早稲田社会学部 2018問題4 解説



1 e  a decline in the total population and an increase in the percentage of senior citizens 総人口の減少と高齢者の割合の増加

2 e  ignore 無視する 

3 d  moving government offices and people out of the capital to reduce the excessive population concentration there 過剰な人口集中を減らすためにそこの官庁や人々を首都から移動する

4 b f j
a. A fertility rate of 2.07 is needed to increase the life expectancy of the entire population. 人口の平均寿命を延ばすには、出生率2.07が必要だ。
b. Reducing the financial burden of raising a family is one measure that should be considered in order to raise the fertility rate. 家族を育てることの経済的負担を減らすことは、出生率を上げるために考慮すべき1つの基準だ。
c. Compared with large metropolitan areas, rural areas are experiencing a slower population decline and a faster aging of the population. 大都市圏と比較して、農村部では人口減少が鈍化し、人口の高齢化が加速している。
d. Thirty years ago there were nine people in the 20-to-64 age bracket for every senior citizen in the population. 30年前には、人口の20歳から64歳までの年齢層9人に対して、高齢者1人の割合だった。
e. The Abe administration believes that government support for raising children will result in an increase in the child mortality rate. 安倍政権は、子育てに対する政府の支援が児童生存率の上昇につながると信じている。
f. The fertility rate slowly increased during the period from 2005 to 2015. 出生率は2005年から2015年の間にゆっくり上昇した。
g. The social security system was modified after the bubble economy years because of unexpected demographic changes. 予想外の人口動態の変化により、社会保障制度はバブル経済時代以降に修正された。
h. The government needs to set concrete targets before building a public consensus concerning the effects of demographic changes. 人口の変化による影響について国民の合意を得る前に、政府は具体的な目標を設定する必要がある。
i. An increase in government spending can revitalize shrinking economic activities caused by a decline in consumer spending. 政府支出の増加は、個人消費の減少によって引き起こされる経済活動の縮小を活性化させる可能性がある。
j. The regional revitalization attempt by the Abe administration is a reasonable option for helping to solve the problems of population decline and an aging population. 安倍政権による地域活性化の試みは、人口減少や高齢化の問題を解決するための合理的な選択肢だ。
k. Population decline slowed down in 2017 compared to 2012 due to a drop in the fertility rate. 2017年の人口減少は、出生率の低下により、2012年と比較して、減速した。

5 b
a. The most important thing for the government to do is to solve problems related to population and resource distribution between urban and rural areas. 政府が行うべき最も重要なことは、都市部と農村部の人口と資源配分に関連する問題を解決することだ。
b. While striving to reverse the trend of a declining and aging population, Japan needs to find ways to accept and adapt to the current demographic trend. 人口の減少と高齢化の傾向を逆転させるよう努める一方で、日本は現在の人口動態の傾向を受け入れ、それに適応する方法を見つける必要があります。
c. An increase in female participation in the labor market is the key for improving the labor productivity of the working age population. 労働市場における女性の参加を増やすことが、生産年齢人口の労働生産性を向上させるための鍵となる。
d. An aging population is inevitable in an affluent society, but technology can ease the increasing burdens of the working age population. 裕福な社会では高齢化人口は避けられないが、テクノロジーは生産年齢人口の増加する負担を軽減することができる。
e. Foreign workers can help sustain the country's economic activities by contributing to the labor market in many sectors of the economy. 外国人労働者は、経済の多くの分野で労働市場に貢献することで、国家の経済活動を支えることができる。

【the number of newborns】
新生児の数。第二次大戦後、各国でベビーブームが起こりました。戦争が終わって兵士が復員し、平和な世の中に安心して子供を産めるようになったからです。日本でも1947年から1949年までベビーブーム(baby boom)となり、1949年の新生児数は最高の269万人を記録しました。この世代はボリュームの厚さから「団塊の世代」(英語ではbaby boomers)と呼ばれています。

【fertility rate】

【Abe administration】
第一次安倍政権  2006年9月26日~2007年9月26日
第二次安倍政権  2012年12月26日~

【child mortality rate】
乳幼児死亡率(頭文字をとってCMRと表します)。生まれた子供が5歳までに死亡する確率。通常は 出生した1000人の子供に対する死亡数でCMR50というように表します。一般に開発途上国では高く、2017年の世界1位は中央アフリカでCMR87.60、日本は世界190位でCMR1.90です。

【consumer spending】

【social security system】

【bubble economy】


one third 3分の1。因みに3分の2は two thirdsで分母を表すthirdは複数形になりますね(a thirdが二つあるので複数)。

by one third 次の二つの文により、このbyの使い方を復習しましょう。どちらも同じ意味。

He is 2 years younger than I.
He is younger than I by 2 years.

people 65 or older 65歳以上の人。65歳以下の人ならpeople 65 or youngerですね。

women in their 30s and 40s   30代と40代の女性。以下の例文も参照

When I met him, I was already in my 30s.(彼と会った時、私はすでに30代だった。)

dwindle 弱り衰える。同じようなニュアンス使われている言葉は decline, shrink, reduce( reduction),dip below~, derease, bottoming out( ⇔peaking), fall, diminish( undiminishの形で登場),

in rural Japan 日本の田舎(地方) rural⇔urban(都会の)も確認しておきましょう。

早稲田社会学部 2018問題4 全訳

















早稲田社会学部 2018問題5


Government and expertise rely on each other, especially in a democracy. The technological and economic progress that ensures the well-being of a population requires a division of labor, which in turn leads to the creation of professions.

Professionalism encourages experts to do their best to serve their clients, respect their own knowledge boundaries, and demand that their boundaries be respected by others, as part of an overall service to the most important client, which is society itself.

Dictatorships, too, demand this same service of experts, but they extract it by threat and direct its use by command. This is why dictatorships are actually less efficient and less productive than democracies (despite some popular stereotypes to the contrary).

In a democracy, the expert's service to the public is part of the social contract. Citizens delegate the power of decision on many issues to elected representatives and their expert advisers, while experts, for their part, ask that their efforts be received in good faith by a public that has informed itself enough – a key requirement — to make reasoned judgments.

This relationship between experts and citizens rests on a foundation of mutual respect and trust. When that foundation erodes, experts and laypeople become warring factions and democracy itself can become a casualty, leading to mob rule or elitist technocracy.

Living in a world filled with gadgets and once unimaginable conveniences and entertainments, Americans (and many other Westerners) have become almost childlike in their refusal to learn enough to govern themselves or to guide the policies that affect their lives. This is a collapse of functional citizenship, and it leads to a flood of other terrible consequences.

In the absence of informed citizens, for example, more knowledgeable administrative and intellectual elites do in fact take over the daily direction of the state and society. It has been said that the greatest danger to liberty today comes from the men who are most needed and most powerful in modern government, namely, the efficient expert administrators exclusively concerned with what they regard as the public good.

There is a great deal of truth in this. Unelected bureaucrats and policy specialists in many spheres exert tremendous influence on the daily lives of Americans. Today, however, this situation exists by default rather than by design.

And populism actually reinforces this elitism, because the celebration of ignorance cannot launch communications satellites, negotiate the rights of U.S. citizens overseas, or provide effective medications. Faced with a public that has no idea how most things work, experts disengage, choosing to speak mostly to one another.

Meanwhile, Americans have developed increasingly unrealistic expectations of what their political and economic systems can provide, and these high expectations result in continual disappointment and anger. When people are told that ending poverty or preventing terrorism or stimulating economic growth is a lot harder than it looks, they get bored and roll their eyes. Unable to comprehend all the complexity around them, they choose instead to comprehend almost none of it and then resentfully blame elites for seizing control of their lives.

Experts can only propose; elected leaders dispose. And politicians are very rarely experts on any of the innumerable subjects that come before them for a decision. By definition, nobody can be an expert on China policy and health care and climate change and immigration and taxation, all at the same time. That is why during, say, congressional hearings on a subject, actual experts are usually brought in to advise the elected laypeople charged with making sound decisions.

Americans too easily forget that the form of government under which they live was not designed for mass decisions about complicated issues. Neither, of course, was it designed for rule by a tiny group of technocrats or experts. Rather, it was meant to be the way by which an informed electorate could choose other people to represent them, come up to speed on important questions, and make decisions on the public's behalf.

The workings of such a representative democracy, however, are many times more difficult when the electorate is not competent to judge the matters at hand. Laypeople complain about the rule of experts and demand greater involvement in complicated national questions, but many of them express their anger and make these demands only after giving up their own important role in the process: namely, to stay informed and politically literate enough to choose representatives who can act wisely on their behalf. Ignorant voters end up punishing society at large for their own mistakes.

Too few citizens today understand democracy to mean a condition of political equality in which all are able to vote and are equal in the eyes of the law. Rather, they think of it as a state of actual equality, in which every opinion is as good as any other, regardless of the logic or evidentiary base behind it. But that is not how a republic is meant to work, and the sooner American society establishes new basic rules for productive engagement between educated elites and the society around them, the better.

Experts need to remember, always, that they are the servants of a democratic society and a republican government. Their citizen masters, however, must equip themselves not just with education but also with the kind of civic virtue that keeps them involved in the running of their own country. Laypeople cannot do without experts, and they must accept this reality without getting angry. Experts, likewise, must accept that they get a hearing, not a veto, and that their advice will not always be taken. At the present time, the bonds tying the system together are dangerously weakened. Unless some sort of trust and mutual respect can be restored, public discourse will be polluted by unearned respect for unfounded opinions. And in such an environment, anything and everything becomes possible, including the end of democracy and republican government itself.

1. According to this passage, which THREE of the following are true?

a. Specialists can usually be sure that their policies will be acceptable to the government.
b. Experts can make various proposals, but only political leaders can carry them out.
c. Politicians and experts have similar views of what needs to be done.
d. There is little or no mistrust of specialists among most citizens and politicians.
e. Policy specialists work mainly for politicians rather than for bureaucrats.
f. The American government was so structured as to rely on a small group of experts.
g. Most citizens are well informed about the issues and problems of representation.
h. It is important that citizens and experts believe in and show respect for one another,
i. Citizens often blame bureaucrats for the complexity of the ills faced by societies today,
j. Experts are treated in the same way by democratic as well as authoritarian governments.
k. Experts and their policies have a great influence on the everyday life of citizens.
l. Politicians have traditionally had a deep understanding of the major social issues.
m. Voters who are knowledgeable about the issues have a positive effect on society.

2. Which one of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase for their part?

a. for their own personal benefit
b. making a significant contribution
c. as much as they personally desire
d. in support of their own policies
e. speaking on their own behalf

3. Which one of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase by default?

a. through lack of positive action
b. through failure to explain
c. through meaningless opposition
d. through mistaken viewpoints
e. through unnecessary discussions

4. Which one of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase come up to speed?

a. master the facts as fast as possible
b. learn at a very quick pace
c. engage in speedy discussions
d. have the latest information
e. come to a common consensus

5. Which one of the following is closest in meaning to evidentiary base?

a. important details
b. factual foundation
c. questionable evidence
d. opinionated arguments
e. truthful information

6. Which one of the following best explains the meaning of they get a hearing?

a. they can listen to and discuss other proposals
b. they are able to hear what others have to say
c. they have a chance to give their opinions
d. they get the opportunity to listen to others
e. they have to present their objections to the people

7. Which one of the following can we infer from this passage?

a. Experts will probably continue to play an essential role in American politics.
b. Citizens will probably have to get rid of experts and ignore their ideas.
c. Experts will probably join hands frequently with politicians to control information.
d. Democracies will probably have to increase the power of bureaucratic specialists.
e. Elitism will probably endanger the political foundation of all democracies.

早稲田社会学部 2018問題5 解答

1 b h m
2 e
3 a
4 d
5 b
6 c
7 a

早稲田社会学部 2018問題5 解説


1 b h m

a. Specialists can usually be sure that their policies will be acceptable to the government 専門家は通常、彼らの方針が政府に受け入れられると確信している。

b. Experts can make various proposals, but only political leaders can carry them out 専門家はさまざまな提案をすることができるが政治的指導者だけが実行できる。

c. Politicians and experts have similar views of what needs to be done. 政治家と専門家は、やるべきことについて同様の見解を持っています。

d. There is little or no mistrust of specialists among most citizens and politicians. ほとんどの市民と政治家の間で、専門家への不信はほとんどまたは全くない。

e. Policy specialists work mainly for politicians rather than for bureaucrats. 政策の専門家は、官僚のためではなく、主に政治家のために働いている。

f. The American government was so structured as to rely on a small group of experts アメリカ政府は小規模な専門家集団に頼るように構成されている。

g. Most citizens are well informed about the issues and problems of representation. ほとんどの市民は代表の問題や争点についてよく知らされている。

h. It is important that citizens and experts believe in and show respect for one another 市民と専門家が、互いに信じあい、敬意を示しあうことが重要だ。

i. Citizens often blame bureaucrats for the complexity of the ills faced by societies today 市民はしばしば、今日の社会に直面している問題の複雑さを、官僚のせいにしている。

j. Experts are treated in the same way by democratic as well as authoritarian governments 専門家は権威主義体制でも民主主義体制でも同様に扱われる。

k. Experts and their policies have a great influence on the everyday life of citizens. 専門家とその政策は市民の日常生活に大きな影響を与える。

l. Politicians have traditionally had a deep understanding of the major social issues. 政治家たちは伝統的に主要な社会問題について深く理解している。

m. Voters who are knowledgeable about the issues have a positive effect on society. この問題について知識のある投票者は、社会に良い影響がある。

2 e  speaking on their own behalf 自分に代わって話す

3 a  through lack of positive action 前向きな行動の欠如を通して

4 d  have the latest information 最新の情報がある

5 b  factual foundation 事実となる根拠

6 c  they have a chance to give their opinions 意見を述べる機会がある。

7 a  Experts will probably continue to play an essential role in American politics 専門家はおそらくアメリカの政治で今後も重要な役割を果たし続けるだろう。


【delegate X to Y】 

In a democracy, citizens delegate the power to elected representatives.

【regardless of X】

【the sooner………., the better】



The more often I see her, the more I love her. 

The harder you exercise, the faster you can run.

expertise 専門家
laypeople 素人
stereotypes 固定観念
social contract 社会契約
technocracy 官僚主義
gadget 玩具
mob 大衆・群衆
technocracy 官僚制
veto 拒否権
elitism 選良主義

早稲田社会学部 2018問題5 全訳

















