京都大学 英語2021年大問1 傾向対策解答解説

京都大学 英語2021年大問1 傾向対策解答解説

京都大学 英語2021年大問1 傾向対策解答解説

京都大学 英語2021年大問1 傾向対策解答解説

大学京都大学(きょうとだいがく) / 京大(きょうだい)
試験会場:京都市左京区 京都大学吉田キャンパス

表題:物語する動物 / The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human
作者:ジョナサンゴッシャル / Jonathan Gottschall
用語:歴史と詩 事実と虚構 本能





京都大学英語2021年大問1 問題文

【京都大学 英語2021年大問1 問題文】

次の文章の下線部(1)から(3)を、和訳しなさい。 (配点50点)

Telling stories is an activity that has been with human beings from the beginning of time. We might go so far as to say we are story-telling animals born with narrative instinct. We go to work in the morning, see our officemates, and tell them what happened on the previous night; we go home in the evening, see our family, and tell them what happened during the day. We love to tell stories and we love to listen to them. Narrative is everywhere: news, gossip, dreams, fantasies, reports, confessions, and so on and so forth.

In particular, we spend a deal of time consuming all kinds of fictional narratives, such as novels, cartoon stories, movies, TV serials. Surely it will be of some use to ponder whether fiction is good for us or not. Indeed, this is a problem with a long history going back to ancient philosophers. Plato famously excluded poets from his ideal republic, for he thought their creations were ultimately untrue. Put in the simplest terms, he regarded poems as lies. He did not believe something offered as fiction could justify itself. His brightest pupil Aristotle thought differently. One major point of Aristotle's theory is said to be:  (1) while history expresses the particular, concentrating on specific details as they happened, poetry can illuminate the universal, not allowing the accidental to intervene. Hence the justification.

As the debate continues to the present time, researchers in psychology have shown us a new way of dealing with this old problem. From various experiments, it emerges that fiction has the power to modify us. Reportedly,  (2) "when we read nonfiction, we read with our shields up. We are critical and skeptical. But when we are absorbed in a story, we drop our intellectual guard. We are moved emotionally, and this seems to make us rubbery and easy to shape." This might sound rather simplistic, but importantly, researchers are attempting to tell us that reading fiction cultivates empathy. When a reader is immersed in the fictional world, she places herself in the position of characters in the narrative, and the repeated practice of this activity sharpens the ability to understand other people. So, nurturing our interpersonal sensitivity in the real world, fiction, especially literary fiction, can shape us for the better.

Although this is not exactly news, it is surely comforting to have scientific support for the importance of fiction. Nevertheless, a careful distinction is in order here. It may be true that fiction actually makes one behave with better understanding towards the people around one. Empathy, however, does not necessarily lead to social good. A recent article on the topic points out: "Some of the most empathetic people you will ever meet are businesspeople and lawyers.  (3) They can grasp another person's feelings in an instant, act on them, and clinch a deal or win a trial. The result may well leave the person on the other side feeling anguished or defeated. Conversely, we have all known bookish, introverted people who are not good at puzzling out other people, or, if they are, lack the ability to act on what they have grasped about the other person." (Here bookish people are, we are meant to understand, keen readers of fiction.) Empathetic understanding and sympathetic action are different matters — how and why they are so, in connection with reading fiction, will be further explored by future research, we hope.

Gottschall, Jonathan. The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human. 2012.

京都大学英語2021年大問1 解答

【京都大学 英語2021年大問1 解答】

【京都大学 英語2021年大問1-(1) 解答】


【京都大学 英語2021年大問1-(2) 解答】


【京都大学 英語2021年大問1-(3) 解答】

彼らは、他人の心情を瞬時に理解し、それを行動に移し、取引を成立させたり、裁判に勝ったりすることができます。 その結果、他人は、反対側の心情である苦悩や敗北感を、味わうことになるでしょう。 反対に、読書好きで内向的な人間が、他人の気持ちの理解が苦手だったり、もし理解しても、他人の気持ちの理解にもとづいて行動に移す能力が欠けていると、私たちはみんな、知っています。

京都大学英語2021年大問1 解説

【京都大学 英語2021年大問1 解説】



【京都大学 英語2021年大問1 重要表現】

narrative 物語

instinct 本能

fiction 虚構

ideal 理想の

justify 正当化する

empathy 感情移入

sympathy 同情共感

empathy(エンパシー) 対 sympathy(シンパシー) 

【京都大学 英語2021年大問1-(1) 解説】

One major point of Aristotle's theory is said to be:  (1) while history expresses the particular, concentrating on specific details as they happened, poetry can illuminate the universal, not allowing the accidental to intervene. Hence the justification.


【コロン( : ) 英文和訳】

コロン(colon : )は、原則として、「物事の説明」に用います。


history と poerty は対比されている概念です。他にも対比されている表現をまとめると、以下になります。

specific detailsnot accidental

【Hence 英文和訳】

Hence は副詞で、「それゆえに」という意味を、まずは押さえておきましょう。 加えて、 Hence には「自分の主張を支持する証拠として」という意味もあります。ここでは、「詩を正当化する証拠としての文章」という意味で、意訳しました。

【京都大学 英語2021年大問1-(2) 解説】

 (2) "when we read nonfiction, we read with our shields up. We are critical and skeptical. But when we are absorbed in a story, we drop our intellectual guard. We are moved emotionally, and this seems to make us rubbery and easy to shape."

「私たちがノンフィクションを読むとき、私たちは心の盾を張って、読みます。私たちは、批判的で、懐疑的です。しかし、物語に夢中になっているときは、知的な防御を外します。 私たちは感情的に揺さぶられ、それによってゴムのように柔軟に、しなやかに形を変えることができるようです」

【with our shields up】


【be absorbed in 夢中になる】


【move 感動する】




【京都大学 英語2021年大問1-(3) 解説】

A recent article on the topic points out: "Some of the most empathetic people you will ever meet are businesspeople and lawyers.  (3) They can grasp another person's feelings in an instant, act on them, and clinch a deal or win a trial. The result may well leave the person on the other side feeling anguished or defeated. Conversely, we have all known bookish, introverted people who are not good at puzzling out other people, or, if they are, lack the ability to act on what they have grasped about the other person."

最近の記事では、こう指摘されています。「あなたがこれまでに出会った中で、最も感情移入の能力の高い人間は、経営者や弁護士です。彼らは、他人の心情を瞬時に理解し、それを行動に移し、取引を成立させたり、裁判に勝ったりすることができます。 その結果、他人は、反対側の心情である苦悩や敗北感を、味わうことになるでしょう。 反対に、読書好きで内向的な人間が、他人の気持ちの理解が苦手だったり、もし理解しても、他人の気持ちの理解にもとづいて行動に移す能力が欠けていると、私たちはみんな、知っています。


bookish introverted people は、 businesspeople and lawyers と、対比されています。


両者の相違点は、内向的(introverted people)であるか、外向的(Extroverted)であるかです。





問題文の作者であるジョナサン・ゴッシャル(Jonathan Gottschall)さんは、科学と芸術の学際領域における研究者で、いくつもの著作があります。



Gottschall, Jonathan. The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human. 2012.

Gottschall, Jonathan. The Professor in the Cage: Why Men Fight and Why We Like to Watch. 2015.

京都大学英語2021年大問1 全文対訳

【京都大学 英語2021年大問1 全文対訳】

Telling stories is an activity that has been with human beings from the beginning of time.


We might go so far as to say we are story-telling animals born with narrative instinct.


We go to work in the morning, see our officemates, and tell them what happened on the previous night; we go home in the evening, see our family, and tell them what happened during the day.


We love to tell stories and we love to listen to them.


Narrative is everywhere: news, gossip, dreams, fantasies, reports, confessions, and so on and so forth.


In particular, we spend a deal of time consuming all kinds of fictional narratives, such as novels, cartoon stories, movies, TV serials.


Surely it will be of some use to ponder whether fiction is good for us or not.


Indeed, this is a problem with a long history going back to ancient philosophers.


Plato famously excluded poets from his ideal republic, for he thought their creations were ultimately untrue.


Put in the simplest terms, he regarded poems as lies.


He did not believe something offered as fiction could justify itself.


His brightest pupil Aristotle thought differently.


One major point of Aristotle's theory is said to be: while history expresses the particular, concentrating on specific details as they happened, poetry can illuminate the universal, not allowing the accidental to intervene. Hence the justification.


As the debate continues to the present time, researchers in psychology have shown us a new way of dealing with this old problem.


From various experiments, it emerges that fiction has the power to modify us.


Reportedly, "when we read nonfiction, we read with our shields up.


We are critical and skeptical.


But when we are absorbed in a story, we drop our intellectual guard.


We are moved emotionally, and this seems to make us rubbery and easy to shape."


This might sound rather simplistic, but importantly, researchers are attempting to tell us that reading fiction cultivates empathy.


When a reader is immersed in the fictional world, she places herself in the position of characters in the narrative, and the repeated practice of this activity sharpens the ability to understand other people.


So, nurturing our interpersonal sensitivity in the real world, fiction, especially literary fiction, can shape us for the better.


Although this is not exactly news, it is surely comforting to have scientific support for the importance of fiction.


Nevertheless, a careful distinction is in order here.


It may be true that fiction actually makes one behave with better understanding towards the people around one.


Empathy, however, does not necessarily lead to social good.


A recent article on the topic points out: "Some of the most empathetic people you will ever meet are businesspeople and lawyers.


They can grasp another person's feelings in an instant, act on them, and clinch a deal or win a trial.


The result may well leave the person on the other side feeling anguished or defeated.


Conversely, we have all known bookish, introverted people who are not good at puzzling out other people, or, if they are, lack the ability to act on what they have grasped about the other person."


(Here bookish people are, we are meant to understand, keen readers of fiction.)


Empathetic understanding and sympathetic action are different matters — how and why they are so, in connection with reading fiction, will be further explored by future research, we hope.

