【大問1 読解問題】
The world changed ((い) drama) on June 29, 2007. That's the day when the iPhone first became available to the public. Smartphone technology has allowed billions of people to enter and participate in a new, cybernetic, complex, and rapid relationship with the world. With artificial intelligence, virtual reality, social media, and other mind-blowing developments, our technological world gets ever more interesting, changes ever faster, and, at least from my archaeological perspective, becomes ever more daunting.
The rapidity of technological change, and by extension our current relationship to time, is ( X ) of our species. The Industrial Revolution marks the beginning of a remarkably different era for us as a species, yet it occurred during the last 0.1 percent of our time on this planet. Humankind's relationship with technology, with change, and with time, is in ( 1 ) territory. Our ancestors - the people who preceded us for 99.9 percent of our species existence – would be terrified at the rapid rate of change we currently expect. [ A ] The question is, what does it all mean?
I can think of three points worth emphasizing. First, we should acknowledge that our current experience of time is unusual – it's getting more and more ( 2 ) and granular. Technology is supposed to make our lives easier and more pleasurable. As a result, we should have more leisure time, not less. But we don't. We complain when a ((ろ) fly) is an hour late, failing to marvel at the fact that we have just ((は) fly) 500 miles in an hour. It wasn't so long ago - a century at most - that a 500-mile trip took weeks, if not months, and was potentially life threatening. [B]
Second, we should recognize that the vast majority of people on Earth today believe time is linear, with one direction leading from past to present to future. [C] It's important to note that for most of our species' existence, humans understood time to be cyclical, with naturally ( 3 ) days, seasons, and years, all of which guided ((に) behave) and activities.
Finally, it would seem that we are addicted to "new and improved” technology, perhaps for its own sake. There are many reasons for this, including capitalist product development schedules, marketing campaigns, and modern consumer psychology. The archaeological record, however, very clearly shows us that “old and just fine” worked sustainably well for the vast majority of our species' existence. [D]
The ever-increasing rate of technological change in our lives has led to slavish adherence to ever more refined and precise slices of time in our lives. Keep in mind that such temporal dominance and precision has occurred only in the last few hundred years (since the Industrial Revolution), a ridiculously small sliver of our species' time on this planet. Our overscheduled, hyperprecise, Western approach to time doesn't allow us to stop and smell the roses, much less enjoy nature, think deeply, or learn a new hobby or skill. Cyclical time, on the other hand, is more fluid and not ( 4 ) to such time-crunching compaction. It is therefore amenable to a more relaxing way of life - one not dominated by technological change for its own sake. A return to cyclical time might just facilitate a return to a way of life for which our brains, heart, and souls evolved over hundreds and thousands of years.
Speaking of which, I think it's time for me to take a nap.
Stephen Nash. Is Cyclical Time the Cure to Technology's Ills.
[1] 空所( 1 )~( 4 )に入る最も適切な表現を選択肢1から4の中から選び、マークシートの解答欄[ 1 ]から[ 4 ]にマークしなさい。
1 uncharted
2 understanding
3 undertaking
4 urban
1 perfect
2 pleasant
3 precise
4 prolonged
1 recurring
2 recycling
3 resonating
4 roaring
1 sacred
2 superior
3 susceptible
4 sustainable
[2] 次の1~9の語(句)を文法的・内容的に最も適切な順序に並べかえて、( X )を完成させたとき、3番目にくるものの番号を解答欄[ 5 ]に、6番目にくるものの番号を解答欄[ 6 ]にマークしなさい。
1. 200,000-year
2. against
3. evolutionary
4. history
6. undeniably
7. unusual
8. viewed
9. when
[3] 下記の【 】内の文が入る本文中の位置として最も適切なものを選択肢1~4の中から選び、マークシートの解答欄[ 7 ]にマークしなさい。
【But that's a recent cultural construct.】
1. [A]
2. [B]
3. [C]
4. [D]
[4] 次の文は英文全体の要旨を述べたものである。下記の空所(ア) ~ (コ)に入る表現として最も適切なものを選択肢1から4の中から選び、マークシートの解答欄[ 8 ]から[ 17 ]にマークしなさい。
Although the ( ア ) of the smartphone and other new technologies has made our lives more ( イ ) and connected, the author finds this unsettling. He suggests that it is worthwhile to stand back and look at the larger ( ウ ) picture from ( エ ) perspective. Specifically, the author points out that the way most of us today value and perceive time - as ( オ ), and as becoming increasingly refined and ( カ ) - is an anomaly of the industrialized West, when placed within the ( キ ) history of the human species. For most of human history, time has been ( ク ), and it is the mode in which humans have evolved ( ケ ). The author suggests that we would benefit from returning to such a sense of time which allows for deeper thought, experience, and ( コ ).
( ア )
1. appeal
2. birth
3. exit
4. repeal
( イ )
1. efficient
2. excruciating
3. isolated
4. unhealthy
( ウ )
1. lunar
2. planetary
3. regional
4. solar
( エ )
1. an archaeologists
2. a psychologist's
3. a technician's
4. a time keeper's
( オ )
1. cyclical
2. linear
3. pleasurable
4. repetitive
( カ )
1: compressed
2. expansive
3. fluid
4. slavish
( キ )
1. big
2. medieval
3. recent
4. short
( ク )
1. cyclical
2. linear
3. pleasurable
4. repetitive
( ケ )
1. cyclically and linearly
2. linearly and psychologically
3. physiologically and spiritually
4. slavishly and spiritually
( コ )
1. addiction
2. doze
3. evacuation
4. relaxation
[5] 本文中の( い ) ~ ( に )の( )内の語を必要に応じて適切な語形に書き直してなさい。ただし、語尾に"--ed"と"--ing"の付くものは不可とします。解答は解答用紙(記述式)に記入しなさい。