早稲田政治経済 傾向対策解答解説 2020問題1

早稲田政治経済 傾向対策解答解説 2020問題1

早稲田政治経済 傾向対策解答解説 2020問題1

早稲田政治経済 傾向対策解答解説 2020問題1












一般選抜 政治経済学部 政治学科:150名
一般選抜 政治経済学部 経済学科:200名
一般選抜 政治経済学部 国際政治経済学科:100名
一般選抜 合計:450名
一般選抜 入学者割合:450÷525×100=85・7%


























:猿が公正さを教えてくれる What Monkeys Can Teach Us About Fairness


:ニコラス・クリストフ Nicholas Kristof





:公平 格差 社会心理



【プロ家庭教師 政治経済(政経)対策講座】






大問1 読解問題】

Read this article and answer the questions below.

ーーー問題文 著作権許可待機中ーーー

Title:Adapted from What Monkeys Can Teach Us About Fairness
Author:Nicholas Kristof
Website:The New York Times

大問1 設問1:Choose the most suitable answer from those below to complete the following sentence.

The monkeys that threw slices of cucumber back at the researcher

(a) disliked the type of cucumbers they were being given.
(b) failed to understand the importance of fairness.
(c) felt upset that other monkeys were getting better treatment.
(d) had no more stones they could throw at the researcher.
(e) thought the researcher wanted to have them.

大問1 設問2:Choose the most suitable order of sentences from those below to fill in blank space (A).

(a) However, on some flights, they get on in the middle of the plane.
(b) Looking at these two scenarios, the researchers found that an air-rage incident in the economy was three times as likely when economy passengers had to walk through first class compared with when they bypassed it.
(c) When there is a first-class section, it is at the front of the plane, and economy passengers typically walk through it to reach their seats.

大問1 設問3:Choose the most suitable answer from those below to complete the following sentence.

Keith Payne suggests that we are mistaken to think that

(a) data regarding matters of inequality accurately reflects the true situation.
(b) earning the minimum wage will strengthen family relationships.
(c) humans can best be described as social creatures.
(d) poverty is the reason for the weakening of social ties.
(e) the disadvantage of being poor changes our perception of the value of food.

大問1 設問4:Choose the most suitable answer from those below to fill in blank space (B).

(a) discovered that the owners were right
(b) found that the opposite was true
(e) revealed that this helped to raise wages
(d) saw little value in their findings
(c) were unable to establish a relationship

大問1 設問5:Use six of the seven words below to fill in blank space (C) in the best way. Indicate your choices for the second, fourth, and sixth positions.

(a) is
(b) it
(c) rather
(d) so
(e) than
(f) the
(g) way

大問1 設問6:Choose the most suitable answer from those below to complete the following sentence.

The writer concludes that dealing with the problems he describes requires us to

(a) distinguish between the causes and symptoms of unhappiness.
(b) focus on how unequal American society has become.
(c) increase the income of those at the bottom of society.
(d) remove controversial individuals from public office.
(e) understand the importance of racial tension in the U.S.




大問1 読解問題 解答】

大問1 設問1解答:(c)
大問1 設問2解答:(c)ー(a)ー(b)
大問1 設問3解答:(d)
大問1 設問4解答:(b)
大問1 設問5解答:2番目-(e) 4 番目-(g) 6番目-(a) rather than the way it is (不要語:so)
大問1 設問6解答:(b)




大問1 読解問題 解説】



大問1 設問1解説:(c)

The monkeys that threw slices of cucumber back at the researcher felt upset that other monkeys were getting better treatment.


大問1 設問2解説:(c)ー(a)ー(b)

(c) When there is a first-class section, it is at the front of the plane, and economy passengers typically walk through it to reach their seats.


(a) However, on some flights, they get on in the middle of the plane.


(b) Looking at these two scenarios, the researchers found that an air-rage incident in the economy was three times as likely when economy passengers had to walk through first class compared with when they bypassed it.

これら 2 つの事例を見て、研究者は、エコノミークラスの迷惑行為は、エコノミークラスの乗客がファーストクラスを横切らなければならなかった時に、それを短縮したときと比較して 、確率が3 倍が高いことを発見しました。

大問1 設問3解説:(d)

Keith Payne suggests that we are mistaken to think that humans can best be described as social creatures.


大問1 設問4解説:(b)

found that the opposite was true


大問1 設問5解説:2番目-(e) 4 番目-(g) 6番目-(a) 

rather than the way it is (不要語:so)

大問1 設問6解説:(b)

The writer concludes that dealing with the problems he describes requires us to focus on how unequal American society has become.

