早稲田理工学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題3

早稲田理工学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題3

早稲田理工学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題3

早稲田理工学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題3






2019年 問題




:インターネットの規制と検閲 Internet Regulation and Censorship.


:アラン・ジリス Alan Gillies




:インターネットの規制 検閲 マインドフルネス



【プロ家庭教師 理工学部対策講座】



早稲田理工学部 2019問題3

【大問3 適語補充】

Answer the questions in Sections A and B.

Section A: Read the text and choose the best option from a - d for questions 1 - 6.

There is ( I ) paradox at the heart of the Internet. The Internet technical platform is a highly controlled and regulated environment. It is almost certainly ( II ) largest example of a commonly agreed technical solution that depends upon everyone using the same technical standards, with 1 billion unique users and probably another billion with access to it. The content expressed ( A ) Web pages, e-mails, and increasingly social networking sites built on this platform is often perceived to be a wildly unregulated environment, portrayed as a kind of virtual Wild West, with everyone joining in ( III ) gold rushes of the dot-com boom and e-commerce, showing little respect for the rules. The popular media emphasizes the evil purposes to ( B ) it is put, including financial scams, pornography, terrorism, and unreliable medications to improve sexual performance. Almost without ( IV ) exception, when a major scandal, ( C ) a network of pedophiles or a terrorist group, is uncovered, they will have used the Internet in some form to communicate. They will also certainly have used other means such as telephones, mobile and fixed line, but these seem to attract ( D ) negative attention. The Internet is often implied to be encouraging people to commit crimes, ( C ) The Sun headline from 14 October 2009: “A PREGNANT mother of eight who is the latest alleged pervert seized over a Facebook pedophile ring is a SECOND nursery nurse, The Sun can reveal.” According to the security firm Symantec, ( B ) obviously has a vested interest in talking up the story, spam e-mails now ( E ) 86% of global e-mails (October 2009). Many of these spam e-mails are designed to extract personal details in order to facilitate identity theft in the practice known as phishing.

Alan Gillies. Internet Regulation and Censorship.

1. In which blanks from I - IV is the word 'a' or 'an' most likely used?

a. I only
b. I and II only
c. I, III, and IV only
d. II and III only

2. Which of the following best fits in the blank labeled A?

a. around
b. through
c. of
d. to

3. Which of the following best fits in the two blanks labeled B?

a. that
b. where
c. this
d. which

4. Which of the following best fits in the two blanks labeled C?

a. however
b. for example
c. since
d. but

5. Which of the following best fits in the blank labeled D?

a. all
b. the
c. much
d. less

6. Which of the following best fits in the blank labeled E?

a. include in
b. combine
c. account for
d. determine

Section B: The five paragraphs [A] - [E] given below make up a passage but are not properly ordered. Moreover, the five sentences (1) – (5) in paragraph [A] are not properly ordered, either. Read the passage and choose the best option from a - d for questions 7 and 8.

(1) This means that we're accepting anxiety into our world, not turning it away.

(2) What is interesting about this approach is that one doesn't suppress the anxiety, or try to turn it into
something else.

(3) A number of studies have shown mindfulness meditation to be an effective treatment for anxiety

(4) The key to these forms of assistive technologies seems to be then to allow ourselves to experience a
certain amount of anxiety without becoming debilitating.

(5) Rather, one simply notices the anxiety, acknowledges it, labels it, and then turns the focus elsewhere.

[B] Another powerful technology, this one using only breath and awareness, is mindfulness meditation practice (also useful for depression). The practitioner sits in a comfortable position in a chair or on a pillow with feet flat on the floor and back straight. Then, for a period of twenty to thirty minutes or more, she trains her attention on the breath. Perhaps focusing on the rising or falling of the belly, or on the rush of air through the nostrils, she stays in the "now" with the incoming and outgoing of breath.

[C] There is a range of assistive technologies that can help people cope with anxiety. One form of assistive technology is available to help individuals with specific phobia or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This technology uses virtual-reality computer hardware and software to help desensitize users to their fears by providing them with a gradual exposure to the feared object.

[D] If the mind should wander, the practitioner simply notices what she is experiencing and then returns her attention to the breath. For example, if her mind thinks about some shopping she needs to do later, she would simply notice what she is thinking and perhaps say to herself, "planning, planning," and then return her focus to the breath. For people who are highly anxious, using this technique gives them an opportunity to gain some distance from their experience. If they start to worry about some future event, they can simply label what they're experiencing (“worrying, worrying”), and then go back to being aware of their breathing. The breath serves as an anchor for awareness, and pure awareness is ultimately free of anxiety.

[E] Using a platform and a headset, the person is immersed in a computer-generated environment (both audio and visual) designed to reproduce the real-world setting (e.g., an airplane for fear of flying, an elevator for fear of heights, a combat situation for a person with PTSD). Then the individual is gradually exposed to stimuli from the setting until they get used to that level of stimulation, after which the level is increased in a series of steps. Eventually, the user becomes habituated to the stimuli so that they can take a plane flight or maintain their calm in a hectic environment without triggering PTSD symptoms.

Armstrong T. The Power of Neurodiversity.

7. Which of the following shows the best (most coherent) sentence order for paragraph [A]?

a. 1–5–3–4–2
b. 2–3-4-1-5
c. 3–2–5–1-4
d. 4–3–5–2–1

8. Which of the following shows the best (most coherent) paragraph order for the passage?

a. A-C-D-B-E
b. B-C-D-E-A
c. C-E-B-D-A
d. D-C-E-A-B

早稲田理工学部 2019問題3 解答

【大問3 適語補充 解答】

Section A
1.  a
2.  b
3.  d
4.  b
5.  d
6.  c

Section B
7.  c
8.  c

早稲田理工学部 2019問題3 解説

【大問3 適語補充 解説】




The Sun: 「ザ・サン」は1964年創刊のイギリスの日刊タブロイド紙。世界で最も発行部数の多い大衆紙。⁽2016年10月では約170万部)。タブロイド紙とは、主にスキャンダルやゴシップを取り上げる新聞。

Symantec: シマンテック・コーポレーション(Symantec Corporation)はアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州にあるIT企業。セキュリティウェアの開発・販売を主に行う。1982年設立。


post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): 心的外傷後ストレス障害(トラウマ)とは、悲惨な体験や強い精神的ストレスによって心が傷ついたため、時間が経過してもその体験を呼び起こす刺激を受けるたびに恐怖が蘇り、その恐怖が日常生活に困難をきたすレベルにまでなってしまう障害。不眠、めまい、頭痛などの身体症状を伴うことも多い。

早稲田理工学部 2019問題3 完成文

【大問3 適語補充  完成文】

Section A

There is a paradox at the heart of the Internet. The Internet technical platform is a highly controlled and regulated environment. It is almost certainly the largest example of a commonly agreed technical solution that depends upon everyone using the same technical standards, with 1 billion unique users and probably another billion with access to it. The content expressed through Web pages, e-mails, and increasingly social networking sites built on this platform is often perceived to be a wildly unregulated environment, portrayed as a kind of virtual Wild West, with everyone joining in the gold rushes of the dot-com boom and e-commerce, showing little respect for the rules. The popular media emphasizes the evil purposes to which it is put, including financial scams, pornography, terrorism, and unreliable medications to improve sexual performance. Almost without exception, when a major scandal, for example a network of pedophiles or a terrorist group, is uncovered, they will have used the Internet in some form to communicate. They will also certainly have used other means such as telephones, mobile and fixed line, but these seem to attract less negative attention. The Internet is often implied to be encouraging people to commit crimes, for example The Sun headline from 14 October 2009: “A PREGNANT mother of eight who is the latest alleged pervert seized over a Facebook pedophile ring is a SECOND nursery nurse, The Sun can reveal.” According to the security firm Symantec, which obviously has a vested interest in talking up the story, spam e-mails now account for 86% of global e-mails (October 2009). Many of these spam e-mails are designed to extract personal details in order to facilitate identity theft in the practice known as phishing.

Section B

[C] There is a range of assistive technologies that can help people cope with anxiety. One form of assistive technology is available to help individuals with specific phobia or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This technology uses virtual-reality computer hardware and software to help desensitize users to their fears by providing them with a gradual exposure to the feared object.

[E] Using a platform and a headset, the person is immersed in a computer-generated environment (both audio and visual) designed to reproduce the real-world setting (e.g., an airplane for fear of flying, an elevator for fear of heights, a combat situation for a person with PTSD). Then the individual is gradually exposed to stimuli from the setting until they get used to that level of stimulation, after which the level is increased in a series of steps. Eventually, the user becomes habituated to the stimuli so that they can take a plane flight or maintain their calm in a hectic environment without triggering PTSD symptoms.

[B] Another powerful technology, this one using only breath and awareness, is mindfulness meditation practice (also useful for depression). The practitioner sits in a comfortable position in a chair or on a pillow with feet flat on the floor and back straight. Then, for a period of twenty to thirty minutes or more, she trains her attention on the breath. Perhaps focusing on the rising or falling of the belly, or on the rush of air through the nostrils, she stays in the "now" with the incoming and outgoing of breath.

[D] If the mind should wander, the practitioner simply notices what she is experiencing and then returns her attention to the breath. For example, if her mind thinks about some shopping she needs to do later, she would simply notice what she is thinking and perhaps say to herself, "planning, planning," and then return her focus to the breath. For people who are highly anxious, using this technique gives them an opportunity to gain some distance from their experience. If they start to worry about some future event, they can simply label what they're experiencing (“worrying, worrying”), and then go back to being aware of their breathing. The breath serves as an anchor for awareness, and pure awareness is ultimately free of anxiety.

(3) A number of studies have shown mindfulness meditation to be an effective treatment for anxiety disorders.
(2) What is interesting about this approach is that one doesn't suppress the anxiety, or try to turn it into something else.
(5) Rather, one simply notices the anxiety, acknowledges it, labels it, and then turns the focus elsewhere.
(1) This means that we're accepting anxiety into our world, not turning it away.
(4) The key to these forms of assistive technologies seems to be then to allow ourselves to experience a certain amount of anxiety without becoming debilitating.

早稲田理工学部 2019問題3 全訳

【大問3 適語補充  全訳】




(C)人々が不安に対処するのに役立つさまざまな支援テクノロジーがある。 特定の恐怖症または心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)の人を助けるために、ある支援テクノロジーが利用可能である。 このテクノロジーは、仮想現実のコンピューターのハードウェアとソフトウェアを使って、ユーザーを恐怖の対象物に徐々に晒すことにより、恐怖に対するユーザーの感度を下げていくのである。

(E)現実世界の設定を再現するよう設計されたコンピューターが作り出す視覚、聴覚両方の環境に、プラットフォームとヘッドセットを使って浸る。飛行を恐れる人は飛行機の、高所恐怖症はエレベーターの、(戦争の)PTSDを持つ人は戦闘の設定、という具合である。そして個々の人はその設定から受ける刺激に少しずつ、刺激のレベルに慣れるまで晒されていく。その後、一連のステップで刺激のレベルが増加していく。 最終的には、ユーザーがPTSD症状を引き起こすことなく飛行機に乗ったり忙しい環境で冷静でいられるようになるまで、その刺激に慣らしていくのである。

(B)また別の強力な技術として、呼吸と意識だけを用いるマインドフルネス瞑想の修練がある(うつ病にも有効である)。 施術者は、心地良い体勢で椅子または枕の上に座り、足を床に置き、まっすぐに背を伸ばす。 その後、20〜30分以上呼吸に意識を注ぐ訓練をする。 おそらく、腹の上昇・下降、または鼻孔を通る空気の流れに焦点を当て、息の出入りとともに「今」に留まる。

(D) もし心が散漫になったら、施術者は今自分が経験していることに気づき、それから呼吸に注意を戻せばよい。例えば、後でしなければならない買い物について考えてしまっているならば、ただ自分が考えていることに気づき、「計画、計画」とでも自分に言ってから、注意を呼吸に戻せばよい。 不安感が強い人は、このテクニックを用いることで、経験からある程度の距離を置く機会を得ることになる。 将来の出来事について心配し始めたなら、単に自分が経験しているものに(「心配、心配」)というようにラベルを付け、それから自分の呼吸に意識を戻す。 呼吸は意識の拠り所として機能し、純粋な意識は最終的に不安から解放されるのである。
