早稲田大学 人間科学 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 人間科学 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 人間科学 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 人間科学 傾向対策解答解説 2018




【形式】: 文章理解
【表題】: 長文総合
【対策】: 説明文。長文を読み進めながら適語補充し、まとめて内容理解が問われます。文書の断片が連続して出題されるので、浅く広く、様々な分野に死角がないように学習しておきたいです。内容は、科学・IT・医学・教育などで、人間生活にまつわる文章が網羅的に出題されます。実際に解いてみると、時間が足りないことがわかるはずですので、速読の訓練もしておきたいです。
【用語】: 科学 情報技術 IT 教育
【目安時間】: 60分

【形式】: 適語補充
【対策】: 文法問題。文章に適切な動詞・前置詞・副詞・冠詞を補充します。特に冠詞の英文法の知識は押さえておきたいです。難易度は易しく、基礎的な文法書で十分に対応できますので、全問正解が狙えます。
【用語】: 熟語 構文 英文法
【目安時間】: 15分

【形式】: 適語補充
【対策】: 文法問題。文に誤りを見つける形式です。誤りがない文も出題されますので、英文法のていねいな理解が求められます。早稲田他学部も含めれば、法学部・社会科学部・人間科学部・スポーツ科学部で、誤文指摘が出題されています。過去問演習で類題も押さえておきましょう。
【用語】: 誤文指摘 構文 英文法
【目安時間】: 15分

早稲田人間科学 2018問題1


(i) We've learned time and time again that people are really bad at picking strong passwords. Look at any list of leaked passwords, and the most popular ones will no doubt be things like “123456" and "password." CNBC had the best of intentions when it ran an online feature on password security recently. The implementation, however, resulted in many users potentially exposing their passwords for all to see.

The article itself is a perfectly competent explanation of how passwords can be brute forced, and how to make sure yours is as hard to guess as possible. The catastrophic failure is not in the writing of that piece, but the little password testing widget right in the middle. After a password was submitted in the widget, CNBC's page would copy it to a Google Docs spreadsheet for ranking. You can imagine that spreadsheet is a veritable goldmine for malicious hackers. The spreadsheet is at least private. Perhaps the worst part of all this is that advertisers and analytics firms, of which there were more than 30 on that page, all had access to the data from that password widget. If you entered your real password, you just gave it to 30 companies which may or may not have secure data storage themselves.

If CNBC's goal was to teach people to be more careful about password security, it might have done just that. Not with actual education, but by putting people at risk of being hacked. CNBC has not spoken about this disastrous crash course in password security. The article has been taken down, so no more unsuspecting users will give away their passwords.

1. What makes for a good password?
(A) Competent
(B) Hard to guess
(C) Hard to remember
(D) Popular

2. What was the problem with the CNBC online feature?
(A) Didn't explain how brute force attacks work.
(B) Passwords were stored on a spreadsheet.
(C) People were taught to be more careful.
(D) The article was hard to understand.

3. How did CNBC react to this problem?
(A) Apologized to participants.
(B) Taught people about security.
(C) Took down the article.
(D) All of the above

4. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Article on Online Security Backfires
(B) CNBC Online Feature Hacked
(C) Online Documents Goldmine for Hackers D) Simple Passwords Threaten Security

(ii) Decades ago, engineers largely dismissed vertical-axis wind turbines — which spin around a central axis like a top — because they could not match the efficiency of the propeller-like turbines common today. But researchers have found recently that clusters of vertical-axis turbines, arranged to take advantage of each other's turbulence, can outperform conventional wind farms. When added to conventional farms, according to a study published this month, they can even increase the older turbines' output. “We're able to get significantly higher performance," said Stanford Professor John Dabiri, "both due to the fact that you can put the turbines closer together, but also in putting the turbines together we improve the performance of the individual turbines."

Dabiri works with vertical-axis turbines that are 10 meters tall, compared to 100 meters for a conventional horizontal-axis turbine. Dabiri and his team have shown that sets of much smaller vertical-axis turbines can outperform conventional wind farms because they respond to turbulence much better. "I would note that they're still doing this using conventional horizontal wind turbines. Even in these systems you can see benefits." Turbulence is bad for conventional turbines, not only reducing their efficiency, but also their lifespan. As a result, they are typically spaced far apart, and the wind that passes between them, according to Dabiri, is "wasted energy." Small vertical-axis turbines placed in those open spaces can capture that wind.

5. Which of the following best describes modern vertical-axis wind turbines' characteristics?
(A) Increase older turbines output.
(B) Installed close together.
(C) Outperform conventional wind farms.
(D) All of the above

6. How are sets of the new turbines arranged?
(A) Array
(B) Cluster
(C) Horizontal
(D) Vertical

7. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Conventional wind farms are obsolete.
(B) Decades-old technology revised.
(C) Groups of new turbines improve performance.
(D) Wind farm turbulence problem solved.

(iii) A tantalizing trio of Earth-sized worlds circles a tiny, dim star relatively close to us, and each planet is within or near the region where the star's light could support the early beginnings of extraterrestrial life. But don't get too hopeful for Earth look-alikes — while we don't know much yet about their characteristics, these three worlds exist in very different environments than our home planet. Still, this is the first time three such worlds have been spotted around an ultracool dwarf star, a discovery that bodes well for planet hunters scouring the galaxy for small, rocky planets. “This is a brand new planetary population that is revealed, and it could well dominate the total number of planets in the Milky Way," says Michaël Gillon of Belgium's University of Liège. “This indicates that the formation of Earth-sized planets around these downplayed ultracool dwarf stars — that are much more frequent than sunlike stars in the galaxy — is very efficient."

As they report this week in Nature, scientists found the system using the Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope, or TRAPPIST. This robotic instrument in Chile searches for planets around the 60 brightest ultracool dwarfs. The host star for the newfound trio, called TRAPPIST-1, is just a tiny bit bigger than the planet Jupiter, and it is so cool that most of the light it emits is in the infrared. So, if alien life happened to emerge on any of the star's three known planets, the landscapes might look very different from our green world.

8. How are the three TRAPPIST-1 worlds described?
(A) Tiny dim stars
(B) Earth-sized planets
(C) Ultracool dwarfs
(D) None of the above

9. What bodes well for planet hunters?
(A) 60 ultracool dwarf stars
(B) Spotting the TRAPPIST-1 worlds
(C) Many sunlike stars in the galaxy
(D) None of the above

10. What is a characteristic of TRAPPIST-1?
(A) A little smaller than Jupiter.
(B) It's a small, rocky planet.
(C) The light is mostly infrared.
(D) None of the above

(iv) 著作権等により未掲載

(v) Astronomers have found that a first-of-its-kind "tailless comet" may offer clues into long-standing questions about the solar system's formation and evolution, according to research published Friday in the journal Science Advances. The "Manx" comet, named after a breed of cats without tails, is made of rocky materials that are normally found near Earth. Most comets are made of ice and other frozen compounds and were formed in the solar system's frigid far reaches.

Researchers believe the newly-found comet was formed in the same region as Earth, then was slung to the solar system's outer reaches as planets jostled for position. It is the only object known that is essentially a pristine asteroid, uncooked by eons of exposure to the sun. Scientists involved in the discovery now seek to learn how many more Manx comets exist, which could help to resolve debate over exactly how and when the solar system settled into its current configuration. “Depending on how many we find, we will know whether the giant planets danced across the solar system when they were young, or if they grew up quietly without moving much," paper co-author Olivier Hainaut, an astronomer with the European Southern Observatory in Germany, said in a statement.

Typically comets coming in from the same region as the Manx grow bright tails as they approach the sun, the result of ice vaporizing off their bodies and gleaming in reflected sunlight. But the Manx comet was dark and virtually tailless when it was spotted about twice as far away from the sun as is the Earth. Later analysis showed that instead of ice typically found on comets, the Manx comet contained materials similar to the rocky asteroids located in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.

14. How is the Manx comet described?
(A) Gleaming
(B) Pristine
(C) Spotted
(D) All of the above

15. What happened to the Manx comet?
(A) Jostled
(B) Reflected
(C) Slung
(D) Vaporized

16. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Manx Comet May Hold Solar System's Secrets
(B) Comet Brings Materials from between Mars and Jupiter
(C) Manx Comet Twice as Far Away as Regular Comets
(D) Unique Tailless Comet Puzzles Scientists

(vi) Working out keeps your brain young, suggests a new study from Columbia University and the University of Miami. Researchers asked people over age 40 about their exercise habits and tested their cognitive abilities. The scientists checked in five years later to test their brains again. Some mental skills dwindle around age 30, says study author Clinton Wright, M.D. But the participants who did moderate-to-intense workouts like running or swimming experienced significantly less cognitive decline over a five-year period than people who were more sedentary. The active participants had better memories and were able to think faster.

In fact, exercising throughout your lifetime may be as good for your brain as turning back the clock 10 years, according to the researchers' mathematical models. One possible explanation: Physical activity boosts blood flow to your brain, delivering oxygen and nutrients and removing toxins at a greater rate, says Dr. Wright. Exercise also fights diabetes, hypertension, and inflammation – conditions that could slowly damage your brain, he says. Dr. Wright, a neurologist, advises his patients to start working out if they aren't already. It's important to get your heart rate up, he says.

17. What was the study's goal?
(A) Confirm some mental skills dwindle around age 30.
(B) Develop mathematical models to predict exercise benefits.
(C) Learn about the exercise habits of people over 40.
(D) Study the relationship between exercise and cognitive abilities over 40.

18. How did participants who had moderate-to-intense workouts benefit?
(A) Better memories
(B) Fewer toxins
(C) Improved blood flow
(D) Less brain damage

19. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Exercise Slows Cognitive Decline
(B) People Over 40 Need More Exercise
(C) Reversing Cognitive Decline After 30
(D) Working Out Turns Back the Clock

(vii) Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, is scheduled next week to open a sustainably designed 17,000-square-foot campus facility designed to provide its own energy and water, and treat its own waste. The college says the R. W. Kern Center has been designed to become the sixth building in the world to receive Living Building Certification as a net-zero energy, waste, and water building. The facility's green design and construction is part of the institution's efforts to become a carbonneutral campus within the next few years. Alumni and other donors gave a total of $8.9 million to Hampshire to pay for the building.

When it opens this spring, the Kern Center will serve as a new entry point onto the campus and will house the offices of admissions and financial aid, as well as welcome areas, classrooms, and social areas such as a coffee bar.

The facility was built mostly with materials from local and regional sources and avoided products that had potentially hazardous chemicals such as asbestos, chlorofluorocarbons, neoprene, formaldehyde, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, lead, mercury, and polyvinyl chloride. The building is outfitted with composting toilets, solar panels, rainwater collection, and wastewater treatment systems. Heavily-insulated roofs and walls, and energy-efficient windows enable the center to minimize energy consumption.

20. What is unusual about the Kern Center?
(A) 17,000-square-foot college facility
(B) Generates its own energy and water
(C) New entry point onto the campus
(D) Paid for by alumni and other donors

21. Which item is most likely to be found in the new building?
(A) Asbestos
(B) Lead
(C) Polyvinyl chloride
(D) Wastewater

22. How does this building contribute to Hampshire becoming a carbon-neutral campus?
(A) Contains composting toilets, solar panels, and rainwater collection systems.
(B) Doesn't require outside energy, water, or waste management.
(C) Uses heavily-insulated roofs, walls, and energy-efficient windows.
(D) All of the above

When it comes to excelling in the classroom, it turns out the air students are breathing is just as important as the lessons they are learning. Studies show poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can lessen the comfort of students as well as staff, affecting concentration, attendance and student performance. It can even lead to lower IQs. What's more, poor indoor air quality can lead to health problems, including fatigue, nausea and asthma.

About 20 percent of the U.S. Population — roughly 55 million people — spend their days inside elementary and secondary schools. Improving indoor air quality in education facilities would be an important step toward improving public health. It can help reduce absenteeism; improve student and staff concentration, student productivity and performance, and decrease IAQ-related health risks.

Human exposure to air pollutants indoors may be two to five times, and occasionally more than 100 times, higher than outdoor levels. In schools, respiratory problems — such as asthma, allergies and bronchitis — have been associated with excessive use of pollutants such as formaldehyde, pesticides and cleaning compounds.

Reducing indoor contaminant levels with high-efficiency filters and germicidal lights, as well as using lower-emission cleaning supplies, can help reverse the adverse effects of pollutants in the air. These products help control three classes of air contaminants: particles (pollen, dust mites, dirt and pet dander); bioaerosols (bacteria, viruses, mold spores and fungi); and odors/chemical vapors (chlorine, cleaning supplies and paint). Studies show that reducing the levels of these chemical irritants can significantly decrease absenteeism attributed to chronic respiratory illnesses.

23. What is NOT a negative consequence of poor indoor air quality in schools?
(A) Absenteeism
(B) Allergies
(C) Asthma
(D) None of the above

24. How much have indoor air quality problems increased in recent years?
(A) 20 percent
(B) More than 100 times
(C) Two to five times
(D) Not enough information given

25. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) Poor IAQ in Schools: Before and After
(B) Poor IAQ in Schools: Beginnings and Endings
(C) Poor IAQ in Schools: Causes and Cures
(D) Poor IAQ in Schools: Fact or Fiction?

早稲田人間科学 2018問題1 解答


1 B
2 B
3 C
4 A
5 D
6 B
7 B
8 B
9 B 
10 C
11 省略
12 省略
13 省略
14 B
15 C
16 A 
17 D
18 A
19 A 
20 B
21 D
22 D
23 D
24 D
25 C

早稲田人間科学 2018問題1 解説


1 B  Hard to guess  
2 B  Passwords were stored on a spreadsheet.
3 C  Took down the article.
4 A  Article on Online Security Backfires
5 D  All of the above
6 B  Cluster
7 B  Decades-old technology revised.
8 B  Earth-sized planets
9 B  Spotting the TRAPPIST-1 worlds 
10 C  The light is mostly infrared. 
11 省略  
12 省略  
13 省略  
14 B  Pristine
15 C  Slung
16 A  Manx Comet May Hold Solar System's Secrets 
17 D  Study the relationship between exercise and cognitive abilities over 40.
18 A  Better memories
19 A  Exercise Slows Cognitive Decline 
20 B  Generates its own energy and water
21 D  Wastewater
22 D  All of the above
23 D  None of the above
24 D  Not enough information given
25 C  Poor IAQ in Schools: Beginnings and Endings
Information Technology(情報科学分野)から、パスワードの安全性が題材の文章です。

【leaked password】

CNBC(シーエヌビーシー)は、アメリカの放送会社です。正式にはConsumer News and Business Channel(消費者と企業のチャンネル)と呼び、経済ニュースを中心に制作配信しています。経済ニュースを中心とする点で、日本企業の日経と似ています。


【Google Docs spreadsheet】





【extraterrestrial life】

(iv) 著作権等により未掲載



【solar system】

【pristine asteroid】


【cognitive ability】



早稲田人間科学 2018問題1 全訳


(i) 人は強いパスワードを設定するのが本当に下手である、ということを私たちは何度も何度も学んできた。漏れてしまったパスワードのリストがあったら見て欲しい。一番ポピュラーなものは「123456」とか「password]といったものであるにちがいない。CNBCが最近パスワードのセキュリティについてオンラインで特集をしたのは、良かれと思ってのことだった。ところが、それにより多くのユーザーが誰でも見えるようにパスワードを晒しかねない結果となってしまった。



(ⅱ) 何十年も前に、エンジニアたちは、垂直軸の風力タービン、つまり独楽のように中心軸の周りを回転するタービンから大幅に撤退した。現在当たり前になっているプロペラ状タービンの効率の良さに太刀打ち出来なくなったからである。けれども垂直軸タービンを束にして互いの乱流を利用できるようアレンジすれば、従来型の風力発電所の効率を上回るパフォーマンスを発揮できることに最近研究者たちは気付いた。今月出版されたある研究によると、従来の発電所に追加すれば旧式のタービンの発電量を増加することさえできるようだ。スタンフォード大学のジョン・ダビリ教授は「我々は顕しく高いパフォーマンスを得ることができる。タービンを互いに近づけられるだけではなく、一緒にまとめることで個々のタービンのパフォーマンスを上げることができるからである」と言っている。


(ⅲ) 非常に興味をそそられる地球サイズの3個の天体が、比較的私たちの近くにある小さくてぼんやりとした一個の星の周りを回転し、各惑星はその星の光が地球外生命体の始まりを支えられる領域の内側あるいは近い場所にある。しかし見かけが地球に似ているということにあまり希望を抱かないでほしい。これらの惑星の特徴についてはまだあまりわかっていないが、3つの天体は我々の住んでいる星とは非常に異なる環境に存在しているのだ。それでもなお、このようなの天体が極低温矮星の周りに観測されたのは初めてのことであり、この発見は銀河系宇宙に小さくて岩石で出来た惑星を探し回っている人たちにとって良い兆しなのである。「これは発見されたばかりの新しい天体で、天の川にある惑星の総数を左右するに十分だった」とベルギーのリエージュ大学のミヒャエル・ギーロンは言う。「これによってわかるのは、このようなあまり重視されていない極低温矮星の周りにある地球サイズの惑星-銀河系内の太陽に似た星よりもずっと頻繁に見られる-の形成はとても効率的であるということだ。」


(iv) 著作権等により未掲載

(ⅴ) 金曜日に出版されたジャーナル「サイエンス・アドバンシズ」のある調査によれば、天文学者たちは、これまでに例の無かった「尾の無い彗星」が太陽系の形成と進化についての長年の疑問を解く鍵になるかもしれないと気付いた。尾の無い猫の品種から名づけられた「マンクス彗星」は、普通なら地球の近くで見られる岩状の物質で出来ている。ほとんどの彗星は氷や凍結した化合物で出来ていて、太陽系の極寒の奥地で形成されたものだ。



(ⅵ) コロンビア大学とマイアミ大学での新しい研究は、運動が脳を若く保つことを示している。研究者たちは40歳以上の人の運動習慣を尋ね、認知能力をテストした。科学者たちは5年後に彼らの脳を再テストするため連絡を取った。メンタルスキルには30歳くらいで衰えるものもある、と研究の著者である医学博士クリントン・ライトは言う。けれどもランニングやスイミングのような中程度から強度の運動をする参加者は、座りがちな習慣のある人よりも5年間で認知能力の衰えがはるかに少なかった。活動的な参加者の方が記憶力が良く、より速く考えることができたのだ。


(ⅶ) マサチューセッツ州アマーストにあるハンプシャーカレッジは、施設内のエネルギーと水の供給、そしてごみの処理が持続可能になるよう設計された17,000平方フィートのキャンパス施設を来週オープンする予定である。大学によると、R.W.カーンセンターが、エネルギーとごみ、水の正味ゼロの建物として「生きた建築物」の認定を受ける世界で6番目の建築物となるよう設計されている。今後数年のうちにカーボンニュートラルなキャンパスになるためにこの施設が行っている努力の一部に、施設のグリーンデザインと施工がある。大学の同窓生その他の人々がハンプシャーカレッジに総額890万ドルを寄付してこの建物の経費を賄った。



(ⅷ) 教室で優秀な成績を収めることに関して言えば、生徒たちが呼吸する空気は学んでいる授業と同じくらい重要であるということがわかっている。屋内の空気のクオリティー(IAQ)が低いと職員だけでなく生徒にとっても快適さが減少し、集中力や出席率、成績にも影響を与えるということが研究によってわかっている。知能指数(IQ)の低下にさえつながりかねない。さらに言えば、室内の悪い空気は疲労や吐き気、喘息などの健康問題を引き起こすことにもなる。




早稲田人間科学 2018問題2


(A) about
(B) across
(C) for
(D) in
(E) into
(F) of
(G) on
(H) out
(I) over
(J) to
(K) with
(L) No Word

26. We hoped to finish the project in one day, but we eventually ran     of time.

27. If tensions in the region continue to escalate, I'm afraid we may go     war.

28. The authors of the new theory faced     harsh criticism from their colleagues.

29. It's difficult to get your idea     to someone unfamiliar with the topic area.

30. I was truly happy when she said, “You'll always have a good friend     me."

31. Some people were upset about the tax hike, but it doesn't bother     me.

32. The secretary took extensive notes to transcribe the interview     verbatim.

33. The weather forecast calls     a severe thunderstorm this evening.

34. By working together, we were able to succeed     our new business.

35. Daniel has set his sights     being a graphic designer after graduation.

36. My eighteen-year-old daughter has only driven our car a handful     times.

37. The company decided to pull     of some unprofitable businesses.

38. The self-driving vehicle somehow avoided running     the building.

39. The researchers admitted     themselves that their theory was inadequate.

40. Sarah could still play the violin     the best of them.

早稲田人間科学 2018問題2 解答


26 H
27 J
28 L
29 B
30 D 
31 L
32 L
33 C
34 D
35 G
36 F
37 H
38 E
39 J
40 K

早稲田人間科学 2018問題2 解説

26 H  run out of time 時間を使い果たす
27 J  go to war 開戦する
28 L  No Word
29 B  get your idea across to someone 誰からに考えを理解してもらう
30 D  have a good friend in A Aと仲が良い
31 L  No Word
32 L  No Word
33 C  call for A Aを予報する
34 D  succeed in A Aに成功する
35 G  set one's sights on A Aに目標を定める
36 F  a handful of 一握りの
37 H  pull out of A Aから撤退する
38 E  run into A A Aに衝突する
39 J  admit to oneself 自分自身で認める 
40 K  with the best of A Aにできる限り

早稲田人間科学 2018問題3


41. Most stories A in my literature class B are C uninteresting but I D enjoyed from the most recent book.    E NO ERROR

42. She looked forward A to meet the new family B that was moving C in D next door to her house.    E NO ERROR

43. I A was born in Canada, B lived in France for several years, C but am now D living in United States.    E NO ERROR

44. I'm too busy A to have lunch with you today B but I promise C I call you D later this week.    E NO ERROR

45. Although she A struggled B for many years, she finally C became D a big success in Hollywood.    E NO ERROR

46. A As her mother, the young girl B was outgoing and C often helped people D in her neighborhood.    E NO ERROR

47. I A should be able B to attend the meeting, but if C I will be late, D I will send you a text message.    E NO ERROR

48. My family A lived in Wisconsin B for several years and C there is a cold D part of America.    E NO ERROR

49. We A would have been happy to B help her C if she would D have come to us in the first place.    E NO ERROR

50. Chiharu A is busy B with C all the houseworks D since her marriage last year.    E NO ERROR

早稲田人間科学 2018問題3 解答


41 D
42 A
43 D
44 C
45 E
46 A
47 C
48 C
49 E 
50 C

早稲田人間科学 2018問題3 解説

41 D  〇 enjoyed  他動詞
42 A  〇 to meeting 
43 D  〇 living in the United States 
44 C  〇 I will call you later this week
45 E  
46 A  〇 Like her mother
47 C  〇 I am late  条件節の現在形
48 C  〇 it is
49 E   
50 C  〇 all the housework  houseworkを不可算名詞と考えます
