早稲田大学 法学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題7

早稲田大学 法学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題7

早稲田大学 法学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題7

早稲田大学 法学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題7


2019年 問題


: 自由英作文


: 絵画の描写 Depiction of the picture


: ー


: 自由英作文で、英単語数は1段落(one paragraph)と指示がありますが、これではわかりにくいので、受験生は50単語を目安に執筆しましょう。執筆内容は、いわゆる「絵を見て答える問題」です。文章ではなく、絵やデータを見せて、受験生が感じたことを述べる形式です。対策としてので、自分で執筆したら、添削を受けて、文章力を磨きましょう。また類題として、早稲田政治経済・早稲田国際教養・慶応経済にも、同傾向の自由英作文が出題されています。


: 意見 理由 自由英作文


: 15分


早稲田法学部 2019問題7

【大問7 自由英作文】

Think about the meaning of the picture below. Explain your thoughts in a paragraph in English.
早稲田大学2019年問題7 自由英作文

早稲田大学2019年問題7 自由英作文

[Picture available at https://conservationbytes.com/ under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License]

早稲田法学部 2019問題7 解答

【大問7 自由英作文 解答】

解答例:The picture shows a man and a woman staying together. They sit on a sofa and watch TV. It seems that the painter wanted to draw a peaceful day. I can see a calm and content relationship. This picture shows a living room. The room has a sofa, a TV, and two windows. The picture may be a part of the advertisement because products lack personality.(66WORDS)

解答例:One man and one woman are in the picture. They are close to each other. The man puts his arm around the woman. I think the couple got engaged and moved here recently. A living room is drawn in this picture. The room is made of black and white lines with no color. I recognise that this picture is not realistic. The same Sun and mountains are arranged on the TV screen and outside the windows.(76WORDS)

早稲田法学部 2019問題7 解説

【大問7 自由英作文 解説】

自由英作文で、英単語数は1段落(one paragraph)と指示がありますが、これではわかりにくいので、受験生は50単語を目安に執筆しましょう。




【自由英作文 絵を見て答える問題 客観描写】


客観描写例文:The picture shows a man and a woman staying together.

客観描写例文:This picture shows a living room.

客観描写例文:One man and one woman are in the picture.

客観描写例文:A living room is drawn in this picture.

【自由英作文 絵を見て答える問題 関係描写】


関係描写例文:They sit on a sofa and watch TV.

関係描写例文:The room has a sofa, a TV, and two windows.

関係描写例文:They are close to each other. The man puts his arm around the woman.

関係描写例文:A living room is drawn in this picture. The room is made of black and white lines with no color.

【自由英作文 絵を見て答える問題 背景描写】


背景描写例文:It seems that the painter wanted to draw a peaceful day. I can see a calm and content relationship.

背景描写例文:The picture may be a part of the advertisement because products lack personality.

背景描写例文:I think the couple got engaged and moved here recently.

背景描写例文:I recognise that this picture is not realistic. The same Sun and mountains are arranged on the TV screen and outside the windows.


put one's arm around 手を回す

He put his arm around her during the movie.

Calm and content 穏やかで満ち足りた

Sometimes it can feel impossible to stay calm and content as a couple.

be arranged 配置される

Seats are arranged in rows and columns.

早稲田法学部 2019問題7 完成文


早稲田法学部 2019問題7 全訳

