早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題1

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題1

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題1

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019問題1







2019年 問題


: 適語補充+文章理解+和文英訳


: 久しぶりにあった友人 long time no see


: ー


: 会話文。会話文を読みながら空欄にふさわしい語句を補充します。文章内容は、久しぶりに会った友人と、近況報告をする場面です。学術的な英語ではなく、実用的な英語にも慣れておきましょう。そのためには、会話文に特有な表現を押さえておきたいです。早稲田大学では、商学部・教育学部・理工学部で、会話文が出題されています。過去問では類題として演習しておきましょう。


: 近況報告 予定 事故


: 10分



早稲田商学部 2019問題1

【問題1 会話文】


Cindy and Pete are friends. They run into each other on the street.

Cindy: Hi, Pete! I haven't seen you around lately. How have you been?

Pete: Actually, I was in the hospital last month.

Cindy: Oh, dear! I'm sorry to hear that. Nothing serious, I hope.

Pete: It was more stupid than serious. I was playing Ultimate Frisbee and when I jumped to make a catch, I landed funny. I had to have surgery on my knee.

Cindy: That sounds terrible. ( 1 ) I would have visited you in the hospital.

Pete: ( 2 ) Actually, they kept me pretty busy with rehab. So, I can't say it was fun but at least I wasn't spending a lot of time bored in my hospital bed.

Cindy: When did you get out?

Pete: Two weeks ago. I'm walking around normally now, although the doctor warns me to wait a few more weeks before playing Frisbee again.

Cindy: ( 3 ) You definitely don't want to overdo it.

Pete: Enough about me! What have you been up to?

Cindy: Well, I think the last time we spoke I told you I was applying for a film-making internship in Venice.

Pete: Yes, I remember. (イ)Did that work out?

Cindy: Well, no, but I got an offer for an internship here in town (ロ)that is right up my alley.

Pete: So it turned out all for the best. ( 4 )

Cindy: Next week we're going to be shooting some footage of a baseball game at the university. (A)私はちょうどそこでの会合に行く途中だった

Pete: That's so cool! Maybe in the future you can make a documentary about Ultimate Frisbee and film me!

Cindy: ( 5 ) That would certainly be fun! Anyway, I've got to run. (ハ)Let's keep in touch.

Pete: Sure thing, Cindy! Bye!

設問1 空所( 1 )~( 5 )を埋めるのにもっとも適当なものを(a)~(j)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。ただし、各選択肢は1度しか使えない

(a) Did you hear the news?
(b) How does that sound?
(c) I couldn't be better.
(d) I don't want to trouble you.
(e) I'm really happy for you.
(f) I wish I'd known.
(g) That's nice of you to say.
(h) That sounds like good advice.
(i) That's what I heard.
(j) Who knows?

設問2 下線部( イ )~( ハ )の意味にもっとも近いものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

(a) Did that fall through?
(b) Did things go well?
(c) Did you finish it?
(d) Did you work hard?

(a) that doesn't require travel
(b) that's near my home
(c) that suits me well
(d) that will lead to a good job

(a) Let's hold off on it.
(b) Let's remain cautious.
(c) Let's stay in contact.
(d) Let's stick it out.

設問3 下線部(A)を10語以内で英語に直し、記述解答用紙に書きなさい。ただし、最後の語は与えられている。

早稲田商学部 2019問題1 解答

【問題1 会話文 解答】

1 f
2 g
3 h
4 e
5 j

イ b
ロ c
ハ c

was just on my way to the meeting (there)

早稲田商学部 2019問題1 解説

【問題1 会話文 解説】



right up my alley: 自分にぴったり、打ってつけ、得意分野

keep in touch: 連絡を取り合う

早稲田商学部 2019問題1 完成文

【問題1 会話文 完成文】

Cindy and Pete are friends. They run into each other on the street.

Cindy: Hi, Pete! I haven't seen you around lately. How have you been?

Pete: Actually, I was in the hospital last month.

Cindy: Oh, dear! I'm sorry to hear that. Nothing serious, I hope.

Pete: It was more stupid than serious. I was playing Ultimate Frisbee and when I jumped to make a catch, I landed funny. I had to have surgery on my knee.

Cindy: That sounds terrible. I wish I'd known. I would have visited you in the hospital.

Pete: That's nice of you to say. Actually, they kept me pretty busy with rehab. So, I can't say it was fun but at least I wasn't spending a lot of time bored in my hospital bed.

Cindy: When did you get out?

Pete: Two weeks ago. I'm walking around normally now, although the doctor warns me to wait a few more weeks before playing Frisbee again.

Cindy: That sounds like good advice. You definitely don't want to overdo it.

Pete: Enough about me! What have you been up to?

Cindy: Well, I think the last time we spoke I told you I was applying for a film-making internship in Venice.

Pete: Yes, I remember. Did that work out?

Cindy: Well, no, but I got an offer for an internship here in town that is right up my alley.

Pete: So it turned out all for the best. I'm really happy for you.

Cindy: Next week we're going to be shooting some footage of a baseball game at the university. 私はちょうどそこでの会合に行く途中だった。

Pete: That's so cool! Maybe in the future you can make a documentary about Ultimate Frisbee and film me!

Cindy: Who knows? That would certainly be fun! Anyway, I've got to run. Let's keep in touch.

Pete: Sure thing, Cindy! Bye!

早稲田商学部 2019問題1 全訳

【問題1 会話文 全訳】


シンディ: あら、ピート!最近見かけなかったわね。元気だった?

ピート: 実は、先月入院してたんだ。

シンディ: あら、まあ!そうだったの!深刻な話でなければいいんだけど。

ピート: 深刻というか馬鹿な話なんだよ。アルティメットフリスビーをやってて、ジャンプしてキャッチをした時、おかしな降り方をしたんだ。膝を手術しなきゃいけなくなって。

シンディ: それはひどい。知ってたら、病院にお見舞いに行ったんだけど...

ピート: ありがとう。リハビリでかなり忙しい目に合わされたから、楽しかったとは言えないけど、少なくとも病院のベッドで退屈する時間はあまりなかったな。

シンディ: いつ退院したの?

ピート: 2週間前。今は普通に歩き回ってる。フリスビーをやるのはもう何週間かたってからって医者は言ってるけどね。


ピート: 僕のことはもういいよ。君はどうしてた?

シンディ: この前話したとき、ヴェネツィアの映画制作のインターンシップに応募してるって言ったでしょ。

ピート: うん、覚えてる。うまくいった?

シンディ: いや、でもこの町でインターンシップのオファーがあったの。願ったり叶ったり。

ピート: じゃあ、何もかもベストな結果になったわけだね。それは本当に良かった。


ピート: すごい!じゃあいつかアルティメットフリスビーのドキュメンタリーを制作して、僕を撮ることがあるかも。

シンディ: かもね。そうなったら凄くおもしろいわね。走って行かなきゃ(間に合わない)。また連絡頂戴。

ピート: 必ず連絡するよ、シンディ!バイバイ!
