早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2018

早稲田大学 商学部 傾向対策解答解説 2018




【形式】: 適語補充+文章理解+和文英訳
【表題】: 賃貸物件の配管工事 plumbing in rental houses
【対策】: 会話文。会話文を読みながら空欄にふさわしい語句を補充します。英語での賃貸不動産の打合せで、住居の借主と管理人のやりとりを理解できるようになりたいです。学術的な英語ではなく、実用的な英語にも慣れておきましょう。会話文に特有な表現(short notice pretty much down the line)も押さえておきたいです。早稲田他学部も含めれば、商学部・教育学部・理工学部で、会話文が出題されています。過去問演習で類題として押さえておきましょう。
【用語】: 不動産 テナント 交渉
【目安時間】: 10分

【形式】: 適語補充+文章理解
【表題】: フランス語の作法 Acting French
【作者】: アトランティック Atlantic
【対策】: 説明文。長文を読み進めながら適語補充し、まとめて内容理解が問われます。大問2から大問5は同じ形式となります。内容は、フランス語の言語学習の経験を、内観により記述したものです。学習者の期待・不安・疲労・喜びなどの感情が、どのような場面で発生するかを読み取りましょう。英語に加えて、フランス語の理解があると、言語比較の視点で文章が読みやすくなります。
【用語】: 記憶 語学学習 フランス語
【目安時間】: 20分

【形式】: 適語補充+文章理解+英文和訳
【表題】: ストライキはどうやってインドのダージリン茶を麻痺させたか How a strike has paralysed life in India's Darjeeling
【作者】: BBC News
【対策】: 説明文。長文を読み進めながら適語補充し、まとめて内容理解が問われます。大問2から大問5は同じ形式となります。内容は、貿易品目であるダージリン茶の生産について、供給者側の問題を紹介しています。消費者・労働者・土地権利者などのさまざまなステークホルダー(利害関係者)について理解したいです。英語に加えて、地理学の知識があると、文章が読みやすくなります。
【用語】: 貿易 茶 労働生産
【目安時間】: 20分

【対策】: 著作権により未掲載
【目安時間】: 20分

【形式】: 適語補充+文章理解+英文和訳
【表題】: 小売店は買物客の感情をどのように見ているのか How retailers are watching shoppers’ emotions
【作者】: エコノミスト Economist
【対策】: 説明文。長文を読み進めながら適語補充し、まとめて内容理解が問われます。大問2から大問5は同じ形式となります。内容は、カメラ・AI・センサーなどの活用によって、従来の消費者調査に変化が起きていることをまとめた文章です。消費者調査企業のニールセンが実名で登場します。経営学に加えて、テクノロジーの知識もあると読みやすくなります。
【用語】: マーケティング 経営学部 監視カメラ
【目安時間】: 20分

早稲田商学部 2018問題1


The following conversation is taking place in the lobby of an apartment building.

Chris: Excuse me, you are the new tenant in unit 902, right? I'm Chris, the building manager.

Akane: Yes, we just moved in a couple of days ago. Pleased to meet you.

Chris: ( 1 ) I realize you must be pretty busy now but I wonder if you've had a chance to look at the information sheet about the upcoming repairs. All building residents should've received it last week.

Akane: Ah, sorry. ( イ ) I've been running around the whole time. Haven't checked the mail yet. Is this just general building maintenance?

Chris: The water pipes are quite old, so the administration has decided to replace them. The company will need access to your apartment from next Monday.

Akane: Hmm... ( 2 ) I'll be gone all day Monday. Is there any way this work can be pushed back?

Chris: Unfortunately, ( ロ ) that's out of the question. Sorry for the inconvenience, but you'll need to comply with the timetable.

Akane: All right. And how many days do you expect it will take to get it finished?

Chris: Our estimate is one week but it's a major project. ( 3 ) Keep in mind that workers will be in your apartment only on weekdays.

Akane: Good to know. ( 4 )

Chris: On the first day, holes will be drilled in the walls behind the kitchen sink and the bathroom cabinets. Then...

Akane: Wait a minute! Does that mean that we'll have no running water during this time?

Chris: That's right. Here is a copy of the notice. Both hot and cold water will be cut off from nine to five.

Akane: ( 5 )

Chris: Look, I understand your frustration but unless the work is done within this month, we'll be facing serious problems ( ハ ) down the line. (A) 私は、何か自分にできることがあったらいいのになと思う。

Akane: All right, thanks for the explanation. By the way, is there anything I'm supposed to do beforehand?

Chris: Well, again, check the notice for details. Basically, we ask you to empty the lower kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

Akane: OK, no problem. If I have any questions, I'll be in touch.

Chris: Sure! And again, thank you for your understanding.

設問1 空所( 1 )~( 5 )を埋めるのにもっとも適当なものを(a)~(j)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。ただし、各選択肢は1度しか使えない

(a) How kind of you!
(b) Likewise.
(c) Obviously, you're right.
(d) Of course, and you too.
(e) So, a delay is possible.
(f) The work must be very costly?
(g) This is getting worse and worse.
(h) This is very short notice.
(i) What a reasonable suggestion!
(j) What will the repairs involve?

設問2 下線部( イ )~( ハ )の意味にもっとも近いものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

( イ )
(a) I've been away
(b) I've been busy
(c) I've had a long workout
(d) I've stayed nearby

( ロ )
(a) administrative decisions cannot be questioned
(b) doing the work sooner should be discussed
(c) postponing the repairs is impossible
(d) the schedule for repairs is adjustable

( ハ )
(a) in principle
(b) in the basement
(c) in the future
(d) in the next building

設問3 下線部(A)を10語以内にで英語に直せ。ただし、始めの1語は I から書き始めなさい。

早稲田商学部 2018問題1 解答


( 1 ) b
( 2 ) h
( 3 ) e
( 4 ) j
( 5 ) g 

( イ ) b
( ロ ) c
( ハ ) c


解答例 I wish there were something I can do for you.(10WORDS)

解答例 I wish there were something I can do by myself.(10WORDS)

早稲田商学部 2018問題1 解説


( 1 ) b  Likewise.
( 2 ) h  This is very short notice.
( 3 ) e  So, a delay is possible.
( 4 ) j  What will the repairs involve?
( 5 ) g  This is getting worse and worse.

( イ ) b  I've been busy
( ロ ) c  postponing the repairs is impossible
( ハ ) c  in the future


解答例:I wish there were something I can do for you.(10WORDS)

「であればよいのに」とあるので、仮定法過去を用いて I wish there were
「自分にできること」を「あなたのためにできること」と解釈して something I can do for you

解答例:I wish there were something I can do by myself.(10WORDS)

「であればよいのに」とあるので、仮定法過去を用いて I wish there were
「自分にできること」を「何か自分1人の力できること」と解釈して something I can do by myself

口語ではprettyを「かなり」の意味で用います。pretty muchで「かなりたくさん」になります。

tenant 借主
likewise 同様に
short notice 突然の知らせ
frustration 不満
down the line そのうちに

早稲田商学部 2018問題1 全訳






















早稲田商学部 2018問題2


I spent the majority of this summer at Middlebury College, studying at l'École Française. I was there to improve my French. My study consisted of four hours of class work and four hours of homework. I was forbidden from reading, writing, speaking, or hearing English. At every meal I spoke French, and over the course of the seven weeks I felt myself gradually losing touch with the broader world. (A) This was not a wholly unpleasant feeling. In the moments I had to speak English (calling my wife, interacting with folks in town or at the book store), my mouth felt alien and my ear slightly ( イ ).

The majority of people I interacted with spoke better, wrote better, read better, and heard better than me. There was no escape from my ineptitude. They had something over me, and that something was a culture, which is to say a suite of practices so (1) ingrained as to be ritualistic. The scholastic achievers knew how to quickly memorize a poem in a language they did not understand. They knew that recopying a handout a few days before an exam helped them (2) digest the information. They knew to bring a pencil, not a pen, to that exam. They knew that you could (with the professor's permission) record lectures and take pictures of the blackboard.

This culture of scholastic achievement had not been acquired yesterday. The same set of practices had allowed my classmates to succeed in high school, and had likely been reinforced by other scholastic achievers around them. I am sure many of them had parents who were scholastic high-achievers. This is how social capital reinforces itself and (3) compounds. It is not merely one high-achieving child, but a flock of high-achieving children, each backed by high-achieving parents. I once talked to a woman who spoke German, English and French and had done so since she was a child. How did this happen, I asked? “Everyone in my world spoke multiple languages," she explained. "It was just what you did."

Scholastic achievement is sometimes demeaned as the useless memorization of facts. I suspect that it has more to ( ロ ) than this. If you woke my French literature professor at 2 a.m., she could recite the second stanza of Verlaine's poem "Il Pleure Dans Mon Coeur." I suspect this memorization, this holding of the work in her head, allowed her to analyze it and turn it over in ways I could only do with the text in front of me. More directly, there is no real way for an adult to learn French without some amount of memorization. French is a language that obeys its rules when it feels like it. There is no (4) unwavering rule to tell you which nouns are masculine, or which verbs require a preposition. Memory is the only way through.

One afternoon, I was walking from lunch feeling battered by the language. I started talking with a young master in training. I told her I was having a tough time. She gave me some ( ハ ) words in French from a famous author. I told her I didn't understand. She repeated them. I still didn't understand. She repeated them again. I shook my head, smiled, and walked away mildly frustrated because I understood every word she was saying but could not understand how it fit. It was as though someone had said, “He her walks swim plus that yesterday the fight." (This is how French often sounds to me.)

【 あ 】 I understood something about the function of language, why being able to diagram sentences was important, why understanding partitives and collective nouns was important.

In my long voyage through this sea of language, that was my first ( 二 ) land. I now knew how much I didn't know. The feeling of discovery and understanding that came from this was incredible. It was the first moment when I thought I might survive the sea.
(Adapted from The Atlantic, August 29, 2014)

設問1 下線部(1)–(4)の意味にもっとも近いものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。
(a) ceremonial
(b) embedded
(c) fundamental
(d) important

(a) absorb
(b) decompose
(c) expend
(d) summarize

(a) calculates
(b) increases
(c) misleads
(d) triumphs

(a) fixed
(b) flexible
(c) indecisive
(d) unhesitant

設問2 空所( イ )~( ハ )を埋めるのにもっとも適当なものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

( イ )
(a) in
(b) off
(c) on
(d) out

( ロ )
(a) explain
(b) offer
(c) scorn
(d) study

( ハ )
(a) audacious
(b) courteous
(c) encouraging
(d) superficial

( 二 )
(a) docking on
(b) longing for
(c) sailing to
(d) sighting of

設問3 次の1から4について、本文の内容にもっとも合うものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

1. Which of the following best describes the author's feelings during most of the summer course?
(a) alien
(b) incompetent
(c) pleasant
(d) scholastic

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of the culture of scholastic achievement?
(a) classroom know-how
(b) comprehension strategies
(c) literary creativity
(d) memorization techniques

3. Which of the following best reflects the author's notion of social capital?
(a) It is first acquired in high school.
(b) It is ritualistic.
(c) It occurs in multilingual societies.
(d) It runs in families.

4. Why does the author believe that memorizing poetry is meaningful?
(a) It allows adults to enjoy foreign languages.
(b) It assists in making grammatical rules.
(c) It demonstrates scholastic achievement.
(d) It enables deeper poetic analysis.

設問4 下線部(A)が指し示す語句を本文から抜き出し、その最初と最後の語を書け。

設問5 【 あ 】を埋めるために(A)-(F)を並べ替え、その正しい順番を(i)-(iv)から1つ選べ。

(A) I asked her to spell the quote out for me.
(B) I did not understand.
(C) I wrote the phrase down.
(D) Suddenly I understood - and not just the meaning of the phrase.
(E) The next day, I sat at lunch with her and another young woman.
(F) The other young lady explained the function of the pronouns in the sentence.

(i) E-A-C-B-F-D
(ii) E-F-D-C-A-B
(iii) F-B-A-C-E-D
(iv) F-D-A-C-E B

早稲田商学部 2018問題2 解答


(1) b
(2) a
(3) b
(4) a

( イ ) b
( ロ ) b
( ハ ) c
( イ ) d

1 b
2 c
3 d
4 d
最初の語 gradually
最後の語 world


早稲田商学部 2018問題2 解説


(1) b  embedded
(2) a  absorb
(3) b  increases
(4) a  fixed

( イ ) b  my ear slightly off
( ロ ) b  I suspect that it has more to offer
( ハ ) c  She gave me some encouraging words in French
( イ ) d  that was my first sighting of land

1 b  incompetent
2 c  literary creativity
3 d  It runs in families.
4 d  It enables deeper poetic analysis.
最初の語 gradually
最後の語 world

gradually losing touch with the broader world was not a wholly unpleasant feeling.

The next day, I sat at lunch with her and another young woman. I asked her to spell the quote out for me. I wrote the phrase down. I did not understand. The other young lady explained the function of the pronouns in the sentence. Suddenly I understood - and not just the meaning of the phrase.

【social capital】


【Verlaine】 Paul Marie Verlaine ポール・マリー・ヴェルレーヌ(1844年3/30-1896年1/8)フランスを代表する詩人。

alien 見慣れない
ineptitude 愚かさ
be ingrained in A Aに根差している
digest 消化する
demean 品位を落とす
stanza スタンザ 西洋の詩の単位
masculine 男性的な
batter 連打する
spell ある単語を綴り(つづり)で言う スペルアウトする
quote 引用
partitive noun 部分名詞
collective noun 集合名詞
voyage 航海

早稲田商学部 2018問題2 全訳






ある午後、私はこの言語に打ちのめされた状態で昼食の席から歩いて出てきた。私は若い修士と話し始めた。自分が苦戦していることを告げると彼女は、有名な作家の言葉をフランス語で言って励ましてくれた。私が理解できなかったと言うと彼女はもう一度言ってくれたが、それでも私はわからなかった。彼女はもう一度繰り返してくれた。私は頭を振って、にっこりし、少し落ち込んで立ち去った。なぜなら私は彼女が言っている言葉の一つ一つは全てわかったのに、全体でどんな意味になるのかわからなかったのだ。それはまるで「彼は 彼女の 歩く 泳ぐ 加える あの 昨日 その 戦い」と言ったように聞こえたのだ。(フランス語は私にはよくこんなふうに聞こえる。)



早稲田商学部 2018問題3


If you are a tea (1) connoisseur, here's some bad news: your morning cup of steaming Darjeeling tea may soon be difficult to get. Famously called the "champagne of teas," it is grown in 87 gardens in the foothills of the Himalayas in Darjeeling in West Bengal state. Some of the bushes are as old as 150 years and were introduced to the region by a Scottish surgeon.

Half of the more than 8 million kg — 60% of it is certified organic — of this (2) sought-after tea produced every year is exported, mainly to the UK, Europe and Japan. The tea tots up nearly dollars 80m (pounds 60m) in annual sales. Darjeeling tea is also one of the world's most expensive — some of it has fetched prices of up to dollars 850 (ponds 647) per kg. The tea is also India's first Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) product.

Since June, Darjeeling has been hit by violent protests and prolonged strikes in support of a campaign by a local party demanding a separate state for the area's majority Nepali-speaking Gorkha community. The (3) upshot: some 100,000 workers - permanent and temporary – working in the gardens have halted work. Production has been severely hit. Only a third of last year's crop of 8.32 million kg had been harvested when work stopped in June. If the trouble continues, garden owners say they are staring at losses amounting to nearly $40m. "This is the worst crisis we have ever faced. Future orders are being cancelled, and there is no fresh supply. Connoisseurs of Darjeeling may have to soon switch ( 1 ) other teas until the situation improves," Darjeeling Tea Association's principal advisor Sandeep Mukherjee told me.

The shutdown in the gardens couldn't have come at a worse time. The harvesting season in Darjeeling extends to ( 2 ) a little over seven months — from March to October. It is also divided into four distinct seasons called "flushes." The ongoing impasse came in the middle of the second — or summer flush — season which gives the tea an unique "muscatel" scent and accounts for half of the yearly crop and 40% of annual sales. The separatist agitation in Darjeeling has disrupted life in the region since the 1980s, but in the past the strikes usually happened between flushes.

Tea buyers are already feeling the (4) crunch. In India, the tea is fast going off the shelves. Some supermarkets in Japan have said their stocks will run ( 3 ) by November if supplies don't resume. An importer in Germany says the tea runs the risk of becoming a "limited edition" beverage.

(あ) Even if the campaign is called off tomorrow and the workers return to the gardens, it will take more than a month to begin harvesting. The gardens have been idle for more than two months, and are full of weeds. Tea bushes have become "free growth plants," say owners. Workers have to clean and slash the bushes before they can begin picking the leaves again.

Clearly, even if the political impasse is resolved this month, the gardens of Darjeeling will be (5) humming only next year - India is heading into a season of yearly festivals, marked by long holidays. "For the moment, Darjeeling looks like becoming a limited edition tea all right," says Ashok Lohia, who owns 13 gardens in the region. “But I'd just request the connoisseurs to bear with us, and we promise to be back ( 4 ) our very best quality soon." For the moment, tea drinkers may have to learn to live without their favourite brew.

設問1 次の1から3について、本文の内容にもっとも合うものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

1. Darjeeling tea
(a) is native to West Bengal state in India.
(b) is picked over a little more than half a year.
(c) is referred to as the "champagne of teas” because of its violent history.
(d) is too expensive for local people to purchase.

2. The political impasse came at the worst possible time because
(a) it involved many tea farmers in protests and strikes.
(b) it is the season when a great amount of tea is harvested.
(c) it is the time when the next year's orders are placed.
(d) it soured the relationship with a neighboring country.

3. The separatist movement in Darjeeling
(a) has been financed by a local party.
(b) has been planned to damage the flushes.
(c) has interfered in people's lives since the 1980s.
(d) has mainly affected the tea leaf buyers.

設問2 空所( 1 )~( 4 )を埋めるのにもっとも適当なものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

( 1 )
(a) between
(b) over
(c) through
(d) to

( 2 )
(a) interestingly
(b) presumably
(c) roughly
(d) significantly

( 3 )
(a) around
(b) down
(c) out
(d) up

( 4 )
(a) from
(b) in
(c) to
(d) with

設問3 下線部(1)–(5)の意味にもっとも近いものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

(a) enthusiast
(b) importer
(c) instructor
(d) researcher

(a) generally desired
(b) highly popularized
(c) outrageously priced
(d) rarely obtained

(a) consequence
(b) gist
(c) lesson
(d) prediction

(a) destruction
(b) difficulty
(c) drainage
(d) irregularity

(a) busy
(b) jubilant
(c) neat
(d) noisy

設問4 下線部(あ)を日本語に訳せ。

早稲田商学部 2018問題3 解答


1 b
2 b
3 c

( 1 ) d
( 2 ) c
( 3 ) c 
( 4 ) d

(1) a
(2) a
(3) a
(4) b
(5) a


早稲田商学部 2018問題3 解説


1 b  Darjeeling tea is picked over a little more than half a year. 半年以上かけてダージリンティーを摘む。

2 b  The political impasse came at the worst possible time because it
is the season when a great amount of tea is harvested.  大量のお茶が収穫される季節なので、政治的混乱は最悪の時期にやって来た。

3 c  The separatist movement in Darjeeling has interfered in people's
lives since the 1980s. ダージリンの分離主義運動は、1980年代以降、人々の生活を妨げてきた。

( 1 ) d  Connoisseurs of Darjeeling may have to soon switch to other teas  ダージリンの愛好家たちはもうすぐ他の茶に乗り換えなければならないかもしれない

( 2 ) c  roughly a little over seven months およそ7ヶ月強

( 3 ) c  Some supermarkets in Japan have said their stocks will run out by November if supplies don't resume 日本のスーパーマーケットの中には、供給が回復しなければ11月までに在庫がなくなると言っているところがある

( 4 ) d  we promise to be back with our very best quality 私たちは最高の品質を取り戻すことを約束します。

(1) a  enthusiast 愛好家
(2) a  generally desired 一般的に望ましい
(3) a  consequence  結果
(4) b  difficulty 困難
(5) a  busy 忙しい


Even if もしたとえ
the campaign 政治目的を達成するための運動
is called off 中止される
the workers 労働者
gardens 庭ではなく「畑・田んぼ・果樹園などの労働現場」


【Protected Geographical Indication】


ストックは 換金される商品です。stock yard で商店在庫を live stock て家畜を意味します。

stocks will run out by November if supplies don't resume.

connoisseur 鑑定士 目利き 通
sought-after 引く手あまたの
tot up 合計する
fetch prices of ~の値段で売れる
harvesting season 収穫期
impasse 行き詰まり
muscatel scent マスカットの芳香 「マスカテル・フレーバー」と呼ばれる 
annual sales 年間売上
idle 仕事をしていない

早稲田商学部 2018問題3 全訳









(BBCニュース 2017年8/5 改訂) 

早稲田商学部 2018問題4


早稲田商学部 2018問題5


For eight months up to this April, a French bookstore chain had video in a Paris shop fed to software that (1) scrutinises shoppers' movements and facial expressions for surprise, dissatisfaction, confusion or hesitation. When a shopper walked to the end of an aisle only to return with a frown to a bookshelf, the software discreetly messaged clerks, who went to help. Sales rose by a tenth.

The bookseller wants to keep its name quiet for now. Numerous other French clients of the Parisbased start-up company behind this technology, including transportation companies and supermarkets, are experimenting with it in shops not open to the public. In a recent trial in Tallinn, Estonia, an emotion-detection firm based in London, showed that (A) shoppers who entered smiling spent about a third more than others.

Simple video (2) yields a lot of insight. But there are far more sophisticated and intimate ways of learning about emotions of shoppers. Thermal-imaging cameras can detect the heart rate. Wirelessly captured data from smartphone accelerometers can suggest when shoppers become fascinated (movement often stops) or are fretting over prices (a phone is repeatedly raised to search for cheaper products online). For even more insights, shoppers are sometimes asked to put on a special kit, typically ( イ ) a discount or other reward. Such wearable gadgets, for example, measure moisture and electrical resistance on hand skin to reveal arousal.

All of this could be ( ロ ), some say, for bricks-and-mortar retailers to trim the advantage that data have long given online sellers. A race is on to work out how best to collect and use emotions data, be it to improve packaging, displays, music, or the content and timing of sales pitches, says Rana June, chief executive of a firm in New York. It measures shoppers' emotions for retailers, for malls, and for consumer-goods firms.

Not everyone is impressed. Some find it all a little ( ハ ). Nielsen, a major consumer-research company, deems using technology to work out shopper emotions en masse too radical for now. But it is much cheaper than old-fashioned interviews. Nielsen charges around Dollars 10,000 to interview 25 shoppers about three products. The service of the French start-up costs just Euro 59 (Dollars 66) a month per camera. For Dollars 15,000 or so, iMotions, a company based in Copenhagen, gives retailers an EEG cap that detects brain activity, an eye-tracking headset that notes when an attractive object dilates pupils, and a galvanometer.

What's more, conventional market research can mislead. People typically "edit" verbal responses to make themselves sound rational, when purchases are often driven by subconscious emotions. The key is in tracking the unconscious things that shoppers do, says Jeff Hershey of Video Mining, a firm in Pennsylvania whose software also analyses store video. And surveys can also ask the wrong questions – such as how much people like a product when what really matters, notes Simon Harrop of BrandSense, a consultancy in Britain, is whether, say, it makes them feel attractive.

The notion of “retail therapy”, consumers driven to spend when they are feeling ( 二 ), is an obvious example of shopping's emotional side. Whichever store is first to work out how to spot mildly depressed customers could make (3) a bundle.

bricks-and-mortar retailers 店舗を構える販売業者

設問1 次の1から4について、本文の内容にもっとも合うものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

1. How widespread is the technology described in this article?
(a) It is largely still in the testing stage though there is interest in this technology in many industries.
(b) It is used in many shops in Europe, particularly in bookstores.
(c) The technology is too advanced, so retailers refuse to install it.
(d) This information is secret because many companies are afraid to alarm the customers.

2. What kind of data can be obtained about shoppers through the use of sophisticated technology, such as thermal cameras or accelerometers?
(a) information about shoppers' reactions to a sale or other promotional events
(b) information about the way shoppers talk about products
(c) information regarding customers' levels of interest in a particular product
(d) information related to customers' online shopping trends

3. According to the author, what are the benefits of using technology to understand shoppers'
(a) It allows companies to acquire a greater amount of information and do it without customers
being conscious of it.
(b) It is a more rational and radical method of gaining useful insights into the shopping patterns of
today's consumers.
(c) It is a very time-efficient and less costly way to collect valuable information about customers'
past shopping experiences.
(d) It makes it possible to understand shoppers' true feelings at a fraction of the cost of the traditional method.

4. What can be reasonably concluded on the basis of this article?
(a) Digital technology has significant potential for retail businesses.
(b) Most companies are embracing the new market research method enthusiastically.
(c) The drawbacks of using IT for the study of shoppers' emotions outweigh the benefits.
(d) Use of technology to gather consumer data is unethical and should be stopped.

設問2 下線部(1)–(3)の意味にもっとも近いものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ1つ選べ。

(a) analyses
(b) calculates
(c) explicates
(d) predicts

(a) combines
(b) conceals
(c) develops
(d) produces

(a) a huge improvement
(b) a lot of money
(c) a valuable contribution
(d) an important discovery

設問3. 空所( イ )~( 二 )を埋めるのにもっとも適当なものを(a)~(d)からそれぞれ一つ選べ。

(a) in exchange for
(b) in favor of
(c) in need of
(d) in relation to

(a) a justification
(b) a mistake
(c) a pretext
(d) an opportunity

(a) too conclusive
(c) too conservative
(c) too invasive
(d) too simplistic

(a) blue
(b) green
(c) relieved
(d) sinister

設問4 下線部(A)を日本語に訳せ。

早稲田商学部 2018問題5 解答


1 a
2 c
3 d
4 a

(1) a
(2) d
(3) b

( イ ) a 
( ロ ) d
( ハ ) c
( 二 ) a


早稲田商学部 2018問題5 解説


1 a

(a) It is largely still in the testing stage though there is interest in this technology in many industries. 多くの業界でこの技術に関心があるが、大部分はまだテスト段階にある。

(b) It is used in many shops in Europe, particularly in bookstores. ヨーロッパの多くの店、特に書店で使用されている。

(c) The technology is too advanced, so retailers refuse to install it. 技術が進歩しすぎているので、小売業者はそれをインストールすることを拒否する。

(d) This information is secret because many companies are afraid to alarm the customers.  多くの会社が顧客を警戒させるのを恐れているので、この情報は秘密だ。

2 c  

(a) information about shoppers' reactions to a sale or other promotional events 販売または他の販売促進行事に対する買い物客の反応についての情報

(b) information about the way shoppers talk about products 買い物客が製品について話す方法についての情報

(c) information regarding customers' levels of interest in a particular product 特定の製品に対する顧客の関心の水準についての情報

(d) information related to customers' online shopping trends お客様のオンラインショッピングの動向についての情報

3 d

(a) It allows companies to acquire a greater amount of information and
do it without customers being conscious of it. 企業がより多くの情報を取得し、顧客が意識することなしにそれを実行できるようにする。

(b) It is a more rational and radical method of gaining useful insights into the shopping patterns of today's consumers. 今日の消費者の購買パターンについて有用な洞察を得るためのより合理的で根本的な方法だ。

(c) It is a very time-efficient and less costly way to collect valuable information about customers' past shopping experiences. 顧客の過去の買い物体験に関する貴重な情報を収集するには、非常に時間効率がよく、より費用もかからない。

(d) It makes it possible to understand shoppers' true feelings at a fraction of the cost of the traditional method. 従来の方法のほんのわずかの費用で、買い物客の本当の気持ちを理解することが可能になる。

4 a

(a) Digital technology has significant potential for retail businesses. デジタル技術は小売業にとって重大な可能性を秘めている。

(b) Most companies are embracing the new market research method

(c) The drawbacks of using IT for the study of shoppers' emotions outweigh the benefits. 買い物客の感情を研究するためにITを使用することの欠点は、利益を上回る。

(d) Use of technology to gather consumer data is unethical and should be stopped. 消費者データを収集するための技術の利用は非倫理的であり、中止されるべきだ。

(1) a  analyses 分析
(2) d  produces 生産する
(3) b  a lot of money たくさんのお金

( イ ) a  in exchange for a discount or other reward 値引きやその他の報酬と引き換えに

( ロ ) d  All of this could be an opportunity これらすべては良い機会かもしれない

( ハ ) c  Not everyone is impressed. Some find it all a little too invasive. 誰もが感動するわけではない。一部の人は、それを少し侵害的すぎると感じている。

( 二 ) a  consumers driven to spend when they are feeling blue 落ち込んでいるときに消費に駆り立てられている消費者


shoppers 買物客
about a third 約3分の1

リテールの対義語は、ホールセール(whole sale)です。ホールセールは卸売に当たり、消費者個人ではなく、小売にまとめて商品を卸します。



ElectroEncephaloGraphy 脳波計(頭文字をとってEEG)
ElectroEncephaloGraph 脳波

【retail therapy】

scrutinise 監査する
facial expression 表情
hesitation ためらい
transportation 運送
emotion-detection 感情を検知する
insight 洞察
Thermal 温度の
fret 思い悩む
arousal 覚醒
deem 見なす
subconscious 潜在意識
survey 調査
make a bundle 大金を儲ける

早稲田商学部 2018問題5 全訳








