東京大学 傾向対策解答解説 2019

東京大学 傾向対策解答解説 2019

東京大学 傾向対策解答解説 2019

東京大学 傾向対策解答解説 2019



【表題】:児童の権利と社会労働 Children's Rights and Social Work
【用語】:児童労働 虐待 社会権 義務教育 教育学

【表題】:音楽は普遍的な言語か Is Music a Universal Language
【作者】:デビッド・ルデン David Ludden
【用語】:言語 記憶 信号

【用語】:祝日 公共 社会価値



【表題】:前代未聞の数学者 the greatest female mathematician you've never heard of
【作者】:マリア・ア二エージ Maria Agnesi
【用語】:数学 教育 語法 文法

【表題】:誰よりも長生きな亀 A Pet Tortoise Who Will Outlive Us All
【作者】:ハンヤ・ヤナギハラ Hanya Yanagihara
【用語】:生物分類 生育環境 寿命

【表題】:アマチュア雲愛好会 The Amateur Cloud Society
【作者】:ジョン・モアレム Jon Mooallem
【用語】:雲 愛好会 インターネットサイト

【プロ家庭教師 東京大学対策講座】 東京大学(東大)への合格対策カリキュラムをプロ家庭教師に指導依頼できます。

東京大学 2019 問題1A

【問題1-A 要約問題】
以下の英文を読み,ヨーロッパで生じたとされる変化の内容を 70~80字の日本語で要約せよ。句読点も字数に含める。

In pre-industrial Europe, child labor was a widespread phenomenon and a significant part of the economic system. Until and during the nineteenth century, children beyond six years of age were required to contribute to society according to their abilities. From about the age of seven, they began a slow entry into the world of work, a world inhabited by both adults and children. The concepts of education, schooling, and protection against hazards were rare or entirely absent. In the early nineteenth century, children were also mostly viewed as the personal property of their parents, with few or no legal rights. Parents, mainly fathers, were given unlimited power and control over them and were allowed to treat them as they wished; physical punishment was almost universal and socially accepted.

This situation began to change as the nineteenth century progressed. Particularly in the half-century from 1870 to 1920, the rights of children in relation to parents, employers, and others expanded in the form of legal protection. Gradually, children began to be perceived as a separate category and not simply as the property of adults. The view that children have no more than economic value began to change and be replaced by the perception that they are a unique group that society has the responsibility to support and protect from the various dangers they face.

Another change in this period was the protection of children from parental abuse and neglect, which were subjected to intense scrutiny and challenged increasingly by government authorities. In 1889, both France and Great Britain passed laws against cruelty to children, including that caused by their parents. The nation became the defender of children's rights. The child's right to protection then led to the right to provision of various sorts, with the national government responsible for providing services. Health care, acceptable housing, and playgrounds - together with freedom from work and access to public schooling - emerged as elements of children's rights.

Children's Rights and Social Work. Hanita Kosher. 2017.

東京大学 2019 問題1A 解答

【問題1-A 解答】

東京大学 2019 問題1A 解説

【問題1-A 解説】


【要約テクニック 時系列を読み取る】
In pre-industrial Europe, child labor was a widespread phenomenon and a significant part of the economic system

from 1870 to 1920, the rights of children in relation to parents, employers, and others expanded in the form of legal protection.

In 1889, both France and Great Britain passed laws against cruelty to children.

【要約テクニック 変化を読み取る】
children were also mostly viewed as the personal property of their parents, with few or no legal rights

children began to be perceived as a separate category and not simply as the property of adults

The nation became the defender of children's rights

【要約テクニック 短文を並べる】

【要約テクニック 文章を整理して文字数を調整する】

東京大学 2019 問題1A 全訳

【問題1-A 全訳】

産業革命以前のヨーロッパでは、児童労働は広く行き渡った現象で、経済制度の重要な一部分だった。 19世紀までは、6才以上の子どもたちは、能力に応じて社会に貢献することが求められていた。およそ7歳から、彼らは仕事の世界、つまり大人と子供の両方が住む世界へ、ゆっくりと参画していった。教育・学校・補導の概念はまれであるか、まったくなかった。19世紀初頭では、また子どもは、両親の私有財産と見なされ、法的権利をほぼあるいはまったく、持たなかった。両親、主に父親は、無制限の管理権力を与えられ、思い通りに扱うことが許可された。体罰はほぼ普遍的で、社会に受け入れられていた。


この期間における別の変化は、親の虐待と育児放棄から、子どもを保護することで、厳しい監視があり、政府によってますます対抗措置が取られていった。 1889年に、フランスとイギリスの両方が、両親からも含めて、子どもへの残虐行為に反対する法律を可決した。国家は子どもの権利の擁護者となった。子どもの保護の権利は、その後、さまざまな受給権利につながり、支援提供する責任は政府にあった。医療保障・公的住宅・公園は、労働からの自由・公教育への参加と合わさり、子どもの権利の要素として浮上した。

東京大学 2019 問題1B

【問題1-B 文章読解】
以下の英文を読み( ア )・( イ )の問いに答えよ。なお、文章中のlinguisticという単語は「言語の」、linguistは「言語学者」を意味する。

Music is a universal language. Or so musicians like to claim. "With music," they'll say, "you can communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries in ways that you can't with ordinary languages like English or French." On one level, this statement is obviously true. You don't have to speak French to enjoy a piece of music written by the French composer Claude Debussy ( 1 ) That depends on what you mean by "universal" and what you mean by "language."

Every human culture has music, just as each has language. So it's true that music is a universal feature of the human experience. At the same time, both music and language systems vary widely from culture to culture. Nevertheless, no matter how strange a foreign musical system may seem, studies show that people are pretty good at detecting the emotions conveyed in unfamiliar forms of music — that is, at least the two basic emotions of happiness and sadness. ( 2 ) For example, higher pitch, more variations in pitch and rhythm, and faster tempo convey happiness, while the opposite conveys sadness.

Perhaps, then, we are born with a musical sense. But language also has melody, which linguists call prosody. Exactly these same features - pitch, rhythm, and tempo- are used to convey emotion in speech in a way that appears to be universal across languages. Listen in on a conversation in French or Japanese or some other language you don't speak. You won't understand the content, but you will understand the shifting emotional states of the speakers. She's upset, and he's getting defensive. Now she's really angry, and he's backing off. He pleads with her, but she isn't convinced.... We understand this exchange in a foreign language because we know what it sounds like in our own language. Likewise, when we listen to a piece of music, either from our culture or from another, we recognize emotion on the basis of melodic features that mirror universal prosodic features. ( 3 )

But is music a kind of language? Again, we have to define our terms. ( 4 ) Biologists talk about the language of bees," which is a way to tell fellow bees about the location of a new source of food. People talk about the language of flowers," through which they can express their intentions. "Red roses mean ... Pink carnations mean ... White lilies mean ..." And then there's "body language." By this we mean the gestures, movements, and facial expressions we use to convey emotions, social status, and so on. Although we often use body language when we speak, linguists don't consider it a true form of language. Instead, it's a communication system, just as are the so-called languages of bees and flowers.

By definition, language is a communication system consisting of a set of meaningful symbols (words) and a set of rules (syntax) for combining those symbols into larger meaningful units (sentences). While many species have communication systems, none of these counts as language because they lack one or the other component. The alarm and food calls of many species consist of a set of meaningful symbols, but they don't combine those symbols productively according to rules. Likewise, bird song and whale song have rules for combining elements, but these elements aren't meaningful symbols. Only the song as a whole has ( ア ).

Like language, music has syntax - rules for ordering elements, such as notes, chords, and intervals, into complex structures. ( 5 ) Rather, it's the larger structure-the melody--that conveys emotional meaning. And it does that by mirroring the prosody of speech.Since music and language share features in common, it's not surprising that many of the brain areas that process language also process music. ( 6 ) We tend to think that specific areas of the brain are tied exclusively to specific functions, but any complex behavior, whether language or music or driving a car, will recruit contributions from many different brain areas.

Music certainly isn't a universal language in the sense that you could use it to express any thought to any person on the planet. But music does have the power to evoke basic feelings at the core of the shared human experience. It not only crosses cultures, but it also reaches deep into our evolutionary past. And in that sense, music truly is a universal language.

David Ludden. Is Music a Universal Language? Expressing the shared human experience. 2015.

( ア ) 空所( ア )に入れるのに最も適切な単語1語を同じページの本文中から抜 き出し、その単語を記述解答用紙の1-Bに記入せよ。

( イ ) 空所( 1 )から( 6 )に入れるのに最も適切な文を以下のa)からh)より1つずつ選び、マークシートの( 1 )から( 6 )にその記号をマークせよ。ただし、同じ記号を複数回用いてはならない。

a) But is music really a universal language?
b) But is the opposite true, that is, is language a universal music?
c) But this doesn't mean that music is language.
d) In this sense, music really is a universal system for communicating emotion.
e) Specific features of music contribute to the expression of these emotions.
f) We, including scientists, often use "language" to mean "communication system."
g) We usually do not define "language" as "communication."
h) Yet none of these elements has significance on its own.

東京大学 2019 問題1B 解答

【問題1-B 文章読解 解答】

( ア ) meaning

( イ )
( 1 ) a
( 2 ) e
( 3 ) d
( 4 ) f
( 5 ) h
( 6 ) c

東京大学 2019 問題1B 解説

【問題1-B 文章読解 解説】

東京大学 2019 問題1B 全訳

【問題1-B 文章読解 全訳】







東京大学 2019 問題2A

【問題2-A 自由英作文】
新たに祝日を設けるとしたら,あなたはどのような祝日を提案したいか。 その祝日の意義は何か。また,なぜそのような祝日が望ましいと考えるのか。60~80 語の英語で説明しなさい。なお,この場合の祝日は,国民のための祝日でもよいし,国内外の特定の地域,もしくは全世界で祝うようなものでもかまわない。

東京大学 2019 問題2A 解答

【問題2-A 自由英作文 解答】

I propose a new national holiday called “Cleaning Day.” The significance of the holiday is to make people clean their own houses and rooms to appreciate every day of their lives. I think the holiday would have value of giving people opportunities to look at things carefully. In a world of automation, we need not clean anymore by ourselves. However, we also get lazy, less self-controlled, and insensitive. The cleaning day will remind people of doing things with their hands. (80words)

I would like to create a national holiday called “Cleaning Day” and on that day everyone would have to clean their own houses and rooms with their hands, rather than using cleaning machines. The purpose of the holiday is to give people opportunities to look at things carefully. The holiday is important in a world of automation because we are getting lazy, less self-controlled, and insensitive. we need to appreciate every day of our lives.(75words)

東京大学 2019 問題2A 解説

【問題2-A 自由英作文 解説】



【英作文講座 祝日】
△ a holiday
○ a public holiday
○ a national holiday

「祝日」はholidayでもいいですが、土曜日日曜日などの「休日」との区別が弱いです。a public holidayとすると表現が正確になります。また「祝日」を「国民の休日」と解釈すればa national holidayも可です。

【英作文講座 祝日を提案する】
△ make a new public holiday
△ create a new national holiday
○ propose a new national holiday


【英作文講座 祝日の意義は】
× the meaning of the holiday is
△ the purpose of the holiday is
○ the significance of the holiday is

「祝日の意義」はthe significance of the holidayになります。気をつけたいのはsignificanceとmeaningの違いです。significanceはより公的社会的な価値を指し、meaningは個人的な価値を指します。purposeは「目的」ですのでやや意味がずれますが、用いれなくはないです。

【英作文講座 望ましいと考える】
△ the holiday is important
○ I think the holiday would have value of

「望ましいと考える」はthe holiday is importantではやや曖昧です。I think the holiday would have value ofがよいでしょう。

東京大学 2019 問題2B

【問題2-B 和文英訳】


東京大学 2019 問題2B 解答

【問題2-B 和文英訳 解答】

The most important thing is that each of us becomes conscious that we ourselves are polluting the invaluable natural environment by plastic wastes in everyday life.

The most important thing is that each of us realizes that we ourselves are polluting the irreplaceable natural environment by plastic wastes in daily life.

東京大学 2019 問題2B 解説

【問題2-B 和文英訳 解説】

【和文英訳 日本語を整理する】



【和文英訳 もっとも重要なのは】
✖ we feel important
△ it is important for us
○ the most important thing is

「もっとも」という日本語があるので最上級形をもちいてthe most important thing isが良いでしょう。it is important for usではやや弱いです。we feel importantという慣例はあまりありませし、誤解のある表現です。we feel importantは自分を大事にするというニュアンスになります。

【和文英訳 私たちひとりひとり】
✖ one by one
△ alll of us
○ each of us

「私たちひとりひとり」はEach of usが良いでしょう。Eachはひとりひとりの人間が細かな単位として想像されます。対してallは人間集団や群衆が想像される言葉でAll of usはやや不正確な表現です。one by oneは物事が1つずつ進行していく場面で用いられますので、ここにはふさわしくないでしょう。

【和文英訳 私たちひとりひとりが自覚する】
○ each of us becomes conscious that
○ each of us realizes that

「自覚する」はbecomes conscious thatかrealizes thatが良いでしょう。

【和文英訳 日々の暮らしのなかで】
△ everyday
○ in everyday life
○ in daily life

「日々の暮らしのなかで」はin everyday lifeかin daily lifeが良いでしょう。everydayだけでは「暮らし」が訳出できていないので、減点となります。

【和文英訳 プラスチックごみによって】
✖ by plastics
○ by plastic wastes

「プラスチックごみ」はplastic wastesになります。plasticsだけでは減点になります。

【和文英訳 かけがえのない自然環境】
✖ precious natural environment
△ priceless natural environment
△ invaluable natural environment
○ irreplaceable natural environment


【和文英訳 プラスチックごみによってかけがえのない自然環境を汚染しているのは私たち自身である】
we ourselves are polluting the irreplaceable natural environment by plastic wastes

The most important thing is that each of us becomes conscious that we ourselves are polluting the invaluable natural environment by plastic wastes in everyday life.

The most important thing is that each of us realizes that we ourselves are polluting the irreplaceable natural environment by plastic wastes in daily life.

東京大学 2019 問題3

【問題3 リスニング】


【問題3 リスニング 解説】


東京大学 2019 問題4A

【問題4-A 誤文訂正】
以下の英文の段落(22) ~ (26)にはそれぞれ誤りがある。修正が必要な下線部を各段落から1つずつ選び、マークシートの(22) ~ (26) に>その記号をマークせよ。

(22)  The old-fashioned stereotype that women are ( a ) not suited by nature at mathematical study ( b ) suffered a major blow in 2014, when Maryam Mirzakhani became the first woman to receive the Fields Medal, math's most prestigious award. An equally important blow was struck by an Italian mathematician, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, born three hundred years ago. Agnesi was the first woman to write a mathematics textbook and to be ( c ) appointed to a university chair in math, yet her life was marked by paradox. ( d ) Though brilliant, rich and famous, she eventually chose a life of poverty and service to the poor.

(23)  Born May 16, 1718, in Milan, Agnesi was the eldest of her wealthy father's twenty-one children. As she grew up, her talents shone, particularly in the study of languages. ( a ) In part to give her the best education possible, her father invited ( b ) leading intellectuals of the day to the family's home. When Agnesi was nine, she repeated from memory a Latin speech, ( c ) likely composed by one of her tutors, in front of her father's guests. The speech condemned the widespread prejudice against educating women in the arts and sciences, ( d ) which had either been grounded in the view that a life of managing a household would require no such learning. Agnesi presented a clear and convincing argument that women should be free to pursue ( e ) any kind of knowledge available to men.

(24) Agnesi eventually became ( a ) tired of displaying her intellectual abilities in public and ( b ) expressed a desire to retire from the world and to ( c ) dedicate her to a religious life. When her father's second wife died, however, ( d ) she assumed responsibility for his household and the education of her many younger brothers and sisters. Through this role, she ( e ) recognized the need for a comprehensive mathematics textbook to introduce Italian students to basic methods that summarized recent mathematical discoveries.

(25)  Agnesi found a special appeal in mathematics. Most knowledge acquired from experience, she believed, is prone to error and open to dispute. From mathematics, however, ( a ) come truths that are wholly certain. ( b ) Published in two volumes in 1748, Agnesi's work was titled the Basic Principles of Analysis. It was composed not in Latin, ( c ) as was the custom for great mathematicians such as Newton and Euler, but in Italian, to ( d ) make it more accessible to students. Agnesi's textbook was praised in 1749 by the French Academy: “It took much skill and good judgment to ( e ) reduce almost uniform methods to discoveries scattered among the works of many mathematicians very different from each other.”

(26) ( a ) A passionate advocate for the education of women and the poor, Agnesi believed that the natural sciences and math should play an important role in an educational curriculum. As a person of deep religious faith, however, she also believed that scientific and mathematical studies must be ( b ) viewed in the larger context of God's plan for creation. When her father died in 1752, she was free to answer a religious calling and devote the rest of her life to her other great passion: service to the poor. Although few remember Agnesi today, her pioneering role in the history of mathematics serves as ( c ) an inspiring story of triumph over gender stereotypes. She helped to clear a path for women in math ( d ) for generations to follow. Agnesi excelled at math, but she also loved it, perceiving ( e ) in its mastery of an opportunity to serve both her fellow human beings and a higher order.

Richard Gunderman. Maria Agnesi, the greatest female mathematician you've never heard of. 2018.

東京大学 2019 問題4A 解答

【問題4-A 解答】
(22)  a
(23)  d
(24)  c
(25)  e
(26)  e

東京大学 2019 問題4A 解説

【問題4-A 解説】
(22)  a

not suited by nature at
not suited by nature for

(23)  d

which had either been grounded in the view
which had been grounded in the view

(24)  c

dedicate her to a religious life
dedicate herself to a religious life

(25)  e

reduce almost uniform methods
reduce almost to uniform methods

(26)  e

in its mastery of an opportunity
in its mastery an opportunity

東京大学 2019 問題4B

【問題4-B 英文和訳】
以下の英文を読み、下線部( ア )・( イ )・( ウ )を和訳せよ。なお、文章中のFredは、著者の両親が飼っている大型のリクガメの名前である。

Last July, I went to Honolulu to meet Fred and to spend the summer with my parents. My parents and I have a warm relationship, even though, or perhaps because, I don't speak to or visit them frequently; until my most recent trip there, the previous July, I hadn't seen them in six years. I live in New York, and they live in Hawaii, and ( ア ) while it is true that traveling to the islands requires a certain commitment of time, the real reason I stayed away is that there were other places I wanted to visit.

Of all the gifts and advantages my parents have given me, one of the greatest is their conviction that it is the duty of children to leave and do what they want, and the duty of parents not just to accept this but to encourage it. When I was 14 and first leaving my parents — then living in East Texas — to attend high school in Honolulu, my father told me that any parent who expected anything from his child was bound to be disappointed, because ( イ ) it was foolish and selfish to raise children in the hope that they might someday pay back the debt of their existence; he has maintained this ever since.

( ウ ) This philosophy explains their love for a pet that, in many ways, contradicts what we generally believe a pet should be. Those of us with animals in our lives don't like to think of ourselves as having expectations for them, but we do. We want their loyalty and affection, and we want these things to be expressed in a way that we can understand. Fred, however, provides none of these things. Although he is, in his way, friendly, he is not a creature who, you feel, has any particular fondness for you.

Hanya Yanagihara. A Pet Tortoise Who Will Outlive Us All. 2017.

東京大学 2019 問題4B 解答

【問題4-B 英文和訳 解答】

( ア ) 一方では、島を訪れることは、ある程度の時間拘束が求められることは真実だが、疎遠になっていた本当の理由は、私に他に訪問したい場所があったからだった。

( イ ) 今日ある姿への恩義を返してくれるかもしれないと期待して子育てすることは愚かで自分勝手だ。

( ウ ) この哲学は、彼らのペット愛を、私たちが一般にペットのあるべき姿と信じるものと矛盾する、さまざまな点で、説明する。

東京大学 2019 問題4B 解説

【問題4-B 英文和訳 解説】

( ア ) 一方では、島を訪れることは、ある程度の時間拘束が求められることは真実だが、疎遠になっていた本当の理由は、私に他に訪問したい場所があったからだった。

【和文英訳 while it is true that】
× それが真実の間は
○ 一方ではそれは真実ではあるが

【和文英訳 requires a certain commitment of time】
△ とある時間を捧げる要求があるが
○ ある程度の時間拘束が求められるが

【和文英訳 stayed away】
△ 離れているのは
○ 距離を置いた
○ 疎遠になっていた

stay awayは「離れた状態のままを維持すること」なので「距離を置いた」や「疎遠になっていた」が自然な日本語訳になります。

【和文英訳 there were other places I wanted to visit】
△ 私が訪問したい他の場所があった
○ 私は他に訪問したい場所があった

( イ ) 今日ある姿への恩義を返してくれるかもしれないと期待して子育てすることは愚かで自分勝手だ。

【和文英訳 raise children】
× 子供を持ち上げる
○ 子供を育てる

【和文英訳 pay back】
△ お金を返す
○ 恩返しをする

pay backはもともとは「もらったものを返す」という意味です。ここではお金も含めて、もっと広い感情の交流も含めるべきなので「恩返し」と訳すとよいでしょう。

【和文英訳 the debt of their existence】
△ 存在の負債
○ 今日ある姿への恩義を

( ウ ) この哲学は、彼らのペット愛を、私たちが一般にペットのあるべき姿と信じるものと矛盾する、さまざまな点で、説明する。

【和文英訳 in many ways】
△ さまざまな方法で
○ さまざまな点で

in many waysは「さまざまな点で」と訳す慣例になっています。

【和文英訳 contradicts what we generally believe】
○ 私たちが一般に信じるものと矛盾する


【和文英訳 a pet should be】
△ ペットがすべき
○ ペットのあるべき姿

should beで「人が望む理想的な状態」を意味するので「ペットのあるべき姿」という日本語がぴったりでしょう。

東京大学 2019 問題5

【問題5 長文総合】
以下の英文を読み、( A )から( D )の問いに答えよ。なお、文章中のstratocumulusという単語は「層積雲」を意味する。

Gavin Pretor-Pinney decided to take a break. It was the summer of 2003, and for the last 10 years, in addition to his graphic-design business in London, he and a friend had been running a magazine called The Idler. This title suggests "literature for the lazy.” It argues against busyness and careerism and for the value of aimlessness, of letting the imagination quietly run free. Pretor-Pinney anticipated all the jokes: that ( A )he'd burned out running a magazine devoted to doing nothing, and so on. But it was true. Getting the magazine out was tiring, and after a decade, it seemed appropriate to stop for a while and live without a plan — to be an idler himself in a positive sense and make space for fresh ideas.

So he exchanged his apartment in London for one in Rome, where everything would be new and anything could happen. Pretor-Pinney is 47, tall and warm, with a grey beard and pale blue eyes. His face is often bright, as if he's being told a story and can feel some terrific surprise coming. He stayed in Rome for seven months and loved it, especially all the religious art. One thing he noticed: the paintings he encountered were crowded with clouds.

They were everywhere, he told me recently, “these soft clouds, like the sofas of the saints.” But outside, when Pretor-Pinney looked up, the real Roman sky was usually cloudless. He wasn't accustomed to such endless, blue emptiness. He was an Englishman; he was accustomed to clouds. He remembered, as a child, being charmed by them and deciding that people must climb long ladders to harvest cotton from them. Now, in Rome, he couldn't stop thinking about clouds. “I found myself ア(27) them,” he told me.

Clouds. They were a strange obsession, perhaps even a silly one, but he didn't resist it. He went with it, as he often does, despite not having a specific goal or even a general direction in mind; he likes to see where things go. When Pretor-Pinney returned to London, he talked about clouds constantly. He walked around ア(28) them, learned their scientific names, like “stratocumulus,” and the weather conditions that shape them and argued with friends who complained they were gloomy or dull. He was realizing, as he later put it, that “clouds are not something to complain about. They are, in fact, the most dynamic and poetic aspect of nature.”

Slowing down to appreciate clouds enriched his life and sharpened his ability to appreciate other pockets of beauty ア(29) in plain sight. At the same time, Pretor-Pinney couldn't help noting, ( B )we were entering an era in which we were losing a sense of wonder. New, supposedly amazing things bounced around the internet so quickly that, as he put it, we can now all walk around with an attitude like, “Well, I've just seen a panda doing something unusual online — what's going to amaze me now?” His passion for clouds was teaching him that “it's much better for our souls to realize we can be amazed and delighted by what's around us."

At the end of 2004, a friend invited Pretor-Pinney to give a talk about clouds at a small literary festival in South West England. The previous year, there were more speakers than people in the audience, so Pretor-Pinney wanted an interesting title for his talk, to draw a crowd. “Wouldn't it be funny,” he thought, “to have a society that defends clouds against the bad reputation they get — that stands up for clouds?” So he called it "The First Annual Lecture of the Cloud Appreciation Society.” And it worked. Standing room only! Afterward, people came up to him and asked for more information about the Cloud Appreciation Society. They wanted to join the society. “And I had to tell them, well, I haven't really got a society,” Pretor-Pinney said. So he set about ア(30) one.

He created a simple website with a gallery for posting photographs of clouds, a membership form and a bold manifesto. (“We believe that clouds are unjustly insulted and that life would be infinitely poorer without them,” it began.) He also decided to charge a membership fee and issue a certificate in the mail. He did these things because he recognized that joining an online Cloud Appreciation Society that existed in name only might appear ridiculous, and he wanted to make sure that it did not seem ( イ ).

Within a couple of months, the society had 2,000 ア(31) members. Pretor-Pinney was surprised and delighted. Then, Yahoo placed the Cloud Appreciation Society first on its 2005 list of Britain's “Wild and Wonderful Websites.” People kept clicking on that link, which wasn't necessarily surprising, but thousands of them also clicked through to Pretor-Pinney's own website, then paid for memberships. Other news sites noticed. They did their own articles about the Cloud Appreciation Society, and people followed the links in those articles too. Previously, Pretor-Pinney had proposed writing a book about clouds and had been rejected by 28 editors. Now he was an internet sensation with a large online following; he got a deal to write a book about clouds.

The writing process was ア(32). On top of not actually having written a book before, he demanded perfection of himself, so the work went slowly. But The Cloudspotter's Guide, published in 2006, is full of joy and wonder. Pretor Pinney surveys clouds in art history, poetry, and modern photography. In the middle of the book, there's a cloud quiz. Question No. 5 asks of a particular photograph, “( C )_____stratocumulus?” The answer Pretor-Pinney supplies is, “It is pleasing for whatever reason you find it to be.”

The book became a bestseller.

Jon Mooallem. The Amateur Cloud Society That (Sort Of) Rattled the Scientific Community . 2016.

(A)  下線部( A )に関して、“all the jokes”の例であることがわかるように、その内容を日本語で説明せよ。

(B)  下線部( B )の内容を本文に即して日本語で説明せよ。

(C)  下に与えられた語を正しい順番に並べ替え、下線部( C )を埋めるのに最も適切な表現を完成させよ。
about is it layer of pleasing so that's this what

(D) 以下の問いに解答し,その答えとなる記号をマークシートにマークせよ。

(Dーア)  空所 (27) ~ (32) には単語が一つずつ入る。それぞれに文脈上最も適切な語を次のうちから一つずつ選び、マークシートの (27) ~ (32) にその記号を マークせよ。ただし,同じ記号を複数回用いてはならない。
a) admiring
b) disturbing
c) exhausting
d) hating
e) hiding
f) ignoring
g) inventing
h) missing
i) paying
j) recovering

(D-イ)  空所(イ)に入れるのに最も適切な単語を次のうちから一つ選び,マークシートの (33) にその記号をマークせよ。
a) cloudy
b) expensive
c) lazy
d) pointless
e) serious

(D-ウ)  本文の内容と合致しないものはどれか。一つ選び, マークシートの (34)

a) It was not until he went to Rome that Pretor-Pinney found clouds attractive.

b) Pretor-Pinney learned a lot about clouds after he came back to London, which helped him write The Cloudspotter's Guide.

c) Pretor-Pinney's Cloud Appreciation Society drew people's attention quickly.

d) Pretor-Pinney's talk about clouds at a small literary festival turned out to be exceptionally successful.

e) Pretor-Pinney was busy both when co-editor of The Idler and when founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society.

東京大学 2019 問題5 解答

【問題5 長文総合 解答】
( A ) 何もしないことを推奨する雑誌を作っていたはずなのに、本人がその運営に忙殺され燃え尽きてしまったという皮肉な状況。

( B ) 驚くべき出来事があまりに速くインターネット上で拡散するので,実際に身の周りにあるものに対して人々が驚嘆の念を抱けない時代になってきているということ。

( C ) What is it that's so pleasing about this layer of

( D )

(27) h
(28) a
(29) e
(30) g
(31) i
(32) c

(イ) d
Cloud Appreciation Society that existed in name only might appear ridiculous, and he wanted to make sure that it did not seem pointless.

(ウ) a
第一段落末にHe remembered, as a child, being charmed by them and deciding that people must climb long ladders to harvest cotton from themとあるので、彼が始めて雲に興味を持ったのは、ローマに行く前のことです。

東京大学 2019 問題5 解説

【問題5 長文総合 解説】

( A ) 何もしないことを推進する雑誌の経営者である彼が、あまりにも忙しいという反対の状況にあり、燃え尽き症候群になってしまうという笑い話。

【英文和訳 he'd burned out】
△ 彼は燃え尽きてしまう
○ 彼は燃え尽き症候群になってしまう。

ここでのburned outは物理的な変化ではなく、心理的な変化「忙しすぎて疲れてきってしまう」という意味で訳出したいです。

【英文和訳 running a magazine】
× 雑誌を走らせる
○ 雑誌を経営する


( B ) 驚くべき事件が、インターネットであまりにも速く拡散する時代なので、現実生活での身の周りの物事へ、人間が驚嘆の念を抱けないようになってきている。

【英文和訳 sense of wonder】
× 不思議な感覚
○ 驚嘆の念・畏怖の感覚

( C ) What is it that's so pleasing about this layer of

( D )

(27) h
(28) a
(29) e
(30) g
(31) i
(32) c

(イ) d

(ウ) a


東京大学 2019 問題5 全訳

【問題5 長文総合 全訳】











