慶応義塾大学 医学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019

慶応義塾大学 医学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019

慶応義塾大学 医学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019

慶応義塾大学 医学部 傾向対策解答解説 2019


【英語の試験構成 長文3本+英作文1本の安定構成】

【英語の出典 医学系大半+文学系少々】

【英作文+和文英訳 差がつく】

【プロ家庭教師 医学部対策講座】


【大問】: 1
【形式】: 適語補充+英文和訳+和文英訳(英作文)
【表題】: 日本は孤独を尊重しようとする Japan struggles to keep loneliness at arm's length
【作者】: ミシェル・ホフマン Michael Hoffman
【対策】: 論理的文章(説明文)で、日本における孤独を題材にしています。孤独を社会問題として理解して、どのような家族制度・労働制度が孤独に影響を与えているかを考察します。また孤独を国際比較しているので、OECDなどの社会調査資料に慣れておくと読みやすくなるでしょう。
【用語】: 孤独 家族 国際比較
【目安時間】: 30分

【大問】: 2
【形式】: 適語補充+英文和訳
【表題】: 寿命が伸びて健康寿命も伸びるだろうか As life expectancies rise so are expectations for healthy aging.
【作者】: マルシア・オリー Marcia Ory
【対策】: 論理的文章(説明文)で、人類の寿命と健康寿命についての文章です。先進国では高齢化が標準となった世界では、どのように老いるべきかを検討する文章です。数世代前にはなかった新しい問題なので、それまでの既成概念がどのように更新されるべきかを読み取りましょう。
【用語】: 寿命 健康寿命 生活
【目安時間】: 20分

【大問】: 3
【形式】: 適語補充+英文和訳
【表題】:なぜ悪い礼儀作法は許されるのか Why it's OK to have bad manners
【作者】:クリスティ・セジマン Kirsty Sedgman
【対策】: 論理的文章(説明文)で法学分野からの出題です。慶応医学部では、医学系の文章に加えて、文学系・法学系の文章も1題は出題されます。英語圏の報道機関であるBBCのサイトからで、公共空間での礼儀作法(manner)について、どのような思想で向き向き合うべきかを考察しています。筆者がは明確に白黒善悪を決めつけてはいない点を読解しましょう。
【用語】:公共空間 行儀作法 マナー 権力
【目安時間】: 25分

【大問】: 4
【形式】: 英作文(和文英訳)
【表題】:悪い礼儀作法の例を1つか2つ挙げなさい。そのような行動を他者が公共空間でした時には、あなたはどう感じますか。 Give one or two examples of behavior you consider to be bad manners. How do you feel when you see people engaging in such behavior in public?
【対策】: 慶応医学部では自由英作文が独自に課されます。語数は約100語です。どのような出題でも、すばやく意見をまとめて書ける技術が必要です。
【用語】:公共空間 行儀作法 マナー 権力
【目安時間】: 15分

慶応 医学部 2019 問題1



Britain earlier this year became the first nation in history to appoint a minister for loneliness. Japan's failure to do something similar points to lack of imagination, not lack of need. Loneliness is first and foremost a personal problem, but it is also an economic ( a )one. It undermines health, reduces productivity, and is said to cost Britain the equivalent of 4.7 trillion dollars a year.

It probably costs Japan more. Japan's population is higher, and Japan seems to be lonelier. More than a third of Japanese households are single-occupant---not a remarkably high level by modern standards: seventh among the 36 nations making up the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Denmark, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Austria and France are ahead of Japan. Britain, which sees itself in crisis, is two places behind.

You can live alone and still have an active social life. The Japanese in general ( b )don't, says business weekly Shukan Toyo Keizai. It cites other OECD figures that suggest Japan is possibly the loneliest nation on Earth. ( 1 )15パーセントほどの日本人は、家庭外では社会的交流が全くないと言っている--- the higest rate in the OECD. Mexico is close behind at 14 percent, followed by the Czech Republic at ( c )10. Denmark, no.1 in terms of single-occupant households, is 17th here (3 percent). Germany, no.2 in single-occupancy, is 16th (also roughly 3 percent).

There are many ways to be alone. ( 2 )生涯独身のままでいる者もいる、現在20パーセントもの日本人がそうであるように。You can be divorced---one in three Japanese marriages end ( d )that way. You can be widowed, or childless, or living apart from your children, or living apart from your family and friends (having been transferred, for example); you can be temporarily or permanently friendless, or isolated among family, friends and colleagues because of a problem that concerns you deeply but wouldn't be understood by ( e )them.

The elderly are particularly—--but not exclusively---vulnerable to loneliness. ( 3 )一人暮らしの老人男性の15%は2週間に1度にも満たないほどの会話しかしない, research cited by Toyo Keizai shows. The same applies to 8.4 percent of young and middle-aged men living alone. That's a lot of people coping with a lot of silence. Working-age people have the advantage of workplace conversation--- what there is of it. There is actually ( f )less and less, especially in IT and related fields, where employees intent on their screens share office space but are scarcely aware of each other's existence. ( 4 )A systems engineer in his 30s tells the magazine that the only office “communication” he's aware of is his boss's complaints when he misses a deadline.

Humans are peculiar creatures. ( 5 )私たちは互いと共に暮らすことは難しいが、 お互いが欠けても生きることはできない。 Yet, ( 6 )私たちのますます多くが一人で 暮らし、社会と全く関わらないでいるようになっている。The problem is that loneliness---prolonged isolation—--changes our outlook on life, Toyo Keizai says. It can make us inconsiderate of and uninterested in others. Over time, “as more people grow isolated, ( g )it may turn Japan into a less tolerant society.”

MICHAEL HOFFMAN. Japan struggles to keep loneliness at arm's length.

( a )から( g )は語(句)の省略あるいは代用によって反復を避けた表現である。元の表現を復元しなさい。

下線部( 1 )の日本文の意味を表すように、次の単語を並び替え、10番目と15番目に入る単語を解答欄に記しなさい。1番目の単語は Someである。

absolutely family fifteen have interaction Japanese no of outside percent say social Some the they

下線部( 2 )を英語に訳しなさい。

下線部( 3 )を英語に訳しなさい。

下線部( 4 )の中の “communication" に引用符がつけられた理由を最もよく説明しているのは以下のどれか、選択肢から選び、その記号を解答欄に書きなさい。

(A) to convey a universal sense of communication
(B) to give the word special emphasis
(C) to indicate that the word is being used ironically
(D) to mark the word as a direct quotation
(E) to reinforce the meaning of the word “conversation”

下線部( 5 )を英語に訳しなさい。

下線部( 6 )の日本文の意味を表すように、次の単語を並び替え、3番目と12番目に入る単語を解答欄に記しなさい。15番目の単語はaltogetherである。解答欄は問2の解答欄の右横にある。

altogether and and are in living more more of of opting out society solitude us

次の英文(1)から(7)について、 本文の内容と一致するものはAを、一致しないものにはBを、本文からは読み取れないものにはCを解答欄に記入しなさい。 解答欄は問5の解答欄の右横にある。

(1) Japan has less need of a minister for loneliness than the UK.

(2) One reason why loneliness probably costs Japan's economy more than it costs the UK's is that Japan has a larger population.

(3) Over a third of Japanese people are living alone.

(4) In terms of the proportion of single-occupant households, Britain ranks ninth among the 36 OECD nations.

(5) Elderly men living alone tend to have less social interaction than elderly women living alone.

(6) Working in an office all but guarantees a healthy level of social interaction.

(7) The growing prevalence of loneliness could have a damaging effect on Japanese society.

慶応 医学部 2019 問題1解答


(a) problem
(b) don’t have an active social life
(c) 10 percent
(d) in divorce / getting divorced
(e) family, friends and colleagues
(f) less and less workplace conversation
(g) loneliness / prolonged isolation

【大問1ー2 解答】
10 番目: no
15 番目: family

【大問1ー3 解答】
You may be single for a lifetime, like 20 percent of modern Japanese are.

One can be a lifetime single, as 20 percent of Japanese now are.

【大問1ー4 解答】
Fifteen percent of elderly men living alone have fewer than one conversation in two weeks.

【大問1ー5 解答】

【大問1ー6 解答】
It is difficult for us to live together, but it is impossible for us to live without each other.

We can’t live with each other, and we can’t live without each other.

【大問1ー7 解答】
3番目: more
12 番目: out

【大問1ー8 解答】
(1) B
(2) A
(3) B
(4) A
(5) C
(6) B
(7) A

慶応 医学部 2019 問題1解説

【大問1 解説】

【大問1ー1 指示語】

(a) Loneliness is first and foremost a personal problem, but it is also an economicproblem.

(b) You can live alone and still have an active social life. The Japanese in generaldon’t have an active social life.

(c) Mexico is close behind at 14 percent, followed by the Czech Republic at10 percent.

(d) You can be divorced---one in three Japanese marriages endin divorce / getting divorced

(e) you can be temporarily or permanently friendless, or isolated among family, friends and colleagues because of a problem that concerns you deeply but wouldn't be understood by family, friends and colleagues

(f) Working-age people have the advantage of workplace conversation--- what there is of it. There is actually less and less workplace conversation

(g) as more people grow isolated loneliness / prolonged isolation may turn Japan into a less tolerant society.

【大問1ー2 整序作文】
Some fifteen percent of Japanese say they have absolutely no social interaction outside the family.

10 番目: no
15 番目: family

【大問1ー3 条件英作文】
You may be single for a lifetime, like 20 percent of modern Japanese are.

One can be a lifetime single, as 20 percent of Japanese now are.

【大問1ー4 条件英作文】
Fifteen percent of elderly men living alone have fewer than one conversation in two weeks.

【大問1ー5 内容理解】

【大問1ー6 条件英作文】
We can’t live with each other and we can’t live without each other.

【大問1ー7 整序作文】
more and more of us are living in solitude and opting out of society altogether

3番目: more
12 番目: out

【大問1ー8 内容理解】
(1) B

Japan's failure to do something similar points to lack of imagination, not lack of needとあるので日本には「需要」があるが、「想像力」がないと文章で主張されていますので、文章内容と合っていません。

(2) A

It probably costs Japan more. Japan's population is higher, and Japan seems to be lonelierとありますので文章内容と合っています。

(3) B

More than a third of Japanese households are single-occupantとありますので文章内容と合っていません。「3分の1の世帯(household)」と「3分の1の人口(people)」をしっかりと区別しましょう。

(4) A

Japanese---seventh among the 36 nations---Britain---is two places behindとあるので文章内容と合っています。

(5) C


(6) B

employees intent on their screens share office space but are scarcely aware of each other's existenceとあるので文章内容に合っていません。

(7) A

as more people grow isolated, it may turn Japan into a less tolerant societyとあるので文章内容に合っています。

慶応 医学部 2019 問題1全訳

【大問1 全訳】





人間は独特の生き物だ。私たちは互いと共に暮らすことは難しいが、 お互いが欠けても生きることはできない。 同時に、私たちのますます多くが一人で 暮らし、社会と全く関わらないでいるようになっている。問題は、孤独---長期にわたる孤立---が、私たちの人生観を変えてしまうことだ、と東洋経済は言う。それは私たちを、他人に思いやりがなく、無関心にすることができる。時間が経つにつれて「より多くの人々が孤立するにつれて、日本はより寛容でない社会に変わるかもしれまない」

慶応 医学部 2019 問題2



What is healthy aging? As members of the Healthy Aging Research Network, we have been researching factors affecting how long Americans will live, ways to stay as healthy as possible, and how best to make extended years quality years. Taking a comprehensive view, we defined healthy aging as “the development and maintenance of the best possible physical, mental (cognitive and emotional), spiritual, and social well-being and function in older adults.”

But achieving ( 1 )this is something different altogether. We now know that healthy aging is the result of a combination of many factors-genetic makeups, cellular biology, lifestyle behaviors, personal perspectives about aging, social engagement, and environment. ( あ ) the accumulation of chronic diseases such as arthritis, dementia, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, aging is not a "disease” but rather a lifelong process that extends from birth to death. ( 2 )Social and behavioral determinants are often stronger predictors of premature death than biology or quality of health care. Positive attitudes are extremely important because stereotypical negative views of aging can be health hazards themselves: research has shown that holding negative perceptions of aging can cut 7.5 years from one's life.

In the early 1900s, U.S. life expectancy at birth was under 50 years, and only a very small percentage of Americans lived to be 65. ( い ), people did not expect to live to old age, and the concept of healthy aging was unthinkable. Few people, including older adults, health care professionals, and policymakers, could imagine how much it would cost both individuals and society to treat elderly people with chronic conditions.

Now, aging is a global phenomenon, with 962 million people aged 60 years and older around the world, including about 78 million North Americans. With average life expectancies hovering around 80 and the possibility of living to 125 on the horizon, more attention is being focused on the factors that allow people to live into their 80s and beyond, and the consequences of ( 3 )these extended lifespans.

( 4 )Population aging—older persons comprising an increasingly larger share of the population—is becoming the “new normal” throughout the world, and not only in the most developed countries. ( う ) Japan and European countries have the highest percentages of older people, population aging is actually progressing at higher rates in many developing regions such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America; this has a ( 5 )huge implications for the welfare of older populations. With rapid globalization and urbanization, families are often more mobile, social support networks are breaking down, health care systems are inadequate, and older people are often left in remote villages to take care of themselves and, in some cases, of young children left behind.

( え ) the increased proportion of older people in our society, many people still hold stereotypical views of aging, seeing it as synonymous with weakness, loneliness, and poverty. ( 6 )Similarly misleading are images of 90-year-olds running marathons: such extreme activities are impossible for most people in their 80s, 90s, or 100s, the age groups growing most rapidly. Healthy aging does not mean being able to achieve peak performance in multiple activities; ( お ), it simply means living life to the fullest.

Marcia Ory. As life expectancies rise, so are expectations for healthy aging. 2018.

【大問2ー1 英文和訳】
下線部( 1 )のthisは具体的にどのようなことを指すのか。日本語75時以内で説明しなさい。

【大問2ー2 適語補充】
( あ )から( お )に入れる最適当な語句を選んで、その記号を書きなさい。

( あ )
1 Although
2 As a result of
3 Because
4 Despite

( い )
1 As a result
2 By contrast
3 Nevertheless
4 Strangely

( う )
1 Even
2 In spite of
3 Whether
4 While

( え )
1 Although
2 Because of
3 Because
4 In spite of

( お )
1 consequently
2 moreover
3 rather
4 similar

【大問2ー3 英文和訳】

下線部( 2 )を日本語に訳しなさい。

【大問2ー4 英文和訳】

下線部( 3 )をextendedの意味が分かるようにして日本語50時以内で説明しなさい。

【大問2ー5 英文和訳】

下線部( 4 )を日本語に訳しなさい。

【大問2ー6 英文和訳】

下線部( 5 )は具体的にはどのようなことを指しているのか、日本語100字以内で説明しなさい。

【大問2ー7 文章理解】

下線部( 6 )で、筆者の考えと一致する一文を下記から選び、その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。(マークシートでは問2の解答欄の右横にある。)

(A) It is a fact that aging makes people weaker, as well as lonelier and poorer, so it is clearly unreasonable to expect old people to be able to run marathons.

(B) Aging doesn't necessarily lead to weakness, loneliness, and poverty, so images of 90-year-olds running marathons are likely to become more common.

(C) Just as it is wrong to think that being old means being weak, lonely, and poor, so too is it wrong to think that old people should be able to do things like run marathons.

(D) Weakness, loneliness, and poverty go hand in hand with aging, so images of 90-year-olds running marathons are very unlikely to be seen.

慶応 医学部 2019 問題2解答


【大問2ー1 英文和訳】

【大問2ー2 適語補充】

【大問2ー3 英文和訳】

【大問2ー4 英文和訳】

【大問2ー5 英文和訳】

【大問2ー6 英文和訳】

【大問2ー7 文章理解】

慶応 医学部 2019 問題2解説



【大問2ー1 英文和訳】
Healthy aging の定義が述べられている以下の箇所を訳しましょう。

the development and maintenance of the best possible physical, mental (cognitive and emotional), spiritual, and social well-being and function in older adults


【大問2ー2 適語補充】


Despite the accumulation of chronic diseases such as arthritis, dementia, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, aging is not a "disease” but rather a lifelong process that extends from birth to death.


only a very small percentage of Americans lived to be 65. As a result, people did not expect to live to an old age, and the concept of healthy aging was unthinkable.


While Japan and European countries have the highest percentages of older people, population aging is actually progressing at higher rates in many developing regions such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America


In spite of the increased proportion of older people in our society, many people still hold stereotypical views of aging


Healthy aging does not mean being able to achieve peak performance in multiple activities; rather, it simply means living life to the fullest.

【大問2ー3 英文和訳】

Social and behavioral determinants are often stronger predictors of premature death than biology or quality of health care




【大問2ー4 英文和訳】

With average life expectancies hovering around 80 and the possibility of living to 125 on the horizon


【大問2ー5 英文和訳】

Population aging—older persons comprising an increasingly larger share of the population—is becoming the “new normal” throughout the world, and not only in the most developed countries

Population aging 高齢化
the most developed countries 最先進国

【大問2ー6 英文和訳】
huge implicationが支持するのは、以下の部分ですが、一語一語で逐語訳するには文字数が足りません。

With rapid globalization and urbanization, families are often more mobile, social support networks are breaking down, health care systems are inadequate, and older people are often left in remote villages to take care of themselves and, in some cases, of young children left behind


huge implication 大いなる示唆は

for the welfare of older populations 高齢化社会の福祉おいて

With rapid globalization and urbanization 急速な都市化とグローバル化で

families are often more mobile, social support networks are breaking down, health care systems are inadequate 家族は移動しやすく、相互扶助の仕組みは崩壊し、医療制度は機能不全で

older people are often left in remote villages 高齢者は過疎村に残され

to take care of themselves and, in some cases, of young children left behind 自活を余儀なくされ、場合によっては残された子供の世話をする


【大問2ー7 文章理解】

(A) It is a fact that aging makes people weaker, as well as lonelier and poorer, so it is clearly unreasonable to expect old people to be able to run marathons.


(B) Aging doesn't necessarily lead to weakness, loneliness, and poverty, so images of 90-year-olds running marathons are likely to become more common.


(C) Just as it is wrong to think that being old means being weak, lonely, and poor, so too is it wrong to think that old people should be able to do things like run marathons.


(D) Weakness, loneliness, and poverty go hand in hand with aging, so images of 90-year-olds running marathons are very unlikely to be seen.


Population aging 高齢化
the most developed countries 最先進国
arthritis 関節炎

慶応 医学部 2019 問題2全訳









慶応 医学部 2019 問題3



Select the most suitable preposition to fill each of the blank spaces marked (A) to (J). On the answer sheet, enter the number (1-4) that corresponds to each option you select.

(A) 1 a 2 in 3 on 4 with

(B) 1 about 2 for 3 of 4 to

(C) 1 by 2 in 3 to 4 with

(D) 1 at 2 by 3 in 4 on

(E) 1 at 2 for 3 in 4 with

1 after 2 during
3 prior to 4 subsequent to

(G) 1 along 2 beyond 3 by 4 to

(H) 1 against 2 by 3 for 4 in

(I) 1 for 2 from 3 in 4 with

(J) 1 from 2 to 3 toward 4 with

Supply a suitable word to fill each of the blank spaces marked (ア) to (オ), making sure it is in the correct form. The first letter of each word is given on the answer sheet.

Which of the following could be used to replace the underlined word marked (1) without changing the meaning? On the answer sheet, enter the letter (A-D) that corresponds to each option you select.

A obviously
B possibly
C seemingly
D surely

Translate the underlined sentence marked ( 2 ) into Japanese.

whereas toenail clipping in public is clearly distasteful, arguing that make-up only be applied in private has a less rational basis. It can be seen as part of a wider urge to control the way other people use public space.

One place where manners come sharply into focus is the theatre, where audiences are usually expected to sit in silence. ( 4 )Historically, this was not always the case. In the 19th century, audiences were retrained with new rules of behavior favored by elites. Previously free to engage with performers loudly and spontaneously, audiences were suddenly being told how to behave-through program notes, posters, and even lectures by those on stage. Now a similar thing is happening again. Audiences are increasingly being shamed for bringing in food, talking, and ( イ ) electronic devices like tablets and phones.

But in my study of online guides to theatre etiquette, I found that the ways people view such rules actually differ widely. For example, although many people think phones must be ( ウ ) off completely, others say that silent mode is fine. “Bad” behavior in theatres is often met ( E ) accusations of selfishness and a lack of consideration for others. Yet it was ( 5 )apparent that people have different expectations—with some people preferring a dignified event, while others want a more social occasion.

Although people have different visions of acceptable behavior, they tend to believe their own viewpoint is “common sense.” The word “obvious" came up repeatedly when I was researching how people decide what is right and wrong. Discussing theatre food bans, one person might say it is clearly “totally unacceptable” to bring in any food or drink, while another might suggest not being allowed to is “obviously ridiculous.”

There is also a danger that rules intended to promote consideration for others actually fail to achieve their aim. For example, expecting theatre audiences to go to the toilet before and never ( F ) the performance ignores those with medical conditions that force them to visit the bathroom regularly. And ( エ ) totally silent is also impossible for people with disorders like Tourette's syndrome. A response to these points has been a new theatre trend for so-called relaxed performances, in which audiences are allowed to speak, eat, drink, and move around as they like.

But should we expect people to conform to social norms, even if it means some of them are excluded as a result? This is a question that goes ( G ) theatre to all aspects of public life. For example, in America, some families attending graduation ceremonies have been criticized ( H ) cheering too loudly and “ruining” the traditional solemnity of the event.

Shaming strangers for their behavior has ( 6 )many unanticipated real world consequences. A survey of new mothers in Scotland found that a quarter had been made to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in public, a finding that could help explain the relatively low rate of breastfeeding in the UK.

There is a clear need to be considerate of others and to comply ( I ) social rules, particularly when your behavior is a risk to others. But deciding what is acceptable can also mean ( オ ) a judgment about what we should prioritize when it comes to happily coexisting. Should it be the preferences of those who want their experiences of travel, dining, and art to be free ( J ) annoying disturbances? Or the rights of those with noisy young children, disabilities, or simply a different set of values?

(  7  )

Kirsty Sedgman. Why it's OK to have bad manners. 2018.

Select the most suitable preposition to fill each of the blank spaces marked (A) to (J). On the answer sheet, enter the number (1-4) that corresponds to each option you select.

(A) 1 a 2 in 3 on 4 with

(B) 1 about 2 for 3 of 4 to

(C) 1 by 2 in 3 to 4 with

(D) 1 at 2 by 3 in 4 on

(E) 1 at 2 for 3 in 4 with

1 after 2 during
3 prior to 4 subsequent to

(G) 1 along 2 beyond 3 by 4 to

(H) 1 against 2 by 3 for 4 in

(I) 1 for 2 from 3 in 4 with

(J) 1 from 2 to 3 toward 4 with

Supply a suitable word to fill each of the blank spaces marked (7) to (7), making sure it is in the correct form. The first letter of each word is given on the answer sheet.

Which of the following could be used to replace the underlined word marked (1) without changing the meaning? On the answer sheet, enter the letter (A-D) that corresponds to each option you select.

A obviously
B possibly
C seemingly
D surely

Translate the underlined sentence marked ( 2 ) into Japanese.

Refer to the underlined words marked (3) and explain how, according to the passage, manners can be used to exert power. Answer in Japanese, using no more than 25 characters.

Translate the underlined sentence marked (4) into Japanese, making sure that it is clear what “this” refers to.

Which of the following could be used to replace the underlined word marked (5) without changing the meaning? On the answer sheet, enter the letter (A-D) that corresponds to each option you select. (The space on the answer sheet for this question is to the right of the space for question 3.)

A clear
B conspicuous
C likely
D probable

Refer to the underlined words marked (6) and give one example from the passage of an “unanticipated real-world consequence.” Answer in Japanese, using no more than 25 characters.

The final sentence of the passage has been removed from the box marked (7). Judging from the author's general stance, which of the following do you think it is? On the answer sheet, enter the letter (A-D) that corresponds to each option you select. (The space on the answer sheet for this question is to the right of the space for question 7.)

(A) For most of us, encountering moments of bad behavior is a momentary problem, so maybe the most considerate thing we can do is to try not to be so quick to judge.

(B) To most of us, it is obvious that we should prioritize the preferences of those who do not want to suffer annoying disturbances when they are trying to enjoy themselves.

(C) It is clear to most of us that the rights of those who cannot help disturbing others because of their personal circumstances or sense of values must be given priority.

(D) Most of us cannot imagine happily coexisting without a common recognition of what bad behavior is and a shared effort to stamp it out.

慶応 医学部 2019 問題3解答

【大問3A 解答】


【大問3B 解答】
(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 4

(F) 2
(G) 2
(H) 3
(I) 4
(J) 1


3. C

4. 最も基本的な水準において、マナーとは、自己の利益のためだけに行動するのではなく、他の人達への思いやりを示す手助けとなる、一連の共同ルールである。

5. 他の人々の公共の場の使い方を制御することによって。(25 字)

6. 歴史的にみると、劇場で観客は静かに座っていなければならないというのは、常に正しかったわけではない。

7. A

8. イギリスでは授乳を行う割合が比較的低いこと。(22 字)

9. A

慶応 医学部 2019 問題3解説

【大問3A 解説】


【大問3B 解説】
(A) 掲載待機(著作権)
(B) 掲載待機(著作権)
(C) 掲載待機(著作権)
(D) 掲載待機(著作権)

(E) 4
“Bad” behavior in theatres is often met with accusations of selfishness and a lack of consideration for others

(F) 2
For example, expecting theatre audiences to go to the toilet before and never during the performance ignores those with medical conditions that force them to visit the bathroom regularly.

(G) 2
This is a question that goes beyond theatre to all aspects of public life.

(H) 3
some families attending graduation ceremonies have been criticized for cheering too loudly and “ruining” the traditional solemnity of the event.

(I) 4
There is a clear need to be considerate of others and to comply with social rules, particularly when your behavior is a risk to others.

(J) 1
Should it be the preferences of those who want their experiences of travel, dining, and art to be free from annoying disturbances?

(ア) 掲載待機(著作権)

Audiences are increasingly being shamed for bringing in food, talking, and using electronic devices like tablets and phones.

many people think phones must be turned off completely, others say that silent mode is fine

staying totally silent is also impossible for people with disorders like Tourette's syndrome

deciding what is acceptable can also mean making a judgment about what we should prioritize when it comes to happily coexisting

3. 掲載待機(著作権)

4. 掲載待機(著作権)

5. 掲載待機(著作権)

6. 歴史的には観客が劇場で常に静かに座っていなければいけないことは、いつも正しいわけではなかった。


audiences are usually expected to sit in silence.Historically, this was not always the case.

7. A


8. イギリスでは授乳を行う割合が比較的低いこと。(22 字)


a finding that could help explain the relatively low rate of breastfeeding in the UK

9. A

(A) For most of us, encountering moments of bad behavior is a momentary problem, so maybe the most considerate thing we can do is to try not to be so quick to judge.が正解です。

筆者はThere is also a danger that rules intended to promote consideration for others actually fail to achieve their aimとあるように、安易に規則を作ることに反対しています。There is a clear need to be considerate of othersとあるように、他者を考慮すべきと主張しています。

(B) (C) (D) はいずれも規則の制定を勧めているので、不適となります。

慶応 医学部 2019 問題3全訳

【大問3A 全訳】


【大問3B 全訳】









慶応 医学部 2019 問題4

【大問4 英作文】
Give one or two examples of behavior you consider to be bad manners.

How do you feel when you see people engaging in such behavior in public?

Write about 100 words in English on this topic.

慶応 医学部 2019 問題4解答

【大問4 英作文 解答】
I consider smoking to be a bad manner. Smoking is bad for their health and also smoking makes trouble for others through second smoke. Smoking affects not only their health but also my health. Therefore, smoking is not a matter of preference. It is surely a public concern.
I feel uncomfortable when I see people smoking in public. They smell bad and my nose starts hurting. I feel like advising them not to smoke there but actually I can not advise them. I am afraid of offending them, so I choose smoke-free restaurants. I feel at ease without the smokers.(99WORDS)

慶応 医学部 2019 問題4解説

【大問4 英作文 解説】





【英作文 礼儀作法が悪い】
△ X is a bad manner
〇 consider X to be a bad manner

Xの候補として喫煙(smoking)・化粧(make up)・携帯電話(phone)・ゴミ捨て(littering)などが挙げられます。ここでは喫煙(smoking)を選びます。

I consider smoking to be a bad manner.


【英作文 健康に悪い】
△ unhealthy
〇 bad for one’s health

smoking is bad for their health

【英作文 迷惑をかける】
△ irritate someone
〇 annoy others
〇 trouble others
〇 make trouble for others

smoking makes trouble for others.

【英作文 受動喫煙】
△ passive smoke
〇 secondhand smoke

【英作文 好みの問題ではない】
△ is not a matter of taste
〇 is not a matter of preference

smoking is not a matter of preference

【英作文 みんなの問題】
△ our problem
〇 a public concern


【英作文 不快に感じる】
I feel uncomfortable

【英作文 悪臭がする】
〇 X smell bad

smoking smells bad.

【英作文 鼻が痛む】
〇 My nose hurts

【英作文 注意したくなる】
〇 feel like advising

I feel like advising them not to smoke there

【英作文 機嫌を損ねたくない】
〇 be afraid of offending

I am afraid of offending

【英作文 安心する】
△ I am relieved
〇 I feel at ease

【英作文 禁煙】
△ non-smoking
〇 smoke-free

I consider smoking to be a bad manner. Smoking is bad for their health and also smoking makes trouble for others through second smoke. Smoking affects not only their health but also my health. Therefore, smoking is not a matter of preference. It is surely a public concern.
I feel uncomfortable when I see people smoking in public. They smell bad and my nose starts hurting. I feel like advising them not to smoke there but actually I can not advise them. I am afraid of offending them, so I choose smoke-free restaurants. I feel at ease without the smokers.(99WORDS)
