センター試験 2019 傾向対策解答解説

センター試験 2019 傾向対策解答解説

センター試験 2019 傾向対策解答解説

センター試験 2019 傾向対策解答解説


【用語】:アクセント位置 カタカナ語 和製英語

【用語】:文法語法 整序英作文 対話文

【形式】:適語補充 文章理解
【用語】:不要な文 意見要約 語彙力

【形式】:文章理解 データ
【用語】:グラフ データ 広告

【形式】:文章理解 物語文
【用語】:物語文 登場人物 テーマ

【形式】:文章理解 内容真偽
【用語】:パラグラフ 内容真偽 英文和訳

【執筆者】:佐藤潔先生(茗渓予備校) カリフォルニア大学サンタ・バーバラ校卒。英会話スクールの校長、雑誌ライター(英語取材なども担当)、塾向け英語教材(CD-ROM学習システム)を経て現職。受験指導歴は25年。


センター試験 2019 第1問



問1  [マーク1]
① cough  
② frighten 
③ laughter
④ tough

問2 [マーク2]
① blood
② choose
③ mood
④ proof

問3  [マーク3]
① stone
② story
③ total
④ vote



問1  [マーク4]
① agree
② control
③ equal
④ refer

問2  [マーク5]
① approval
② calendar
③ remember
④ successful

問3  [マーク6]
① character
② delicious
③ opposite
④ tragedy

問4  [マーク7]
① architecture
② biology
③ spectacular
④ surprisingly

センター試験 2019 第1問解答




センター試験 2019 第1問解説



【第1問ーA 解説】


① cough  
② frighten 
③ laughter
④ tough

①, ③, ④の“gh”はすべて[f]。

① blood
② choose
③ mood
④ proof

②、③、④の“oo”は[u], ①の“oo”は[ʌ]。

① stone
② story
③ total
④ vote

①, ③、④の下線部は[ou]

参考文献 発音記号IPA

【第1問ーB 解説】


★【(そのつづりにアクセント)】–ee / –eer / –oo / –oon
例:employee, career, shampoo, raccoon(アライグマ)
例外: coffee, committee


★【2つ前ルールのつづり】■-□-ous このルールが当てはまる語は他にcourageous(勇気のある), infamous(悪名高い、不名誉な)がある。

★【1つ前ルールのつづり】■-ular このルールが当てはまる語は他にregular, particularがある。

センター試験 2019 第2問


次の問い(問1~10)の[マーク8]~[マーク17]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、[マーク15]~[マーク17]については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組合せを選べ。

問1 Casey was getting worried because the bus going to the airport was clearly [マーク8] schedule.

① after
② behind
③ late
④ slot

問2 If you are in a hurry, you should call Double Quick Taxi because they usually come in [マーク9] time.

① any
② few
③ no
④ some

問3 After [マーク10] dropping the expensive glass vase, James decided not to touch any other objects in the store.

① almost
② at most
③ most
④ mostly

問4 We should make the changes to the document quickly as we are [マーク11] out of time.

① going
② running
③ spending
④ wasting

問5 It was impossible to [マーク12] everyone’s demands about the new project.

① carry
② complete
③ hold
④ meet

問6 Write a list of everything you need for the camping trip. [マーク13] you might forget to buy some things.

① As a result
② In addition
③ Otherwise
④ Therefore

問7 Text messaging has become a common [マーク14] of communication between individuals.

① mean
② meaning
③ means
④ meant

問8 I was ( A ) when I watched the completely ( B ) ending of the movie. [マーク15]

① A: shocked B: surprised
② A: shocked B: surprising
③ A: shocking B: surprised
④ A: shocking B: surprising

問9  ( A ) is no ( B ) the increase in traffic on this highway during holidays. [マーク16]

① A: It B: avoid
② A: It B: avoiding
③ A: There B: avoid
④ A: There B: avoiding

問10 The police officer asked the witness ( A ) the situation as ( B ) as possible. [マーク17]

① A: describing B: accurate
② A: describing B: accurately
③ A: to describe B: accurate
④ A: to describe B: accurately



Yukio: Did you hear that a new entrance ID system will be introduced next month?
Lucas: Really? Do we need it? I [    ] [マーク18] [    ] [    ] [マーク19] [    ] to replace the current system.

① cost
② how
③ it
④ much
⑤ will
⑥ wonder

David: What’s the plan for your trip to England?
Saki:I’ll spend the first few days in London and then be in Cambridge [    ] [マーク20] [    ] [    ] [マーク21] [    ].

① for
② my
③ of
④ rest
⑤ stay
⑥ the

Junko: The party we went to last night was very noisy. My throat is still sore from speaking loudly the whole time.
Ronald: Yeah. It can sometimes [    ] [マーク22] [    ] [    ] [マーク23] [    ] in such a crowded place.

① be
② difficult
③ heard
④ make
⑤ to
⑥ yourself



Museum guide: The number of visitors has dropped this month.
Museum guard: It's probably because of the construction on the second floor.
Museum guide: Yes, the "Treasures of Egypt” exhibit there always
attracted so many people. Museum guard: So, [マーク24] the most popular area is closed.

(A) I can't help
(B) it can't be helped

(A) that there are fewer people
(B) that there are more people

(A) during
(B) while

① (A) → (A) → (A)
② (A) → (A) → (B)
③ (A) → (B) → (A)
④ (A) → (B) → (B)
⑤ (B) → (A) → (A)
⑥ (B) → (A) → (B)
⑦ (B) → (B) → (A)
⑧ (B) → (B) → (B)

Masa: I heard that last night's baseball game was the longest this season. You were there, weren't you?
Alice: That's right. It was so exciting watching it live at the stadium.
Masa: It must have been late when it finished. How did you get home?
Alice: Yes, it was really late. [マーク25] It was crowded, but riding with hundreds of other fans was fun.

(A) I was barely able to
(B) I was seldom able to

(A) catch
(B) miss

(A) a taxi.
(B) the last train.

① (A) → (A) → (A)
② (A) → (A) → (B)
③ (A) → (B) → (A)
④ (A) → (B) → (B)
⑤ (B) → (A) → (A)
⑥ (B) → (A) → (B)
⑦ (B) → (B) → (A)
⑧ (B) → (B) → (B)

Tetsuya: I haven't seen John today.
Brent: I heard that he's sick and will be absent from work for a few days.
Tetsuya: That's too bad. Isn't he in charge of the meeting later today?
Brent: Yes. [マーク26] Without him, we can't talk about those issues.

(A) I'm afraid
(B) I'm afraid of

(A) the meeting will have to be held
(B) the meeting will have to be put off

(A) until next week.
(B) until this evening.

① (A) → (A) → (A)
② (A) → (A) → (B)
③ (A) → (B) → (A)
④ (A) → (B) → (B)
⑤ (B) → (A) → (A)
⑥ (B) → (A) → (B)
⑦ (B) → (B) → (A)
⑧ (B) → (B) → (B)

センター試験 2019 第2問 解答




センター試験 2019 第2問 解説



【第2問ーA 解説】

次の問い(問1~10)の[マーク8]~[マーク17]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、[マーク15]~[マーク17]については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組合せを選べ。

問1 Casey was getting worried because the bus going to the airport was clearly [マーク8] schedule.

① after
② behind
③ late
④ slot

【前置詞、イディオム】 behind schedule: 予定に遅れて 「ケイシーは、空港へ向かうバスが明らかに予定より遅れていたので、心配をしつつあった。」

問2 If you are in a hurry, you should call Double Quick Taxi because they usually come in [マーク9] time.

① any
② few
③ no
④ some

【イディオム】 in no time: 即座に、あっという間に 「お急ぎならダブル・クイック・タクシーを呼ぶべきです。たいていあっという間に来ますので。」

問3 After [マーク10] dropping the expensive glass vase, James decided not to touch any other objects in the store.

① almost
② at most
③ most
④ mostly

①almost: ほとんど、あやうく 「高価なガラス製の花瓶をあやうく落としかけたあとで、ジェームズはその店内どのどんなものにも触れないと決めた。」
②at most: せいぜい、多くても
③most:形 ほとんどの
④mostly: 主に、たいてい

問4 We should make the changes to the document quickly as we are [マーク11] out of time.

① going
② running
③ spending
④ wasting

【イディオム】 run out of time: 時間が足りなくなる、時間切れになる 「時間切れになりつつあるので、私たちはその書類への変更を素早く行うべきだ。」

問5 It was impossible to [マーク12] everyone’s demands about the new project.

① carry
② complete
③ hold
④ meet

【頻出動詞、イディオム】 meet 要求など: 要求などに応える、要求などを満たす 「新しいプロジェクトに関して、全員の要求に応えることは不可能だった。」

問6  Write a list of everything you need for the camping trip. [マーク13] you might forget to buy some things.

① As a result
② In addition
③ Otherwise
④ Therefore

③otherwise: さもなければ 「キャンプ旅行であなたが必要なすべての物のリストを書きなさい。さもないと、何か買い忘れるかもしれません。」
①as a result: 結果として
②in addition: 加えて
④therefore: それゆえ

問7 Text messaging has become a common [マーク14] of communication between individuals.

① mean
② meaning
③ means
④ meant

【名詞(語い)】 means: 手段、方法 「テキストメッセージの送受信は個人間の一般的なコミュニケーションの手段となっている。」

問8  I was ( A ) when I watched the completely ( B ) ending of the movie. [マーク15]

① A: shocked B: surprised
② A: shocked B: surprising
③ A: shocking B: surprised
④ A: shocking B: surprising

人 is [was] shocked: 人がショックを受ける[受けた]
surprising: 驚くべき、驚きの

問9  ( A ) is no ( B ) the increase in traffic on this highway during holidays. [マーク16]

① A: It B: avoid
② A: It B: avoiding
③ A: There B: avoid
④ A: There B: avoiding

【動名詞(構文)】 There is no ~ing: ~できない 「休日期間にこの高速道路で交通量の増加を避けることは不可能だ。」

問10 The police officer asked the witness ( A ) the situation as ( B ) as possible. [マーク17]

① A: describing B: accurate
② A: describing B: accurately
③ A: to describe B: accurate
④ A: to describe B: accurately

ask O to ~: Oに~するように頼む
accurately: 正確に

【第2問ーB 解説】


Yukio: Did you hear that a new entrance ID system will be introduced next month?
Lucas: Really? Do we need it? I [wonder] [how] [much] [it] [will [cost] to replace the current system.

【間接疑問文 + itを含む構文】 It cost(s) (O) 費用 to ~: (Oが)~するのに費用かかる (ルーカス)「本当に?それって必要なの?現在のシステムと交換するのにいくらかかるんだろうか。」

David: What’s the plan for your trip to England?
Saki:I’ll spend the first few days in London and then be in Cambridge [for] [the] [rest] [of] [my] [stay].

【語い】 (サキ)「最初の数日をロンドンで過ごしてから、残りの滞在期間はケンブリッジにいるわ。」

Junko: The party we went to last night was very noisy. My throat is still sore from speaking loudly the whole time.
Ronald: Yeah. It can sometimes [be] [difficult] [to] [make] [yourself] [heard] in such a crowded place.

【itを含む構文 + SVOCの構文】 make oneself heard (in …): (うるさい場所など)で言っていることを聞いてもらう(ロナルド)「そうだね。ときどきあんなに混み合った場所では自分の言っていることを聞いてもらうのが難しいことがあるよ。」

【第2問ーC 解説】



(B)it can’t be helped

(A)that there are fewer people

(B) while

(A)duringは前置詞なので[マーク24]の後ろの “the most popular are is closed”のような節(SV…)を導くことができないので×

アリス:ええ本当に遅かったわ。(B)最終列車に(A)1私はかろうじて(A)乗ることが(A) 2出来たのよ。とても混んでいたけど、何百人もの他のファンたちと一緒に乗ったのは楽しかったわ。

(A)I was barely able to


(B)the last train

【副詞】 barely ~: かろうじて~する

ブレント:そうなんだよ。(A)来週まで (B)会議は延期されなければならない (A)と思うよ。

(A)I’m afraid

(B)the meeting will have to be put off

(A)until next week

【イディオム】 put off ~ until …: …まで~を延期する

センター試験 2019 第3問


問1 [マーク27]
When flying across the United States, you may see giant arrows made of concrete on the ground. Although nowadays these arrows are basically places of curiosity, in the past, pilots absolutely needed them when flying from one side of the country to the other. The arrows were seen as being so successful that some people even suggested floating arrows on the Atlantic Ocean. Pilots used the arrows as guides on the flights between New York and San Francisco. Every 16 kilometers, pilots would pass a 21-meter-long arrow that was painted bright yellow. A rotating light in the middle and one light at each end made the arrow visible at night. Since the 1940s, other navigation methods have been introduced and the arrows are generally not used today. Pilots flying through mountainous areas in Montana, however, do still rely on some of them.

問2 [マーク28]
Living in the city and living in the country require different skills. This is true for humans, of course, but also for birds. In one study, scientists took 53 birds from urban and rural areas of Barbados, one of the Caribbean islands, conducted a variety of tests, released them back into their natural surroundings, and reported their findings. The birds from urban areas were better at problem-solving tasks than the ones from rural environments. The researchers prepared several experiments to check the differences between the groups of birds. The urban birds had more capacity to resist disease than the rural ones. The researchers had expected that in comparison to the rural birds, the urban birds would be smarter but weaker. Being both smart and strong was thought to be unlikely. However, it seems that urban birds have it all.

問3 [マーク29]
Formal dinners in England during the Tudor era (1485–1603) were called feasts. They were magnificent, and everything was done carefully in order to show one's wealth and place in society. Whatever happened at the feasts reflected social class, even the order in which people walked into the room. There was a top table and the highest ranking guest would sit on the right of the king or the queen. Gold and silver dishes were also laid out to emphasize how rich the family was. The way feasts were held during the Tudor era has been richly presented in various films. The guests were not allowed to start eating before the ruler and had to stop eating once he or she had finished. When you could and couldn't eat followed strict and complicated rules, like all aspects of the feast.

次の会話は、退職する恩師への贈り物について相談している生徒たちのやりとりの一部である。 [マーク30]~[マーク32]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

Sean: Thanks for coming in on a Saturday, everyone. It wasn't easy to find a time for us all to sit down and talk. As you know, Ms. Guillot is retiring this year. It is our responsibility to arrange a gift for her on behalf of all current and former students. We don't have much time before her party, so I'd really like to reach a final decision today. Did you come up with any ideas?

Alex: Not exactly, but I've heard that many teachers get bored after retirement. I don't think we should get her something like a painting, because it would just sit on the wall. If we buy her something that she can make the most of on a daily basis, then she will feel the appreciation all her students have for her more often.

Sean: Thanks, Alex. So, you think giving her something [マーク30] would be appropriate, right?

①she can use quite regularly
②to make her house look nice
③to share at the retirement party
④we students made ourselves

Alex: Yes. I think that would be best.

Thomas: I don't think Ms. Guillot will be bored in her retirement. We all know that she is very active. She often participates in sporting events and loves spending time outside. I heard that on Saturdays and Sundays, she runs in the mornings and plays tennis in the evenings. She hardly ever stays indoors and never misses her daily walk even if it is raining

Anne: And, she loves doing work in her garden, too. I've seen some pictures of her house. She has a beautiful garden and a massive deck. She has a great variety of flowers and vegetables. She often spends time relaxing on her deck just enjoying the view of her garden.

Sean: Thomas and Anne, it seems that you both think we should consider Ms. Guillot's [マーク31] when we buy her present.

①art works
③leisure time

Anne: That's right. But it's a little hard to come up with an actual item, isn't it?

Mimi: Why don't we get her something she can use for entertaining people? Ms. Guillot loves cooking and I heard she has small parties at her house every couple of weeks. Hmm..., I don't think we need to get her anything to use in the kitchen, as she seems to have plenty of that kind of stuff already. And usually, people who like cooking have their own preferences when it comes to things like that.

Sally: I agree. She's told us about her parties. She often mentions that whenever she has them, everyone has to go inside to eat if they want to sit down. Perhaps something that she can use when entertaining her guests would be most appropriate.

Anne: I think that's a great point. Once she has retired, I'm sure she'll be having more of those parties. Who knows? Maybe she'll even invite us!

Sean: That would be nice, wouldn't it, Anne? Well, thank you for all your ideas. Considering what we have discussed, I think a present such as [マーク32] will be best as it seems to match what everyone has said about Ms. Guillot.

①a large bunch of flowers
②a statue for her garden
③some outdoor furniture
④some sets for cooking

センター試験 2019 第3問 解答





センター試験 2019 第3問 解説




【第3問ーA 解説】
① (全体またはパラグラフ単位での)主張・主題を把握
② ①の主張・主題に矛盾していたり、無関係な文を取り除く文の候補とする。
③ 取り除く文の候補を抜かした前後の文が主題・主張に矛盾せずつながるようなら正解。

<直前の 部分で「国の端から端まで飛行するときに」とあるので、次に来るべき文は「ニューヨ ークとサンフランシスコ間のフライト」とある②が適切であることが分かる。>

When flying across the United States, you may see giant arrows made of concrete on the ground.

Although nowadays these arrows are basically places of curiosity, in the past, pilots absolutely needed them when flying from one side of the country to the other.

①The arrows were seen as being so successful that some people even suggested floating arrows on the Atlantic Ocean.

②Pilots used the arrows as guides on the flights between New York and San Francisco.

③Every 16 kilometers, pilots would pass a 21-meter-long arrow that was painted bright yellow.

④A rotating light in the middle and one light at each end made the arrow visible at night.

Since the 1940s, other navigation methods have been introduced and the arrows are generally not used today. Pilots flying through mountainous areas in Montana, however, do still rely on some of them..

Living in the city and living in the country require different skills. <都市と田舎に生活するのではことなった技術が必要となる。>

This is true for humans, of course, but also for birds.

In one study, scientists took 53 birds from urban and rural areas of Barbados, one of the Caribbean islands, conducted a variety of tests, released their findings.

①The birds from urban areas were better at problem-solving tasks than the ones from rural environments.

②The researchers prepared several experiments to check the differences between the groups of birds.
<研究者たちは(2種の)鳥のグループ間の違いを調べるためにいくつかの実験を準備した。⇒すでに  部分で「様々な試験を行い」と述べているので不要。>

③The urban birds had more capacity to resist disease than the rural ones.

④The researchers had expected that in comparison to the rural birds, the urban birds would be smarter but weaker.

Being both smart and strong was thought to be unlikely. However it seems that urban birds have it all.

Formal dinners in England during the Tudor era (1485 ‐ 1603) were called feasts.

They were magnificent, and everything was done carefully in order to show one’s wealth and place in society.

①Whatever happened at the feasts reflected social class, even the order in which people walked into the room.

②There was a top table and the highest ranking guest would sit on the right of the king or the queen.
<上座というものがあり、最高ランクの客は王もしくは女王の右手に座った。 ※a top table: 上座>

③Gold and silver dishes were also laid out to emphasize how rich the family was.

④The way feasts were held during the Tudor era has been richly presented in various films.

The guests were not allowed to start eating before the ruler and had to stop eating once he or she had finished.

When you could and couldn’t eat followed strict and complicated rules, like all aspects of the feast.

【第3問ーB 解説】

Sean:Thanks for coming in on a Saturday, everyone.

It wasn’t easy to find a time for us all to sit down and talk.

As you know, Ms. Guillot is retiring this year.

It is our responsibility to arrange a gift for her on behalf of all current and former students.
<今いる生徒と以前生徒だった人のみんなを代表して彼女に贈り物を準備するのは私たちの責任です。 ※on behalf of ~: ~のために、~を代表して>

We don’t have much time before her party, so I’d really like to reach a final decision today.

Did you come up with any ideas?
Alex:Not exactly, but I’ve heard that many teachers get bored after retirement.

I don’t think we should get her something like a painting, because it would just sit on the wall.

If we buy her something that she can make the most of on a daily basis, then she will feel the appreciation all her students have for her more often.

Sean:Thanks, Alex.

So, you think giving her something  30 ① would be appropriate, right?

①(something) she can use quite regularly


I think that would be best.

Thomas:I don’t think Ms. Guillot will be bored in her retirement.

We all know that she is very active.

She often participates in sporting events and loves spending time outside.

I heard that on Saturdays and Sundays, she runs in the mornings and plays tennis in the evenings.

She hardly ever stays indoors and never misses her daily walk even if it is raining.

Anne:And, she loves doing work in her garden, too.

I’ve seen some pictures of her house.

She has a beautiful garden and a massive deck.

She has a great variety of flowers and vegetables.

She often spends time relaxing on her deck just enjoying the view of her garden.

Sean:Thomas and Anne, it seems that you both think we should consider Ms. Guillot’s  31 ③ when we buy her present.

③leisure time

Anne:That’s right.

But it’s a little hard to come up with an actual item, isn’t it?

Mimi:Why don’t we get her something she can use for entertaining people?


And usually, people who like cooking have their own preferences when it comes to things like that.

Sally:I agree.

She’s told us about her parties.

She often mentions that whenever she has them, everyone has to go inside to eat if they want to sit down.

Perhaps something that she can use when entertaining her guests would be most appropriate.

Anne:I think that’s a great point.

Once she has retired, I’m sure she’ll be having more of those parties.

Who knows?

Maybe she’ll even invite us!
Sean:That would be nice, wouldn’t it Anne?

Well, thank you for all your ideas.

Considering what we have discussed, I think a present such as ③ will be best as it seems to match what everyone has said about Ms. Guillot.

③some outdoor furniture<屋外向けの家具。>

センター試験 2019 第4問


Art may reflect the ways people lived. Researchers have discussed how art portrays clothing and social settings. One study was conducted to determine if this idea could be extended to paintings featuring family meals. The results of this study might help illustrate why certain kinds of foods were painted.

The researchers examined 140 paintings of family meals painted from the years 1500 to 2000. These came from five countries: the United States, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. The researchers examined each painting for the presence of 91 foods, with absence coded as 0 and presence coded as 1. For example, when one or more onions appeared in a painting, the researchers coded it as 1. Then they calculated the percentage of the paintings from these countries that included each food.

Table 1 shows the percentage of paintings with selected foods. The researchers discussed several findings. First, some paintings from these countries included foods the researchers had expected. Shellfish were most common in the Netherlands' (Dutch) paintings, which was anticipated as nearly half of its border touches the sea. Second, some paintings did not include foods the researchers had expected. Shellfish and fish each appeared in less than 12% of the paintings from the United States, France, and Italy although large portions of these countries border oceans or seas. Chicken, a common food, seldom appeared in the paintings.

Third, some paintings included foods the researchers had not expected. For example, among German paintings, 20% of them included shellfish although only 6% of the country touches the sea. Also, lemons were most common in paintings from the Netherlands, even though they do not grow there naturally.

センター2019 第4問A 絵画に描かれた食物の統計

センター2019 第4問A 絵画に描かれた食物の統計

Comparing these results with previous research, the researchers concluded that food art does not necessarily portray actual life. The researchers offered some explanations for this. One explanation is that artists painted some foods to express their interest in the larger world. Another is that painters wanted to show their technique by painting more challenging foods. For example, the complexity of a lemon's surface and interior might explain its popularity, especially among Dutch artists. As other interpretations are possible, it is necessary to examine the paintings from different perspectives. These are the period in which the paintings were completed and the cultural associations of foods. Both issues will be taken up in the following sections.

(Brian Wansink (2016) Adapted from "Food Art Does Not Reflect Reality: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Meals in Popular Paintings")

For the category “Apples" in this research, a painting with two whole apples and one cut in half would be labeled as [マーク33] .

① 0
② 1
③ 2
④ 3

According to Table 1, the paintings from [マーク34] .

① France included apples at a lower percentage than the German ones
② France included cheese at a higher percentage than the Dutch ones
③ Italy included bread at a lower percentage than the American ones
④ Italy included onions at a higher percentage than the German ones

According to the passage and Table 1, [マーク35] .

① chicken frequently appeared in the American paintings because people there often ate chicken
② fish appeared in less than one tenth of the Italian paintings though much of Italy lies next to seas
③ lemons appeared in more than half of the Dutch paintings as they are native to the Netherlands
④ shellfish appeared in half of the paintings from each of the five countries because they touch seas

According to the passage, foods in these paintings can [マーク36] .

① demonstrate the painters' knowledge of history
② display the painters' desire to stay in their countries
③ indicate the painters' artistic skills and abilities
④ reflect the painters' love of their local foods


問1  [マーク37]
What is a common characteristic of all four castles?

① Amount of damage
② Displays of pictures and weapons
③ Histories of more than 500 years
④ Purposes of construction

問2  [マーク38] 
Three guitar club members from Grandlefolk University want to give a concert one afternoon in April. Which castle are they most likely to choose?

① Crestvale Castle
② Holmsted Castle
③ King's Castle
④ Rosebush Castle

問3  [マーク39] 
Teachers at one school want to take their students to Grandlefolk one Saturday in May. The purpose is to expand the students' knowledge of the area's history by visiting castles and listening to explanations from the castle staff. Which two castles are the teachers most likely to select?

① Crestvale Castle and Holmsted Castle
② Crestvale Castle and King's Castle
③ Rosebush Castle and Holmsted Castle
④ Rosebush Castle and King's Castle

問4  [マーク40] 
A mother, father, and their two children, ages 4 and 8, will visit one of the castles in Grandlefolk for one day in September and want to see fine arts. How much will it cost?

① €14
② €17
③ €20
④ €25

Castles in Grandlefolk

Crestvale Castle
This ruined 13th-century castle, built to defend the northern border of Grandlefolk, is currently being studied by researchers. During the open season, except on Sundays, guides explain what the research is revealing about local history.

Holmsted Castle
Holmsted Castle, built in the 12th century to protect the southern border area, fell into ruin in the 16th century. At the entrance, signboards explain its history. This castle's open spaces are suitable for performances.

King's Castle
Dating back to the 11th century, King's Castle is one of the grandest in the country. Its large collection of paintings and furniture provide a look at the area's past. Guides are available every day.

Rosebush Castle
Though called a castle, this perfectly preserved 15th-century building was constructed purely as a family home. From Mondays to Fridays, guides tell the story of the family's history and explain their collection of modern sculptures. Some of its rooms are available for public events.

センター2019 第4問B 城の料金表

センター2019 第4問B 城の料金表

センター試験 2019 第4問 解答



センター試験 2019 第4問 解説

【第4問-A 解説】



問1 「この調査の『リンゴ』のカテゴリーで、まるごとのリンゴ2個と半分にカットされたリンゴ1個は[マーク33]として分類されるだろう。」

②1 <第2パラグラフの “one or more onions … the researchers coded it as 1.”から、2個以上のときでも1と数えることがわかる。>

問2 「表1によると、[マーク34]からの絵画には…」

①フランスの絵画には、ドイツの絵画よりも × 低い率 (1) でリンゴが含まれている。

問3 「文章と表1によれば、[マーク35]」


問4 「文章によると、絵画の中の食べ物は[マーク36]」


【第4問-B 解説】

③※やNote(注)などの補足情報や但し書き(今年度の問題の場合は、 “Children under 5 years old are admitted free of charge. (5歳未満の子どもは無料で入場可)”のところなど)によって条件が変わることがあるので注意。


問1 「4つ全ての城に共通した特徴は何か。」  37 ③

問2 「グランドルフォーク大学の3人のギタークラブのメンバーが4月の午後にコンサートを開きたいと思っている。彼らはどの城を最も選びそうか。」 38 ②
<4月の午後という条件で、12時までしか開いていないRosebush Castle(ローズブッシュ城)は除外される。残りの3城の中のHolmsted Castleの説明に「この城のオープンスペースは演奏に適している。」と書かれているので、この城が最適と考えられる。したがって②が正解となる。>

問3 「ある学校の教師たちが、5月のある土曜日にグランドルフォーク(城)へ生徒たちを連れていきたいと思っている。その目的は、生徒たちのその地域の歴史の知識を、城を訪ねてその城のスタッフからの説明を聞くことによって広げることだ。どの2つの城をその教師たちは最も選びそうか。」  39 ②

問4 「母親と父親、それに4歳と8歳になる2人の子どもがグランドルフォークにある城の一つを9月のある日に訪れて、美術品を見る予定だ。(費用は)いくらになるだろうか。」  40 ②

②€17(17ユーロ) <大人2枚と8歳の子供1枚の17ユーロ。5歳未満の子供は無料なので計算に入れない。>

センター試験 2019 第5問

次の文章を読み、下の問い(問1~5)の[マーク41]~[マーク45]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。(配点 30)

"Christine, come and help me in the garden. I want to plant all of the seeds today.” My father was calling to me. “I'm busy,” I said. My father was loves his garden, but at that time I didn't understand why working in the dirt excited him so much.

By the end of April, his plants had come up in neat rows, and he put wooden stakes marked with the name of the vegetable on each row. Unfortunately, in early May, my father was seriously injured in an accident. He was in the hospital for about two months and during that time he often asked me about his garden. Even after he came home, he had to stay in bed for a while. My mother had several business trips so she couldn't take care of the garden. I didn't want my father to worry, so without being asked, I said that I would take care of his garden until he recovered. I assumed that the little plants would continue to grow as long as they had water, and luckily it rained fairly often so I didn't think much about the garden.

One Saturday morning in July, my father said to me, "Christine, I think that the vegetables should be about ready to be picked. Let's have a salad today!" I took a bowl and went out to the garden. I looked at the leaf lettuce and was upset to see that many of the leaves had been half eaten. There were hundreds of bugs all over them! I tried to get them off, but there were just too many. I looked at the carrots next, but they didn't look healthy. I pulled up a carrot, but it was tiny and looked like something had taken small bites from it.

I panicked for a moment, but then thought of a good idea. I got my wallet, quietly went out the door, and rode my bicycle to the nearest store to buy some vegetables. I went back home and cut them up to make a salad for my father.

When I gave it to him, he said, “Oh, Christine, what a beautiful salad! I can't believe the carrots are this big already. The lettuce is so crisp and delicious. You must be taking very good care of my garden.” My father looked happy, but I felt a little bit guilty.

I went back to the kitchen and was cleaning up when my mother came home from her most recent business trip. She saw the bag from the supermarket. I was embarrassed when she looked at me. So, I confessed, “Dad wanted a salad, but the garden was a disaster. I didn't want to disappoint him so I went to the store.” She laughed but promised to make time to help me in the garden, and we worked hard for the next few weeks. We made a mixture of water with chopped-up fresh hot peppers and then sprayed it on the vegetables. I thought this was a great idea because the spray is not harmful to humans or animals, or even the bugs. They simply don't like the spicy water. The bug-free vegetables grew quickly, and finally I was able to pick some.

I carefully made a salad and took it to my father. He looked at it with a hint of a smile. "Christine, the carrots are smaller in this salad, but they taste better.” I realized that he had known all along about my shopping trip. I smiled back at him.

Now, I better understand how putting a lot of effort into caring for something can help you appreciate the results more, however small they may be. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for my father's love of gardening.

In a few days he'll be back in the garden. I'll be right beside him helping him in any way I can.

問1 Christine originally said she would do the gardening because she [マーク41].

①knew it was important to her father
②wanted to improve her gardening skills
③was asked by her father to do it
④was interested in growing vegetables

問2 Which of the following was a problem in the garden? [マーク42]

①Animals often dug in the garden.
②Insects ate the lettuce and carrots.
③The plants were given too much water.
④The vegetables were marked incorrectly.

問3 Christine could secretly make the salad from store-bought vegetables because [マーク43]

①her father couldn't see the garden's progress
②her father was in the hospital at that time
③her mother helped her to buy the vegetables
④her mother helped her to make a spray

問4 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word bug-free? [マーク44]

①All bugs have been killed.
②Bugs can do what they like.
③No bugs can be found.
④The bugs don't cost any money.

問5 What did Christine learn through her experience of gardening? [マーク45]

①Always prepare for a rainy day.
②Don't be disappointed by bugs.
③Hard work can be rewarding.
④Working alone produces results.

センター試験 2019 第5問 解答


センター試験 2019 第5問 解説

【第5問 解説】

④物語でテーマや表題を問われた場合は物語の「オチ」(特に何かの謎が解けた場合や新しい情報が出てきた場合など)に注目すること。今年の問題では最後から2つめのパラグラフ(Now, I better …)にクリスティンが庭仕事の経験から学んだことが分かる。

問1 「クリスティンはもともとは彼女が 41 ①ので庭仕事をするつもりだと言った。」
※選択肢の間違っている部分(いわゆる消去の根拠)を  で囲んでいる。


問2 以下のうちのどれが庭での問題だったか。  42 ②
※選択肢の間違っている部分(いわゆる消去の根拠)を  で囲んでいる。


問3 クリスティンは 43 ①だったので、密かに店で購入した野菜でサラダを作ることができた。 
※選択肢の間違っている部分(いわゆる消去の根拠)を  で囲んでいる。


問4 以下のどれが下線部の単語bug-freeに最も意味が近いか。 44 ③


問5 クリスティンは庭仕事の経験から何を学んだか。45 ③


センター試験 2019 第5問 全訳

“Christine, come and help me in the garden.<クリスティン、庭に来て手伝って。>

I want to plant all of the seeds today.<今日中に全部の種を植えたいんだ。>”

My father was calling me. “I’m busy,” I said.<「忙しいのよ、」私は言った。>

My father loves his garden, but at that time I didn’t understand why working in the dirt excited him so much.<私の父は庭を愛していたが、その時私はなぜ泥仕事が彼をそんなにも興奮させるのか理解していなかった。>

By the end of April, his plants had come up in neat rows, and he put wooden stakes marked with the name of the vegetable on each row.<4月の終わりまでに、彼の(植えた)植物はきれいな列になって芽を出してきて、彼はそれぞれの列に野菜の名前のついた木の棒をさした。>

Unfortunately, in early May, my father was seriously injured in an accident.<不運にも、5月の初めに父は事故でひどい怪我をした。>

He was in the hospital for about two months and during that time he often asked me about his garden.<彼は約2カ月間入院をしたが、その間彼は私にしょっちゅう彼の庭について尋ねた。>

Even after he came home, he had to stay in bed for a while.<家に帰って来た後でさえ、彼はしばらくの間ベットに寝ていなければならなかった。>


I didn’t want my father to worry, so without being asked, I said that I would take care of his garden until he recovered.<私は父に心配してもらいたくなかったので、頼まれることもせずに、私は彼が回復するまで庭の世話をすると言った。>

One Saturday morning in July, my father said to me, “Christine, I think that the vegetables should be about ready to be picked.

Let’s have a salad today!”<7月のある土曜日の朝、父は私に言った。「クリスティン、野菜はそろそろ収穫できるころだと思うよ。今日はサラダを食べよう!」>


I pulled up a carrot, but it was tiny and looked like something had taken small bites from it.<私はニンジンを抜いたが、何かがそれを小さく噛み切ったように見えた。>

I panicked for a moment, but then thought of a good idea.<私は少しの間パニックになったが、それからよい考えを思いついた。>


I went back home and cut them up to make a salad for my father.<私は家に戻ってそれらを父のためのサラダ用に切り刻んだ。>

When I gave it to him, he said, “Oh, Christine, what a beautiful salad! I can’t believe the carrots are this big already.<それを父にあげると、彼は言った。「ああ、クリスティン、なんて美しいサラダなんだ!ニンジンがもうこんなに大きいなんて信じられないよ。」>


My father looked happy, but I felt a little bit guilty.<父は幸せそうだったが私は少しばかり罪の意識を感じた。>

I went back to the kitchen and was cleaning up when my mother came home from her most recent business trip.<母が一番最近の出張から帰宅したときには、私はキッチンに戻って片づけをしていた。>

She saw the bag from the supermarket.<彼女はスーパーマーケットの袋を目にした。>


She laughed but promised to make time to help me in the garden, and we worked hard for the next few weeks.<彼女は笑ったが、庭で私を手伝う時間を取ることを約束してくれ、私たちはその後の2、3週間熱心に作業をした。>


The bug-free vegetables grew quickly, and finally I was able to pick some.<虫のつかない野菜はすぐに育ち、ついに私はいくつかを収穫することができた。>

I carefully made a salad and took it to my father.<私は注意深くサラダを作り、それを父の所に持っていった。>

He looked at it with a hint of a smile.<父はちょっとほほ笑んでそれを見た。>

“Christine, the carrots are smaller in this salad, but they taste better.”<クリスティン、このサラダのニンジンは小さいけれど、(前のより)このほうがおいしいね。>

I realized that he had known all along about my shopping trip.<私は彼が私の買い物の往復についてずっと知っていたのだと気がついた。>

I smiled back at him.<私は彼に微笑み返した。>

Now, I better understand how putting a lot of effort into caring for something can help you appreciate the results more, however small they may be.<今では、私は。たくさんの努力を何かの世話に注ぎ込むことによって、たとえその結果がなんであれ、いかにその結果に感謝するのに役だつかを、前より理解している。>

Perhaps this was one of the reasons for my father’s love of gardening.<おそらく、これが私の父が庭仕事を大好きな理由の一つだったのだろう。

In a few days he’ll be back in the garden.<2、3日したら父が庭に戻って来るだろう。>

I’ll be right beside him helping him in any way I can.<私は彼のすぐ横にいて、どんなかたちでも彼を手伝っているだろう。>

センター試験 2019 第6問

次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。なお、文章の左にある(1)~(6)はパラグラフ(段落)の番号を表している。(配点 30)

(1) From quiet paths by a stream in a forest to busy roads running through a city, people have created various forms of routes in different places. These now exist all around us, and their use is imperative for societies. These routes have enabled people to move, transport things, and send information from one place to another quickly and safely. Throughout history, they have been important in our daily lives.

(2) Early routes were often formed naturally on land. They gradually developed over long periods of time while people traveled them on foot or horseback. A significant turning point in their history arrived when the first wheeled carts appeared in ancient times. Once this happened, people recognized the importance of well-maintained routes. Therefore, towns, cities, and entire countries improved them in order to prosper. As a result, life became more convenient, communities grew, economies evolved, and cultures expanded. The importance of land routes increased further, especially after the appearance of automobiles.

(3) People have established routes on water, too. Rivers and canals have served as effective routes for people to move around and carry things. For instance, in the old Japanese city of Edo, water routes were used for the transportation of agricultural products, seafood, and wood, which supported the city's life and economy. People have also opened routes across the sea. The seaways, which developed based on winds, waves, water depths, and coastline geography, were critical for the navigation of ships, particularly in the days when they moved mainly by wind power. Using these sea routes, people could travel great distances and go to places they had not previously been able to reach. A number of important sea routes emerged, leading to the exchange of natural resources, products, and ideas. This, in turn, helped cities and towns thrive.

(4) People have gone on to open routes in the sky as well. Since the invention of the airplane, these routes have made it possible for people to travel long distances easily. They found the best routes by considering conditions such as winds and air currents. Eventually, people became able to travel safely and comfortably high in the sky, and going vast distances only took a small amount of time. In fact, people used to need more than one month to travel to Europe from Japan by ship, whereas today they can travel between them in a single day by airplane. Owing to the establishment of these sky routes, a great number of people now travel around the world for sightseeing, visiting friends, and doing business.

(5) Today, we have a new type of route, the Internet, which specializes in the electronic exchange of information. By using this worldwide route, people can easily obtain information that once was available mainly from books and face-to-face communication. They can also instantly send messages to large numbers of people all at once. According to one study, more than 3.5 billion people, which is about half of the global population, have access to this electronic route today. As technology advances, more and more people will take advantage of this route to gather information and communicate.

(6) As long as there have been people, there have been routes to connect them. These have contributed not only to the movement of people, things, and information, but also to the development of our communities, economies, and cultures. Routes have played significant roles in the development and prosperity of humankind. Currently unknown routes will surely take us even further in the future.

A 次の問い(問1~5)の[マーク46]~[マーク50]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問1 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word imperative in paragraph(1)? [マーク46]

① accidental
② essential
③ industrial
④ traditional

問2 According to paragraph(2), which of the following statements is true? [マーク47]

① Early routes were created by people who traveled by wheeled carts.
② People's first routes on land followed the growth of towns and cities.
③ The development of land routes led to progress in many areas of society.
④ The improvement of routes resulted in the invention of the automobile.

問3 Why is the example of Edo introduced in paragraph (3)? [マーク48]

① To describe the difficulty of creating routes on the water
② To emphasize the fact that it was an important city
③ To explain the use of water routes to move along the coastlines
④ To illustrate the important roles of water routes for cities

問4 What does paragraph(5)tell us about routes? [マーク49]

① Routes can be thought of as existing invisibly in the world.
② Routes that move information can be regarded as dangerous.
③ The fundamental functions of routes are declining.
④ The importance of different kinds of routes is the same.

問5 What is the main point of this article? [マーク50]

① Humankind first created various types of convenient routes on land.
② Improvements in transportation have come at great cost.
③ Technology has interfered with opening up routes around the world.
④ The advancement of humanity was aided by the development of routes.

B 次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。[マーク51]~[マーク54]に入れるのに最も適当なものを,下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

センター2019 第6問 パラグラフ(段落)の構成

センター2019 第6問 パラグラフ(段落)の構成

① Creation of roads used by people, animals, and vehicles
② Developing ways for people to fly from place to place
③ Establishment of global paths for information transfer
④ Opening of lanes for ships to travel and transport things

センター試験 2019 第6問 解答

【第6問 解答】

センター試験 2019 第6問 解説

【第6問 解説】


問1の下線部が引かれた語の同意語句を選択する問題)は、選択肢を代入してパラグラフ内で前後の文とのつながりが不自然にならないものを探す。同パラグラフ内で類似の表現が繰り返されていることが多いので、選択肢で与えられた語句の中の語(今年の場合は、accidental, essential, industrial, traditional)と似た意味の語が前後の文に含まれていないかも確認すると正解を見つけやすくなる。全訳の※を参照のこと。

問1 「パラグラフ(1)の、“imperative”に最も意味が近いのは以下のどれか?」 46 ②

問2 「パラグラフ(2)によると、以下のどの文が正しいか?」 47 ③

問3 「なぜ江戸の例がパラグラフ(3)で紹介されたかのか?」  48 ④

問4 「パラグラフ(5)で私たちは通り道について何がわかるか?」  49 ①

問5 「この文章の主題は何か?」50 ④

51① 人々や動物、そして乗り物による道路の創造
52④ 船が進んで物を運送するためのレーン[道]の開設
53② 人が色々な場所へ飛行機で行くための通り道の発展
54③ 情報が移動するための世界的な通り道の確立

センター試験 2019 第6問 全訳

【第6問 全訳】


From quiet paths by a stream in a forest to busy roads running through a city, people have created various forms of routes in different places.<森の中の小川の横の静かな小道から、都市を抜ける交通量の多い道路までd、人々は異なった場所で様々な通り道を生みだしてきた。>

These now exist all around us, and their use is imperative for societies.<これらは今では私たちの周り中に存在していて、それらを利用することが社会にとって非常に重要だ。>

These routes have enabled people to move, transport things, and send information from one place to another quickly and safely.<これらの通り道によって人々は、素早くかつ安全に、一つの場所から別の場所へと移動し、物を運び、情報を送ることが可能となってきた。>Throughout history, they have been important in our daily lives.<歴史を通じて、それらは私たちの日々の生活において重要であった。>


Early routes were often formed naturally on land.<初期の通り道はしばしば地面の上で自然に形成された。>

They gradually developed over long periods of time while people traveled them on foot or horseback.<それらは、人々が歩きや馬に乗ってそこを旅行するときに、時間をかけて次第にできた。>

A significant turning point in their history arrived when the first wheeled carts appeared in ancient times.<最初の車輪のついた貨車が古代に現れたときに、その[通り道の]歴史上における重要な転換点が訪れた。>

Once this happened, people recognized the importance of well-maintained routes.<いったんこれが起こると、人々は丁寧に整備された通り道の重要性に気がついた。>

Therefore, towns, cities, and entire countries improved them in order to prosper.<それゆえ、町や都市や、国全体が、繁栄するためにそれらを向上させた。>

As a result, life became more convenient, communities grew, economies evolved, and cultures expanded.<結果として、生活はより便利になり、地域社会は拡大し、経済は進歩し、文化は広がった。>

The importance of land routes increase further, especially after the appearance of automobiles.<地上の通り道の重要性はさらに、特に自動車が現れてからは増した。>

People have established routes on water, too.<人々は水上でも通り道を確立してきた。>

Rivers and canals have served as effective routes for people to move around and carry thing.<河川や運河は人々が移動したり、物を輸送したりするための効果的な通り道として役だってきた。>

For instance, in the old Japanese city of Edo, water routes were used for the transportation of agricultural products, seafood, and wood, which supported the city’s life and economy.<例えば、古い日本の都市である江戸では、水路が農産物や海産物、木材の輸送のために使われたが、それらはその都市の生活と経済を支えていたのだ。>


A number of important sea routes emerged, leading to the exchange of natural resources, products, and ideas.<多くの重要な海路が現れ、それは天然資源、物産品、それに思想の交換という結果になった。>

This, in turn, helped cities and towns thrive.<このことによって、今度は都市や町が繁栄した。>

People have gone on to open routes in the sky as well.<人々は空でも通り道を開拓した。>

Since the invention of the airplane, these routes have made it possible for people to travel long distances easily.<飛行機の発明以来、これらの通り道によって、人々は長距離を簡単に旅行できるようになった。>

They found the best routes by considering conditions such as winds and air currents.<彼らは、風や空気の流れのような状態を考慮することで最善の通り道を見つけた。>


Owning to the establishment of these sky routes, a great number of people now travel around the world for sightseeing, visiting friends, and doing business.<これらの空路の確立のおかげで、非常に多くの人たちが今では、観光のためや、友人を訪ねるためや、ビジネスのために世界中を旅している。>

Today, we have a new type of route, the Internet, which specializes in the electronic exchange of information.<今日、私たちにはインターネットという新たな種類の通り道があるが、それは情報の電子的な交換に特化している。>

By using this worldwide route, people can easily obtain information that once was available mainly from books and face-to-face communication.<この世界的規模の通り道を利用することで、人々はかつては主に書籍や対面のコミュニケーションから入手していた情報を簡単に手に入れることができる。>


As technology advances, more and more people will take advantage of this route to gather information and communicate.<科学技術が進歩するにつれて、ますます多くの人たちが、情報と集めたり、コミュニケーションを取るためにこの通り道を利用するだろう。> 

As long as there have been people, there have been routes to connect them.<人々が存在している限り、彼らをつなぐための通り道が存在してきた。>


Routes have played significant roles in the development and prosperity of humankind.<通り道は人類の発展と繁栄において重要な役割を果たしてきた。>

Currently unknown routes will surely take up even further in the future.<現在は知られていない通り道が、将来はきっと私たちをさらに遠くへと運んでくれるだろう。>

センター試験 2019 L 解答

【リスニング 解答】


センター試験 2019 L 台本

【リスニング 台本】

これから音量を調節します。 英語の音声を約 30秒間流します。

この英語は,問題そのものではありませんので,内容を把握する必要はありません。 音声の最後でイヤホンを外すよう指示します。指示があったら,すぐに外し,机の上に置いてください。それでは音量の調節を始めます。

M : Let’s talk about the newsletter.
W : OK, let’s check what we’ve got so far. We’ve decided to have one main story and one short story, right?
M : Right. And what about pictures? Should we have one for each story?
W : I’m not so sure about that. Maybe it would be too much. How about just for the main story?
M : That sounds good. Now, what will our stories be? We could do one about the students who visited from Hawaii. Maybe we could use one of the photos they sent us.





これからリスニングテストを始めます。 この試験では,聞き取る英語は2回流します。質問文と選択肢は音声ではなく,すべて問題冊子に印刷されています。



第1問は問1から問6までの6問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,答えとし て最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(1~4)のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。

Question No. 1

M : We need an idea for a new cartoon character.
W : I agree. How about a vegetable?
M : That sounds OK. But, for a stronger impact, give it wings to fly.
W : Good idea.

Question No. 2

W : What’s the plan for our trip?
M : Rome for five days, and two or three days in either Vienna or Istanbul.
W : I’d prefer Vienna. Let’s stay there for three days.
M : Sure.

Question No. 3

M : I went surfing and fishing over the summer.
W : I wish I had. I went hiking, though.
M : I also played golf with some friends.
W : Really? So did I.

Question No. 4

W : Where’s the salt we took on the picnic?
M : Maybe on the kitchen table, or by the toaster?
W : I checked there. By the sink, too.
M : Oh! I didn’t put it back.

Question No. 5

W : We’d like to reserve this tennis court.
M : The hourly rate is 1,000 yen before 12 and 2,000 yen in the afternoon.
W : We’ll need it from noon till 2 pm.
M : OK.

Question No. 6

M : More members are against our proposal than for it.
W : But many haven’t decided yet.
M : Right. There’s still some hope of getting a majority. W : Let’s try to persuade them.



第2問は問7から問 13までの7問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,最後の発言に対する相手の応答として最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(1~4)のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。


Question No. 7
W : Hey, are you OK? You seem depressed.
M : I dropped my smartphone at the station and the screen cracked.
W : Oh no. Didn’t you drop your phone a few months ago?

Question No. 8
M : I’m thinking about asking the boss for 10 days off from next week.
W : We’re quite busy now. I think it might be difficult.
M : My wife really wants to go abroad.

Question No. 9

W : We have a chance to hear a talk by a diplomat from Germany next week.
M : Right here in our school auditorium?
W : Yes. It’s free. There are still some seats left.

Question No. 10
M : Hey! You’re walking so slowly! We’ll be late for the game!
W : But the traffic light has started to flash.
M : Come on! We can make it if we run.

Question No. 11

W : Remember, tonight is the surprise party for Shota at my house.
M : OK, I’m planning to study at the library until 7, so―.
W : Actually . . . , the party starts at 6.

Question No. 12
M : Hello, ABC Pizza. Can I take your order?
W : I’d like a large seafood pizza delivered.
M : OK. By the way, customers who pick up their order receive 20% off.

Question No. 13

W : Sir, where can I get the night bus?
M : Continue on this train to the final station. The bus stop is right above it.
W : Thanks. Is it easy to find?





第3問Aは問14から問16までの3問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,答 えとして最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(1~4)のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。

Question No. 14

W : There you are. Have you been waiting long?
M : Yes, for 30 minutes! Where’ve you been?
W : Well, I was waiting on the other side. I didn’t see you so I came around here.
M : I’ve been calling your phone, but I couldn’t get through.
W : Sorry, my battery died. Anyway, I’m here now.

Question No. 15

M : How do you like this traditional fabric I bought in India?
W : It’s beautiful! I love the design. What are you going to do with it?
M : I want to have a skirt made for my wife.
W : Oh, I have a friend who could help you.
M : Really? That sounds great.

Question No. 16

M : Shall we take a break?
W : Good idea.
M : Do you want coffee or tea?
W : What kind of tea do you have?
M : I have green tea and lemon ginger.
W : Lemon ginger sounds good.
M : Well, actually, I think I need some coffee.
W : You know, on second thought, I’ll have the same.






Questions No. 17 to 19

M : Morning. One adult, please.
W : That’ll be 20 dollars for the permanent exhibitions, and―.
M : Ah, what are the permanent ones?
W : One is Greek and Roman Art, and the other is the Age of Dinosaurs. The two special exhibitions cost
M : What are they?
W : Butterflies of the Amazon and East Asian Pottery.
M : Maybe I’ll go to both of them.
W : Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention that the butterfly exhibition is closed today.
M : Too bad. Then, I guess I’ll check out the Greek sculptures first.
W : They’re in the Greek and Roman Art section, but it’s not open yet. However, you might enjoy the
dinosaur exhibition. There’s a lecture in 15 minutes.
M : Good. I’ll do that.
W : You can see the sculptures after the dinosaurs. The special exhibition on East Asian Pottery is nice, too.
M : OK, I’ll go there before the sculptures. Can I pay by credit card?
W : Sure.






Questions No. 20 to 22

I sat nervously on my bicycle. My brothers Brad and Marc were holding on to the handlebars and seat on both sides. I gripped the handles. This was my first time riding without the training wheels. I was scared but ready. My friends could no longer tease me for not being able to ride a bicycle. My brothers assured me that they would not let go. They both shouted, “Ready, set . . .” and smiled at each other. At that moment, I realized that they had a plan. They shouted, “Go!” and pushed me forward. Then suddenly, they let go of the bicycle. I screamed. I was pedaling hard but had no control. In horror, I saw our neighbor’s garage up ahead and closed my eyes tightly. Crash! I hit the garage. I found myself on the ground with my head spinning. I was confused but unhurt. My brothers ran to me and helped me up, but they were laughing so hard that they were in tears. I was also in tears, but not because I thought it was funny. Growing up as the only girl with two older brothers was hard, but this experience taught me to be strong and not to give up.





Questions No. 23 to 25

Ken : Hi, Nicholas. How are you?

Nicholas : Hey, Ken, I’m good. I was just telling Janet that I’m thinking about getting a new pet―a dog― and she was giving me some advice. She thinks I should go to the animal shelter . . . , you know, the place where they take animals that are wild or are not wanted. Right, Janet?

Janet : Yeah. I think Nicholas should adopt one of the dogs from the shelter. They are usually given away. And most importantly, all the dogs need a new home and family to love them. But I’m not sure that Nicholas thinks it’s a good idea.

Nicholas : Well, Janet, I think it’s a kind thing to do, but if I get one from the pet store I can be sure that it’s healthy. I also worry that shelter dogs might have some kind of problem. They might bite people or bark too much. What do you think, Ken?

Ken : Yeah, I agree. That might be why they were abandoned.

Janet : Not necessarily, guys. I think many dogs in
shelters are well-trained, but unfortunately had to be given up because their families had to move to places that don’t allow pets.

Nicholas : Right. But many of the dogs at the shelter are older, and I want a puppy. They’re really cute when they’re young.

Ken : Well, you might have a better chance of getting a puppy at a pet store, but sometimes there are unwanted puppies taken to shelters as well. And the shelter will make sure that the dogs they give away are in good health.

Janet : Yeah, and dogs can also be quite expensive in pet shops. Why don’t we all go to the shelter downtown after school today and take a look? What do you think, guys?

Ken : Yeah!

Nicholas : Sure, I guess we could.


この後は,監督者の「解答やめ」の指示があるまで,解答を続けることができます。 これからイヤホンを外してもらいます。その時に,イヤホンが机に当たって音を立てないよう注意してください。

