【大問5 自由英作文】
以下の設問(A), (B)の中から一つ選んで、 問題文IからIIIをもとにして、自分の意見を解答用紙V欄に英語で書きなさい。注意点をよく読んでから書くこと。
(A) Should the Japanese government lower the legal age at which alcohol may be consumed to 18? Why, or why not?
(B) Should the Japanese government abolish the death penalty? Why, or why not?
【大問5 自由英作文 注意点】
(1) 箇条書きは不可。
(2) 自分の意見と異なる見解に言及し,それに反論すること。
(3) 問題文I, II または III で言及されている見解やことがらを最低一つ引用して,自分の意見をまとめること。引用する際には,下の例を参考にすること。
In her 2010 article “Against Zoos”, Faerrer claims, “Nature is not ours to control.” She argues that ... However, I strongly disagree with that statement,because ....
I agree only to a certain extent with Eve N. Suzuki who argues, “Schools do not protect the rights of students enough” in the essay by Foane (2010). Her claim that X is Y may be true, but ....
According to O’Werke (2012, paragraph 7), one option is indirect taxation. Although this argument ...,
【大問5 自由英作文 解答】
I think the Japanese government should lower the legal age at which alcohol may be consumed to 18. The reason is that people need to learn how to drink and how to be sociable.
In Japan, drinking with people of all ages is called Nomi-Kai. Nomi-Kai offers a good opportunity for making conversation with anyone.
In his 2013 article “Why let the young turn to drink?”, Naughton Mywatch claims, “College education is not about drinking parties.” He argues that drinking is harmful to the young. However, I strongly disagree with that statement, because learning occurs not only in the classroom but also in parties. They should acquire skills in communication among different generations to enter society appropriately.
Some might argue about the dangers of drinking. Yes, I agree with them. Drinking can lead the young to certain dangerous actions, but the young should experience them before they hold important positions.
Thus, the Japanese government should lower the legal drinking age to 18 for the youth education.
【解説 慶応経済学部2018年ー5】
【意見 opinion】
意見はしっかりと YES か No で立場を示しましょう
I think the Japanese government should lower the legal age at which alcohol may be consumed to 18.
In my opinion, the Japanese government should lower the legal age at which alcohol may be consumed to 18.
I think that
I believe that
In my opinion,
From my point of view,
【理由 reason】
The reason is that people need to learn how to drink and how to be sociable.
The reason is that
Thas is because
【事実 fact】
In Japan, drinking with people of all ages is called Nomi-Kai. Nomi-Kai offers a good opportunity for making conversation with anyone.
【引用 quote】
In his 2013 article “Why let the young turn to drink?”, Naughton Mywatch claims, “College education is not about drinking parties.” He argues that drinking is harmful to the young.
【反論 objection】
However, I strongly disagree with that statement, because learning occurs not only in the classroom but also in parties. They should acquire skills in communication among different generations to enter society appropriately.Some might argue about the dangers of drinking. Yes, I agree with them. Drinking can lead the young to certain dangerous actions, but the young should experience them before they hold important positions.
【結論 conclusion】
Thus, the Japanese government should lower the legal drinking age to 18 for the youth education.
in conclusion
to conclude
to sum up