早稲田大学 英作文 添削解説 法学部 2018

早稲田大学 英作文 添削解説 法学部 2018

早稲田大学 英作文 添削解説 法学部 2018

早稲田大学 英作文 添削解説 法学部 2018










早稲田 自由英作文 2018 6 問題

Examine the graph below and follow the directions. (注:解答欄は 175mm x 2行)

1 In ONE sentence, describe what the graph says about sharing books with other people.
2 In ONE sentence, describe what the graph says about reading books in bed.

Which Is Better for These Purposes:
A Printed Book or an E-book?
A Survey of Those Who Have Read Both Printed and E-books over
the Past Year

過去問 早稲田大学 法学部 2018 6 Reading Habits Survey

早稲田法学部 2018-6 読書習慣の調査 印刷書籍と電子書籍

早稲田 自由英作文 2018 6 解答


People like sharing printed books with others more than sharing E-books.(11WORDS)

People are more likely to share printed books with others than E-books.(12WORDS)

The graph says slightly more people prefer to read E-books rather than printed books in bed.(16WORDS)

Sightly more people prefer to read E-books rather than printed books in bed.(13WORDS)

早稲田 自由英作文 2018 6 解説



According to the graph
The graph says that

People like A more than B.
People like A better than B.
People prefer A to B.
People prefer A over B.
People prefer to A rather than B.

People are likely to do A.
People tend to do A.

sightly more

much more

早稲田 自由英作文 2018 7 問題

Do you prefer printed books or e-books? In a paragraph, explain your answer giving at least two specific reasons.
(注:解答欄は 180mm x 9行)

早稲田 自由英作文 2018 7 解答


解答例1 印刷書籍支持派
I prefer printed books to e-books for four main reasons.
First, printed books are easy to read for children. They do not know how to handle digital devices yet.
Second, we can read printed books without electricity. We do not have to purchase new ones to replace old devices.
Third, it is traditionally proven that printed books are harmless and good for eye health.
Finally, with printed books, I can mark key points and also write down my thoughts in the blank spaces of the page. This helps me to think as I read.
So I prefer printed books to e-books.


解答例2 電子書籍支持派
I prefer e-books over printed books. Here are my four main reasons.
Firstly, e-books are easy to search for particular words. If children learn how to handle digital devices, they have better reading experience.
Secondly, e-books do not deteriorate over time as they are digital data. Especially in Japan, data are safe during earthquakes.
Thirdly, e-books are attractive and we can use sounds and images with them. I can understand things through multiple senses.
Lastly, e-books are portable and I do not have to carry around heavy printed books all day.
Thus I prefer printed books over e-books.


早稲田 自由英作文 2018 7 解説




印刷書籍派:I prefer printed books to e-books.
電子書籍派:I prefer e-books to printed books.




基準1:それは便利かどうか? (Is it useful?)
基準2:それは安定しているか? (Is it stable?)
基準3:それは人から好かれるか? (Do people like it or dislike it?)
基準4:それはあなたの生活をどう変えるか? (How it changes your lifestyle?)


基準1:それは便利かどうか? (Is it useful?)

印刷書籍支持理由:printed books are easy to read for children. They do not know how to handle digital devices yet.

電子書籍支持理由:e-books are easy to search for particular words. If children learn how to handle digital devices, they have better reading experience.

基準2:それは安定しているか? (Is it stable?)

印刷書籍支持理由2:we can read printed books without electricity. We do not have to purchase new ones to replace old devices.

電子書籍支持理由2:e-books do not deteriorate over time as they are digital data. Especially in Japan, data are safe during eathquakes.

基準3:それは人から好かれるか? (Do people like it or dislike it?)

印刷書籍支持理由3:It is traditionally proven that printed books are harmless and good for eye health.

電子書籍支持理由3:e-books are attractive and we can use sounds and images with them. I can understand things through multiple senses.

基準4:それはあなたの生活をどう変えるか? (How it changes your lifestyle?)

印刷書籍支持理由4:with printed books, I can mark key points and also write down my thoughts in the blank spaces of the page. This helps me to think as I read.

電子書籍支持理由4:e-books are portable and I do not have to carry around heavy printed books all day.

like A more than B.
like A better than B.
prefer A to B.
prefer A over B.
prefer to A rather than B.


like A
love A
enjoy A
my favorite is A
am fond of A
am a fan of A
am interested in A

do not like A
dislike A
am tired of A
can not stand A
hate A
loathe A


A is harmful

A is harmless

baby 赤ん坊
infant 幼児
kid 子供(口語表現)
child  児童 (複数形はchildren)
pupil 児童
student 生徒
undergraduate 大学生(大学1から4年)
postgraduate 大学院生

computer コンピューター 
laptop ノートブック(膝=lapに乗せる=top)
desktop 据え置きのコンピューター
workstation 特定の用途に特化したコンピューター
CG コンピューター・グラフィックス
e-book 電子書籍
mobile phone 携帯電話
cell phone 携帯電話
smart phone スマートフォン
hands-on すぐに使える

年を取る get old
経年劣化する deteriorate over time

所持品 belongings
持ち歩く carry around
携帯可能な portable

