早稲田大学 英作文データ添削解説 政治経済

早稲田大学 英作文データ添削解説 政治経済

早稲田大学 英作文データ添削解説 政治経済

早稲田大学 英作文データ添削解説 政治経済


【英作文の試験構成 大問1本】


【英作文の用語 経済経営系知識必須】

【英作文の勉強方法 上達のコツ】

【プロ家庭教師 早稲田大学政治経済学部 対策講座】


早稲田大学政治経済学部 英作文データ


早稲田政治経済 英作文2019

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文】

Read the statement below and write a paragraph giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it.

Write your answer in English in the space provided on your written answer sheet. (It is suggested that you spend no more than 15 minutes on this section.)

Staement:"Every university student in Japan should be required to study abroad for at least one semester.”

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解答】

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 賛成派 解答】

意見 I agree that every university student in Japan should be required to study abroad for at least one semester.

理由1 The first reason is that Japan needs global human resources. Japanese companies expand their business oversea more and more. It is likely that students with foreign experience are more employable.

理由2 The second reason is that learning foreign culture from youth is important. Young people are flexible thinkers so they can adapt to a new lifestyle. They will be affected by foreign students.

結論 For these reasons, it should be mandatory for Japanese students to study abroad for at least one semester.


【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 反対派 解答】

意見 I do not agree that every university student in Japan should be required to study abroad for at least one semester.

理由1 The first reason is that studying abroad will break the curriculum. Subjects are aligned in a row. It is an inefficient way of studying.

理由2 The second reason is that students have enough holiday. They had better study abroad during their holiday. Many countries take longer holidays than Japan. It is easier for students to manage their time than for adults.

結論 For these reasons, it should not be mandatory for Japanese students to study abroad for at least one semester.


【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説】




【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 賛成反対の立場を明確にする】


賛成の場合はI agree that A shouldの構文を用います。

賛成なら I agree that every university student in Japan should be required to study abroad for at least one semester.で書き始めます。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 賛成派 理由1】


理由を述べる場合はThe first reason is thatの構文を用います。

The first reason is that Japan needs global human resource.

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文  解説 グローバル人材】
○ global human resource
△ global workforce 

日本語の「グローバル人材」はglobal human resourceです。human resourceは人材や人事部などの、人間の職務能力を扱う経済用語です。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 日系企業はますます海外進出している】

Japanese companies expand their business oversea more and more.

「海外進出する」はexpand one's business overseaです。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 海外経験のある学生はより採用される可能性がある】

It is likely that students with foreign experience are more employable.

「Xの可能性がある」はIt is likely that Xです。

「海外経験のある学生」はstudents with foreign experienceです。

「雇われやすい」はbe employableです。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 賛成派 理由2】

理由をさらに追加する場合はThe second reason is thatの構文を用います。

The second reason is that learning foreign culture from youth is important.

ちなみに理由をさらに追加したい場合はThe third reason is thatやThe fourth reason is thatと続きます。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 若い時から海外文化を学ぶことは大事だ】

Learning foreign culture from youth is important.

「若い時から」はfrom youthです。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 若者は頭が柔らかいので適応できる】

Young people are flexible thinkers so they can adapt to a new lifestyle.

「頭が柔らかい」はflexible thinkerです。

「適応する」はadapt to a new lifestyleです。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 海外の学生から良い影響を受ける】

They will be affected by foreign students.

「影響を受ける」はbe affectedです。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 賛成派 結論】

それまでの理由をまとめてから結論を述べます。結論はFor these reasonsで書き出します。

For these reasons, it should be mandatory for Japanese students to study abroad for at least one semester.

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 賛成反対の立場を明確にする】


反対の場合はI do not agree that X should構文を用います。

反対なら I do not agree that every university student in Japan should be required to study abroad for at least one semester.で書き始めます。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 反対派 理由1】


理由を述べる場合はThe first reason is thatの構文を用います。

The first reason is that studying abroad will break the curriculum.

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文  解説 留学は勉強を中断させる】

○ Studying abroad will break the curriculum

△ Studying abroad will stop the curriculum



【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文  解説 科目は順番が決まっている】

○ Subjects are aligned in a row.
△ Subjects are aligned to the sequence.

「順番が決まっている」はare aligned in a rowになります。

be alignedは「並べられる」という意味です。

in a rowは「一列に」という意味です。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文  解説 効率の悪い勉強方法だ】

It is an inefficient way of studying.


wayは可算名詞なのでa an theの冠詞に注意しましょう。

「勉強方法」はway of studyingです。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 反対派 理由2】

理由をさらに追加する場合はThe second reason is thatの構文を用います。

The second reason is that students have enough holiday.

ちなみに、理由をさらに追加したい場合はThe third reason is thatやThe fourth reason is thatと続きます。

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 学生は十分な休日がある】

students have enough holiday.


【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 休日に海外留学をすればよい】

They had better study abroad during their holiday.

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 日本よりも休日の長い国はたくさんある】

Many countries take longer holidays than Japan.

【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 学生は社会人よりも時間を合わせやすい】

It is easier for students to manage their time than for adults

「Xしやすい」はIt is easy to Xの構文を用います。

「時間を合わせる」はmanage one's timeです。


【早稲田大学政治経済2019 自由英作文 解説 反対派 結論】

それまでの理由をまとめてから結論を述べます。結論はFor these reasonsで書き出します。

For these reasons, it should not be mandatory for Japanese students to study abroad for at least one semester.

英作文 早稲田大学データ 政治経済学部

英作文 対策講座 基本編

過去問 早稲田大学 傾向対策解答解説


早稲田政治経済 英作文2018

【早稲田大学政治経済2018 自由英作文】

Read the statement below and write a paragraph giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it. Write your answer in English in the space provided on your written answer sheet. (It is suggested that you spend no more than 15 minutes on this section.)

Staement:"A law should be passed in Japan establishing a minimum percentage of women in key positions in the government and major corporations."

【早稲田大学政治経済2018 自由英作文 解答】

【早稲田大学政治経済2018 自由英作文 賛成派 解答】

I agree with the statement. There are two reasons.
Firstly, it is not fair to women that more men are in key positions than women. Japan already has the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, but it had little effect. We need equal rights for both sexes.
Secondly, if men and women in key positions compete with each other, major corporations can employ them at a lower cost. Reducing labor costs will lead corporations to increasing profit. Also, Government can hire excellent workers.
Thus, the law should be passed in Japan establishing a minimum percentage of women in key positions.

【早稲田大学政治経済2018 自由英作文 反対派 解答】

I do not agree with the statement. There are two reasons.
Firstly, it is not fair to men that women already have preferential treatment outside of the workplace. Family and marriage laws in Japan protect women in terms of economy. We need equal rights for both sexes.
Secondly, turnover rate for women is higher than men. Women leave their jobs on marriage and parenting. They do not return. That makes major corporations and government impossible to recover their investment in human resources. It leads to less profit.
To sum up, the law is not necessary in Japan.

【早稲田大学政治経済2018 自由英作文 解説】



賛成なら:I agree with the statement.
反対なら:I do not agree with the statement.




基準1:それは公平かどうか? Is it fair?
基準2:それは生産的か?  Is it productive?
基準3:それは安いか高いか?  Is it cheap or expensive?
基準4:それは比較してどうか? Is it better or worse?


基準1:それは公平かどうか?(Is it fair?)

賛成理由1:It is not fair to women that more men are in key positions than women.
反対理由1:It is not fair to men that women already have preferential treatment outside of the workplace.

基準2:それは生産的か?(Is it productive?)

賛成理由2:Some women in key position perform better than men
反対理由2:Turnover rate for women is higher than men

基準3:それは安いか高いか?(Is it cheaper or more expensive?)

賛成理由3:If men and women in key positions compete with each others, firms can employ them at a lower cost.
反対理由3:If men and women in key positions compete with each others, men lose motivation.

基準4:それは比較してどうか?(Is it better or worse?)

賛成理由4:Japan has a low percentage of women in key positions compared to foreign countries.
反対理由4:Many countries has a high percentage of men in key positions



賛成なら:Thus, the law should be passed in Japan establishing a minimum percentage of women in key positions.
反対なら:To sum up, the law is not necessary in Japan


is fair to A Aに対して公平だ
is not fair to A Aに対して不公平だ

compared to A Aと比較して

preferential treatment 優遇する
play favorites えこひいきする

in the workplace 職場で
outside of the workplace 職場の外で
return to work 職場に復帰する

turnover rate 離職率

perform well 成果を出す
do well 上手にする

have effect 効果がある
have no effect 効果がない
have little effect 効果があまりない

recover one's investment

human resources 人材
human resource department 人事部

英作文 早稲田大学データ 政治経済学部

英作文 対策講座 基本編

過去問 早稲田大学 傾向対策解答解説

