東京大学 英作文 添削解説 2018

東京大学 英作文 添削解説 2018

東京大学 英作文 添削解説 2018

東京大学 英作文 添削解説 2018




英作文出題傾向1:和文英訳 (わぶんえいやく)
英作文出題傾向2:和文要約 (わぶんようやく)
英作文出題傾向3:英文要約 (えいぶんようやく)
英作文出題傾向4:自由英作文 (じゆうえいさくぶん)










東京大学 英作文 2018 1A

東大 2018年 問題1A


Rumours spread by two different but overlapping processes: popular confirmation and in-group momentum. The first occurs because each of us tends to rely on what others think and do. Once a certain number of people appear to believe a rumour, others will believe it too, unless they have good reason to think it is false. Most rumours involve topics on which people lack direct or personal knowledge, and so most of us often simply trust the crowd. As more people accept the crowd view, the crowd grows larger, creating a real risk that large groups of people will believe rumours even though they are completely false.

In-group momentum refers to the fact that when like-minded people get together, they often end up believing a more extreme version of what they thought before. Suppose that members of a certain group are inclined to accept a rumour about, say, the evil intentions of a certain nation. In all likelihood, they will become more committed to that rumour after they have spoken to each other. Indeed, they may move from being tentative believers to being absolutely certain, even though their only new evidence is what other members of the group believe. Consider the role of the internet here: when people see many tweets or posts from like-minded people, they are strongly inclined to accept a rumour as true.

What can be done to reduce the risk that these two processes will lead us to accept false rumours? The most obvious answer, and the standard one, involves the system of free expression: people should be exposed to balanced information and to corrections from those who know the truth. Freedom usually works, but in some contexts it is an incomplete remedy. People do not process information in a neutral way, and emotions often get in the way of truth. People take in new information in a very uneven way, and those who have accepted false rumours do not easily give up their beliefs, especially when there are strong emotional commitments involved. It can be extremely hard to change what people think, even by presenting them with facts.

東京大学 英作文 2018 1A 解答


東京大学 英作文 2018 1A 解説





3:集団の勢力(In-group momentum)で人は同じ意見を交わすだけで噂を信じこむ。





東京大学 英作文 2018 1B

東大 2018年 問題1B

以下の英文を読み、Jonathan Schooler らが発見したと言われていることの内容を、15~20語程度の英語で要約せよ。文章から答えを抜き出すのではなく、できるだけ自分の英語で答えよ。

When we think back on emotional events from the past, our memories tend to be distorted by internal influences. One way this can happen is through sharing our memories with others, something that most of us are likely to do after important life events — whether it's calling our family to tell them some exciting news, reporting back to our boss about a big problem at work, or even giving a statement to police. In these kinds of situations we are transferring information that was originally received visually (or indeed through other senses) into verbal information. We are turning inputs from our five senses into words. But this process is imperfect; every time we take images, sounds, or smells and verbalise them, we potentially alter or lose information. There is a limit to the amount of detail we are able to communicate through language, so we have to cut corners. We simplify. This is a process known as "verbal overshadowing," a term invented by psychologist Jonathan Schooler.

Schooler, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, published the first set of studies on verbal overshadowing in 1990 with his colleague Tonya Engstler-Schooler. Their main study involved participants watching a video of a bank robbery for 30 seconds. After then doing an unrelated task for 20 minutes, half of the participants spent five minutes writing down a description of the bank robber's face, while the other half undertook a task naming countries and their capitals. After this, all the participants were presented with a line-up of eight faces that were, as the researchers put it, "verbally similar," meaning that the faces matched the same kind of description — such as "blonde hair, green eyes, medium nose, small ears, narrow lips." This is different from matching photos purely on visual similarity, which may focus on things that are harder to put into words, such as mathematical distances between facial features.

We would expect that the more often we verbally describe and reinforce the appearance of a face, the better we should retain the image of it in our memory. However, it seems that the opposite is true. The researchers found that those who wrote down the description of the robber's face actually performed significantly worse at identifying the correct person out of the line-up than those who did not. In one experiment, for example, of those participants who had written down a description of the criminal, only 27 percent picked the correct person out of the line-up, while 61 percent of those who had not written a description managed to do so. That's a huge difference. By stating only details that could be readily put into words, the participants had overlooked some of the details of their original visual memory.

This effect is incredibly robust, as indicated by the outcome of possibly the biggest effort ever to reproduce the result of an experiment in psychology. This was a massive project by 33 labs and almost 100 scholars, including Jonathan Schooler and Daniel Simons, published in 2014. All researchers followed the same methods, and they found that even when the experiment was conducted by different researchers, in different countries, and with different participants, the verbal overshadowing effect was constant. Putting pictures into words always makes our memories of those pictures worse.

Further research by Schooler and others has suggested that this effect may also transfer to other situations and senses. It seems that whenever something is difficult to put into words, verbalisation of it generally diminishes recall. Try to describe a colour, taste, or melody, and you make your memory of it worse. Try describing a map, a decision, or an emotional judgement, and it becomes harder to remember all the details of the original situation. This is also true when others verbalise things for us. If we hear someone else's description of something we have seen, our memory of it is weakened in that case too. Our friends may be trying to help us when they give their verbal account of something that happened, but they may instead be overshadowing our own original memories.

According to Schooler, besides losing details, verbalising non-verbal things makes us generate competing memories. We put ourselves into a situation where we have both a memory of the time we described the event and a memory of the time we actually experienced the event. This memory of the verbalisation seems to overwhelm our original memory fragment, and we may subsequently remember the verbalisation as the best account of what happened. When faced with an identification task where we need all the original details back, such as a photo line-up, it then becomes difficult to think past our verbal description. In short, it appears our memories can be negatively affected by our own attempts to improve them.

This does not mean that verbalising is always a bad idea. Schooler's research also shows that verbalising our memories does not diminish performance – and may even improve it — for information that was originally in word form: word lists, spoken statements, or facts, for example.

東京大学 英作文 2018 1B 解答


Jonathan Schooler discovered the verbal overshadowing in which information from our five senses is simplified when we verbalise it.(19words)

東京大学 英作文 2018 1B 解説




study は科学実験を意味します。学術的文章(academic writing) では自分が提唱する仮説(hypothesis)が妥当であるかを巡ってさまざまな科学実験が実施され、文章として報告されます。そこではどのような仮説が、どのような事実によって支持されているのか、読解が求められます。

【verbal overshadowing】
感覚記憶を言語化することで、元の感覚記憶の細部は、言語記憶では単純化されます。この効果を文章では verbal overshadowing と呼んでいます。verbal は「言語の」と直訳できますが over shadowing の訳にはやや思考力が必要です。over shadowing で「上から影で隠される」という意味ですが、ここでは「影で隠される」ことは「細部の記憶が失われる」ことを意味しています。

distort 歪む
give a statement 陳述する
term 専門用語
participant 実験参加者
verbalize 言語化


過去の感情的な出来事を振り返ってみると、私たちの記憶は内的な影響によってゆがんでしまう傾向がある。これを起こす1つの方法は、私たちの思い出を他の人と共有することだ。大切な人生の出来事の後で、私たちの多くがやりがちなもの、 家族にいくつかの刺激的なニュースを伝えるか、職場の大きな問題について上司に報告するか、警察に通報を出すことすらも。この種の状況では、最初に視覚的に(または実際には他の感覚を通じて)受け取った情報を、言語の情報に移している。私たちは五感からの入力を言語に変えている。しかし、工程は不完全なものだ。私たちが映像、音、または匂いを拾って、それらを言語化するたびに、私たちは潜在的に情報を変更したり失ったりする。私たちが言語を通して伝えることのできる細部には限界がありるので、省略しなければならない。我々は単純化する。これが心理学者のジョナサン・スクーラーによって命名された言葉である "言葉の影"と呼ばれる工程だ。







東京大学 英作文 2018 2A

東大 2018年 問題2A

次のシェイクスピアの戯曲「ジュリアス・シーザー」からの引用を読み, 二人の対話の内容について思うことを40~60語の英語で述べよ。

CASSIUS: Tell me, good Brutus, can you see your face?
BRUTUS: No, Cassius; for the eye sees not itself, But by reflection, by some other things.
・・・ ・・・
CASSIUS: I, your glass, Will modestly discover to yourself, That of yourself which you yet know not of.

カシアス:どうだ, ブルータス、 きみは自分の顔が見えるか?
ブルータス:いや, キャシアス、 見えない。目は、反射によってしか、つまり他のものを通してしか自分自身を見ることができないから。
( 中略 )

東京大学 英作文 2018 2A 解答


In the dialogue, Cassiaus and Brutus interpret the word "see" in different ways. Cassiaus uses the word in a figurative sense to tell Brutus what kind of person he is. On the contrary, Brutus uses the word in a literal sense. The word has multiple meanings and that makes the dialogue interesting. (52WORDS)

東京大学 英作文 2018 2A 解説


東大の自由英作文の特徴として、受験者が自ら思考して、文章を解釈する点が挙げられます。そこで大事なのは「解釈」を、しっかりと言葉で表現できるかです。具体的には see という言葉に注目しましょう。与えられた会話文では see という言葉が、異なる解釈で用いられています。
カシアスは see という言葉を「わかる・理解する」という意味で用いています。対してブルータスは see という言葉を「見る」という意味で用いています。
カシアスは比喩的に see を用いて、ブルータスは文字通りに see を用いています。この種類の自由英作文は、言葉の多義性に注目することが、英作文の着想のコツとなります。

in a figurative sense 比喩的な意味で
in a literal sense 文字通りの意味で
multiple meaning 多義

東京大学 英作文 2018 2B

東大 2018年 問題2B


「現在の行動にばかりかまけていては、生きるという意味が逃げてしまう」と小林秀雄は語った。それは恐らく、 自分が日常生活においてすべきだと思い込んでいることをやってそれでよしとしているようでは、人生などいつのまにか終わってしまうという意味であろう

東京大学 英作文 2018 2B 解答


Perhaps this means that even a life will be over before we realize it if you settle for doing what you assume you are supposed to do in everyday life.


This may mean that even the life will come to an end before we know it if you are satisfied with just doing what you think you should do in daily life.

東京大学 英作文 2018 2B 解説






A:それは恐らく ~ という意味であろう

Perhaps it means ~
Perhaps This means ~
This may means ~
This may imply ~



Before we know it
before we realize it
without awareness of it

この場合は主語は we が良いでしょう。文章は私たち全員についての話をしています。


the life
a life
man's life

life は減点です。life だけでは生活・健康・生命・人生といくつにも解釈できてしまいます。
他の the life と a life と man's life が正解になります。


will be finished
will be over
will come to an end

will be finished は減点です。finish は「良い結果を目指して物事を終わらせる」という意味があり、やや肯定的な語感になってしまいます。
will be over は正解です。 over には「本人の期待に反して終わってしまう」という意味があり、否定的な語感が表現できます。
will come to an end も正解です。


what you think that you should do
what you assume that you should do
what you assume that you are supposed to do

what you think だけでは「と思うこと」なので減点です。
what you assume は「と思い込んでいること」で正解です。

that you should do は「あなたがすべきこと」なので正解です。
他にも that you are supposed to do という表現があります。


everyday life
daily life
normal life

everyday life と daily life はどちらも正解になります。
normal life は減点です。 normal life で「災害から社会復帰した生活」という意味なります。


if you are satisfied with just doing ~
if you settle for just doing ~

be satisfied with ~  は「~で満足する」という意味になります。
settle for ~  は「~を甘受する」という意味になります。
