早稲田大学 英作文 添削解説 国際教養学部 2018

早稲田大学 英作文 添削解説 国際教養学部 2018

早稲田大学 英作文 添削解説 国際教養学部 2018

早稲田大学 英作文 添削解説 国際教養学部 2018










早稲田 自由英作文 2018 5 問題

Qualities like mental focus and dexterity are very important in some sports. This has led some people to propose that playing video games should be recognized as an Olympic sport.

Write a paragraph in ENGLISH giving your own opinion on this proposal, with appropriate reasons and examples. (解答欄 150mm x 13行)

早稲田 自由英作文 2018 5 解答

I agree that playing video games should be recognized as an Olympic sport. Here are my three reasons.
First, playing video games is as good as playing sports because it improves players qualities like mental focus and dexterity. For example, puzzle games like Tetris enhance mental focus and adventure games like Mario Brothers train dexterity.
Second, If playing video games are recognized as an Olympic sport, more people get into video game industry. Japan has many game companies such as Nintendo, Square Enix, Sega Sammy and so on. They will hire more workers.
Third, playing video games is the same as playing sports because it adheres to Olympic values. According to Olympic Charter, Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will, and mind, blending sport with culture and education.
From the reasons above, playing video games should be recognized as an Olympic sport.(153WORDS)

I disagree that playing video games should be recognized as an Olympic sport.
Firstly, playing video games is worse than playing sports because it has the risk of becoming an addiction. It has been officially classified as a disease by the WHO. video game addiction may lead to other health problems. Sleep problems and eye diseases.
Secondly, if playing video games are recognized as an Olympic sport, video game industry will exploit more children. They will raise prices of video games and video game devices. Parents and governments are forced to buy them in place of textbooks.
Thirdly, playing video games is not the same as playing sports because it does not have stable rules and regulations. Video game companies frequently launch new products. Each time rules and regulations change without any notice.
From the reasons above, playing video games should not be recognized as an Olympic sport.(148WORDS)

早稲田 自由英作文 2018 5 解説



この提案について、あなた自身の意見を、ふさわしい理由と具体例を挙げて、英語で書きなさい。 (解答欄150mm×13行)



賛成なら:I agree that playing video games should be recognized as an Olympic sport.
反対なら:I disagree that playing video games should be recognized as an Olympic sport.



基準1:それは参加者にとってどうか? (Is it good or bad for participants?)
基準2:それは社会にとってどうか? (Is it good or bad for society?)
基準3:それは倫理に反しないか? (Is it ethical?)


基準1:それは参加者にとってどうか?(Is it good or bad for participants?)

賛成理由1:playing video games is as good as playing sports because it improves players qualities like mental focus and dexterity.

反対理由1:playing video games is worse than playing sports because it has the risk of becoming an addiction.

基準2:それは社会にとってどうか? (Is it good or bad for society?)

賛成理由2:If playing video games are recognized as an Olympic sport, more people get into video game industry.

反対理由2:If playing video games are recognized as an Olympic sport, video game industry will exploit more children.

基準3:それは倫理に反しないか? (Is it ethical?)

賛成理由3:playing video games is the same as playing sports because it adheres to Olympic values.

反対理由3:playing video games is not the same as playing sports because it does not have stable rules and regulations.


基準1:それは参加者にとってどうか?(Is it good or bad for participants?)

賛成具体例1:playing video games is as good as playing sports because it improves players qualities like mental focus and dexterity. For example, puzzle games like Tetris enhance mental focus and adventure games like Mario Brothers train dexterity.

反対具体例1:playing video games is worse than playing sports because it has the risk of becoming an addiction. It has been officially classified as a disease by the WHO. video game addiction may lead to other health problems. Sleep problems and eye diseases.

基準2:それは社会にとってどうか? (Is it good or bad for society?)

賛成具体例2:If playing video games are recognized as an Olympic sport, more people get into video game industry. Japan has many game companies such as Nintendo, Square Enix, Sega Sammy and so on. They will hire more workers.

反対具体例2:If playing video games are recognized as an Olympic sport, video game industry will exploit more children. They will raise prices of video games and video game devices. Parents and governments are forced to buy them in place of textbooks.

基準3:それは倫理に反しないか? (Is it ethical?)

賛成具体例3:playing video games is the same as playing sports because it adheres to Olympic values. According to Olympic Charter, Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will, and mind, blending sport with culture and education.

反対具体例3:playing video games is not the same as playing sports because it does not have stable rules and regulations. Video game companies frequently launch new products. Each time rules and regulations change without any notice.


From the reasons above, playing video games should be recognized as an Olympic sport.

From the reasons above, playing video games should not be recognized as an Olympic sport.


Olympic Charter オリンピック憲章

adhere to values 価値観に従う

stable 安定な
unstable 不安定な

Each time いちいち
Every time  いつも

in turn 順番に
【代わりに】 in place of A Aの代わりに
