Inflation, Can everyone be rich, Renewables

Inflation, Can everyone be rich, Renewables
The current inflation will last longer than expected and prices may never return to their original levels.
Can everyone be rich:
If the 500 million to 1 billion people in mainland China want to live on par with high-income advanced economies like the U.S., Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, there will be a worldwide competition for resources.
Renewable energy is a great idea in the long run, but in the short to medium run, it puts pressure on the lives of many people and make them unhappy.
Demographics and Incomes:
Starting in 2023, population shifts will become more intense in many nations. The income of people who can work in more than two languages will rise, while the income of people who can only work in one language will fall.
Sector analysis:
Plus sector:Luxury-goods sectors Entertainment sectors
Minus sector:Sectors vulnerable to inflation Sectors with high-labor-cost ratio
プラスセクター:高級消費財セクター ブランドビジネスセクター エンタメセクター
マイナスセクター:インフレに弱いセクター 人件費率の高いセクター