Work From Home and the Opponents
Work From Home and the Opponents
【Job Diary WFH and the opponents】
In the U.K., the majority view remote work favorably.
英国記事 Working from home is revolutionising the UK labour market
日本記事 在宅勤務でイギリスの労働市場が様変わりしつつある
[Individuals vs Institutions]
People who cannot work remotely will become a problem in the future.
Since they can't handle remote work, they are just shifting the blame to the remote work system.
In the background, there is a structural problem that Japan has systematically failed to invest in computer education.
【Tanks vs Chonmage】
On the front lines, the technologies like "guns" and "tanks" have emerged to fight.
On the other hand, in Edo Castle, people are still obsessed with wearing chonmage and riding horses.
The reason for this is that "chonmage business" and "horse business" will face massive job cuts. To avoid mass unemployment, not seeing the reality as it is, they insist that "chonmage is still prevalent!"
【Public sector transformation needs time】
Now, unlike the private sector, change in the public sector tends to be slow.
How slow? I estimate the next 10 to 15 years, which are time-consuming.
The "opponents" who do not learn information technology, claim the guarantee of the status. Can we wait until they are totally wiped out?
【The end of the humanities A new humanities on the way】
For young people, articles such as editorials in Asahi and Yomiuri, written by writers who have poor knowledge of computers, are not worth reading. What is worse, they made technical mistakes in some cases.
Don't worry, just keep learning computers.
The reason why the people out there can't make use of computers is an institutional problem. You don't have to deal with it by yourself.
If you are young, invest your energy in learning computers for yourself.
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