Windows 11 Powershell Command Line Basics

Windows 11 Powershell Command Line Basics

Windows 11 Powershell Command Line Basics

Windows 11 Powershell Command Line Basics

英語 EnglishPowershell
日語 Japaneseパワーシェル (ぱわーしぇる)
類義 SynonymWindows powershell Windows command line Windows terminal Character user interfaceShell
意味 MeaningPowershell is an application that gives commands to the Windows operating system.
Since Powershell manipulates the kernel (core of the OS), consumers rarely use it. However, professional developers must have basic knowledge of Powershell.
In simple terms, Powershell is a tool for administrators to control the OS.
解説 Commentary
Powershell became mainstream in the Windows OS environment around the 2020s. Prior to that, Command Prompt was the mainstream.
There are applications similar to Powershell such as Linux Bash and Mac Terminal. Collectively, these applications are called the shell.
Powershell operates mostly through CUI (Character User Interface), not GUI (Graphical User Interface). Since Powershell does not run with a mouse or a click, beginners are overwhelmed at first.
Powershell has its own logical language. Once you get used to it, you can get the most out of your computer.
パワーシェルの歴史 Powershell history

2016Become opensourceオープンソース化
体系 System情報科学 (Information science)  プログラミング (Programming)  コンピューター (Computer)  オーエス (Operation System)  シェル (Shell)  パワーシェル (Powershell)
多言語対応 Multilingualism
韓文 Hanguel한글 파워셸 (パワシェル) 발음 파워셸 (パワシェル) RR2000 pawosyel MR1937 p’awŏsyel
中文 Chinese繁体 PowerShell 簡体 PowerShell 拼音 - 假名 -
探究 Further study


Windows 11 Powershell Reference

科目別 By Curriculum
大学受験  情報科学(Computer science)

単元別 By Subject
情報科学  プログラミング(Programming)

情報科学  ウェブ(Web)

情報科学  ウィンドウズ(Windows)

対象児童生徒 By Age
情報科学(Computer Science)を学びたい生徒

