Superreload Make Chrome Cashe Update

Superreload Make Chrome Cashe Update
英語 English:Superreload
日語 Japanese:スーパーリロード
類義 Synonym:HTML update Browser update Cache refresh
意味 Meaning:Superreload is a command that forces the webbrowser to refresh the information. With the Chrome browser, Shift
+ F5
executes a superreload.
問題 Problem Browser do not refresh cache:
All webbrowsers, not just the Chrome browser, store a file called cache. As a rule, browsers check the cache first, then look up the webserver.
This procedure allows browsers to display a website without accessing the webserver every time. As a result, the web becomes faster.
On the other hand, the cache has a downside. Webserver updates are not immediately reflected in the cache, so the browser will display the website with the old information.
Therefore, if you need the latest information immediately, you can use super reload to refresh the cache.