VSCode Visual Studio Code Introduction 101

VSCode Visual Studio Code Introduction 101
英語 English:Visual studio code
日語 Japanese:VSCode (ぶいえすこーど)
類義 Synonym:Code studio MS code
意味 Meaning:VSCode (Visual Studio Code) is one of the text editor implements.
VSCode was developed in 2015 by Microsoft Corporation and it shares the name of the company's software, VS (Visual Studio).
VSCode is compatible with major operating systems, including Windows and Linux.
解説 Commentary:VSCode is a text editor similar to "Windows Notepad." However, it is more sophisticated for software development such as programming, coding, source code editing, and so on.
To put simply, "VSCode is an amazingly sophisticated notepad."
The reason to use VSCode is to work more efficiently and program faster. If you have the ambition to become a professional engineer, it is a good idea to get used to it from youth.
VSCodeの歴史 History of VSCode:
Date | English | Japanese |
2015 | VSCode | ブイエスコード |
多言語対応 Multilingualism:
韓文 Hanguel:한글 VSCode (プイエスコド) 발음 VSCode (プイエスコド) RR2000 - MR1937 -
中文 Chinese:繁体 VSCode 簡体 VSCode (VSCode ブイエスコード)
探究 Further study: