Goods Tradable Things with Mass

Goods Tradable Things with Mass

Goods Tradable Things with Mass

Goods Tradable Things with Mass

英語 Englishgoods 
日語 Japanese財 (ざい) 
類義 SynonymTradable thing Commodity
解説 CommentaryThe objects in the market are divided into two categories: goods and services.
Goods are things that have a specific mass (i.e., carried by hand or packaged in cardboard boxes) and are traded in the market. For example, an apple, a pen, and a condominium are goods.
Services are actions that do not have a specific mass but are traded in the market. For example, entertainment, education, and medical care are services.
Goods are economic terms, while commodities and products are more general terms.


Goods Tradable Things with Mass Reference

科目別 Subject

社会  中学受験カリキュラム

社会  高校受験カリキュラム

社会  政治経済  大学受験カリキュラム

単元別 Section

社会  日本地理

社会  世界地理

社会  公民公共  政治経済

対象別 Curriculum


