Radioisotope Isotope emitting radiation
Radioisotope Isotope emitting radiation
英語 English:Radioisotope
日語 Japanese:放射性同位体 (ほうしゃせいどういたい)
定義 Definition:A radioisotope is one of the isotopes emitting radiation.
For example, the uranium atom has a radioisotope called uranium 235 ( $^{235}U$ ), which emits radiation.
Uranium 235 has a large number of neutrons, which increases its energy and makes its nucleus unstable. When the nucleus of uranium 235 decays, it emits radiation.
記号 Symbol:RI
類義 Synonym:Radioactive isotope Radionuclide
対義 Antonym:Stable isotope
体系 System:物質 (Substance) > 単体 (Simple substance) > 原子 (Atom) > 原子核 (Atomic nucleus) > 同位体 (Isotope) > 安定同位体 (Stable isotope) + 放射性同位体 (Radioisotope)