Github Collaboration Platform Introduction 101

Github Collaboration Platform Introduction 101

Github Collaboration Platform Introduction 101

Github Collaboration Platform Introduction 101

英語 EnglishGithub
日語 JapaneseGithub (ギットハブ)
類義 SynonymGit
意味 MeaningGithub is a platform for collaborative software development.
Github evolved from Git for managing programming projects. Today, Github is widely used for managing programming source code as well as business documents.
In simple words, Github is a platform to work together remotely.
Github's development began in the 2000s and was acquired by Microsoft in 2018.
解説 CommentaryGithub is compatible with all major operating systems, including Windows and Linux. This means not only professional engineers but also general white-collar workers can use Github in the Windows environment.
Github allows us to manage the workflow, revisions, decentralization, asynchronization, and assignment of responsibility for collaborative writing. If you have the ambition to become a professional engineer, it is a good idea to get used to it from youth.
The developer of Git, which is the origin of Github, is Linus Torvalds, who is also a Linux developer.
ギットハブの歴史 Github history

2018Microsoft acquired Github
体系 System情報科学 (Information science)  プログラミング (Programming)  コンピューター (Computer)  サーバー (Server)  ウェブ (Web)  ギットハブ (Github)
多言語対応 Multilingualism
韓文 Hanguel한글 깃허브 (ギットハブ) 발음 기터브 (キッタブ) RR2000 giteobeu MR1937 git’ŏbŭ
中文 Chinese繁体 Github 簡体 Github 拼音 Github 假名 ギットハブ
探究 Further study


Github Collaboration Introduction 101 Reference

科目別 By Curriculum
大学受験  情報科学(Computer science)

単元別 By Subject
情報科学  プログラミング(Programming)

情報科学  ウェブ(Web)

情報科学  ウィンドウズ(Windows)

情報科学  ギットハブ(Github)

対象児童生徒 By Age
情報科学(Computer Science)を学びたい生徒

