When preparing for speaking tests, it really helps to have sample answers you can use.
Below, I have shared with you speaking sample answers.
In the future, I plan to continue to expand on this learning resource.
【自己紹介 Introduce yourself】
Question: What is your strong point?
Answer: My strong point is sports. I was a member of the baseball team called Setagaya Tigers. When I was nine years old, My father took me to a baseball ground. I was interested in one baseball player. His play is wonderful. I wanted to play with him. I practiced four days a week and could go to Tokyo baseball tournament. Sports told me how to keep motivation. I play baseball for pleasure Now.(73WORDS)
解答例:私の長所はスポーツです。 私は世田谷タイガースという野球チームの一員でした。私が9歳のとき、私の父は私を野球場に連れて行きました。 私はある野球選手に興味がありました。 彼の活躍は素晴らしいです。 私は彼と試合がしたかった。 私は週に4日練習し、東京都の野球大会に行くことができました。スポーツによってやる気を持つことが学べました。 私は今、野球を趣味にしています。
Words and Phrases:
motivation 意欲やる気
Question: What is your weak point?
Answer: My weak point is laziness. I am always late. One day, I had an appointment with my school friends at Shibuya station. I should have been there at 11. however, I actually got to the station at 11:20. I felt ashamed to be late again and again. I can not get up early by myself. I waste time using smartphones and choosing clothes. I want to be punctual. I am afraid that my friends will move away someday. Keeping promises is important.(81WORDS)
解答例:私の弱点はだらしないことです。 私はいつも遅刻します。 ある日、渋谷駅で学校の友達と待ち合わせをしました。 私は11時にいるべきでしたが、実際には11時20分に駅に着きました。 私は何度も何度も遅刻することを恥ずかしく思いました。 私は一人で早起きすることはできません。 私はスマートフォンをいじり、服を選ぶのに時間を無駄にしてしまいます。 時間を守りたいです。私の友達がいつか離れてしまうのではないかと心配です。 約束を守ることは大切です。
Words and Phrases:
lazy だらしない
punctual 時間を守る
【写真描写問題 Descripition】
Question: What are they doing? Describe the situation within 30 seconds.

スピーキング 問題集 写真描写
【物語構成問題 Story Making】
Question: What is she doing? Make a story and tell us within 60 seconds.

スピーキング 問題集 物語構成
【意見議論問題 Opinion】
Topic:Your friend wants to do illegal drugs. What advice would you give your friends and why?
Answer: If my friends want to do illegal drugs, I would warn him or her not to use the drugs because they will lose something in their future. Some people say illegal drugs are cool and fun. However, according to scientific research, drugs would destroy their health and mental skills. Also, I would tell them how much drugs cost. If they keep using drugs, they will soon be addicted to drugs. They should pay more and more money for drugs. I think people have intellectual curiosity. I will advise them to use legal drugs as an alternative. They can buy vitamin drinks and caffeine drinks legally in stores. (100WORDS 60SECONDS)
Words and Phrases:
lose something
as an alternative