英語 過去問 東京都立高校 2018

英語 過去問 東京都立高校 2018

英語 過去問 東京都立高校 2018

英語 過去問 東京都立高校 2018


【試験名称】:都立高等学校入学者選抜 学力検査問題
【大問2-1】:リーディング 長文読解 資料文
【大問2-2】:リーディング 長文読解 資料文
【大問2-3】:ライティング 英作文
【大問3】:リーディング 長文読解 会話文
【大問4】:リーディング 長文読解 物語文
【出題範囲】:文部科学省 学習指導要領

過去問 東京都立 2018 1 リスニング



【問題A 対話文1】

Woman: Excuse me. I want to go to ABC Station. When will the next train for ABC Station come here?
Man: At two fifty. You will have to wait for ten minutes.
Woman: I see. Which color train should I take? There are a lot of colors. Blue,
red, green, orange.... Does a green train go to ABC Station?
Man: No. Take an orange one. The other ones don’t go to ABC Station.
Woman: OK. Thank you.

Question : Which color train goes to ABC Station?

ア A blue train.
イ A red train.
ウ A green train.
エ An orange train.

【問題A 対話文1 日本語訳】

女性: すいません。ABC駅まで行きたいのですが。ABC駅行きの次の電車はいつ来ますか?
男性: 2時50分です。あなたは10分の間、待つ必要がありますよ。
女性: わかりました。 どの色の電車に、私は乗車すればいいのでしょうか。たくさんの色がありますね、青、赤、緑、オレンジ・・・緑色の電車はABC駅へ行きますか?
男性: いいえ。オレンジのものに乗ってください。他のものはABC駅へ行きません。
女性: オーケー。ありがとうございます。

質問 : どの色の電車がABC駅へ行きますか?

ア 青の電車
イ 赤の電車
ウ 緑の電車
エ オレンジの電車

【問題A 対話文2】

Bob: Emi, shall we go to the library after school to do homework?
Emi: I’m sorry, Bob. Today, after school I’m going to go shopping. I’m going to
buy some food for my sister’s birthday party.
Bob: Oh, sounds exciting. When is her birthday?
Emi: Tomorrow. My family will have the party at home tomorrow evening.
Tomorrow, I will make sushi and a birthday cake with my father.
Bob: Oh, great! Enjoy her birthday.
Emi: Thank you.

Question : What is Emi going to do after school today?

ア She is going to go to the library.
イ She is going to buy some food.
ウ She is going to make sushi with her father.
エ She is going to make a birthday cake for her sister.

【問題A 対話文3】

Woman: Oh, it’s raining!
Man: Yes.
Woman: It’s cold, too. I think it will be snowy. Will the rain stop?
Man: I think it will. The weather news says it will be cloudy, not rainy, in the afternoon.
Woman: Oh, really? I hope so.
Man: Don’t worry. Let’s enjoy playing tennis.

Question : What does the weather news say about the weather for the afternoon?

ア It says that It will be cold.
イ It says that It will be snowy.
ウ It says that It will be cloudy.
エ It says that It will be rainy.

【問題A 解説】


I see
which color train ~?
Take an orange one. The other ones don’t go to ABC Station.
is going to
The weather news 天気予報
The weather news says it will be cloudy


<Question 1> では質問に対する答えを選んでその記号を答えなさい。
<Question 2> では質問に対する答えを英語で書きなさい。
なお<Question 2>のあとに15秒程度答えを書く時間があります。

Welcome to Tama Hot Springs! Are you a little tired after taking a bus for two hours from Tokyo? It’s time for enjoying the hot springs here.
Now, I will tell you about Tama Hot Springs. They were found about one thousand years ago, and since then people have enjoyed taking baths here.
During the year, you can enjoy the four seasons around here. For example, now in spring, there are many kinds of flowers. And spring is the best season to walk in the mountains.
There are about fifteen ryokan. All of them are by the lake, and many people come here every year. In all the ryokan, there are beautiful yukata. You can enjoy wearing one of them. You can see a beautiful lake view from their windows.
We hope you will enjoy staying here. Thank you.

<Question 1> How long have people enjoyed Tama Hot Springs?

ア For about one thousand years.
イ For about fifteen years.
ウ For about four years.
エ For about two years.

<Question 2> What can Tom see from the windows of all the ryokan?


【問題B 解説】


過去問 東京都立 2018 2-1 資料文

( A )及び( B )の中にそれぞれ入る単語・語句の組み合わせとして正しいものは下のア~エのうちではどれか。
ただし下の(I-1)はサクラ公園の料金表で、(I-2) は開園時間の表で、二人が見ているものです。

(I-1)Price List
To Enter the Japanese GardenTo Use the Swimming Pool
Adults400 yen1000 yen
Children (elementary school and junior high school students)200 yen500 yen

(I-2)Open Hours
March 1 ~ July 19 9:30 a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.
July 20 ~ September 10 9:30 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.
September 11 ~ October 31 9:30 a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.
November 1 ~ February 28(29) 9:30 a.m. ~ 4:30 p.m.

Cathy: Let’s go to Sakura Park this Saturday.
Mary: That sounds nice. There is a swimming pool there. I want to swim.
Cathy: Yes, let’s. Mary, there is a Japanese garden in the park, too. I want to enjoy seeing it with you.
Mary: Sounds interesting! I’d like to do Both. How much will that cost us?
Cathy: I am a university student. You are a high school student. It will cost( A )for Both of us.
Mary: Then,we can see the Japanese garden and use the swimming pool.
Cathy: Yes.
Mary: OK. Let’s check what time the park closes.
Cathy: It closes at( B )in August.

price list 料金表
adult 大人

ア ( A ) 2,800 yen ( B ) five
イ ( A ) 2,100 yen ( B ) five
ウ ( A ) 1,400 yen ( B ) six
エ ( A ) 2,800 yen ( B ) six

過去問 東京都立 2018 2-2 資料文

過去問 東京都立 2018 2-2 資料文

過去問 東京都立 2018 2-2 資料文

( A )及び( B )の中にそれぞれ入る単語・語句の組み合わせとして、正しいものはア~エのうちではどれか。

Mary: This is Keyaki Station. We should go through *Gate No.1. We can enjoy( A )first.
Cathy: OK. After that, we’ll go to Area C.
Mary: I see.
Cathy: And let’s go shopping on our way home, Mary.
Mary: The department store is far from Keyaki Station.
Cathy: Don’t worry. We can go back home from Hinoki Station.
Mary: Yes. That station is the closest to the department store.
Cathy: Right. We will go out through( B ) .
Mary: I want to walk through Area B before that.
Cathy: OK. Let’s go.

gate 門
picnic ピクニック

( A )seeing a Japanese garden
( B )Gate No. 2

( A )swimming
( B )Gate No. 1

( A )seeing a Japanese garden
( B )Gate No. 3

( A )swimming
( B )Gate No. 3

過去問 東京都立 2018 2-3 英作文

次の文章はCathy が帰国したMary に送ったEメールの内容である。

Hi, Mary,

I was happy that you visited me.
I had a good time with you. I hope you enjoyed your stay.
I enjoyed swimming and seeing a Japanese garden with you.
I *was impressed by the Japanese garden. It was my first experience of seeing one. It was very beautiful.
Did you enjoy it? And I was glad that you looked happy when we were swimming in the pool.
As you know, even before coming to Japan, I liked Japanese *literature. I wanted to study it in Japan.
In Japan, some of my Japanese friends sometimes help me when I study it.
We often go to the library to study Japanese literature together.
After that, we talk about many things. They tell me about Japan, and I tell them about my country.
I’m really happy to be able to study Japanese literature and to learn many new things in Japan.
I have a dream now. It is to become a *scholar of Japanese literature.
I will keep studying it.
I hope I can travel all around Japan with you when you come here again.
In Japan, there are many beautiful places.
I want to show them to you next time.

be impressed by ~ ~に感銘を受ける
literature 文学
scholar 学者

【設問1】 このEメールの内容と合っているのは次のうちではどれか。

ア Cathy wants Mary to come to Japan again to meet her friends and study Japanese literature together.

イ Cathy will keep studying Japanese literature, and she wants to be a scholar of Japanese literature in the future.

ウ Cathy thinks she has to study Japanese more because she can’t tell her friends about her country in Japanese at all when they go to the library.

エ Cathy is glad that she traveled all around Japan to see beautiful Japanese gardens with Mary and happy that they enjoyed seeing them together.

【設問2】 MaryはCathyに返事のEメールを送ることにしました。

次の<条件>に合うように下の [     ] の中に三つの英語の文を書きなさい。

○ 前後の文につながるように書き全体としてまとまりのある返事のEメールとすること。
○ Cathy に伝えたい内容を一つ取り上げそれを取り上げた理由などを含めること。

Hello, Cathy,Thank you for your e-mail.
I enjoyed reading it.
I enjoyed seeing the Japanese garden, too.
Thank you for taking me to interesting places.
I am sure that you are enjoying studying Japanese literature.
There is one thing I’m enjoying studying, too.
I will tell you about it.

[     ]

I want to tell you more about it when we meet again.
I’m also looking forward to traveling all around Japan with you.

【設問2 解説】


今年の題材は「日本文学=Japanese literature」でした。

英作文の前の文章には There is one thing I’m enjoying studying, too. I will tell you about it. とあります。これがヒントになっています。


過去問 東京都立 2018 3 会話文


Akira, Daiki, and Chika are high school students in Tokyo.
Bella is a high school student from the United States.
They are talking in their classroom after school.

Akira: I’m interested in a *science fiction movie which started last week.Shall we go tosee it?
Bella: OK.
Akira: I hear that, in the movie, there are amazing machines, like flying cars.
Daiki: Sounds interesting. People can’t make them now.
Chika: Will they make them in the future?
Bella(1)I’m sure they will.
Daiki: Why do you think so?
Bella: Think about *smartphones. When our parents were children, they didn’t think people would be able to make such things in the near future. But people use themin their daily lives now.
Akira: I agree, Bella. There are many new things now. Some people are making newrobots. On TV, I saw a robot that played shogi. It played shogi very well.
Bella: The robot has AI in it.
Chika: AI? I have heard of that before, but I don’t know much about it.
Akira: It means *artificial intelligence. AI is good at finding something in a very large *amount of information. AI has great *potential.
Bella: A *self-driving car is an example. If people use them, they won’t have to drive themselves at all to get to some places.
Daiki: Will AI make our lives better?
Bella(2)I think so. We will use AI in many things. It’s getting better and better.
Chika: Wait. I heard that AI machines would *take the place of people in some jobs inthe future. I am worried AI will change our lives *dramatically.
Daiki(3)I understand your feelings. We don’t know how AI will change our lives. No one knows what the future will be.
Bella: There are things AI can do and things AI can’t do. It is necessary for us tounderstand that.
Akira(4)That’s right. We should use AI in the right way to make our lives more*convenient. I want to study AI, and I want to be an engineer who will be able to help people in the future.
Bella: That’s a good idea, Akira.
Chika: Now I am interested in AI. I want to know more about it.
Akira: I’m glad to hear that. We will make our own futures, not AI.
Chika: I understand. It is fun to talk about our futures.
Daiki: How about talking about them again after watching the movie?
Chika(5)That’s a good idea.
Bella: Let’s enjoy seeing a future world in the movie.

science fiction movie SF 映画
smartphone スマートフォン
artificial intelligence 人工知能a
mount 量
potential 可能性
self-driving 自動運転の
take the place of ~ ~に取って代わる
dramatically 劇的に
convenient 便利な

(1)I’m sure they willの内容を次のように書き表すとすれば[    ]の中に下の

Bella is sure that [    ].

ア people will make a science fiction movie in the future
イ people will make amazing machines in the future
ウ people will make a shogi robot in the future
エ people will make smartphones in the future

(2)I think soの内容を最もよく表しているのは次のうちではどれか。

ア Bella thinks AI machines will take the place of people in some jobs.
イ Bella thinks AI in the movie will be interesting.
ウ Bella thinks AI will make our lives better.
エ Bella thinks AI will get better and better.

(3)I understand your feelings とあるがこのようにDaikiが言った理由を次のように語句を補って書き表すとすれば[    ]の中に下のどれを入れるのがよいか。

I understand your feelings because [    ].

ア it will be important for us to use AI in the right way
イ we don’t know how AI will change our lives
ウ AI knows what the future will be
エ there are many new things now

(4)That’s rightの内容を次のように書き表すとすれば[    ]の中に下のどれを

It is necessary for us to understand that [    ].

ア AI has great potential
イ AI should help people in the future
ウ AI will make our lives more convenient
エ AI can do some things and can’t do other things

(5)That’s a good ideaの内容を次のように書き表すとすれば[    ]の中に下のどれを入れるのがよいか。

[    ] is a good idea.

ア Talking about our futures after watching the movie
イ Enjoying seeing a future world in the movie
ウ Talking with people who are interested in AI
エ Knowing more about AI

次の英語の文を本文の内容と合うように完成するには[    ]の中に下のどれを入れるのがよいか。

If people use self-driving cars,they will be able to get to some places driving [    ] themselves.

ア by
イ after
ウ before
エ without

次の文章はAkira たちと話した日にBella が友人に送ったEメールの一部である。

( A )及び( B )の中にそれぞれ入る単語・語句の組み合わせとして正しいものは、下のア ~エ のうちではどれか。

Today I talked with friends after school. Akira talked about some amazing machines,like flying cars,in a movie. Then we talked about ( A ).
Do you know about AI? AI is good at finding something in a large amount of information.
A shogi robot is an example of using AI. People will use AI in many things.
At first, ( B )was worried that AI would change our lives dramatically.
Akira told us his dream. He wants to study AI and to be an engineer.
It is important to remember that we will make ( A ), not AI.
After talking with us about AI, ( B )said, “Now I am interested in AI.”
When I see you next time, I want to talk with you about AI.

( A )our own futures
( B )Chika

( A )movies
( B )Daiki

( A )movies
( B )Chika

( A )our own futures
( B )Daiki

過去問 東京都立 2018 3 解説

robotやArtificial Intelligeceという科学テクノロジー分野の英単語が登場しています。話の流れとしては、AIの話題・AIの肯定・AIの否定・AIへの興味という順番です。





過去問 東京都立 2018 3 全訳

都立高校 2018 彼らは、放課後に、教室で話しています。

アキラ:それは人工知能を意味しているよ。 AIはたくさんの情報から、何かを見つけるのが得意だ。 AIは大きな可能性を秘めている。
ダイキ:(3)あなたの気持ちはよく分かる。 AIが私たちの生活をど変えるかは、分からない。未来がどうなるか、誰も知らないんだ。

robotやArtificial Intelligeceという科学テクノロジー分野の英単語が登場しています。話の流れとしては、AIの話題・AIの肯定・AIの否定・AIへの興味という順番です。






after school 放課後
be interested in X 興味がある
science fiction 空想科学
be able to できる
such thing そのようなこと
amount of たくさんの
not --- at all まったく --- ない
take place of 取って変わる
No one knows 誰も知らない
There are things X can do Xができることがある 関係代名詞
It is X for us to Y YするこたはわたしたちにXだ
engineer 技術者
how about--- ---はいかがですか
enjoy ---ing ---を楽しむ

過去問 東京都立 2018 4 物語文


Junko is a high school student in Tokyo. She likes English and wants to be an English-speaking travel guide in the future.
In April, Lucy, an English-speaking student from Canada, joined her class. Junko was happy about that.
Soon they became good friends. One day, Junko said to Lucy, “Shall we go to some popular places in Tokyo next Sunday with Yasuko, a friend of mine?” Lucy *happily agreed.
Junko got information about Asakusa and some other places, learned useful English words, and made a *schedule. She wanted to be a good guide for Lucy.
The next Sunday, in the morning, Junko visited Asakusa with Lucy and Yasuko. She took them from one place to another and explained things to Lucy at each place, such asits history.
Lucy was happy about that. That made Junko happy, too.In the afternoon, the three girls left Asakusa.
On the way to the next place, Lucy saw some young people from abroad in front of them. She was interested in the pieces of *miniature food that were *attached to their bags.
Then Lucy went to speak to them. She said, “Hello. Those are very cute.”One of them said, “We bought these at a food *replica shop over there.” Yasuko said, “Junko and Lucy, how about going there?”
Lucy agreed,but Junko said to Yasuko, “I have a schedule to visit other places. Visiting the shop is noton my schedule.” Yasuko said, “Junko, let’s go to the shop. I think Lucy will enjoy visiting it.” Junko *reluctantly agreed.
The three girls went into the food replica shop.
Lucy was surprised to see so many pieces of different miniature food. Then she found *full-sized food replicas.
She said, “Oh, these ones look *real!” Yasuko said, “Look! The *poster says we can make our ownfood replicas.” Lucy was surprised again.
Then a clerk said, “I’m sorry you can’t do that today. You need a *reservation. Making food replicas is very popular among visitors from abroad.” Lucy said, “I’m a little *disappointed that I can’t make one now, but I’m very happy that I came here. Thank you, Yasuko.” Junko had *mixed feelings.
She thought, “I didn’t put that shop on my schedule. I wanted to make a very good schedule,but I didn’t.”
After Junko got home, she told her older brother, Kazuo, about the visit.
He said, “You didn’t want to go to that shop at first, but you did. Why?”
“I hoped Lucy would enjoy the visit to the shop,”she answered.
He said, “Schedules are important, but it isalso important to be *flexible.
You don’t have to follow a schedule all the time.”
The next day, at school, Junko said to Yasuko, “I want to make a reservation to makefood replicas at the shop with Lucy.”
Yasuko happily agreed. Next, Junko told Lucy about the reservation. Lucy said she was happy.
Junko asked her, “Is there anything you want to do after doing that?”
Lucy answered, “I want to eat some real food.”
After Junkogot home, she made a reservation for making food replicas.
One Sunday in the next month,Junko took Lucy to the food replica shop with Yasuko.
They enjoyed making some food replicas there. Lucy was happy, and that made Junko happy.
In the shop, Lucy found food replicas of takoyaki, octopus dumplings, and said that she wanted to try eating real takoyaki. Junko asked her and Yasuko, “Shall we try real ones?” They happily agreed.
Yasuko said to Junko, “You have a schedule, right?”
Junko said, “Yes, but that is OK.” Junko’s schedule was for eating kara-age, deep-fried chicken, but she thought following Lucy’s *interest was more important.
Near a temple, they enjoyed takoyaki.
Yasuko said, “Junko, you are a perfect guide. You happily followed Lucy’s interest and made her happy.”
Junko was happy and realized that being flexible was as important as making a schedule.


happily 喜んで
schedule 計画
miniature 小型模型
attached to ~ ~に付けられた
replica 複製
reluctantly 渋々と
full-sized 原寸大の
real 本物の
poster ポスター
reservation 予約
disappointed がっかりした
mixed 複雑な
flexible 柔軟な
interest 興味

Junko was happy about that. の内容を次のように書き表すとすれば[    ]の中に下のどれを入れるのがよいか。

Junko was happy because .

ア Lucy became a good friend of hers after she came to her class

イ Lucy happily agreed to visit some places with Yasuko

ウ she had a new classmate who spoke English

エ she became a high school student in April


ア Junko had mixed feelings about the visit to the food replica shop.

イ Before visiting Asakusa, Junko learned useful English words and made a
schedule for the visit.

ウ Junko was happy that Lucy enjoyed making food replicas at the shop.

エ Lucy saw people who had miniature food attached to their bags and learned where she could buy some.

次の(1)~(3)の文を本文の内容と合うように完成するには[    ]の中にそれぞれ下のどれを入れるのがよいか。

(1) When Junko visited Asakusa with Lucy and Yasuko in the morning, [    ].

ア Lucy was happy that Junko explained things like the history of each place

イ Lucy was surprised to learn that Yasuko was a good friend of Junko’s

ウ Lucy was happy because Junko bought food replicas for her

エ Lucy saw some people from other countries in front of her

(2) Lucy was a little disappointed at the food replica shop because [    ].

ア visiting the shop was not on Junko’s schedule

イ Junko and Yasuko did not agree about going to the shop

ウ she wanted Junko to go to the shop, but Junko didn’t do that

エ she was not able to make a food replica without a reservation

(3) When Lucy agreed about trying eating real takoyaki after visiting the food replica shop for the second time, [    ].

ア Junko thought it was more important for her to follow Lucy’s interest than

her own schedule
イ Junko learned that it was popular to make real ones among visitors from

ウ Junko called a shop selling it to make a reservation to try it there

エ Junko was happy because trying it there was on her schedule


(1) What did Junko’s brother say about a schedule?

ア He said that making a schedule was more important than being flexible.

イ He said that Lucy had to put the food replica shop on a new schedule.

ウ He said that she didn’t have to follow a schedule all the time.

エ He said that she had to make a new schedule with Yasuko.

(2) What did Junko realize after she visited the food replica shop for the second time?

ア She realized that a perfect guide had to have more interest in real food than
food replicas.

イ She realized that both being flexible and making a schedule were important.

ウ She realized that many of the food replicas sold at the shop looked real.

エ She realized that getting information about history was very important.
