Haiku Insect awakening Fly over the 7-meter wall>俳句>日本語

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Haiku Insect awakening Fly over the 7-meter wall

俳句 Haiku
Insect awakening
Fly over the 7-meter wall
Of the house next door
読上 Voice
俳句 Haiku啓蟄か 7メートルの 崖超える
仮名 Kanaけいちつか ななめーとるの がけこえる
羅馬 RomanKeichitsu ka Nana metoruno Gake koeru
読上 Voice
季語 Kigo啓蟄 (Keichitsu Awaken Insect Insect awakening)
季節 Season春 (Spring)  中春 (Middle of spring)
意味 Meaning
Kigo Keichitsu (けいちつ 啓蟄) is one of the 24 solar terms (二十四節気).
Kanji 啓 means "enlighten."
Kanji 蟄 means "tiny life."
Therefore, kanji 啓蟄 literally means "enlightening tiny life" or "calling tiny life to wake up."
啓蟄 comes after 雨水 (rain water) in the 二十四節気 (24 solar terms).
In the worldview of keichitsu, the life force reverses from yin to yang, and life changes from winter sleep to spring awakening. It is not a sudden or abrupt change, but a slow one, like a bug sneaking out of its hole, checking its surroundings.
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