Haiku Arrogant stem and root Nudging shy clay

Haiku Arrogant stem and root Nudging shy clay

Haiku Arrogant stem and root Nudging shy clay

Haiku Arrogant stem and root Nudging shy clay

俳句 Haiku
Arrogant stem and root
Nudging shy clay
The spring stand

読上 Voice
俳句 Haiku立春の 大地を責める 根の太さ
仮名 Kanaりっしゅんの だいちをせめる ねのふとさ
羅馬 RomanRisshun no Daichi wo semeru Ne no futosa
読上 Voice
季語 Kigo立春 (Spring stand Spring calling New spring)
季節 Season春 (Spring)
意味 Meaning
Kigo Risshun (立春) is one the 24 solar terms (二十四節気).
Kanji 立 means "stand," "to begin," and "to initiate."
Kanji 春 means "spring" or "vernal."
Therefore, kanji 立春 literally means "spring stand" or "beginning of spring."
解題 Commentary
