英語長文教材 Love Portion 問題ダウンロード>長文読解(リーディング)>英語

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英語長文教材 Love Portion 問題ダウンロード

英語長文読解 惚れ薬(The Love Portion) 問題ダウンロード

英語長文読解 惚れ薬(The Love Portion) 解答ダウンロード


The Love Portion:

The Blue Stone drugstore was on the east side of Harajuku, near the first avenue. (1) All the medicines there were made by hand. Jun Arata worked there at night. A thin, clever man, with a long nose and glasses, he was friendly to all who came for help when they were ill.

Jun lived in a room in a house not far from the drugstore. His landlady was Mrs. Yoshida, and she had a daughter, Kaede. Jun was deeply in love with Kaede, but he never told her about it. That was strange because he was very good at talking to people in the drugstore.

There was another man living at Mrs.Yoshida's house who was in love with Kaede, too. His name was Ken. Jun had no hope of winning Kaede's love, but Ken was very hopeful. He was also Jun's friend. He often came to the drugstore, after a night fighting in the street, for something (2) to put on a black eye or a cut.

One afternoon, he came hurriedly into the drugstore and went straight to his friend Jun. "I need some special medicine," he said. "Take off your coat," said Jun, "and tell me where it hurts. Were you in a fight again? One of these days you'll get a knife in your backs."

"It wasn't a fight," said Ken, laughing. "But you're right. It's under my coat that it hurts---in my heart. Jun, Kaede and I are going to run away tonight to get married."

Jun was mixing some medicine while he listened, and he tried not to drop it all on the floor. Ken's smiling face now looked worried.

"The thing is, we first thought of (3) the plan two weeks ago. Sometimes Kaede says "yes" to it and sometimes "no", For the past two days she's said "yes", and we're hoping to leave in five hours' time. I don't want her to change her plans at the last minute."

"And where does medicine come into it?" asked Jun. "Well, you see, old Mr. Yoshida does't like me. For a week now he's stopped Kaede from coming out with me. I'm worried that she won't want to leave tonight because of him."

"Isn't there a medicine that you can give to a woman to make her like you better? I had a friend who gave a potion like that to his girlfriend, and they got married two weeks later."

Ken didn't notice Jun's knowing smile at these words of his, and he went on.

"If I can just give a love-potion to Kaede at dinner tonight, I'm sure that she'll come with me."

"And when are you running away?"

"Nine o'clock. Dinner's at seven. At eight, Kaede goes to bed with a bad head. At nine, I come round the back of the house and help her down the fire escape from her window. Then we're going straight to church, to get married"

"We have to be careful about selling love-potions," said Jun. "But you're my friend. I'll make it for you, and you'll see how it changes the way Kaede thinks of you"

Then he carefully made (4) a sleeping portion. It was sure to make anyone who took it sleep for a number of hours without waking up. He gave the portion to his friend, telling him to put it into a drink if possible. Ken thanked him and left.

After that, Jun sent a note to Mr. Yoshida, telling him about Ken's plans. Yoshida came to the drugstore that afternoon. He was a strong, red-faced, angry man. "Thanks for telling me, Jun," He said. "That lazy, good-for-nothing cabbage. My room is just over Kaede's room. After dinner, I'll wait up there with my golf club. If Ken comes this evening, he'll go straight to the hospital---and not to church---tonight."

"With Kaede asleep in her room, and old Yoshida upstairs with his club, Ken's chances aren't looking good," thought Jun (5) happily after Yoshida left.

The next morning, at 8 o'clock, Jun finished work and started walking to Mrs. Yoshida's house to find the latest news. There in the street, he met Ken. Ken shook Jun's hand and thanked him warmly.

"It worked," he said, smiling. "Kaede and I are now man and wife. You must come for dinner over at our place in Tokyo sometime soon." "But the potion?!" asked Jun.

"Oh, that!" laughed Ken. (6) "In the end, I felt bad about questioning Kaede's love, but old Yoshida was very unfriendly to me at dinner. It wasn't right for him to be so hard on the man who wanted to marry his daughter, I felt. So I put the potion in his coffee."



下線部(3)の「計画(the plan)」の内容はどのようなものですか。50字以内の日本語で答えなさい。

下線部(4)の「眠り薬(sleeping portion)」と「惚れ薬(love portion)」の2つの薬は、それぞれどのような効果があるのですか。70字以内の日本語で答えなさい。


下線部(6)の「最後(In the end)」には、カエデとカエデの父は、それぞれどのようになったと推測できますか。100字以内の日本語で答えなさい。

表題:惚れ薬 (Love Portion)
語数:781語 (781words)
難易:CEFRーA2 公立中学2年生以上
要約:物語文。惚れ薬(The Love Portion)を題材にした文章です。物語の展開と、登場人物の心情を、読解しましょう。
領域:言語と文化 (Language and Culture)
用語:会話文 小説 どんでん返し
履歴:2018年初稿 2021年第二稿










